

'When the first day of school came. I got to be Izuku's classmate and when I got to the room, these 4-year-olds are running and doing messy things and using their quirk to show off and they stop to look at me.

'Some of them recognize and some wanted to say hi, and some wanted to play and I agreed, we played and they were amazed at how fast I am and now they call me The Fast King Hero which I Hate the name of but I don't care.

The teacher came and get to do the roll call and says" Our new student please introduce yourself" said the teacher. I got up from my seat and Start introducing myself'.

" Greetings! my new classmates I am Adrian Silver and I like playing and being fast I hate bullies and villains and my dream is to be the fastest Hero there is and be the light that saves all people"- Said Adrian

" Thank you for that wonderful introduction you may sit now Adrian"- Said the Teacher.

"Do you have a Quirk?" said A spiky head and pale blonde hair.

"Yes, It's called Mind Your Business Quirk," said Adrian.

Adrian's new classmates laugh at the joke but some didn't get it.

The Spiky haired brat gets pissed off and shouts "Shut up! or I'll beat you up!" said the spiky-haired brat.

The class shut's up.

"You are a Quirkless are you?, you are useless I was gonna let you into my group but you are just useless," said the spiky-haired Brat.

"Meh," said Adrian.

The spiky brat will almost erupt, but the teacher interrupts.

"You may sit Adrian, now we will start the class," said the Teacher Ignoring the Spiky-haired brat like nothing happened, like there is no bullying involved.

The Teacher now teaches us about hero stuff and the language math and stuff.

At recess we trade some lunch, the spiky-haired brat and his 3 bullies disturbed us while eating, and then flipped over our food.

The food and plates were flung away, but I used my Speed Quirk to grab all the food that is tossed, and gently placed it on the table.

The kids cheer and praises me and the spiky brat and the bullies got angry and tried to punch me, but I evaded their punches. They got really tired, and they tried to have a big last punch and the spiky brat used his quirk which is weak at the moment but strong if you get hit in the face. I tied their shoelaces and I quickly got away, and they tripped and they bonk their heads to each other and they cried and called for their mommy.

A teacher quickly goes to the bullies and the teacher asked what happened.

The kid's told the teacher, and the Teacher asked the bullies about it and they denied it, they persisted but the teacher said that lying is bad and he will call for their mother to ask them to say the truth, to let the parents know what happened, and let the parents make the decision or punishing them and make them suspended, and they admitted it and they got a warning not to do that again and they said apologies to what they have done to the kid's and they said they're sorry and they died(joke), the spiky-haired brat never apologized but got into the flow, and they got forgiven and forgot what happened that day and the rest is history.

Adrian got famous fast(get it fast? *ahem*) and some girls got a crush on him and the boys got jealous and the bullies want to bully Adrian, but they got their first experience of getting humiliated by Adrian and Adrian is strong and fast. Some new kids want to do it too, when that Incident happened, they never messed with Adrian.

Days passed and one particular day some kids are getting bullied in the back of a building, but Adrian saw it and saved the kid and punished them for doing a such cruel thing.

It happens often, and as many times as he could think, so he established a group of saved kids that are being bullied in the school.

When someone is getting bullied that group would punish the bully and compensate them for bullying some money gets to be donated to the bullied and some will go to the group to pay for supporting some student that doesn't have money to spend and they give them some money to do support them.

Adrian got some money from some students who donated because they were rich and kind. So he gathered money, and it to the oppressed like the Quirk less, then it got famous and so more money came in, and he established a club to spend the money he got.

So now they got a safe place so they could gather, and do meetings to spread their influence, while some members are proven to be traitors and he made them regret it.

The club they made is a Kendo Club, they gathered some equipment and a Kendo master to teach, some of the kendo club members, while some are parents who are known for getting some medals in some regions.

Many years passed the club got famous and Adrian won some medals and for that, his parents are proud of him, some other kendo students won some prize money but they donated some of it to the club, now most of the Quirk less kid's got to learn how to fight for themselves.

The club caught some student using the learned kendo to bully, so we banned them, and compensated the bullied, and cured the injuries.

Now the Aldera Junior High is safe now the club is preparing for implementing some of it in some school to spread and to protect the Quirk less and the bullied....

End Of The Chaps XD

Thank you for reading and gimme some stones.

Now_You_S33_Mecreators' thoughts
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