
MHA: Toji Zenin

In a world where superpowers are the norm, Toji Zenin is a rare anomaly, devoid of quirks. Cast aside by the powerful Zenin clan and left to his own devices, he doesn't choose the path of self-pity. Instead, Toji decides to defy fate itself and break the norms of the world. This is a tale of indomitable spirit and incredible potential hidden behind the facade of an ordinary person—a story of Toji Zenin, who strives to prove that he is something more than just a defect. From the Author: Greetings, dear readers! I'd like to clarify a few points so you understand what you're about to read. The events unfold in the world of My Hero Academia, where I've imported the Zenin clan with all its consequences. At the beginning of the story, Toji will be 13 years old, so I hope everyone understands that his character will differ from the Toji we saw in the Jujutsu Kaisen. He will gradually develop the skills shown in the anime and manga, and there will be slight differences due to the influence of the new world. I also want to make it clear - Toji will not be a hero. In the end, he will become who he was in the original. And yes, there won't be a harem:) I'll try to minimize canonical events in the text and add new ones from myself. If the mentioned nuances haven't deterred you, welcome aboard! Co-authored by Loading989. https://m.webnovel.com/profile/4318676679?appId=10

Vandalizer · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 9: Dubious Assignment

Si Kon, smiling with satisfaction, observed Toji across the table in a cozy corner of the restaurant. Sunbeams penetrating through the windows created a light atmosphere.

"Well, Toji, over these months, you've become damn fast. Now they even call you 'Spark.' It's been great for our earnings," he concluded, taking a sip of coffee.

"I just realized that having greater speed would allow me to fight more effectively," Toji replied, leaning back on his chair. "Besides, it's hard to battle when perception far exceeds speed. Plus, it's nice to add a couple of new tricks to the arsenal."

"And about that electric motorcycle... It was a good machine, cost us a pretty penny. How did you manage to lose it!?"

"...All because of that damn Banshee," Toji replied, slightly frowning. "Don't remind me; just thinking about him gives me a ringing in the ears."

Si Kon sighed, handing him a tablet.

"Alright, let's get to business. Here's the next assignment. Rescue hostages taken captive."

Toji looked at the screen and then at Kon.

"Rescue someone... and how much are they paying for it?"

"Two million yen," the man grinned. "But be cautious; the assignment came from an anonymous source I've never heard of before."

The guy raised an eyebrow, then casually smiled.

"I'll take it. We need money for a new motorcycle anyway."

"Then let's wrap it up. The job won't wait," Kon said, signaling the waiter.


The abandoned corporate building greeted me with gloomy silence. Broken windows and peeling walls suggested it was soon to be demolished, according to the signs. I cautiously approached the entrance, carefully inspecting every corner. An unusual place for holding hostages; usually, such activities take place in more secluded areas.

"Maybe that was the bet? Strange that I didn't notice anyone by the windows. Did they leave no one to guard?" I thought, yawning in surprise. "If someone is willing to pay this much, they must have strong people against me. Better be on guard."

Deciding it wasn't wise to go straight ahead, I veered off the path and headed to the back of the building. There, I found something interesting: faint light and barely audible sounds.

"Hmm, the fifth... no, the sixth floor," I murmured, listening to the rustling. "And what to do now?"

My usual tasks involved simple neutralization or theft. Just come, see, and win. But now, I had to ensure the safety of the hostages to get paid. Otherwise, it would all be in vain.

With a dissatisfied sigh, I decided to first locate the hostages without being spotted by the villains. Luckily, the window opened silently, and I could enter without a creak. Carefully stepping inside, I made my way to the sixth floor, trying to tread quietly.

I didn't encounter anyone else until the fifth floor, only clever traps that I confidently avoided. I hid by the door of the room where I heard a quiet conversation. The light from a lamp softly illuminated the space, where two people sat.

"Are you sure this will work, Goro?" asked the man in a black jacket, nervously fiddling with a cup.

His companion, with a bull's head and a powerful body, nodded slowly.

"Yes, Kiyoshi. Hostages are our insurance. As long as we have them, the police and heroes won't dare to attack."

The man with an anxious look poured himself more tea.

"But if we've been noticed, everything will go off-plan. We must be ready for any developments."

Goro smirked.

"Don't worry, the police and heroes are probably still trying to trace our whereabouts. We'll be paid so much for this job that we can lay low for a few years."

"That's true," dreamily uttered Kiyoshi.

"Why did this job fall to me? Wasn't it better to inform the heroes about it?" I thought, moving towards the next floor. "I hope at least they'll pay me..."

On the sixth floor, near the central room without windows, I found my target. Two tied-up teenagers sat against the wall, trembling with fear. Two people stood nearby.

Without wasting time, I swiftly attacked. The first one, not even having a chance to understand what was happening, fell unconscious to the floor. The second, with the ability to turn his body into liquid, proved a bit more challenging.

We started fighting, and every time I tried to strike him, he transformed into water, rendering my attacks useless. He was slippery and unpredictable, and I realized that a direct approach wouldn't work here.

"Oops, didn't work, huh?" he mocked me.

"Wait a bit, I'll definitely flush you down the toilet..."

Suddenly, the first opponent intervened, regaining consciousness. He began filling the room with gas.

"Oh damn!"

In an instant, I found myself next to the hostages, pulling them out of the room. The air seemed heavier; my breath quickened, and I could feel the poisonous gas affecting my body.

But that wouldn't break me. Utilizing my speed, I started maneuvering between their attacks, trying to stay one step ahead. I had to act decisively and swiftly to win.

At one moment, I deliberately dashed under the gas cloud. And when the opponent solidified again to strike me, I seized the opportunity.

My fist collided with his body, causing him to freeze momentarily in shock. At the same time, I delivered a series of blows, targeting his vital points.

Now that he was stunned, I used my strength and speed to finally neutralize him. He tried to turn into liquid again, but it was too late. My punches were too fast.

In the end, he fell to the ground, unable to continue the fight. Now, only the one releasing the gas remained.

"You won't get away so easily!" he shouted, filling the room with even more gas.

"Do you think that bothers me?" I yelled, accelerating and breaking through the thick fumes.

Eventually, I managed to get close to him. He tried to attack me, creating vortexes of gas around him, but I was prepared. Diving down instantly, I jumped up and rebounded off the ceiling, landing next to him and delivering a series of strikes to his abdomen and chest.

"This is the end," I hissed, delivering a final blow that knocked him out.

Breathing heavily, I surveyed the surroundings. Both opponents lay unconscious. The hostages were safe.

Approaching them, I removed the blindfold and untied them. It would have been easier to leave them as they were, but they might stumble and hurt themselves. It was a girl and a boy in school uniforms, apparently kidnapped on their way home.

"Get up, and don't dare to complain. I'll lead you out of here," I said, seeing a nod from the dark-haired girl as I turned towards the stairs. "Stay a meter away from me."

Ascending the stairs, I encountered Goro and Kiyoshi. They stood frozen in front of us. Tension filled the air, but I held my ground confidently and calmly.

Fury burned in their eyes, indicating their readiness to retaliate, but something made them hesitate.

"Get out of the way," I threatened, glowering at them. "Otherwise, I'll destroy you, just like I did with those weaklings. This is your only chance to remain unharmed."

Doubt flickered in their eyes. They glanced at each other and eventually silently stepped aside, allowing us to pass.

I casually looked at them, showing no fear or doubt in my actions. The hostages, following me, glanced over their shoulders, keeping an eye on the enemies.

We descended the stairs and stepped outside, where evening was setting in. The mission was accomplished, and now I could report to Si Kon about the successful completion of the operation and inquire about what to do with the subjects.

"All hostages are freed," I said into the phone. "The villains are neutralized. You can transfer the money..."

Before I could finish the conversation, the ground beneath us shook from an impact, and I instinctively stopped the call, preparing for an unforeseen situation.

"Now everything is fine. Why? Because I'm here!" proclaimed an unknown, booming voice with confidence.

The dust cloud dispersed, revealing an incredibly tall and muscular man dressed in a heroic suit of red, white, and blue elements, with golden-colored gloves. His broad smile and light hair stood out.

"Allmight... is this good, or couldn't it get any worse?" flashed through my mind.