
MHA:The Founder’s return

Eren Jaeger, the founding titan has found himself in a new world, a new world full of strange superpowers with villains that could destroy whole cities. Chapter 1/day

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9 Chs

Chap 7

It had been a week since they arrived in America. All Might and Izuku were having the time of their lives, while Eren, not so much.

"Mikasa, Armin, everyone, I am so sorry." Eren had spent his time in the world forgetting what he had done back in his world. He hung his head low, his shoulders slumped forward, and his face twisted with self-doubt and shame, his mind consumed by thoughts of inadequacy and failure, making him feel like he was nothing but an absolute failure, a loser, a devil. much like how Reiner must have felt when he learned the titans inside the walls were no more human than the humans outside.

During the past week, he reflected on how fast he adapted to his new world. He just couldn't believe he had accepted that he was in this world so quickly. He stared out at the unfamiliar cityscape, with towering skyscrapers, flashing neon signs, and a large amount of people bustling about their daily lives. It all seemed so surreal, like a dream he couldn't quite shake off. But as he took in the sights and sounds of this new world, a strange feeling began to stir within him. It was a mixture of curiosity, wonder, and excitement, all rolled into one.

He found himself drawn to the vibrant energy of the city, eager to explore every nook and cranny, learn its secrets, and immerse himself in its culture. And as he walked through the crowded streets, mingling with the locals and soaking in the sights and sounds, a sense of belonging began to take hold.

He just couldn't believe how quickly he had come to accept this world as his own, and now that he was here, he had no intention of ever leaving. I mean, how could he? Nobody would forgive him, but perhaps here he could have a second chance and save people instead of becoming the villain. In eight months was the entrance exam, at least that's what Izuku had told Eren. "An exam where you get to go to a school to become a hero. I'm sorry to everyone, but in this world, I'll save everyone and repent.

Today was the day they would go back to Japan, but before that, Eren wanted to check out his powers. During the week Eren had been in the newly recovering city of New York, he had seen gangs of criminals making plans to meet up, up north just by Maine but a little farther, yes, that was right, New Brunswick. However, before he made his way up to Canada, he had promised Izuku and All Might that he would meet them at the beach.

Eren stood at the edge of the beach, his eyes scanning the crowd for any sign of Izuku and All Might. He had promised them that he would meet them here, and he wasn't about to let them down. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore was soothing, and the salty sea air filled his lungs.

After a few minutes of searching, he finally spotted the familiar figures of his friends, waving frantically at him from a nearby umbrella. As he approached, Izuku and All Might jumped up to greet him, their faces beaming with excitement. "Eren, you made it!" Izuku exclaimed, pulling him into a tight hug. All Might clapped him on the back, his trademark grin stretching from ear to ear. "Young Midoriya, you're hugging a little too tight." Izuku laughed apologetically. "I'm sorry. All might."

They spent the day soaking up the sun, playing beach volleyball, and building sandcastles. Eren couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over him as he watched the waves roll in and out, the sound of laughter and chatter surrounding him.

As the day began to draw to a close, they settled down on the sand to watch the sunset, the sky turning shades of pink and orange. Eren felt a sense of gratitude for this moment, for the chance to spend time with his friends and forget about the weight of his past. After doing all of this, Eren realized he never went in the ocean that was right next to them.

Eren had always been fascinated by the ocean, its vastness, and the secrets hidden beneath its surface. But it wasn't until he arrived in America that he realized just how much there was to explore. "Eren, do you want to go with us to go sightseeing?" Eren shook his head, "No thanks, I'm fine staying here."

When All Might and Izuku had gone out to see the sights, Eren decided to take a dip in the ocean.

As he swam deeper and deeper, the water grew darker and colder, but Eren pressed on, his curiosity driving him forward. Suddenly, he felt a strange sensation in his body—a tingling that started at his fingertips and spread throughout his entire body.

Before he knew it, he was enveloped in a blinding light, and when it faded, he found himself transformed into his titan form—but not just any titan form. This was a bird titan, with huge wings that spanned over 15 ft.

Eren flapped his wings experimentally, surprised at how effortlessly he could stay afloat in the water. He realized that he could fly, and the thought sent a thrill of excitement through him. It was time to catch those villains.

Without a second thought, Eren took to the skies, soaring over the ocean's surface and marveling at the beauty of the world around him. He flew for hours until he spotted a group of criminals gathering on the shores of New Brunswick. "I've been waiting to manifest and put all my frustrations somewhere; you guys are my perfect target."

The air around Eren began to shimmer and distort; the ground shook, and the air was filled with a deafening roar as Eren emerged as the colossal titan, his form towering 300 feet into the air.

As his massive body settled into place, Eren became aware of the chaos he had unleashed. Buildings and infrastructure lay in ruins, crumpled like tissue paper under his weight. Trees and vehicles were flattened in his wake, and the streets were choked with debris and dust. Flames leapt up from the ruins of buildings, casting flickering shadows across the rubble.

Eren's colossal form loomed over the city, his steaming breath washing over the destruction like a wave of heat. Very few had survived; however, even the ones who did survive died after only a few seconds. The massive destruction and chaos caused by this force would not be looked over by the world; however, what would the world do against him, the Founder.