
Deku - A King’s Reward: Chapter 6 - Itsuka Kendo & Setsuna Tokage (Part 1)

The skyline of Musutafu was beautiful at night.

From the right vantage point, one could see the expansive city stretch from the coast with the Pacific all the way to the illustrious UA High School to even Mount Fuji, one of the jewels of Japan, silhouetted in the background. At night, the multitude of hues, made from the light of all the buildings and vehicles as people went home to eager families, created a beautiful ocean of colour.

And one of the best ways to appreciate a view like this was in one of the tall apartment complexes dotted around the metropolis. While most people either lived in modest residences on the city's outskirts or possibly in a larger house closer to the forest park, those who could lived closer in the city. Because when there's a growing economy, high security from a significant number of top rank heroes patrolling your region, and you're located within cycling distance of one of the best hero schools in the world, prime property was in high demand, with most top floor penthouses having a price tag in the millions.

Your residence was symbolic of your place in society, and the higher up you lived, the more people you had to look down upon.

Most of these penthouses provided their owners with the idea of maximum safety and security. Their vantage point meant that you were difficult to reach, even by people with aviation quirks. And even then, management prided itself on providing the most up-to-date safety measures and surveillance they could afford, from cameras to guards to emergency lockdowns in the cases of attacks. These weren't just homes, they were also strongholds.

But even the most tightly-monitored and secured fortresses could not stop the occasional rat from slipping through.

In one of these homes, dark and empty, completely devoid of any inhabitants, a scuttling could be heard. If anyone was there, they wouldn't have seen anything, but would have sworn that it was coming from above their heads. This mysterious sound clanged and ringed all across the ceiling, effectively tracing a path above the entire structure, before finally halting, having found its opening.

*Clang* *Clang* *Clun-crrsh!!!*

The room echoed with the sound of a falling grate as the cover of the air vent was knocked out, bouncing on the ground. Then, in a disturbing sight, two disembodied hands and, more macabre, a single eye floated out of the vent and surveyed the room. The eye somehow squinted, searching around in the dark, before it finally spotted the main door. Floating over, the limbs made quick work of undoing the few locks and bolts and opening the door, allowing two figures to enter.

"I'm still not sure about this," the first one said, keeping their voice to a whisper. "We should have brought back-up."

"It'll be fine," replied the other softly as the hands and eye reattached to their person. "Any more and it would have been too obvious."

"I know that, but… are you sure you wanted me? Stealth isn't exactly my forte."

"You complain too much. Besides, you're more than sneaky, you bring the 'pow!'" They exclaimed, gesturing a punching fist in the dark. "Now, where is… aha!"

With a flick, the main lights turned on, revealing the two interlopers.

The first was a young woman of slightly tall height, dressed in a turquoise qipao that clung tightly around her fit form. As a teenager, she was certainly more muscular than most girls in her grade, but her fitness had only improved over the past few years of working professionally, as seen by the lean muscles developed in her arms and thick, muscular thighs exposed by the slits in her dress. Her most noticeable feature however, other than the turquoise domino mask she wore, was her distinctive orange hair she wore in a high side ponytail. But despite her impressive form, she gave off an air of uncertainty, no doubt anxious about their current situation.

Her partner, however, was the exact opposite. Standing shorter than the redhead, the other woman seemed much more relaxed as her dusky green eyes roamed keenly around the room. Instead of a dress, she wore a much more scandalous skin-tight purple bodysuit, emphasising all of the curves of her mature body; both it and the mask were designed with a unique scaled pattern. Combined with her sharp teeth and moss-green hair, she gave off an especially reptilian flair.

"I still think Reiko or Shihai would have been better for this," Itsuka Kendo complained.

"Well, it's a bit late now, isn't it? So quit your whining," Setsuna Tokage snapped back, still trying to keep her voice low, before walking into the apartment. "We've got an evil lair to pillage."

It seemed that, despite his many unpleasant memories here, Izuku Midoriya simply couldn't leave the city he called home for good.

"Can't believe I'm doing this," the ginger muttered to herself. Honestly, Kendo still wanted to bail out on the mission. Her instincts were telling her that this was a horrible idea. Even though she was no longer Class Rep, she was still someone who took charge and trusted her gut more often than not.

But Setsuna was smart. Her strategies had paid off more often than not and had helped them out of many difficult situations with a win. That was the only reason she agreed to go along with this. "Remind me again what we're looking for."

"You know, any piece of information that we can pass along to others. A laptop, a USB, some files. Anything that the Resistance might find useful to give the HRD a kick in their balls."

"And you think you'll find it between the couch cushions?"

"Hey," Setsuna clapped back as she started unzipping pillows. "I don't see you doing anything. Give me a hand, will ya?"

Kendo rolled her eyes at the obvious pun, but nonetheless joined her friend in searching. The sooner they found something, the sooner they could get out of there.

"Fuck, this place is fancy," the lizard-hero exclaimed, her dislocated head lying around the room searching for every nook and cranny she could find. Despite the hut, she couldn't help but admire all of the expensive furniture and artwork that made up the villain's home. "It's nicer than most of the Top Ranked heroes' places I've been to. You think he got all this on a government salary?"

"Doubt it," Kendo responded, who by now was searching through the kitchen, almost fruitlessly. "We always wondered where the League was getting their funding when they were hiding. Now that they're out in the open, guess he's got money to burn." She sighed as she examined some of the high-tech appliances she wished she could afford. "And they say crime doesn't pay."

Eventually, the two heroines had scoured the entire living room-kitchen area top to bottom, going through every drawer, cupboard, pillow, pot, corner; anywhere that something might be able to hide something no one wanted found. Soon, one of them was losing their patience.

"Damnit, this is getting us nowhere!" Kendo whisper-shouted. "Setsuna, I don't like this. We should get out of here while we still can."

"I told you, we'll be fine," the floating head tried to reassure. "The guards at the front desk will still be knocked out and the virus Mei made for us has the cameras and the rest of the security scrambled for the next 10 hours." Internally, Setsuna thanked the gods for Mei Hatsume. Every explosion or occasion where she forced her to try a new prototype 'baby' was forgiven when she agreed to make the pair that miracle device. She didn't even care that what she was making them was highly, highly illegal. She just saw it as a challenge. "Besides, we might never get an opportunity like this again!"

"Oh come on. We still don't know when he's getting back. Admit it, this is a badly thought out plan. We should have gotten more info than just relying on what your cousin's boyfriend told you."

"Hey, cousin's fiance's brother," Setsuna clarified. "He's the only one I know who works directly for the HRD. That's more reliable than most others have."

"And he swears that he heard Shigaraki say that Deku had something planned for his 21st birthday, right?"

"Yup. He didn't know what the specifics were, but he said that it was going to be big. And we already know he's not spending it at home. So if we're lucky, he might just be busy the entire night having whatever dumb celebration those villains have and not even come back." Setsuna saw that Kendo wasn't entirely convinced and sighed. "Fine, fine. But let's check one more room and then we can go, okay?"

Kendo stood there for a moment, looking as if she was considering her options, before sighing. She always had a hard time saying no to one of her oldest friends. Setsuna let out a silent cheer as the two made their way over to a closed door.

"You'll see, this will all be worth it. We'll be faster than Iida with a rocket up his-huh?"

Whatever witty remark she was about to make quickly fizzled as she pushed down on the handle and, much to her annoyance, nothing happened.

"What gives? Why won't this…?" Frustrated, the lizard hero turned to her companion. "Kendo, do you think you could give this door the 'Monoma' treatment?" Kendo just rolled her eyes.

"The whole point is that no one knows we were here. I'm pretty sure a broken-in door is going to be a dead give-away."

"Fine," Setsuna huffed. "I'll try and find another way in. Anyone who decides to lock a door when they're away is no doubt hiding something. Let me see if there's any openings I can spot."

And with that, she made her way over to one of the large windows and yanked it open, stumbling slightly as an intense gust of wind pushed her back. Soon, her levitating head floated off of her shoulders and through the narrow space.

Setsuna had to admit, the view from up here was definitely beautiful. She just had to make sure that she didn't look down. Despite having done stuff like this with her quirk for years, the thought of being so many storeys high made her a bit nauseous.

'Come on, Setsuna. No time to enjoy the view. Now let's see what we have-that's interesting,' she thought to herself, as she saw that not only was the curtain open in the next room, but the light was unmistakably on.

'Okay then. Nothing suspicious about that at all. Maybe this'll be easier. Now let's see what we have-what the fuck?!'

When Setsuna had first come up with the plan to break in, she had tried thinking about all of the possible things that they could possibly find in the home of Japan's biggest and most powerful villain: an office filled with notes and a map detailing a plot for world domination, a secret lab with a new generation of Nomus growing in vats, a vault filled with stolen treasure and artwork from all around the globe. Heck, she was even half expecting a marble statue of the man himself, considering the size of his ego.

But she never could have predicted this.

The first thing she realised was that she was wrong about the place being empty. She was very, very wrong. Because right in front of her was the back of a man with an unmistakable head of dark-green hair. Her stomach plummeted as she instantly recognised who that behind profile belonged to. Setsuna cursed herself as she realised that he was not alone as he was talking next to another man who… looked the exact same from behind…


As Setsuna's mind rushed to make sense of the situation, she soon realised that the two were not alone. Far from it as the room was filled with people. Many sweaty, naked people. And all of them were engaged in some act of… Oh. Oh God! But more than that, it was who was involved that rendered her speechless.

All around the bedroom (a fact she was quickly able to realise), multiple Midoriyas were occupied in some capacity, each one of them were in various stages of undress. Some seemed to be dressed in his usual semi-formal outfit whereas others were completely naked. And each one of them were either sitting, crouching, standing, lying on the ground, etc. They were either alone or in groups with one another, like a series of vignettes from an intense porno, with women all over the room. But what was worse was that she recognised most of them:

To the side of the room, a dark-haired woman and a blonde were dressed in frilly lingerie, panties shifted to the side as they squatted over two Dekus lying on the ground with their arms supporting the back of their heads, each one grinning smugly. The women's backs were facing the window, but Setsuna had spent enough time staring at those large asses on the news or in the classroom to recognise their owners. It seems that she caught Mt Lady and Midnight in the middle of a perverse competition as the pair squatted up and down, hands on their heads, as they moved at a regular tempo.

Nearby, she saw Mandalay and Pixie-Bob being held up in the arms of two men; their legs splayed out in a lewd display. Both of them were wearing fur-lined underwear matching the colours of their uniforms along with fake cat ears and claw gloves in an obscene erotic parody of their hero costumes . They were each held aloft with the men's hands hooked underneath the crux of their legs, each forming a W-shape as each was powerlessly fucked, facing one another as if they were on display. And even though the thick glass muffled all sound, Setsuna could see from their rolled-back eyes and tongues sticking out of slack jaws that the two were lost in the pleasurable experience.

But just when she was wondering where the third member of their team was, Lizardy didn't have to look long before she spotted Ragdoll's sea-green hair as she was surrounded by three Dekus all to herself, kneeling as they surrounded her. Down there, the bubbly-butted Pussycat was doing her best to please all three of them at the same time, wrapping her lips tightly around the cock of the middle one while jerking off the other two with her free hands. There was no view of her face, but based on how quickly and enthusiastically she was bobbing her head and working their shafts, she was just as into it as her teammates.

Forcing herself to look away, Setsuna turned her direction to the right, hoping for something different, less depraved, but no such luck as, on the bed, a blonde woman she didn't recognise was on her hands and knees being double-teamed by two Dekus, one thrusting into her mouth while the other ravaged her pussy from behind. It was enough that it seemed the poor blonde had to grab hold of the one Deku's firm butts just for some stability. She wasn't sure if she was getting a good look but it seemed that the poor girl was wearing what she thought was an American flag bikini, but she couldn't be sure as her tits were jiggling wildly in their confines like a pair of waving udders.

Behind the bed, Setsuna could see a large crowd of around 5 naked men gathered around one person, however the mass of bodies meant that she couldn't get a good view of just who they were surrounding. All she could do was pray for the poor woman

Turning away from them, at the back of the room, the heroine saw a fawn-haired girl dancing on a table for the viewing pleasure of another Deku, fully dressed this time. Setsuna could make out she was wearing a maid's uniform but, even from the outside, she could see that there was no way that outfit was made for cleaning. On the incredibly curvy woman, it looked way too small to the point of pure indecency. Her roaming hands as she danced drew the viewer's eye to her plunging cleavage, showing off her big, fat titties, or the too-short skirt that constantly exposed the bottom half of her luscious ass and her lovely long legs. Even with the headband and lacy white stockings, there was no illusion that this wasn't an outfit made for a stripper (seriously, Setsuna had belts that were wider than that fucking skirt). The accidental voyeur could have sworn that she recognised that girl from Shiketsu or somewhere.

But it seems that they weren't the only ones busy with the couch as, sitting next to the man whose eyes were glued to the slutty maid, a woman was sitting on a naked Deku's lap. Even though her view was obstructed by her long black hair, Setsuna could easily infer that the woman's tongue was jammed forcefully down the man's throat as his hands were making their way underneath her skirt. It seems that she was just as eager to feel his hands grope her, as she rotated around in his lap and… oh. Oh no…

There had been reports that Momo Yaoyorozu had been captured by the HRC a few months back and, even worse, rumours that she was seen working for the enemy as his assistant. Now, most of her UA year refused to believe these stories, as there was no way that someone as moral, dignified and strong as the class representative of Class 3-A would betray everything her and her friends held sacred.

But the evidence was right there, as Setsuna could only stare, slack-jawed, as Momo fiercely kissed the man who was undoubtedly their enemy. She kissed him over her shoulder, hands moving up to bring his face in closer and locking it in place. Meanwhile, his hands were snaking their way up her pencil skirt and to her white button down which he nimbly undid, causing her massive breasts to pop out, barely being contained in a black bra that seemed to strain under their sheer mass. The young man she was kissing didn't hesitate to take advantage, instantly moving to grope and squeeze the marshmallowy flesh, an action Momo seemed to enjoy, evidenced in how she forced his head in closer.

Setsuna could only stare dumbfounded.

'Oh, Itsuka isn't going to like this.'


Lizardy's head jerked back as something solid smacked into the window panel, causing the thick material to shudder. Her head swivelled back to the window from where it came from, quick to hide her presence, like a rat scurrying away from potential predators. Eventually her curiosity got the better of her and she finally had the courage to go back. Carefully peeking over the side, she quickly wished she hadn't as she got a front row view of Himiko Toga's face squished firmly against the glass, completely naked, as a Deku railed into her again and again, grabbing hold of her wrists to give him the most leverage.

Most people would find the position to be comfortable if not painful. But Setsuna could see from the way her eyes rolled back and the massive grin on her face that Toga was loving every second of it.

'I need to bleach my eyes. We've gotta get out of here!'

Flying through the open window, Setsuna reattached her head and called out to her companion.

"Itsuka, I fucked up. Deku's here. We've gotta bounce, so grab your shit and-"

The heroine's warning to her friend was cut short as she backed up into something firm and humanoid behind her. Slowly turning around, she found herself not looking back at her fellow partner in crime waiting for her, but rather into the dark-green eyes of Deku.

"Good evening, snake."

That was all the warning Setsuna got as, before she could even react, a fist slammed itself into her stomach, causing her to keel over and wheeze, all of the air leaving her body.

Deku, not wasting a second, quickly moved to incapacitate her. However, someone with a quirk as tricky as Lizard Tail Splitter was not easy to pin down, so he did his best to swiftly move behind and wrap his arm around her neck while grabbing hold of one of her wrists with his free hand, forcing her to face a specific direction.

"I wouldn't struggle so much if I were you," he whispered, his raspy voice sending chills down the verdanette's spine. "Not unless you want us to punish your friend."

Before Setsuna could ask what he meant, her eyes landed on exactly what he wanted her to see.


Her fellow hero was currently stuck in her own struggle, but it was very clear that she was in a much worse situation, as not one but two Dekus were restraining her actions, bending her arms in ways that wouldn't allow her to utilise her quirk at all; wrapping their limbs around her to hold her head and legs in place. One even had an arm wrapped around her mouth, restricting her voice. As much as the ginger woman tried to struggle and push against them, she just couldn't break their iron grip on her, a fact which she voiced in muffled grunts of anger.

Setsuna cursed to herself. This was all her fault. She should have at least left an ear behind in case something went wrong, but because of her arrogance, she allowed three of them to take her off-guard. This was literally the nightmare scenario.

She turned back to her captor, staring daggers at him.

"Let us go, you bastard!"

"Hmm…" the Deku hummed, considering the demand. "No." He looked down at her, meeting he gaze head on, before busting out a laugh. "Oh come now, don't look so mad. You can't really expect me to allow a couple of party-crashers off scot-free now, can we?"

He directed his question towards his copies, who both nodded in agreement with him. Setsuna felt a cold sweat begin to drip down her back.

"Oh, here's an idea," the main Deku continued. "Since it is my birthday, I'm in a generous mood. And because you put in so much effort just to get here…"

With his free hand, he snapped his fingers and gestured towards the bedroom door. The other two, understanding the meaning, yanked Itsuka towards it, ignoring their struggling captive.

"Why don't you join us?"

He, meanwhile, pushed Setsuna forwards after them. She would have fought back, but just before, she saw the shift in his eyes; it was hungry, predatory. Her heart seemed to stop as it pinned her in place, unable to fight back. Assessing the situation told her that such resistance would only land them in more trouble.

With each step, she felt her heart rate increase. And as she went through the door, the very air around them seemed to change.

The moment her foot stepped through, every one of her senses were assaulted. The first thing that hit her was the smell, as the air was filled with the scent of sweat, alcohol, perfume, and something else that reminded her of very private moments alone at home with the things hidden underneath her bed. It overpowered her olfactory senses. Then there were the sounds. All over the room, the sound of moans, cries and grunts of pleasure echoed around them combined with the rhythmic sound of flesh slapping on soft flesh, either from hips slamming against one another or a hand coming down to spank a juicy fat ass. Every now and then, a sharp gasp and a cry of 'cumming!' joined in. The noise was inescapable as each one only seemed to egg on the rest, creating a cacophony of bliss.

And then there were the sights. Everywhere she looked, women were being penetrated by the same man in so many different ways, being bent over or thrusting their bodies towards them, hands roaming and squeezing all over, it was hard to believe. Seeing it from outside was one thing, but to witness it in person, mere feet away that they were close enough to touch, was a different experience entirely.

It was all too much. Her mouth felt dry, her breathing increased and her pupils dilated at the feeling of adrenaline coursing through her. Suddenly her tight-skin uniform felt a bit too tight and she needed to loosen it slightly. Parts of her body felt more sensitive and the only way to solve it would be to grab and massage the feeling away. Oh God, just the thought of it made it feel like a fire was lit deep inside her core. Her heart beat so hard she could hear it in her ears. She just wanted someone to reach down and… and…!


Setsuna didn't get to finish the thought as she was suddenly pulled away by three Dekus.

But while the young heroine was getting lost in the sights, there was a pair of more mature women who were focused on more… important things.

"Eighty five. Eighty six. E-Eighty-seven. Eighty-ei-ei-eiiii!!!~"

"Seventy nine. Eighty. Eighty o-o-ooohh I'm cumming!!!~"

Near the window, Midnight and Mt Lady felt their legs buckle slightly as they both climaxed, having to pause just so that they didn't collapse. Both of their bodies were starting to sweat heavily as their chests heaved, even their masks were slightly askew. However, as soon as they made eye contact with the other and saw that their rival hadn't collapsed, a newfound sense of competition and determination filled them and thus continued their contest, increasing the speed of their squats.

Beneath them, the two Izukus grinned.

"Come on, Yu. Don't fall behind that old cow."

"Remember, ladies, it doesn't count if you don't go all the way to the base."

In this corner of the room, the two heroines were challenged to see who could do the most cock-squats over Izuku. Each clone had to lie on the ground quite comfortably as the ladies forced themselves to pierce themselves on the fat cocks again and again. It only counted when their hips slammed together, meaning the women had to endure the pleasure of having their cervixes rammed against constantly. The Izukus, meanwhile, just had to lie back and enjoy it, feeling their tight pussies clamp down each time they came. They had a beautiful sight as, with their hands behind their heads, their shoulders were then forced back, making them arc their backs and thrust their bountiful milky mountains forwards. With each squat, the ladies' massive titties bounced up and down, jiggling wildly either together or separately, much to the men's viewing pleasure.

"Ninety-one. Ninety-two. Ninety-thr-"



And each time they didn't go all the way, they would receive 'encouragement' in the form of a hand spanking them on the bottom, as seen in how Mt Lady gasped at the sharp contact with her ass.

"Yu, you can do better than that. Shake those hips more, slut!"

"Ha-ha-how many more until I – ahha – win?" she forced out.

"Only 100… no, 150 more. Keep it up." He smacked her shapely rump, causing her to speed up her bouncing.

"You too, Nemuri."



And so they went, moving like pistons in a continual fuck-machine. Truthfully, the two Izukus weren't really keeping score or abiding by the rules, being willing to change them as they saw fit. That also included their encouragement, slapping those fine asses whenever they wanted. Why wouldn't they, as each time they did, they could feel the ladies squeeze down tighter. And one certainly enjoyed it more than the other, as Mt Lady's massive shelf of an ass was covered in more red hand prints than Midnight's.

"Huh, I can't believe they're making them do all the work," one Deku said. "Where's the fun in that?"

"I know, right?" another responded, grunting from his own efforts. "I much prefer actually taking action. And they like it a lot, right Pixie-Bob?" he asked the woman in his arms.

"Ye-ah. Ah! Ahha!" the blonde cooed, unable to utter a proper word.

"Good girl." With that, he raised her higher, pulling out until only the tip remained, before ramming her down completely, causing her eyes to widen and her mouth form an O-shape as she gushed furiously down his cock in a powerful orgasm. She could never hold back when her fit body was used as a toy. She would have liked to voice her approval, but couldn't.

The other Deku seemed to nod in agreement, but was busy nibbling at Mandalay's neck as he screwed her, causing her to arch her back further and wriggle in his grasp at the sensation, mewling enjoyably.

The third Pussycat, meanwhile, was unaware of the erotic situation of her teammates as she was still busy at work pleasuring the three men in front of her. She eagerly sucked, licked, rubbed, and fondled each of their dicks, shifting her mouth between them so that none ever felt neglected. Whenever there was a thick dollop of precum, Ragdoll would move to lap it, savouring the strong taste.

"Fuck, she's gotten really good at this," the left Izuku noted, moaning as he felt her massage his testicles.

"I know. All of those hours underneath our desk seemed to have - mmph - paid off," groaned the right as she nuzzled his cock, wrapping her eel-like tongue around the rim.

"She's a good little pet, aren't you, Ragdoll?" commented the middle rubbing his hand in her green locks. "I think she's earned a treat, don't you guys agree?"

At those words, Ragdoll's big yellow eyes lit up. She pulled out the fat cock out of her mouth to nod, staring up at them adoringly. "Yes, Master. I've been very good."

"Does Kitty want some cream?" he asked her, stroking himself off as his cock throbbed in his hand. He grinned wolfishly as her nodding became more furious. "Good, now open wide."

With that, his stroking began to increase as the other two beside him followed. Ragdoll opened her mouth as wide as she could, lolling out her tongue in anticipation, as three bursts of hot, sticky spunk burst across her pretty face and boobs in a messy money shot. The musky smell hit her like a truck, making her nostrils flare and sending overwhelming signals to her brain. She quickly moved to capture as much in her mouth as possible, but with how much there was it simply wasn't possible. Soon she was licking her reward off of her body, scooping it off with a finger and sucking the appendage.

"Mmmh," she purred happily. "Thank you, Masters."

"That was fun," said the middle Izuku, by now seemingly leading this little intimate action, "Now, men, I think it's time we should move on to some 'team-building,' wouldn't you agree?"

Realising his meaning, the two other copies smirked. The centre one then whistled towards the Izukus hold-fucking the rest of the Pussycats. "Hey, you two, your time is up. Now hand them over."

"What?" complained Mandalay's partner. "We're in the middle of something."

"Yeah," agreed Pixie-Bob's. "We haven't even come in them yet."

"A deal's a deal. Your turn is up."

The two Dekus rolled their eyes, but nonetheless obliged. They carried the struggling woman over to the others, bouncing them along the way, before slowly laying them on the ground. Pixie-Bob groaned at the loss of contact, reaching back up for her partner, whereas her large-chested leader seemed grateful for an opportunity to catch her breath.

Her relief, however, didn't last long, as they were soon surrounded by three silhouettes.

"Come, Kitty," the first said. The greenette, having finished cleaning herself, eagerly crawled over, beckoning his call. She positioned herself between her two tired teammates. While her friends were lying on their backs, Ragdoll desirously shimmied her hips from side to side, causing her lovely pert buttcheeks to jiggle. She giggled as she could feel their eyes staring right at it, enjoying them being charmed.

"W-W-Wait a minute," Mandalay stammered nervously, as she felt being forced apart once again and something long, thick and very, very hard press against her slightly gaping entrance. "This isn't fair." Looking to the side, she saw that the other Pussycats were in a similar position, although they seemed to be much more receptive, as Pixie-Bob was openly spreading her glistening nether lips while Ragdoll had her wide hips gripped and grinding against the crotch of another.

"Don't worry, Shino," her yellow cat compatriot reassured her. "I know that you only got one while I had three to myself, but I'm sure Master will fix that. We just need to be good kitties for them."

"T-That's not what I'm saying, Tomoko!" she yelled. It was obvious that her friend completely missed the point. She was always like this when she got incredibly horny. She turned to the man leering above her. "Please, I just need a break. If you do it again so soon, I'm gonna go ma-aaAAHH!!~"


"Oh Fuuuuck~!!!"

Quickly, all three Pussycats squealed out in pleasure as they were all rammed powerfully, Izuku's cock spearing all the way to their cervixes. It was one way to shut Mandalay's complaints up, as she was too busy crying out in euphoric bliss to protest. The sudden penetration was too much for the heroines as they all orgasmed simultaneously, their cries creating a beautiful harmony that only inflamed the clones' passions, making them rut all the more. It was a veritable display of animalistic mating. And for those three cats, they wanted nothing less.

The two Izukus from earlier, however, stared at the scene, frustrated at the sight of their partners being dicked by other men, even if they all looked exactly alike. But just as quick as that annoyance bloomed, it faded as they went to a different part of the room. After all, there were plenty of beautiful women to choose from.

"So, are you enjoying the festivities, Lizardy?"

The young woman closed her dropped jaw, but didn't say anything. She was still trying to process the sight in front of her. Five heroes that she grew up knowing and respecting, one of whom was her goddamn teacher, were copulating to the demands of the biggest villain in Japan, degrading themselves for his pleasure. Just the sight of it made her blood boil; how else would it explain the heat coursing through her whole body or the way her heart pounded in her chest?

"Now what's with the scary face?"

Setsuna bit back a snarl as the Deku who captured her turned her around to face him. He had been there the entire time, forcing her to watch and whispering huskily in her ear like commentary. He was so close that, even through his formal clothing, she could feel the firmness of his muscles through it all as his body pressed close to hers. From what she saw and felt, she was sure this guy had a body fat percentage in the low single digits.

"You know, Setsuna," he said, tilting her head up so that her slitted-green eyes met his glowing ones. She hated that he was using her name. "You don't have to force yourself to be left out. Look how much fun your fellow heroes are having."

His words only seemed to incense her more. "Fun? I don't know what sick thing you've done to them, but there's no way they'd ever consider this 'fun,' you piece of shit!"

His infuriating smirk seemed to grow at her defiance. "Oh, someone has a mouth on them. No doubt because you're feeling pent up. But don't worry, we can help with that." With that, he whistled to someone over her shoulder, not that she could see since he held her in place so tightly, but she didn't have to guess for long as she felt the presence of two others behind her. She felt her disgust brewing inside her. "Don't worry, we'll take care of you. But first…" He moved his hand so that it was cupping her chin.

"Remove your head."

It took a second to understand what he said. For a moment, she just stared at him dumbfounded. But then her brain processed it.


The man remained unfazed. "Remove your head. Detach it. I know exactly what your quirk is, Lizardy, so don't act surprised."

Setsuna glared at him. She wanted to spit at him, cuss him out further, anything to defy his odd request, but she couldn't. She could feel the other two begin to grab hold of her shoulder and arm. She was surrounded and couldn't escape. And she didn't want to think about what would happen if she annoyed them further. To her or to the other women.

She continued to stare daggers at him, their gazes unwavering, before eventually she acquiesced, feeling her head begin to float just slightly above her collar. "Hey, what are you doing?" She struggled as she felt the other two begin to pull her body away.

"Don't worry, you're in good hands," the main Deku said, smiling at her. He raised her head up higher so that it was on level with his. "Alas, poor Setsuna…"

This earned him a well-deserved eye roll. That particular joke had been made more than a few dozen times in her life and it was just as unfunny as the last time she heard it. Now she had one more thing to add to the list of 'Reasons to hate Deku.'

"You know, for someone so pretty, you sure have an angry face. Are you always like this?"

"What did you say, you bastard?" her eyes swivelled back to him. "Why don't you say that a little closer and I'll bite that smart mouth of yours off!" Emphasising her point, she snarled at him, baring her pointed teeth and clacking them together as if to bite at him.

Deku let out a breath of air, then a slight chuckle, then broke into a full laugh. "What's so funny, asshole?"

"I'm sorry, but I just realised how cute you are when you're so riled up. Don't worry, we'll help you with that."

"Wha-" the head blushed at the sudden compliments. "Don't you fucking call me cute. I don't want to hear that from- Hey, hands off!"

She yelled as she suddenly felt hands begin to caress her disconnected body. Although she couldn't see them, she could feel as their strong paws moved down her arms and waist, rubbing her shoulders and squeezing her hips, tracing every curve of her body. Despite the strength they possessed, their touches were gentle, warm. She hated how, even through her skin-tight costume, each graze sent tingles coursing through her skin, making her pulse quicken. The fact that this man made her feel any positive emotion only fouled her mood further.

"Relax, Setsuna, they won't hurt you. We just want you to unwind a little." Izuku cocked his head to the side. "Besides, it's true, you are very cute."

Despite trying her best to stay angry at the man, Setsuna couldn't help but become slightly flustered at his words. The reason for that is that she never got many compliments while at UA. Despite having a few hookups, she was never anyone's first choice when it came to looks, not when her competition was the likes of Momo, Itsuka, Mina, Ochako and others. She didn't have the biggest boobs or the tightest ass and most guys weren't quick to hit on her. The reason for this was that, despite her intellect, most people usually found something about her to be off-putting, whether it be her abrasive personality, her jokes, or her quirk which some labelled too creepy.

So to receive the attention of an admittedly hot guy like Deku, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

And it wasn't as if Izuku was lying to her either, for in his eyes the reptilian hero was more than attractive. He knew just how smart she was from getting his hands on her teachers' reports (something he did for all UA students of her year, especially the recommended ones) and was thoroughly impressed by her strategic and lateral thinking. Furthermore, her quirk was fascinating to him, as the first time he read about it, his mind went into overdrive theorising about all of its possibilities, uses, and weaknesses.

But it was also true that, in his opinion, she was very pretty, with her animalistic eyes, sharp teeth and messy moss-green hair (which kind of reminded him of his own). But that was to say nothing about her body. While she was not as developed as some of the other women in the room, Setsuna had an amazingly fit and curvy body, which was only emphasised by the skin-tight nature of her purple costume, which practically hid nothing. Her more modest bust was perfectly round and firm, while still having a slight bounce, more than enough to fill a handful. Similarly, her body was rather slender and seductive compared to most women's, from her flat stomach to her narrow waist, before puffing out with wide hips and a lovely globe-shaped ass that was perfectly soft and fun to squeeze, before ending with a pair of lovely long legs. It's no wonder the two others were having a hard time not ripping off her garment and groping her naked flesh right then and there.

Setsuna Tokage was one sexy serpent.

"Why is it that all you heroes have to be so hostile to me all the time? Am I doing something wrong?"

"Doing something-? Are you fucking insane? You're a fucking villain!"

"Oh, come now, just because I'm the Bad Guy doesn't mean I'm a bad guy," he responded, pouting. He was actually fucking pouting at her! She was sure that everything he did was designed to piss her off.

"Is that what you tell yourself? After everything you've done? The things you've stolen, the destruction you've caused, the lives you have ruined?! Do you know how many classmates lost their jobs because of you?!"

Deku looked at her intensely, saying nothing. For a moment it looked as if Setsuna had succeeded in shutting him up. But then he opened his mouth. "Of the 39 graduating students of your class, nine of you had your licence suspended while three had them outright revoked. Of those nine, four decided not to undergo the review and found employment elsewhere, putting what they learnt at UA to good use." His gaze suddenly hardened. "So yes, Setsuna, I do know."

Lizardy opened her mouth to respond, but no proper words were formed as she stammered to produce a clever response to him. She was hoping to trip him up. It was rhetorical, so how the hell was he able to pull that statistic off the top of his head? It would help if there wasn't a hand dangerously close to her ass!

"Of the 27 members who passed, I expected better from you, Setsuna. I paid very close attention to your year, considering the number of run-ins we had with you all over the years. And you were actually one of the better years," he began to chuckle. "You should have seen what Ketsubutsu let some of their students get away with."

"Oh, and that makes it so much bette- Mph! Stop it!" It seems that while she was talking, the two clones in charge of her body had moved on from touching her and were now getting her to reciprocate. Even without sight, her fingers made out the impressively defined and strong lines of their muscles, the undersides of their developed pectorals, the grooves of their abdominals, the softness of the occasional scar tissue. It felt like she was groping two stateus carved out of warm marble. Growing up around heroes, she was no stranger to impressive physiques, but there was no denying that touching this man made her feel things that her fellow heroes didn't.

She swallowed nervously as she realised that her fingers were moving completely on their own, wanting to feel as much of them as possible and, even worse, she couldn't stop them.

"Furthermore," the verdanette continued, "Of those 27, twelve gave up their licences voluntarily. I'm a fair man. It's not my fault if they decided to return to ordinary life. Or to scurry around the underground like rats." A twinkle shone in his eyes. "Or snakes."

"Y-You think you're so morally righteous, don't you? Just because you're in the p-public eye and work in government doesn't mean y-you've changed." Damnit, why was she now stuttering? She didn't know why, but she could feel something was wrong with her physiology. Her breath was getting heavy and her body was too warm. She could feel herself writhe in place, inadvertently rubbing against the hard torsos. Had they moved in closer to her? "You're still a piece of shit who g-gets off on hurting othe- Hey!" She cut herself off as she felt a hand squeeze around one of her boobs.

"Oh please, It's not like I torture people. I just make sure that their punishment for breaking the law fits their crime." He then brought her head towards his and- Oh God, too close! She could literally smell him. It was a mixture of smoked wood, petrichor, natural musk and something she couldn't quite pin down. She always thought of villains as gross, dirty delinquents who didn't care about hygiene, but she had to admit Izuku Midoriya smelt quite good. It kind of made her mouth water- Wait, what the hell was she thinking?

She shook her head violently, trying to clear such thoughts away. There was no way she would ever recognise him as being even the tiniest bit attractive.

"Besides, I don't think your colleagues are complaining," he whispered to her. It was quite ironic that, despite her persona, he sounded more like a viper. "Didn't you see how happy they are?"

"I-I don't know what you did to them, but I know you gave them something. That's the only way anyone would enjoy that sad, pencil-dick of yours." Despite the situation, Setsuna forced herself to stare into his eyes, even as they suddenly became more intense. She felt quite smug at being to get at least one more jab out at him. "What? You compensating for being so lack-mmph!" Unfortunately, she was shut up as she felt a finger begin to trace in a very particular spot just between her legs.

"Huh, you know you're not the first to make a comment like that," he said, his voice getting dangerously low. "And you're not the first I've had the pleasure proving wrong."

Before the young woman could respond back, she felt her wrists being taken hold and moved downwards, slowly, from the space between their pectorals to the middle line of their… begrudgingly mouth-watering abs to even lower until she was touching-what the fuck?

At first, her mind wasn't comprehending what her hands were feeling. They were two long rods, each one hot to the touch. Then there were the sizes. She could already tell she couldn't wrap her fingers around them entirely. It was thicker than her arm! Heck, she wasn't even sure if her small hands went halfway. And they were hard, so hard that she at first thought they were iron that had come out of a forge. But they weren't iron. She knew this as she squeezed both nervously and felt they were flesh. This… this couldn't be…

"So do you take it back?" he whispered. "Or do you have nothing to say?"

Setsuna wanted to snipe back, but her mind was too busy feeling out whatever it was were in her delicate hands. There was no way this could be their dicks. It was true that, during this entire time here, she never actually saw what he was packing as she was more trying to get over the shock of seeing her fellow heroines being screwed to notice what they were being screwed with, but she had enough experience in school and in her social life to recognise a normal cock. And this wasn't one!

"Wha-? Bu-? I don't-?"

"Ah, I see I've found something that shut you up." Even though his grin had returned, the look in his eyes were no less intense.

"There's no way…" Her eyes widened as she felt the things throb powerfully in her grasp; it was if they had their own heart beats with how she felt them pulse rhythmically.

"Oh, it's been a while since someone's had this reaction. So, now do you think they're happy?"

Setsuna wanted to say something, anything, but couldn't as she felt her head begin to swim. A fog seemed to cover her brain as she tried to look behind her, to turn around and make sense of the situation, but couldn't as the veritable Hamlet held her struggling top tighter.

"Oh, has something caught your interest? Can you feel its weight? It's girth?" She couldn't help but release a tiny squeal as he said that, nor when he brought her head so close his lips were almost touching her ear. She could feel her body shudder as she felt his warm breath blow across her skin. "But seeing is believing, after all. So tell me, Setsuna…"

"Do you want to see it?"

The verdanette's mouth went dry, meaning she couldn't sputter out a response. So Izuku made the choice for her.

Slowly, he pushed her head away from his and then began to lower her until she was staring directly at the space between his legs. To Setsuna, the massive bulge he was pitching was almost ridiculous as it seemed to throb even down the length of his trousers. And the smell! Whatever was permeating through the air earlier, it was no doubt more potent in this area. She just couldn't look away.

Then, at a torturous pace, he began to undo his trousers. The pace was agonising as, even though he only had one free hand, it was still so leisurely. She was about to yell at him to hurry up when…



Lizardy couldn't help but coo in shock as she felt something swing out of his trousers and slap her on the face. She could only gape dumbly at the piece of meat as it rested on her face, practically blocking her vision in one eye as it rested on her. The last tiny bit of denial died within her as her green eyes ran wildly across its veiny shaft. She now knew that feeling it did not do it justice at all, even as her hands jerked faster in response. As she felt the heat radiating off of it, she could also sense the drool that was now escaping her mouth.

"Do you like it?" Deku asked, smug as can be considering he already knew that answer.

"H-How are you so fucking big?" she asked, never taking her eyes off the massive weapon in front of her.

This actually got a laugh out of the hung stud. "Well, not all of us are lucky enough to be blessed with a quirk," he said, "but that doesn't mean we aren't gifted in other ways, as plenty would attest." For a moment, Setsuna wanted to disagree; that the man wasn't born quirkless. The evidence was right before her. How could a quirk not be responsible for the obscene growth in front of her? Did the Midoriyas have an animal quirk gene inherent in the family that they didn't know about? Because the cock in front of her was more suitable for a horse than a man!

"You know, you look so cute with that dumb look on your face and your mouth stuck open for me, Setsuna," he snided, not that the woman had any sense to care about that. "But you've been so patient." With those words, he moved her head back until she was positioned juuust before the tip of his cock, where the bulbous red bell-end was leaking a bit of thick precum. Instinctively, Setsuna opened her mouth wider. "You know, I haven't had any action this entire night. So you better feel honoured to have the first taste!"


Despite her best efforts, nothing Setsuna could have done could have prepared her as Izuku shoved her head down on his cock, forcing inch after inch of thick dickmeat down her throat. Her neck bulged as her lips wrapped as her jaw stretched to its limit to accommodate his sheer bulk, but even that didn't seem to be enough. Izuku never let go of his grip in her moss-green locks and pushed past the tight seal of her small lips, humming pleasurably as he felt her noticeably sharp teeth graze across the skin.

Eventually, he decided to be merciful, as he stopped halfway down his length, but even that was enough to make the poor woman splutter and choke on his dick, her cries being muffled almost entirely.

"So how do you like it, Setsuna"

"Mmmph! Mnngh! MMMnghk!!"

For once, Setsuna was actually glad that he proved to be so well-endowed as she was worried she might say something she would regret. Because as soon as his precum and sweat touched her tongue, which was wringing around his shaft like a serpent, she could feel her mind slowly cloud and the warmth in her nethers spread throughout her entire body as her arousal grew.

Izuku forced the floating head back and forth across his fat rod, thrusting forward in synergy with her, each time forcing more of his meat down her gullet. With each pull out, more of his cock was covered in her spittle as she spluttered all over it. Izuku was surprised that he didn't see the tip begin to poke out the end of her neck.

'Oh fuck, he's too big. He's using me like a flesh light. He's going to break my jaw. But… why does it feel so good?! I don't want it to stop!'

As Izuku continued to mercilessly facefuck the poor heroine, he could see how she was beginning to give in, as he saw her hollow out her cheeks and increase the suction of her lips, tightening the seal around him.

He wasn't the only one, as to the side, her headless body continued to writhe and shimmy in place, being supported by the other two clones. While she was no longer able to jerk them off, that didn't preclude them from having fun, as they wasted no time. Having been given the green light, they went to work on her sexy body with everything they had, hands moving to cup and massage her boobs, rub over her stomach, reach down and squeeze her lovely butt and thick thighs, all the while their mouths left love bites on her shoulders and arms, even biting through the scaly material to make sure she felt their teeth. They were having a blast exploring her body and finding every way to make her wetter.

And as her body squirming in pleasure from the molestation, she felt herself rub up against their tight muscles, especially the two extra legs that were pressing against her thighs.

Meanwhile, the main Deku had managed to force her head all the way to the base of his cock, his balls slapping against her chin and drumming all around the room, which only made her chokes and muffled screams louder.


'Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck! This feels so fucking good! I can't remember the last time I ever - ooh - felt like this. If this continues - mmhm - I'll… I'll…'

Setsuna couldn't even finish the thought as she felt a finger make its way between her legs and begin to rub, making her head go blank, which only made her squirm and wiggle faster.

Finally, her break would come as Izuku felt his balls churn powerfully, begging for release. He had reached his limit. With a final grunt of effort, he sheathed himself entirely down her oesophagus and blew his load into her. An entire night's worth of built-up spunk was finally released like a dam. The texture was thick and the taste was incredibly potent, enough that it completely overpowered her senses.

And just as the first drop landed on her tongue, the two Dekus used that exact moment to pinch both her clit and her nipples, triggering her own orgasm, which created a large wet stain on the front of her hero costume.

For a few minutes, they stood like this as Izuku finished pumping his cum inside her. He was lucky that his theory that her disconnected body parts created self-contained portals to one another (how else would she not bleed to death when using it?) thus not a single drop was wasted as it was poured directly into her stomach.

Finally, he pushed the head off his cock, which was released from the tight seal of her lips with an audible *pop.*

"Phew, now wasn't that good, right Setsuna?"

The dazed look in her eyes told him she wasn't fully all there at the moment as she quietly mumbled 'muh, muh moore.'

"See," he chuckled, reattaching the stupefied head back to its body. "I told you you'd enjoy yourself." He looked down as he noticed the stain between her legs. "Damn, you've really made a mess of yourself. Come on, why don't we help you take care of that? But first we have to get this uniform off of you, understand?"

Despite her state of oxygen-deprivation, the lizard girl still was able to weakly nod as she was led away by the three men, where a ruthless fucking by three fat cocks awaited her.

"You know, that could be you if you just accept."

Throughout the entirety of Setsuna's affair and introduction to the party, the group were being watched fixated by two pairs of eyes, one in enjoyment and the other in silent horror. Across the other side of the room in one of the chairs, an Izuku was sitting down with a highly uncomfortable Itsuka poised on his lap.

Throughout her entire time here, the ginger heroine had remained silent. While her friend had mouthed off at the first opportunity, spitting out expletives like they were needles, Itsuka chose to remain silent, believing it would be better to maintain some form of composed dignity instead of reacting vehemently against them (even though she really, really wanted to). She wanted to show them that they wouldn't get a rise out of her.

And one had taken that as a challenge.

"Come on, now. Surely part of you is somewhat curious to know what it feels like." This Deku moved closer until his mouth was right next to her ear. "I can tell you're excited."

The feeling of his breath formed goosebumps on Itsuka's skin, making her shiver, but still she said nothing. She wanted nothing more than to punch him, to beat the crap out of every one of these smug bastard copies, but she couldn't. Not when it could put her and everyone else at risk of his wrath. Instead, her eyes roamed around the room, trying to formulate a plan of escape.

"You know," he carried on, his fingers trailing down her arms, gentle and soft like spider legs. "Despite the facade you're putting up, I always know when they secretly enjoy it. Your body is at least honest." With that, the hand he had resting on her knee began to move upwards along her muscular thigh, getting closer to her nethers and making her shudder all the more. "See?"

Now she really wanted to punch him.

She turned around to look at him, staring death in his eyes. "Don't you ever shut up?"

"Oh, so she can speak," Deku said with mock amazement, completely unfazed by her glare. "Well, my dear, one of us has to fill the silence." At that moment, a loud *SMACK* and a cry of 'fuck, I'm cumming!' courtesy of a squatting masochist sounded from nearby. "Metaphorically speaking, of course."

"Well, maybe I was hoping you'd take the hint that the last person I'd want to talk to is an egotistical, low-life, evil piece of gutter scum like you who has his head shoved so far up his ass I'm surprised he hasn't been smothered by his own bullshit!"

For a moment, the Deku actually paused, his body halting in complete shock as he tried to process her words.

But then, just as Itsuka thought she had won a small victory, he leaned his head back, roaring with laughter. "Oh God, and here I thought you were going to be one of those prissy, no-fun, stuck up sorts, but I was dead wrong, Itsuka." Using her real name earned him a low growl. "But it seems I've managed to put a crack in that mask of yours." He leaned back with a sigh. "That's what I love about UA girls, I always have to peel back a few layers to expose your true selves, but it's all worth it in the end."

"Is that so?" she asked defiantly. She knew she shouldn't egg him on, but at this point she couldn't resist it any more. Izuku was glad to see that her temper was as fiery as her hair.

"Oh, I know," he purred. "And part of that fun is how I do it. We can either go slow and tender or…" he leaned so close that their noses almost touched. "I can do it the way we taught Setsuna over there."

A tense silence existed between the two as they both stared at one another, challenging the other to respond. But Deku could see he had gotten to her from the flames in her eyes. "I would never break so easily."

"Oh, what makes you think that?" he asked, cocking his head to the side as he lifted a hand to cup her chin.

Now it was Itsuka's turn to smile. "Because I'm Battle-Fist, third in my year, I already have 300 confirmed arrests on my record, I've defeated much scarier villains than you; Beast Master, Nightmare," with each word, she could feel her confidence grow, "I led the charge in breaking up the Osaka gun smuggling ring and I was the first person to be recognised by and intern under Mirko."

"Mirko?" Deku asked, actually looking surprised. "The Rabbit Hero? The most stubborn, hot-headed and cocky hero outside of Endeavour? The one who threatened to break every bone in my body in an interview when I first announced the HRD? You mean…"

And with a flick of his hand, he forced Itsuka's head to the side towards the crowd of clones near the bed.

For a moment, Itsuka was about to question why he was doing that, but then she saw a gap between the two of them, and her heart plummeted.

When she first came into this carnal hellhole, she never was able to see what had garnered such attention. But then she saw a figure between them all. Crouched down, she was towered by the men around her, but Itsuka could still make out her muscular back, her dark skin gleaming with sweat and complemented by her long mane of straight white hair, now messy and clinging to her form. It flowed down to the bass of her spine, where it then curved out into a huge, perfectly formed caramel bubble butt that slammed up and down hypnotically. Any doubt to who the owner of that ass was was quickly destroyed by the pair of iconic bunny ears resting on her head.

"...that Mirko?"

Itsuka's words died in her throat as, undeniably, there was the Rabbit Hero, Mirko, another victim of this hedonistic orgy.

Itsuka could only stare as she saw Rumi Usagiyama, her mentor, continued to bounce her hips up and down. She couldn't see it before, but she was busy squatting over a lying down clone, plunging herself down on his tower of a cock again and again ferociously, those massive globes of flesh clapping against his muscular thighs with every bounce, causing them to wobble deliciously. Itsuka couldn't see her face, but she can tell from the sweat and speed that Mirko was exerting a lot of effort to take so much up her cunt each and every time.

"It's a lovely sight," the Deku she was sitting on commented. "I could watch that bunny butt bounce for hours. That small cotton tail of hers is especially cute." As if it could sense his words, Itsuka watched as the tail twitched slightly. "Though, I must say, Itsuka," she could feel his hand begin to trace up her thigh, then shot up past the opening of her dress and grabbed a handful of her own perky behind. "You've got a nice bum as well. So lovely and firm~"

Itsuka couldn't help but squeak as she felt him squeeze. By pure reflex, she swung her fist around, aiming for his face. But before it could make contact, Deku grabbed hold of her wrist and pinned it behind her back, trapping her. "Now that wasn't very nice," his raspy voice entered her ear, causing a sense of bile to grow in her stomach.

"Well, why don't you let go of me," she growled, "and I'll show you just how 'nice' I can be."

Izuku raised an eyebrow at this sudden display of confident aggression. "Is that a threat, Battle Fist"

"It's a promise, you useless, quirkless Deku."

With just a few words, the villain's entire demeanour changed from extreme cockiness to something dark and rageful. She felt a chill go down her spine as his eyes lit up in anger, completely swallowing her bravado. She felt like a small dog who had pissed off a much bigger wolf with its yapping. Kendo swore that she could even see some traces of purple aura floating off of him.

From what Bakugou had told her, those words were sure to have an effect. But now she realised she may have seriously fucked up.

"You know, I was forgiving before, but I think I've reached my limit." Looking over her shoulder, the martial artist gulped as she saw his eyes light up, seemingly glowing in their sockets with a mischievous glint. "I think you finally deserve punishment."

Midoriya stood upward, effectively pushing the woman off of him, but still held onto her like a leash. With that, he forced her towards the bed, paying no heed to how she struggled in his grasp. Instead, more and more of Pheromones secreted from him, pushing it more and more around him. With each step, another cry of ecstasy filled the room. It seems even the fiery redhead was not immune as her knees began to buckle beneath her and her thighs rubbed together as her heart beat so fast, she thought it may explode.

It was an agonising few moments until finally, they reached their destination. The two Dekus stopped pounding and looked at them, still sheathed completely in the blonde woman's pussy and mouth, giving her an opportunity to rest for a moment.


The two said nothing, but eventually relented, pulling out of the sweaty blonde completely, making her weakly moan from the loss of sensation. Itsuka could see that her milky jugs had leapt free from the confines of her patriotic underwear and were hanging out freely, shining in the light. Carefully, she was lifted from the bed and carried to another part of the room, her rest no doubt being very temporary.

Itsuka had to wonder, was there a hierarchy in this debauched place? Did some copies have more authority than others? Or was it out of fairness to their still-clothed brother who hadn't had any action up until now?

Itsuka wasn't able to get an answer, as she was flung down onto the bed, cringing as they felt wet. She highly doubted sweat was the only bodily fluid that soaked the sheets.

"Asshole," she growled over her shoulder, her eyes raging like hot coals. But the man was unperturbed, meeting them with his own fire.

"It's quite adorable: you, trying to act all tough and angry with your ass sticking up in the air like that," Izuku replied, amusement dripping from his voice. The trim of the heroine's qipao had been flipped up when she was tossed down, thus exposing her beautiful peach to his eyes, hiding nothing. His mouth watered as he thought about sinking his hands into that pliant soft flesh and kneading it to his heart's content. "Huh, tell me, are thongs a requirement for all heroes, or do you just like the danger of showing off your ass when you fight?"

As if to emphasise his point, he reached forward and tugged back the dark-green material that was nestled so comfortably in the space between her cheeks, before letting it go, enjoying the satisfying *snap* of the material against her skin and the yelp he earned from the woman.

"J-Just get it over with," the redhead groaned, shoving her head into the sheets. SHe was too embarrassed to look at the man any further. She didn't want to admit that she wore such revealing underwear as she wanted to not have any parts of her panties poking out of her outfit. And if she was going to get fucked, then it was better that the torment ended.



"You're not ready," he continued, sensing her question. "I like my girls properly ready and wanting before sex. But don't worry, we can fix that." He whistled to someone across the room. Before Itsuka could turn around and see just what he had summoned, another person lay down on the bed behind her. And Itsuka's heart skipped a beat.

Kendo could tell that the person next to her was a woman, from how soft her body and skin was and how softly she breathed. But the most telling aspect was the two lumps of flesh pushing against her back. Two big lumps that she was very, very familiar with.

'No… please… don't let it be be-'


The voice purred in her ear and the woman's heart dropped. Slowly she rolled over and starred in the beautiful brown eyes of the woman she loved.
