
Quirk Aprehension

"Alright we're going to conduct a quirk apprehension test for you all."

"Wait we're not going to have orientation" chimed Uraraka.

"This is the Hero course of the top hero school U.A, for a special school like this there is a special way to teach and I have the full say to what to teach, how to teach and when to teach. Things like orientation are for normal schools. It would be good if you all change your mindset accordingly" said Aizawa.

Hearing this no one further questioned so he continued.

"You all will go through a physical examination with the difference that you are allowed to use your quirk as a way for me to better understand you. Any questions."

No one said anything so he continued.

"Katsuki Bakugo you are up first, what was your highest throw in middle school."

"70.3 m" he grumbled.

"Alright this time use your quirk just make sure to not step outside the circle, you are allowed to use whichever means."

"Hmph" Bakugo just arrogantly took the ball and stood inside the circle. He took a pose and charged and shouted while throwing the ball.

"DIEEEE!!!" and blasted the ball to some distance.

"Hmm, 705.2 m"

Everyone started cheering seeing this new way of utilizing their quirks but were immediately silenced by Aizawa's next words.

"Do you all think this is a game. Alright, anyone who comes last in all tests will immediately be expelled. Alright next Shoto Todoroki"

Then the ice princess came in an arrogant way. I tried using leglimency on him and heard

'I'll show everyone that I'm above everyone just by using my ice quirk.'

Hearing his thoughts I just sighed at his naivety and observed. He just used his ice quirk to carry it to a height and then threw it pretty much the same as in anime. Then other's were called one by one. Inasa used his wind to make the ball fly, Ojiro used his tail, that lightning guy just short-circuited himself and Uraraka just de-gravitised the ball.

Then it was turn of Jiro who used her earplugs as extensions holding the ball and throwing the ball using them which got her a good score of about 120 m. Momo also used her quirk to build a propulsion device and threw a distance of about 350 m and then finally it was my turn.

"Sir what is the range of distance the machine can calculate."

"500 km"


I then took my stance and used my Great sage to calculate the exact trajectory and the force I needed for my throw and then casted [Enhancement] on myself and threw the ball.

After some time checking the meter Aizawa just looked at me in surprise.

"How much did you hold back."

"Hmm, a lot." I shrugged.

He looked at me last time and then announced my result.

"500 km".

Everyone was surprised my exact numbers and were astonished at my precise control over my quirk. I just ignored everyone and went and stood beside the others.

"Alright next Izuku Midoriya."

I saw a green colored hamste-*cough guy walking to the circle murmuring what not even I could n't decipher through my Great Sage, this was the first failure I have came through the use of Great Sage, sigh.

Everything went same as in the anime and with the end of Bakugo cirsing Midoriya for getting a higher score by 0.1 m and Todoroki again denying the reality by saying that he didn't even try, whatever.

After that we had the strength test where I again just used enough strength to reach the limit of the measuring device, for high jump I just directly skipped the sand box, for sideways jump I just did the Saitama thing to create an after-image, for the dash race I did the second best to Ida. After the conduction of the exam the result was like this.

1. Kenji Tatsuya

2. Momo Yaoyorozu

3. Shoto Todoroki

4. Inasa Yoarashi

5. Katsuki Bakugo



7. Itsuka Kendo

8. Yui Kodai


12. Kyoka Jiro


14. Camie Utsushimi


25. Minoru Mineta

"With this the test is complete, now as I said the last person will be expelled, Minoru Minata meet the principal."

He started crying who joined us between our first test but I just ignored him and girls avoided him like a disease. Fortunately or unfortunately he was just demoted to class 1-B.

After that we were dismissed for the day and everyone left for their home. Me, Momo and Jiro went to our newly built mansion. It was a two story mansion with a large indoor pool and gym and a underground testing and research facility.

I just went straight to bath halfway of which I was joined by both Momo and Jiro.

"You girls do know that right now I am very much tempted to devour both of you."

"I would very much like to be devoured by master~" said Momo in a teasing slutry voice. Whenever she was in heat she would always call me Master and it somehow always made me hornier as for Jiro though she was quite shy but when once she got into heat she prefers to ride me than be below me though she doesn't voice her opinion. Well that also has a certain charm to it.

"Alright, be grateful this Sage is going to teach you about carnal desires"

I just picked both of them over my shoulder and went towards our bedroom to grant them the chance of being taught by a sage.