
Chapter-7 : The Real Test




As the last beep sounded I rushed out faster than anybody and jumped onto buildings as I scanned my immediate area, there were 30 one pointers, 20 two pointers and 10 three pointers, I decided to use the most efficient way of dealing with these robots.

Using my web I connected Robots with each other, entangling them with themselves, using their own force against them.

In just 3 minutes I had rounded up more than 100 points worth of villain robots, then I started the hidden point counter by saving students here and there, there were hundreds of students here, many of them were bound to get injured and lag behind, my powers were one of the best for urban rescue operations, 3-D maneuverability was best for these kind of operations.

I saved dozens of injured people by hanging them with my soft webs on the walls and poles, giving the ones with fractures and cuts a small first aid with my webs, apparently spider webs can help in blood clotting.

Saving these kids was much easier than banging up these metal machines, though I destroyed quite a few while saving kids, I was pretty sure my villain points above 160 by now, and my rescue points should be above 100 as well, but this wasn't good enough, according to many sources in my previous life {fan-fictions}, All might had scored almost 300 points total, which had became an unbeatable record till now.

I wanted to score much more than that, there were still four minutes left, in two minutes the zero pointer would be deployed, I called upon my symbiot as a thin layer of red color enclosed my body and my face, with white patches above my eyes {See the cover of the story}, my symbiot acted both as an armor and a costume.

I lunged forward, running all on my fours as it was much easier and felt natural in my symbiot form, wherever I went, I only left smashed up pieces of metal behind, destroying every villain robot I met with a single punch or kick, one more benefit of having great brute strength was that it was much more time efficient.

Soon a huge sound came from south of the city as a towering robot of at least 50 m came forward, knocking people around.

My strength was already around 280 somewhat tons in raw power, and if my calculation was correct, the strength by which Izuku had punched his zero pointer would be around 200 tons, I could also do the same but it would be too soon to be showing so much strength.

I retracted my symbiot as I pulled many of the kids that were knocked away and had been injured up into a high rise building, when the area was clear of any distractions, I binded its legs with my web while punching and breaking its central balancing system, the huge machine fell on ground with its face down, I broke open all its hinges with punches and kicks leaving the whole machine useless.

suddenly a siren started ringing, announcing the end for the exams.

'sigh', I sighed, I could have scored more if I went all out, but this was still good enough, I doubt anyone else would be able to break this record.

I jumped onto the building, climbing up spider style to the top floor where I 'rescued' people. My eyes widened seeing the scene below.

There were a lot of broken metal parts here and there, at some places roads were completely destroyed, some random areas were on fire while in some areas water was gushing out of the hose.

'I wouldn't want to be the one paying for these' I thought as I saw the destruction below, it was as if there was an alien invasion here.

Thank god this wasn't a real residential area, otherwise many people would have went homeless.

I moved inside the building, searching for the one needing serious medical help, whose hand was broken and leg was bleeding profusely.

I covered his bleeding wound with my web while giving him half a shot of pain killer and a quarter shot of adrenaline through the needles formed on my finger tips with my symbiot to keep him conscious and took him towards the central area where healing heroes were present while swinging through the buildings.

## POV - Nezu ##

## 15 minutes earlier ##

'It was finally the time for the grand event, many of kids this year have great potential, son of endeavor, successor of All might, heir of Yaoyorozu, That Bakugo and Kira.'

'All of these have an A+ and above category talents, every one of these would surely end up being top 10 future heroes'

The final beep sounded as thousands of kids ran forward, trying to defeat the obstacle in front of them to reach their dreams, but sadly, only 38 of them would be selected today.

I saw all the screens from different centers around the country as they were focused on the ones that were performing extraordinary.

There were three kids today that were performing even more than extraordinary.

First was successor of All Might, Izuku Midoriya, Toshinori found him three years ago, that boy truly had a heroic spirit, almost same as All Might, After receiving [One For All], his powers were were amplified to a great degree, His Quirk had increased in strength tremendously.

His original quirk was [Pyrokinesis], he could create and control fire in a given radius which depended on the power of flame, was already an A grade quirk, but after receiving [OFA], both his quirk and physical strength changed dramatically, His quirk was now really special as it could be used in a large number of 'fiery' situations.

From what Toshinori told me last time, he could use 8% of [OFA]

Over the past three years, the boy had changed quickly, He went from a Fanboy-Nerd-Nervous boy to a Fanboy-HalfNerd-confident boy.

Second was Bakugo Katsuki, that boy's quirk was truly terrifying, he could create controlled and uncontrolled explosions using his quirk [Explosion], which let the boy use explosion energy that was created and make explosions.

The power of his Quirk was already in A+ category, It was a relief that the boy wanted to be a hero, It would be a very destructive ability as a villain. His personality matched that of Enji with temper issues.

He was being considered for being successor to [OFA], but was rejected by Toshinori due to his 'explosive' tendencies. That was the day when he found Midoriya.

And the last was Kira Sogaru, His quirk profile was very extraordinary, above that actually. His quirk [Spider Physiology], was extremely versatile and could do wonders as a hero if used correctly.

Even at the age of four, he was more stronger than most people, It was like his quirk was culmination of everything a hero needed. Super strength, super stamina, super senses, super dexterity, super defense and super endurance all in one package along with his spider abilities.

It was like he was born for being a Hero.

The Bakugo kid was totally focused on thrashing Villain bots around, Midoriya was focused on saving the kids in the area while destroying some of the bots in the way, and the Kira kid was performing exceptionally as well, he was weaving through the bots with extreme speed while also saving participants around.

Minutes passed which felt like hours, suddenly something peculiar happened, a red looking thing surrounded Kira, almost as if on [Fuel-X], his strength and power increased as he ran on all his fours and smashed through multiple bots as if they were a stack of cards.

Scrunching my eyes, I pressed the button which released the executor in every Ground.

The reaction of these children were truly a spectacle to see, some ran away while some lunged towards it in overconfidence.

And as I expected, the Bakugo kid kept on destroying the zero pointer while cursing around, Midoriya used his powers to save the gravity girl, destroying the zero pointer in the process while breaking his legs again. And the Kira kid used used his skills and powers to disable the Zero pointer and leave it in pieces.

But that didn't end there, even after the test, both Midoriya and Kira kept helping other participants, that was the true nature of a hero.

I smiled and looked towards my left, where Toshinori was standing, and said "It looks like Midoriya-Kun has quite the competition ahead"

He looked towards me with his trademark smile on his face and said "Yeah, but no one said being a hero was without hurdles, A true hero is the one who overcome every hurdle through willpower and training "

I smiled at him but didn't say anything, he was very content with being able to pass [OFA] to a worthy successor, though no one cares about it, our beloved 'pillar of peace' was getting old, almost 50 yrs old and this people needed another 'pillar of peace'

Thinking about Kira, I called my assistant "Misae, arrange a meeting with Kira-kun here after results are sent out, I want to ask him something"

"Yes sir!" She said as she wrote that in her notepad


[Fuel-X] : A type of drug that gives a significant boost to quirk and physical powers while lifting two of the primary limiters on body and quirk usage for 15 minutes after which user will be weakened severely and and unable to use his quirk for a week and would take months to recover the shock that body experiences during this.

It is a drug that is only accessible to top 100 Pro heroes, very strictly regulated and controlled by the World Hero Association.

It was a drug that could save lives in crucial moments, and left no permanent effects on user.