
A Vampire And A Wendigo Part 1

"Text" = Talking

[Text] = System

'Text' = Normal Thoughts

{Text} = Telepathic Thoughts

<Text > = Message Through System

*Text* = Actions During Sentences


(Location: ?????, The Tarnished Court Base, Time: A bit after Eve got her new quest)


"Now, you have all seen my latest quest, and you also now know that four of you will have to come with me." I said to my Court. Honestly, I prefer my quest to just be dependent on me going, but if I can get perfect Devil Fruits I don't care if it makes me take all of them.

"I volunteer to go!" Mei said, quickly raising her hand in the air as if she were answering a question in a classroom. Aww, she acts like she even has a choice in the matter, 'cause I was going to take her either way.

"Thank you, Mei, but you and our newest Conduits will all be coming on this quest. This'll be great training for all of you!" After all, what's a better training opportunity than to kill Nazi's, vampires, and religious fanatics! Though, I'm currently having my Bee's put an absolute fuck ton of aluminum in Inventory for Mei to use.

"Aww! Come on, Boss! Let me come, I want to see what this quest thing is like!" Shut the fuck up Dabi, I can tell you don't really want to go, you just want to disagree with my decision.

"Dabi, my choice is final. These four need the most training here, so they can bring out their full potential as soon as possible." The entrance exam for UA is less than a year away, and I need to make sure that all of us that are going will pass with flying colors.

"When are we going, big sis?" Tenko isn't even going to disagree with me, as he never really turns down a chance to get stronger, and he really wants to see what happens if I go all out in a fight.

"We'll be going in one hour. Go to your rooms, get what you need, and give it to one of my Bee's, we'll be doing this quest over the course of three months." If I remember correctly that's how long the plot went on for in Hellsing Ultimate, so most likely the abridged version will take as long.

All of them quickly went to their rooms to gather their things, except Izuku, who looked like he wanted to ask me something, it probably has to do with the quest.

"Eve, what did that thing mean by 'shared power', and what's a Devil Fruit?" Yeah, I expected him to be the one to ask these questions. The other's might follow my instructions without question, but he's naturally more curious.

"Well, Izuku, the shared power that it's talking about is my Blood Manipulation, that originally came from Alucard, the King of Vampires. And, a Devil Fruit is a supernatural fruit that can give the consumer special abilities, each fruit gives a different power." That may be the most basic way to explain a Devil Fruit, but I'll explain more to him about the types, and other stuff when I see what Devil Fruits I'll get.

"But, isn't Dracula the Vampire King?" Damn, he figured that shit out faster than the Nazi's, and the Church, that's fucking hilarious! All I did as a response to him was give him a wide smile. This is going to be a fun three months!

Everyone in the room felt like my smile was a sign of something that world be important later, or entertaining, to me, which usually involves someone getting seriously hurt, or a 'powerful' person getting knocked down a fuck ton of pegs, there is no in between with it.

"Hey, Monokuma." I just realized, there's a chance that the system's AI will have similar habits to me, or mom, so I might as well check something before we do go on this quest.

[Yes, Boss? Do you have another question for me?]

"Yes, actually. Did you forget to mention anything earlier that I should know about?" If they were made by mom to guide me, there is a major chance that they are just as forgetful.

[Forget to mention anything? Hmmmm, well now that you mention it I think there are two things that I did forget earlier.]

"*Sighs* Well, spill it, what are they." Of course, he's forgetful, I'm going to have to ask for constant updates when anything important happens, or else he might forget to tell me if something changed.

[Well, while on a quest in another world it will only feel like a few hours in your home world, no matter how long the quest goes on, and your age will remain the same as when you started the quest. You could even spend hundreds of years on a quest, and you would still look just as young, Boss!]

That's useful to know, though I should have expected it, since most fanfics I read acted similarly in this sense, when there was world travel. "Okay, now what's the second thing you forgot to tell me?"

[You started a religion! And you also gained three new titles!]

"Qué?" So my little fan club that I accidentally made counts as a religion? And what the fuck is this about titles?

[You started a religion! Your debut two weeks ago lit a fire in many across the world! These people have banded together across the nations, and online, and created a group in your name that basically worships you! They view you as the coming of a new world, and the end of this painful world! So by the laws of the gods they have been recognized as a religion!]

So that's where the religion thing came from. Damn, I didn't think they would actually start a religion in my name, I thought I'd have to wait a bit longer till I get a religion. "Does having my own religion come with any perks?" 

Might as well see if I get anything extra, other than getting one step closer to becoming a goddess.

[Yes actually! Though, since you aren't a full-fledged god, you don't get all the perks yet, sadly. You get new powers that relate to your domains! For Death, you gain True Death, now even immortals will know to fear your strength!

For Family, you gain an added aspect to your predatory instinct ability, in a sense it will let you sense if a member of your 'pack' is in danger, and will direct you to their general direction. For Chaos, you gain Basic Reality Warping if you can see it you can change it however you want! Though you can't warp the reality of someone who is stronger than you.]

"THE FUCK?!?!" It wasn't just me that was shocked at this information, every one of us, except Eri, yelled this question. I mean seriously, because of my Bee's I could warp all reality, as long as I spread them far enough, even with the limit it could still be considered a game breaker ability.

"HOW IS SHE NOT A GOD WITH THAT SHIT!?!?!" I gotta agree with my boy Spinner here, the fuck?! I can basically just kill practically anyone that faces me, and make their powers none existent, unless they can resist reality warping abilities, or are stronger than me.

[Because she doesn't meet the rest of the requirements to become a god yet. She doesn't have the power to destroy multiple planets in one attack, she has only fought one apostle, and her Bee's can't use these abilities, so they don't count in this either.]

"The hell? But can't my Bee's use practically all my abilities?" As far as I know my Bee's are supposed to be basically as strong as me, in practically every aspect.

[Your Bee's can only use the abilities given directly from the System, so any blessings, powers from souls, powers gained from items, or divine powers are out of the question.]

"That.... actually makes sense." I mean, if it were that easy, then I would have already finished two out of the three requirements to become a god. So, I guess I should focus on hunting down other apostles, since it's only a matter of time before I get powerful enough to destroy planets.

"Now, Monokuma, what are these titles that you mentioned about earlier?" If the titles work similarly to the ones in a Gamer System, then they should come with perks of their own too.

[Well, the first of them is, The First Daughter, which means you are the coming of a new era where chaos is a guarantee. While in this world any chaos related abilities will be 50 times more effective.]

Okay, that makes sense, after all Conduits are capable of basically taking any part of the world, and use it as a weapon that could potentially destroy entire countries. Hell, even paper, and fucking dust are things that certain Conduits can use to kill people, or save people.

 [The second title is, The King in Red, a title that you yourself introduced to the world. With this title you have been recognized as a true King of your Court, and anything that requires someone to be 'worthy' will adhere to your commands.]

Huh, I guess if I ever go to Marvel I'll be able to use Mjölnir, or Excalibur if I ever come across it. But, other than that, this title doesn't really come with that many benefits to it, though it's still nice to know that I'm actually a King now.

[Your final title is, The Beast, this title was given by the 'heroes' and government officials of the world, who claim that you are nothing but a villain. What they don't know is that they only fuel the anger of those who support you. Any Conduits that fight with you for a new world will be 10 times stronger, as long as they follow you.]

Fucking hell, I feel a bit bad for anyone that fights one of my Conduits, but only just a bit. But, seriously, whoever fucks with one of them has already signed their death warrant with me, but this just adds extra flavors of death into the mix.

I wonder how they'll all be on the battlefield, because we've just been focusing on getting them used to their elements, and how to be precise when it comes to their attacks. After all, what's the point of an overpowered attack if you can't even hit someone with it.

[Now that those are out of the way. Boss, have you forgotten to tell everyone here anything?]

Eh? What could they possibly mean, I don't think I've forgotten.... shit, I'm becoming just like my mom! Dammit, now I'm going to need to work on my ranting problem, and forgetfulness, for fuck's sake!

"Damn, thanks for reminding me, Monokuma. Izuku, Inko, I got news for both of you!" Both the Midoriya's looked at me curiosuly, wondering what the news was. Since Izuku didn't go to grab his things, I had one of my Bee's get it, can't have us get delayed from going on this quest.

"Last night I sent out the evidence of what happened at Aldera Junior High to multiple police stations, and it will be broadcasted on my news station! Its punishment day!" I could have just killed everyone that hurt Izuku, especially Bakuhoe, but I believe that its best to let people suffer by the hands of the world until they practically beg for death.

"Will I get to watch it live when we get back?" Izuku asked me, he remembered that for our world we'll be gone for only a few hours, but he still wanted to know if he could watch the broadcast live.

"Yes, Izu, since the broadcast will start around five in the afternoon, and it will air again tomorrow in the morning." I specifically chose to air the information like this to get as many people as possible to watch it.

"Sweet! I want to see the moment the world realizes that even the schools are fucked up too!" Izuku has been one of the most passionate about our goal these past few weeks, so him knowing that the person who made his school life a living hell, and the place where it happened under the gaze of teachers and faculty, was going to be taken down in a way that could actually benefit the Court's goal, was thrilling for him.

It was at this moment that the other's finally came back into the theater room, it had been quite a few minutes since they left, so I guess it makes sense that they would be back now. Looks like its about time to go see the fuck mothering vampire himself!

"Crap, I forgot to get my stuff, I better-" He was about to head to his room to grab his stuff, but I stopped him before he could leave the theater.

"Izu, don't worry I already had a Bee get your shit, since I knew you would have wanted to ask questions, and figure out more about the system." We have been doing better on his mumbling problem, but his analyzing habit still needs to be worked on plenty.

"Anyways, now that everyone is ready, I'll give a brief description of what we can expect on this quest." Its best that they already know about the death, and carnage that they'll probably witness while in the world of Hellsing, abridged or not.

"We will have to face several types of enemies, Vampires, Ghouls, Nazi's, religious pieces of shit, and in one case, a Nazi Werewolf. But under no circumstances should you try to fight a man in a red hat that looks like an extremely pale version of Ozzy Osbourne, he is practically immortal, and any damage you do will be healed in a matter of seconds." Can't have them possibly getting killed by the Vampire of all Vampire's, I know I can save them, but I don't want to risk them getting hurt.

"Wait, we're seriously going to go against Vampires? How the hell?" Just because I told Izuku one of my quirks came from the Vampire King, doesn't mean he expected to fight Vampires.

"Better question, where the fuck do Nazi's come into the equation?!" Simple, Hitoshi, mother fucking zeppelins, or a closet in the case of Schrödinger, 'cause you can't tell me that cat femboy is completely straight.

"That's for you to find out, also Guts, you'll have to stay here, sadly. I don't want to risk you getting hurt, but don't worry, when we get back you get the first pick of Devil Fruits!" At first my little companion was sad, he usually stays by my side most of the day, so to be suddenly seperated like this, even if it'll only be a few hours for him, it was a little upsetting. Though, he was happy to know that he gets to have a Devil Fruit, since he was listening to what I said earlier about them.

"Now, without further delay, Monokuma, started the quest!" At my words red portal like holes opened under Hitoshi, Izuku, Mei, Tenko, Himiko, and me. The six of us fell through them almost instantly, it felt like we were going through the same place the Doctor goes through whenever he uses the Tardis to travel in time.

Hundreds of colors and sights flashed past us faster than we could properly comprehend them, we stayed like this, in this light tunnel, for what felt like almost an entire hour. Then it all suddenly stopped, the colors went dark, everything in view started to look nonexistent, and finally we were thrown out of it from another red portal that faced a grassy terrain.

We each landed onto the ground, some landed superhero style, some just used their powers to ease the landing, I was one of the former. It has been shown on multiple occassions that Conduits can withstand an absoulte fuck ton of fall damage, so this much wasn't that bad.

But, the next thing I knew a girl tackled me to the ground, and begun to bite my neck, sucking my blood. Though, once I looked at the girl, and saw the blonde hair, I realized who it was, the Police Girl herself, Seras Victoria. She must have just been turned, but why did she go after me specifically? Eh, fuck it, I'll just let her feed for now, then I might kick her ass later for this.

And I'm definetly not letting this continue just because I've come to like the feeling of my blood being drunken because of my Vampire like girlfriend. Totally... dammit, I'm going to eventually make Seras mine, aren't I?

Surprise ya'll! I'm not dead! I just needed to take a break to focus on a project for one of my classes. But, now that it's done, we'll go ack to our regularly scheduled chaos!

The_Fae_Childcreators' thoughts