
Part 7

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- Oh! - I stretched, getting out of bed.

Finally, those boring years of waiting were over, and I would be able to participate in the events of canon. If I calculated correctly, the swamp man will attack Izuka today, and I want to be there. Really not for the sake of the two guys and the main character from everyone's wet dreams, the Almighty. I saw the Almighty live at a town show once. It was a strange feeling to see someone who seemed like a fictional character.

I'm going there for the Mountain Lady, who's making her debut as a character tonight. Her debut is the reason I was able to pick a date. I really want to check her out in enlarged form! I still have that picture in front of my eyes of her covering a baby and her huge ones hovering right above the guy... I want to! I want to see this miracle of nature with my own eyes! I'm getting goosebumps!

I've been lucky enough not to go to school in this life. At first my agent didn't really care whether I study there or not, but after a couple of years, she persistently tried to force me to go to school, after many arguments I won of course, but I rejoiced at the victory not for long and after a week, every day I started to be visited by tutors. Although there is an upside to all this - it's still ten months before I enter Yuei, and I'm already fully prepared for the exams. So, following my morning tradition, I decided to browse the news feed, but today for a different purpose, and for now I should tell you about the small changes that had occurred during the years of radio silence.

I decided not to look for my little sister. Yes, it sounds a little cruel, but who knows what I might awaken if I got involved in anything related to our past. And I wasn't ready for someone strong to come after me. I just hope she's okay and we meet again.

- Toru! - Arizu flew into my room like a meteor, -Where are you spending so much money lately! Are you on drugs? - then she noticed I was in my underwear and flew out just as fast. - Get dressed and come downstairs, I've made breakfast! - she thinks I don't notice her red cheeks...

It's not hard to guess that my relationship with my mum got better, at first she sulked of course, but when she started to make just a colossal profit from Harry Potter and then even more from Star Wars. The series, in my account, lost something, gained something, and at the end ended with a slightly forbidden, but therefore only more savoury love story of brother and sister. Well, what did you want? Not Han Solo to marry her? Leia is a very beautiful, sweet and kind girl and she deserves someone more worthy than a pirate, smuggler, bandit, swindler and whoever else was there, let him sleep with his bear, although, then I also feel sorry for Chewie.

So, thanks to my books Arizu got even more popularity and only strengthened her status as a 'feel-good talent' and she was hired by celebrities all over the world. The fabulous money from the Potter film melted her heart and now she's trying to pretend to be my mum, at least while she's in Japan. She's always travelling because of work, and when she's home, she complains about it all the time. But I'm not okay with that, Toru Jr. is already awake, and I definitely want to have a 'fuck you' discussion with her.

Threw the phone away, got dressed and went to breakfast. At the table discussed the book I gave her a week ago. After Star Wars I took a break, but now I'm back to work and decided to give life to The Lord of the Rings, and I gave her the first part. Then once again we discussed my intention to go to Yuei, well, as discussed, she just yelled at me for being an idiot, that I'm an idiot, that I'll be brainwashed there and I won't be able to write, well, she's worried about me, but she tries to hide it. And lastly, she once again tried unsuccessfully to find out where I spend my money. I swallowed my breakfast, thanked her, kissed her on the lips, ostensibly without unnecessary subtexts, heard that she was leaving for another presentation of something and went to the park to leaf through the news.

How can I tell her I'm looking for a teacher for sex? So that I can finally get her down so that she can think about doing it again. Of course, with my money can and order a whore, the most elite, but I frankly squeamish, and therefore aimed at masseuses, they do not do such things, but if you find a lady of thirty years, which did not neglect herself and offer her a complete change of life, for what she will teach a young, beautiful, pumped up, and most importantly modest guy, to adjust his friend of abnormal size, I think someone will agree, and I will have a permanent partner, with whom I will gain experience. Or I'll seduce, for example, Uraraka, I'll attach Toru Jr. and the girl will break up, then our relationship will break up and so Toru Sr. will die alone, with a screw, up to the top full of porn, I wouldn't like that. What seemed like a harmless joke turned into a problem.

As a result, I spent half a day on a bench in the park flipping through the news about 'Lady Mountain', well, who is actually interested in some man in tights, when the city walking around the ass of such dimensions, but here flashed the news about how the Almighty pursued the thief, looking like a moving soup, and so it's time for me to finally see the main characters of this story - the butt and chest Yuu Takeyama in tight tights and enlarged size!