Haunted by his past, Yuno Tsumuyuki struggles to find a balance of peace and struggle, good and bad. Stuck in his mind and confused of which path to take, he spends his daytime at UA as a Support Course student, but in his free time, he’s a blood red and merciless villain. Perhaps, in this pitiful life of his, he’ll find his answer. I couldn’t find the creator of the cover, but I will gladly take it off if that person happens to find this and says they don’t want me using their art.
The weekend was always a more favored part of the week for Yuno. Like most people, weekends meant more free time to do things you want. Most days, his studies are what keep him busy, and then he goes home to take care of Yume. By the time he's finished eating, cleaning Yume and then himself, he doesn't have enough time to do other things. Well, he does, but he just chooss not to make the extra time.
Specifically Saturday mornings, Yuno will wake up early(Kisu would thinks it's god awful). He'll often check on Yume, whom would still be asleep, and peck a kiss on her forehead before he left silently. Then he'd find something to eat, a sandwich he prepared the day before, and take it with him in case he gets hungry on the road.
Saturday mornings are always quiet, no one tends to wake up at the crack of dawn, so no one will reprimand him if they happen to see him exit the house with a skateboard in his hand. He stuffs whatever he needs, water and snacks, into a bag that hung on his shoulder, then pushes an earbud into each ear. Oftentimes, he listens to music that reminds him of Yume, and it was weird, because Yume like to listen to things with a lot of yelling, shouting, and growling. It was loud, and yet, Yuno enjoyed it because his sister enjoyed it. Japanese artists like Ado were always in Yume's playlists, because the feelings put into the music were often how she felt.
Can't go one second without thinking about her, Yuno mentally scolds himself, tugging his bangs out of his vision as he pushes himself to go faster on his board.
There was a slight breeze and it was definitely chilly. The tempature must've been around 20 degrees Celsius, on the lower side. It comforted Yuno for some odd reason, how cold it was, despite the fact that his body tempature was already low to begin with. He was still recovering after all.
Kisu would most certainly scold him if she found out he was skating and being reckless while injured. Technically, it didn't count as injured because he was almost fully healed. A scrape or two wouldn't somehow reopen a wound or magically tear his flesh apart. The most he'd get would be a sprained ankle, and it not even that bad.
Yuno's nose scrunched at the thought of torn flesh. Stop thinking about shit like that, Yuno turned a corner on the sidewalk, he was just outside the city now.
Instead of thinking about his own flesh being ripped apart, Yuno thought about which skate park he should stop by. Maybe he'd stop at one to not only eat his sandwich, but to test out if he could still skate like he used to.
It was an interesting concept, how humans like to take part in dangerous activities but are afraid of feeling pain. Skating is no different, it's dangerous and it's often assumed that only delinquents skate. People can get heavily injured if they make the wrong move or if they fall off, some are even paralyzed for life because of skating.
Well, it's not like Yuno himself is so stupid as to injure himself that seriously. The most fatal injury he ever got from skating was a broken arm, and even then, he recovered just fine. In fact, he recovered so well that his parents pushed him harder in training. On the downside, they had broken and burned his skateboard as punishment for being careless. It was fine though, Kisu had helped him buy a new one by pitching in on the price.
Yuno leaned back a bit, his board turning to the left as he did so. After the turn was a downhill, clear of most cars since everyone was still asleep. Yuno bent down to hold his board between his feet, gaining more speed as he zoomed down the hill. He enjoyed the way the wind blew his hair away, he could feel a smile tugging at his lips. There was a slight curve in the road, and thank goodness Yuno put his gloves on before he left, because he reached a hand behind him and leaned backward. His glove scraped against the ground due to how fast he was going, almost as fast as a car.
The hill came to an abrupt end, and another turn awaited Yuno. With a shift of his feet, he turned his board in a drifting position and repeated the motion to slow down. He reached out to a pole at the end of the hill to help him turn, gripping it with a squeeze of his fingers as he took some weight off his board. He finished the turn and let go of the pole, fixing his feet into a natural position again.
He finally came down to a slower speed, pushing off the ground occasionally to keep moving. The parks weren't much farther now, only a few minutes away, so he began pulling off his gloves to put them away. Distracted, Yuno barely missed the turn at the corner, almost running into a sign.
He didn't run into the sign, but he ran into something else.
Yuno's eyes only caught a flash of blue and gray irises before he thought to stop. His feet maneuvered to turn and go around the person, only for his legs to get confused and he stumbled. He crashed into the person and went tumbling onto the ground, his skateboard flying elsewhere as he and the stranger rolled across the sidewalk.
Yuno felt his ankle roll during the crash, and he may have sprained something, but that wasn't his worry right now. His current worry was why the hell someone was out and about right now. He rubbed his head, pulling his legs off the person and groaning in slight pain.
Of course, he was polite enough to ask, "are you all right?"
"Fine, didn't break anything."
Yuno's hand paused at the voice, deep and soft. When he looked up at the person, he found mismatched eyes staring at him, red and white hair ruffled. Of course, he just had to crash into Todoroki.
"You should watch where you're going." Todoroki said with a neutral tone, standing up and reaching a hand out to Yuno.
Yuno took the hand and stood up with the help of Todoroki pulling him. He rolled his ankle one way, then the other, testing if it was hurt badly or not. Thankfully, it was only sore due to twisting it slightly, it wasn't sprained or anything. Either way, turning his attention back to Todoroki, he found the teen reaching down to grab Yuno's gloves.
"Yours?" The half and half boy held them out to Yuno.
Yuno took them, nodding. "Sorry for crashing into you like that. I'll be more aware next time."
Todoroki only shrugged it off, he didn't seem to mind to accident and he didn't look hurt. Yuno began picking up the items in his bag, which had spilled out during the collision. His sandwich was definitely ruined now, probably mushed and messy. That's fine, he could just grab another one on the way back home. Good thing his water bottle was fine, although, it was open and some of the water spilled out. And his phone screen was cracked, he didn't have a screen protector so that was a permanent scar until he got a new one.
Yuno was about to grab his skateboard when he saw Todoroki holding it, examining the underside where the design was. It was white, more of a gray since it was dirty and used, with dark purple Moonvista carnation flowers mixed in with red spider lilies. Todoroki rubbed a finger against a spider lily, outlining the design. He then spun the wheel with his thumb, watching it roll on the air.
"Like it?" Yuno stepped forward to admire the design as well. "I made it myself. It was a bit troublesome to get the purple and red to fit each other."
Todoroki nodded, keeping his eyes on the board. "It's unique, I like it."
Yuno raised a brow of interest. "I wouldn't say it's unique. These flowers are fairly common."
Todoroki shook his head this time. "It looks like it's made with love."
Yuno opened his mouth to say something, but closed it when he processed the words that went into his ears. "Made with love," Todoroki had said. He wasn't far off, the moonvista's represented Yume's unpredictable behavior and the spider lilies represented Yuno's, well, fear of blood.
"I suppose you could say that." Yuno said, tugging the bag onto his shoulder.
"Can I try it?" Todoroki suddenly changed the topic and turned his head to Yuno.
Yuno recoiled, brows furrowing m confusion. "Try what?"
"I want to try this." Todoroki turned back to the board, his expression curious and fascinated by it. "It looks…fun. I want to try it myself."
Yuno was definitely stunned by the statement. He never expected someone like Todoroki to be curious about skateboarding. He came off as a person shut off from everyone, maybe even angry with the world. The way his eyes looked blank all the time reminded Yuno of himself, but now, those same eyes were filled with curiousity, almost sparkling.
Yuno smiled. "If you really want to, I can show you the basics. We're near a skate park so we can try there."
Todoroki's expression softened, something similiar to excitement in the way he handed the board to Yuno and waited for him to lead the way. So Yuno did, holding his board and deciding to walk the rest of the way to the park. He was somewhat glad he had someone to talk to, with the way his mornings were usually so silent, sometimes a change was good.
The two kept a steady pace, gait only changing when they had to run across the cross walks and then returning into a walk again. They conversed between each other, talking about their studies and how Todoroki has been liking UA so far. Even on weekends, schoolwork never escapes them.
"What are you planning to get out of learning how to skate?" Yuno asked, he had handed his skateboard back to Todoroki so he could study it more. He looked at it like a new creature was discovered.
"I don't know." Todoroki answered, truly honest. "I just want to learn. You said it's fun and I can do it anywhere. I want to try it."
"There's no other reason?"
Todoroki lifted his head, turning his gaze away from the board to think. He then shook his head. "It looks fun." It was funny, because he lifted the board in front of his face while he answered, like he was hiding.
Yuno laughed. "Why are you hiding behind the board? Are you shy?"
"No." Todoroki did not stutter, nope. "I just…find it endearing."
That was Yuno's excuse to tell the class. It makes him wonder what Todoroki's actual reason is, maybe it's the same to Yuno's.
That's be close to impossible, Yuno drew his conclusion. No one just picks up skating to piss off their parents.
Yuno watched as Todoroki played with the wheels of his board, he watched how he rubbed at the dry paint with his fingers. He could've sworn he saw a smile on Todoroki's smile. Out of the, what, four days? He's known Todoroki for almost a week, and not once has he seen the boy crack a smile until now. Now, Yuno wondered what could have caused that.
While Yuno was wrapped up in his thoughts again, they arrived at the skate park. He had to shake himself out of his mind when they arrived, the fact that Todoroki was looking at the different ramps with a wide eyes of amazement was enough to put him back into the present. Yuno put his bag down on a bench, since no one was here and he could lay stuff about freely, and walked over to stand at Todoroki's side.
"What do you think?" Yuno saw the way Todoroki's eyes lit up at the new scene. He was like a child on Christmas.
"It's nice." Todoroki answered simply.
Yuno took that as an excuse to tease. "Only nice? I thought you'd like it more with how enthusiastic you were to come here. You want to try it out now that I've put everything down?"
The sparkle in Todoroki's eyes dimmed and he turned his head to Yuno with different kinds of anxiety in his eyes. "Aren't you still recovering? And are you okay to skate after our crash?"
Yuno wanted laugh. "You only realize I'm sneaking out now? I'm fine, and I've been in more than just a crash. I skate, I already know what to expect. And my current injuries are already gone. Thanks to Recovery Girl."
"Oh," Todoroki turned back to the park. He just stood there and stared, as if he wanted to riding up the walls with his own board. He must've been imagining it since he was deep in his own thoughts.
Yuno decided to walk away, holding his board in his hand. He reached for his gloves from his pocket and pulled them back on. Dragging his board to the edge of a ramp, he placed a foot on the back of the board. He leaned back a bit so his board wouldn't fall off the edge and placed his other foot in front of the other.
All at once, he leaned forward and his board rolled off the edge, speeding down the ramp and to the other side. He bent down, gaining more speed before he went up the ramp and gripped his board with a hand while the other he used for balance.
Yuno's board was only on solid ground until it wasn't. He zoomed up the ramp and then he was in the air, like he had grown wings and learned how to fly. He spun in the air, a 180 degree turn before gravity took hold and he went back down. His board made a clattering sound as the wheels made contact with the polished wood of the ramp. With the leftover force of his jump, he rolled back up to his original spot, kicking his board up so he could grab it.
He turned to find Todoroki gazing at him, astonishment written all over his features. Yuno wanted to pat his head like a small child because of how funny and cute it was to see such a shut in like Todoroki look at him that.
"You want to give it a shot now?" Yuno asked, using his foot to lightly kick the board toward Todoroki.
Todoroki looked at the skateboard, examining it before placing one foot on it. He rolled it under his feet back and forth. After testing it's stability, he looked back up at Yuno. "What do I do?"
Yuno deadpanned, his smile dropping and turning into a thin line. With a sigh, he walked over and placed his foot where Todoroki's was. He stepped up onto the board with balance, as if he were perching in a line like a bird.
"Your body is in line with the board, and you use your arms for balance." Yuno intructed, exaggerating his movement so Todoroki could see. "If you fall, don't use your hands to catch yourself, you'll hurt your wrist."
He stepped off the board, and it stayed in place even when it had wheels. That part confused Todoroki but he paid it no mind. With a cautious approach, Todoroki placed his left foot on the front of the board and gave it one more test. Seeing how it barely rolled under his feet, he lifted his other foot to place on the back of the board.
Those tests of stability Todoroki gave the board were completely false, he realized, because as soon as he placed both feet on the board, the wheels rolled and he lost all balance. He gasped as the board rolled out from under his feet and he fell ungraciously to the ground.
Yuno burst out laughing at the fall, one arm wrapped around his middle while the other came up to cover his mouth. He turned away to let the rest of his giggles out, his face may have turned red, before he turned back and looked down at Todoroki, an almost smug smile on his face. Todoroki stared back up at Yuno, a deadpan expression painted across his features.
"Why does it roll when I do it?" Todoroki asked, he didn't seem to be getting off the ground anytime soon so he just sat up.
Yuno walked over to the board, pushing it back to Todoroki and crossing his arms over his chest. "Try again." He said simply, so Todoroki stood up and rolled himself to step onto the board.
And just like the previous attempt, the board wobbled when he tried to place his second foot on it. He placed his foot on the ground again, almost glaring at the board before he tried to pick it up again. He got the same treatment again and the board rolled away. Yuno stopped the board from running away by placing his foot in it, then pushed it back to Todoroki.
"Don't be so hesitant." Yuno suggested. "When you tried getting on, you got all tense and you lost balance because of it." He stepped onto the board slowly, so Todoroki could see how he did it. "Focus on keeping your weight to the front. When you bring your back foot up, find balance in the center."
Once again, Todoroki picked himself up off the ground. Yuno stepped off the board and gestured a hand to it, allowing the other to try again if he so pleased. And try again, he did. Keeping the instructions in mind, Todoroki put one foot on the board, and just like Yuno said, he kept his weight a little more forward. Then, he brought his other foot up and found his center of balance. The board wobbled a bit, and he found it strange the way it tilted left and right, but he managed to stay on the board.
He turned to Yuno, a triumphant yet small smile grew on his lips. Yuno clapped his hands together encouragingly and smiled back.
"You're a fast learner," Yuno said, walking around Todoroki, then he leaned to the side and smiled at him. "Wanna take the next step?"
Todoroki nodded, back to his stoic self. Yuno's smile became almost sinister. Lifting a hand up, he pushed Todoroki on the shoulder, not hard, but enough to make the board move with him. Todoroki's body wavered as the board moved and he lifted his arms up to help him balance. He looked to his front with what one could only describe as panic, and he saw ground coming to an end as he got closer and closer to a ramp. He wanted to jump off, prevent himself from falling anymore.
"Don't chicken out now!" Yuno was suddenly at his side, riding his own board, where did he get that from?
"But I-"
"If you freak out, you'll just hurt yourself." Yuno reached out to grip Todoroki's hand, to keep him from jumping off the board. "Just stay calm and keep your feet on the board. Let the ramp come to you and your body will know what to do."
The edge kept getting closer and closer, while Yuno's grip never loosened. Todoroki felt the need to close his eyes, but Yuno scolded him for doing so. His board carried him next to Yuno, closer, closer, and right as he was about to jump off, his board left the ground.
He was in the air, almost flying is what it felt like, before his board hit the ground again and it rolled down the ramp. His speed increased going down the slope and he enjoyed the way the breeze blew his hair back. Yuno had let go of his hand and skid to a halt, watching as Todoroki kept going.
The fun was over as soon as it started, Todoroki's glee faltered, the concrete of the park was slowly becoming less and less visible. Yuno didn't show him how to slow down, and he couldn't jump off now or he'd get hurt. Well, he's going to get hurt anyway if his board runs off into the dirt.
Without a way to stop, Todoroki tumbled off the concrete and his board left his feet. He somersaulted into green and sharp grass, his face most definitely smudged with dirt. His limbs were splayed out on the ground and he heard the board clatter.
"Wow," he heard Yuno exclaim, then wheels rolling slowly across the ground. Yuno hopped off his board and walked over to Todoroki's side. "You went flying."
Todoroki turned onto his back and spread his arms out, gazing up at Yuno whom had squatted down to get a better view. He spoke with an irritated tone, "you didn't show me all the basics, did you?"
"Did you really think that was it?" Yuno dropped a white towel on Todoroki's face, which the other used to wipe the dirt off his cheeks. "It was funny though. You looked so proud of yourself and then, crash, you fell."
"That's not funny," Todoroki could hear the snicker in Yuno's voice as he sat up. "It hurt."
"Well, of course it's going to hurt, dum dum." Yuno flicked Todoroki's forehead as a scolding. "It's going to hurt no matter what. If you fall, you just get on your board again."
Todoroki scowled, his brow furrowed as he looked away and finished wiping his face of the dirt. He was startled when something cold pressed against his neck and he was about to reprimand Yuno before he saw the apologetic smile he was being given. In his hand, Yuno held out a juice box, apple juice to be exact. He held his own bottle of water in his other hand.
"Thank you," Todoroki took the box and tore the straw out of it's plastic confines. He stabbed the sharp point into the circle of foil and began sipping out of his drink.
Yuno sat down next to Todoroki, popping open the cap of his own drink and took a few moments to beverage. He wiped the corner of his mouth with a finger before he leaned back on his hand.
"So," he said. "What are you doing out so early? The sun isn't even up yet. Kind of odd to find someone out and about at the ass crack of dawn."
Todoroki didn't expect Yuno's grammar to be so…foul. He couldn't help but wonder if Yuno's act at school is just a mask of sorts. "I could ask you the same question."
"Well, I asked first, so get to it. You can think of your answer as repaying me for the juice."
Todoroki leaned back, craning his neck to look at the blue sky, still waking up with the sun barely visible. He inhaled the fresh air outside the city. "Just wanted to get out of the house. I don't particularly like weekends."
Now that was different from the usual opinion. "Is there a reason behind it?" He took another sip out of his bottle whilst watching Todoroki.
"Mm," Todoroki squeezed his juice box, some of the juice dripped out of the straw in the process. "Yeah, there is." He lowered his head again and locked eyes with Yuno. "I just don't like being home. Not when there's people I don't like who live there."
Yuno didn't expect that answer, he opened his mouth to say something, but it got caught in his throat so he kept quiet and turned away. He then closed his bottle and placed his skateboard behind him. Laying down, he placed his head on the board and gazed into the sky, reaching up to trace a small cloud that looked like flower if you squinted.
"Now, answer my question." Todoroki said, then he reached to grab th e board he was using to copy Yuno. He placed his head on the board just like the other did. He was surprised to find it more comfortable than he expected, and his hair wouldn't get dirty this way either.
"What question?" Yuno's head twisted his head to the side, a smirk on his face. "I hardly owe you anything, do I?"
"Actually," Todoroki thought back a moment. Technically, Yuno did, because he's the one who kept Yuno warm during the bus ride from the USJ to the main campus. "You do owe me. I'm the one who kept you warm during our bus ride. Your tempature was dropping."
"Was it?" Yuno laughed. "Then I suppose I do owe you an answer."
"Yes, you do."
"Well," Yuno's hand dropped onto his stomach and it rested there, playing with the fabric of his sweater which was now most definitely a bit wet. "Mornings are quiet. No one's here to tell me 'you should be training if you want to be a hero' or 'a star student shouldn't be skating' and 'you're being careless and reckles.' I don't generally like people, and dawn is when people aren't around."
Todoroki listened intently, shifting his head a bit. "But you're talking to me." He pointed out.
"What's your point?" Yuno raised a brow. "Just because I don't like being near people, that doesn't mean I can't socialize once in a while. And besides," Yuno turned on his side to face Todoroki. "You're friends with Kisu, aren't you? If Kisu trusts you, then I also have a reason to think you're pretty trustworthy."
Todoroki's eyes, once again, locked with Yuno's. "You actually trust her with the way she acts?"
Yuno shrugged. "I suppose I do. I've known her since I was a child. I trust her more than anyone. She's the only person I can truly rely on."
A glimmer of sadness washed over Yuno's eyes and Todoroki could see as clear as day. He didn't miss the way Yuno's fingers picked a strand of grass, then searched for another strand like he was planning to give it a friend. He saw the way he twirled them between his fingers like they were dancing. And then, he saw how one of the strand fell back to the ground, crumpled and wilted, sad like the way Yuno's eyes looked.
"Do you think everyone can be happy?" Yuno suddenly asked, his view focused on the plucked grass in his hand.
Todoroki thought for a few moments on the question. Can everyone be happy? His initial answer was no, but he figured there was more to the vague question than just that simple reply. If everyone was happy, then, the world would probably be in a different place. Villains wouldn't be roaming free to reek havoc. But what makes a person happy? Villains would most likely still roam the planet, because what if those things they do makes them happy?
"I don't know," was Todoroki's final answer. "Is this a trick question?"
Yuno covered his mouth to stifle a giggle. "No, it's a genuine question. I just wanted to know your thoughts."
"You're different." Todoroki stated out of the blue, completely changing the subject. Yuno's body went stick still, caught off guard by the comment. "You're different from when we were in school. You talk different too."
"You think so?" Yuno closed his eyes for a few moments before opening them again, half lidded and partially tired. "Talking is exhausting. Filtering yourself is even more draining. That's why I like being by myself."
With a gentle hand, Todoroki pushed Yuno's bangs out of his face. Those eyes, they were similiar to his, mismatched and blank. But they were so pretty, one a pink like washed out blood, and the other and blue that matched the pale sky. They were similiar, and yet so different compared to his own. Yuno's eyes were also slightly bigger than Todoroki's, his weren't as thin but more cat like.
"You're touchy," Yuno teased, eyeing the hand near his face.
Todoroki pulled away, an almost embarrassed sound escaping his mouth and he pressed his lips together. Yuno almost couldn't hear him when he apologized with a small "sorry."
The brunette sighed. "You're hands are soft, plush and calloused too. Do you do things with your hands? Maybe you train often."
Todoroki examined one of his hands. Yes, they were slightly calloused due to the weight lifting he does at home. He can thank that for his physique. He pressed a thumb into his palm, feeling the soft flesh on his hand.
He turned to Yuno again, wondering why he thought his hands were soft when they were actually quite bony and thin. Before he could speak, he caught notice of the way Yuno's eyes were closed and his mouth was slightly agape. He looked like he was sleeping, soft puffs of breath leaving his lips and his chest rised and fell in a steady pattern. He looked peaceful.
Without a second thought, Todoroki reached to play with a tress of the other's hair, brown locks being taken between his fingers and moving them around. His knuckles brushed again an uneven portion of skin, and it made him furrow his brows. He tucked some of Yuno's bangs behind his ear, looking for whatever it was he grazed. When he managed to clear most of the bangs, he was met with a scar. It looked like it was caused by a knife or blade of some sort. It started thin and grew thicker the farther it went up his forehead, soon disappearing into his hairline. Todoroki brought a finger to outline the scar, touching softly.
Yuno's fingers wrapped around Todoroki's wrist, startling the other. His eyes didn't open, but he was facing Todoroki like he was staring at him.
"Oh, so you are touchy." Yuno said, pushing Todoroki's hand down to the grass. "You should know I don't like it when people touch me without permission."
Todoroki was going to pull away, he clearly had crossed a line. But when Yuno took his hand and laced their fingers together, he was so surprised, he didn't know if he should stay there or pull away. Yuno's eyes opened, and Todoroki saw how they were glazed over, like looking through dirty glass. It was if he was looking at Todoroki, but he was talking to a completely different person.
"Your hand is warm," Todoroki knew this, and yet, it wasn't his name that he heard. "Your stiff today, Yume."
Who, Todoroki only stared at Yuno, who on earth is Yume?
Todoroki was beyond frazzled by the name, but he kept still and quiet. This seemed like a common thing for Yuno, considering that he's had the same look he's wearing now multiple times, once in front of the class, then at the USJ, and there was one point in time where he overheard Kirishima talking to Bakugo about similiar symptoms.
"You're so quiet." Yuno spoke again, his voice was small like a child's. "How come you're not talking to me?"
Yuno's fingers gripped Todoroki's, and he brought the back of the younger's palm to his chest. As if he were using the touch to stay calm, he breathed in deeply through his nose. Todoroki could feel his fingers twitched in Yuno's hold, wanting to pry the fingers off his hand. It felt awkward to have his hand in such a hold, he'd never held hands with someone before, and yet here he was.
Yuno eventually fell asleep again, or, that's what seemed to happened. The only way Todoroki could tell was by the way his hand was loose in the brunette's grip. So, he pulled his hand away and this time, he didn't try touching Yuno again. He just watched as Yuno breathed evenly and slept comfortably. He had half a mind to wake the older up, but that would be rude, and he'd lose this view of such a beautiful person.
Yuno's breath hitched as his eyes fluttered open. Todoroki rolled onto his back so fast, he didn't think about the way his shirt would get dirty. Yuno blinked away the haze, he could feel tears pricking at the corner of his eyes for whatever reason, so he wiped them away and sat up.
The way Todoroki copied him was almost laughable. The younger watched as hands ruffled through hair, fixing whatever may have moved his bangs out of place. Yuno gathered parts of his hair, mostly the tops layers of his locks and pulled them back into a half tail then secured it with an elastic. He then looked back at Todoroki with his eyes, thinking if he should say something about earlier, and decided against it. Instead, he just stood amd grabbed his skateboard, which Todoroki was still wondering where he got it from.
"We have time," Yuno said. "Are you still set on learning?"
Todoroki nodded. He followed Yuno and picked up the skateboard he previously tumbled off of. "Can you please show me the actual basics this time?"
"Oh, you can't tell me that wasn't funny. That's the fun of skating." Yuno patted his back. "Don't worry, I'll show you how everything works. Only if you can handle it that is."
Todoroki took that as a challenge, and he accepted with open arms. He'd take on any challenge from his upperclassman, for this senior is one he's determined to surpass.
"I'll take on any challenge you give me."
No, I totally don’t watch Sk8 the Infinity……
How could you tell?
And NO, Todoroki and Yuno are NOT being “shipped” whatever the hell that means. They are just having a bro moment.