
MHA: The Fresh Blood

A girl reincarnates into the world of My Hero Academia, will she destroy the plot, or will she try to avoid it at all costs? Either way, she will try to live her life as best as she can. No matter who gets in her way, she will have the life she wants, even if she has to go against God's. [Disclaimer this story will contain-] Eve: Come on let's just get to the good stuff of me killing some shitty people, and trying to build a harem! Afterall, doesn't everybody just want to see me fuck shit up and get some girls. [Well I think you get the idea of what this story has in it] .................................... Author's Note This is my first story, so sorry for any poor grammar in the future, also the cover art was made by me and so is any of the art I use in the later chapters. Also, sorry for the first few chapters being a bit underwhelming, but don't worry it gets better. Now let's get onto the story.

The_Fae_Child · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

An Epiphany

This is fucking awesome, I get the chance to one day wreak havoc with the literal king of vampires, and pain in the ass extraordinaire! And, that contract he mentioned with a girl, which is most likely Integra when she first found him in the basement.

Oh, I am so going to help annoy the fuck out of her if/when I meet her! Though I should probably get back to listening to Himi listing off the messages, that way I can get to meeting him faster.

[Are you done gushing about him now?] she said with a tone that made me instinctively picture her cute pouting face.

"Yeah, I am, sorry about that, Himi, can we please resume to the messages?" I sat down on the bed in my hotel room, so I could get a bit more comfortable.

[Okay, this one is attached to Lightning Body

<Hey, so I've been told that you're a potential up-and-coming demigod, or whatever, and your mom asked me to give you copy of my main powers. Originally I was going instantly decline, but then she said came from different world than mine how use powers could new ideas on them.< p>

Which, when I had that made me question if I should, since I'm already powerful enough to destroy anyone from my world, but then I realized something when she started to go on about your own shitty life. You grew up similarly to how plenty of Conduits did, and you will be in a world where the roles have been reversed. There the people with these 'quirks' are prejudice towards those without powers and those with powers that are considered 'evil'.

But, what if they do have their own powers, it's just not a quirk, there's a chance that the 'quirkless' have something similar to the Conduit gene. So, since I can't be there, I'll give you this power, but on a simple condition.

Any 'quirkless' people you meet I want you to try unlocking the Conduit gene in them, if my theory is right you could help them rise above the rest. Continue the legacy that John and I made, become the First Daughter of a new era in your world, but don't forget to show Kuo and I, a damn good show while you do it! - From The New Beast>]

I had to take a deep breath in and out when I finished reading the message, because not one but TWO OP people that I have some amount of respect for have given me a copy of their powers!!! WHAT NEXT IS HEALTHY BODY GONNA BE FROM JESUS MOTHERFUCKING CHRIST!!!!

"This night just keeps getting more and more baffling." I covered my face with my hands from the amount of shocking shit of learned tonight. 'Cause seriously who learns that their new mom is a god, they get to be with a person that was once a fictional character, they could potentially become a god, and that two powers that they were given near the very start of their journey were from two absolute powerhouses.

"Himi, please for the love of mom tell me that the next message is less shocking, or from a normal person who just so happens to have a good ability..." My voice was now more than a whisper at this point, because tonight has got me mentally drained at this point (even if most of the stuff I learned was good for me).

[Well, sort of, it's mainly a god having a simpler request and I don't think it's that shocking.] Even if she didn't seem sure about herself when she said that, it still gave me a ray of hope.

"Then that's the best I can ask for, please show me the message, mi amor." All I could really do here was pray to my mom that this wasn't something going to be a message from Cthulhu or something.

[This one is attached to Technopathy, and it's the last one, so don't worry there will be no more possibly world shattering news.

<Hiya, you must be the first kid of Seria! Well, just in case you're busy I'll skip any further pleasantries and get to chase. This power may not one my own, but it does have blessing connected it, so will greater potential than what that world would originally allowed.< p>

In exchange for my blessing I ask only one thing, please find my descendant that's in that world and change her fate. With the way that place is I doubt she'll be able to be fully satisfied with just working on support items for heroes. So, take her on your journey's or become her friend, I don't know I just don't want her to lose her spark, since she's the only descendant of mine with this much potential for growth. - Sincerely The God of Crafters>]

"Welp, at least in comparison this isn't as shocking, and I planned on interacting with her either way." It seems my prayers were answered since this guy i.e. Hephaestus just wants me to make sure their descendant (most likely Hatsume) doesn't lack any new avenues for growth.

I let out a sigh filled with exhaustion from the events of tonight and laid down on the bed. With the quirks I currently have making my plans a reality will become several times easier, it could even make the gaining followers part of becoming a goddess more affective and interesting. Especially with Technopathy and Telepathy, I could use the former to gain information on those that are having terrible lives and aid them and the latter can make it seem like a goddess has truly answered their prayers-.

"Wait, when did I get so smart to come up with these types of plans?" It was a valid question, 'cause sure mystery animes were some of my favorites, but these types of plans are something that someone like Junko or Light would come up with. Hell, I didn't even get to finish the first grade before I was kidnapped, and I couldn't really continue my education afterward because I was technically in hiding.

"Himi, do you know how I'm able to even come up with these plans? 'Cause before my plans were pretty loose and dumb, especially since I can now see so many ways to improve that plan involving Nezu, and this is confusing the hell out of me." I couldn't figure out why I was able to think like this now, and it could be from my new quirks or from meeting mom, but I'm not completely sure.

[Doesn't Technopathy connect you to the internet? Maybe it's that, or it's something else, I don't know. I'm just thinking about if our senses are connected, like if you eat something will I taste it too?] And, it seems like she's gone off-topic, even if that is a valid question, I'll have to test that out later.

But, she does make a valid point, Technopathy does allow my to connect my consciousness to the internet itself, along with manipulate technology, and this could be an example of a passive ability connected to it like the increased creation of blood cells with Healthy Body. Furthermo- oh for fuck's sake I can't keep talking like this or else I'm going to stab myself.

Even if it helped with testing out whatever this passive is, it just makes me sound like more of a nerd than Izuku, and that is something I thought would be impossible to do. Though, this will make it easier to come up with effective plans, it even helped me realize something earlier.

Each of the quest so far aligned with something I wanted to do, or something that I was already doing, which means if I change what I want to do the quest might change too. I thought of this after I remembered that since I'm the first 'child' mom went all out, including on the design of the system, since it seamlessly allowed Himiko's soul to connect with it so she can stay with me.

This leads to my second idea, with Technopathy I get myself whatever I need fake files for citizenship, money from banks, black mail to use against anyone with dirt that they want hidden, and maybe even make my own version of the LOV but better. I just need to grind it's rank up and anything Nezu could give me I could give myself, and it would make things a lot more fun.

[NOTICE there has been a change in the host desire's the Main-Quest will now be updated.]

"Well holy shit, I fucking called it... The quest are based off what I want to do, oh these are going to get chaotic real quick." I said out loud as I gazed at the notice, I wondered if this is what it feels like to be a sugar baby, cause at this point that's what I'm feeling my mom, and I's relationship is becoming similar to. Or, I guess a better equivalent would be a warlock and a VERY generous patron.


Another's Vengeance

You have decided to take revenge for Himiko against her parents, with the plan you have made you will not only impact the plot before it has started. But, you will also make Himiko's parents suffer immensely from your actions. This will be your first step in changing this world for better or worse.

Objective: Succeed in your revenge plan by training with Technopathy to increase it's rank, so you can punish them and set the foundation for a new organization.

Reward: 3 Gacha Tickets, 1 Rank Up Card, the suffering of Himiko's parents, and validation from the host's 'sponsors' to begin with the next step.

Failure: The Himiko's parents will remain unpunished, and you will disappoint everyone.

Deadline: 1 year]