
Mha remade with a twist

J_O_N006 · Sci-fi
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72 Chs

Chapter Four: Home Sweet Home

"They should be docking here,any moment now" Izuku says as he walks over to the beach where he found Ace with Jirou and the now visible Hagakure. "There they are," Jirou says to the two as she sees the ship they left on stopping on the beach. "It Feels so good to be back,i missed you so much" Jeff says as he jumps off of the ship landing in front of Jirou hugging her tightly. "Out of the way"  Roger yells as he jumps off of the ship landing in front of Hagakure "heh,took you long enough to come back" Hagakure says as she hugs Roger. Izuku then asks the four of them if they are to come back to class or if they will need a day to recover from the trip "I'm ready to get back to U.A,btw what's happened while we were away, Also  Roger and I need to pay someone a visit before anything else" Jeff says as Roger sighs and nods "Hey,what's with the capes you guys and the scars,and what actually happened" Izuku said as he became worried "A lot has happened that we don't need to talk about,just know that we're back and stronger than ever,isn't that right Roger" Jeff says to Izuku as Roger for the first time in the two weeks back actually talks to Jeff after the disagreement they had. "Yeah,and we have a lot more than just capes and scars to show for it right Jeff" Roger says  to Jeff as they both become very silent after they both finish talking. "Let's get you guys home," said Hagakure. "I need to grab my stuff from the ship first i'll be right back" Jeff says to the group as Roger follows him to do the same. As they get on the ship Jeff's crew looks at him "What's in store for us,can we come with you guys,you guys are like family ,these two months have been nothing short of amazing when you guys came along" The crew says as Jeff thinks about it for a second as he comes up with an idea. "Marco, since you're the oldest here you can start a hero agency,it will take a little bit but if you do so then you can all be here with me" Jeff says as Roger begins to walk off of the ship. "And as for you, I apologize for my outburst when i punched you,i understand how you see things but i see things in a different light Roger,we were like brothers and we know that brothers are bound to clash heads sometimes so, If you don't accept my apology we can settle this another way" Jeff says to Roger who stops walking. "If you really mean this then fine,we'll settle our disagreement like men would, courtyard after school, no quirks, no joker, no transformations. just me and you duking it out with Haki" Roger said to Jeff with a slight smile across his face. "You're on" Jeff said as Roger hopped off of the ship. "Are you serious about fighting him captain,he's almost as strong as I am with all the training we did" Marco says as he worries Jeff can't beat him. "This isn't about winning Marco,it's about getting my brother back,and making sure I keep my emotions in check even if I felt I was right at the moment. It was genuinely uncalled for,ignorant,and a brash and bruteful reaction that never should have happened" Jeff says as he walks away. "I just had a better idea for you guys,apply to join the U.A as teachers or staff, Recovery girls could use an assistant and the hero assist department could use extra hands" Jeff said as he looked at Marco and the crew. The crew rushed at Jeff hugging him as they all cried tears of joy "Captain,you're so kind" The crew yelled. "Alright,I can't breathe," Jeff said as they all let him leave. Jeff picked up his two swords along with his hero outfit and hopped off of the ship. "Time to head home" Jeff thought to himself as he and Jirou walked to Aizawa's house "Dad,i'm home" Jeff yelled as he walked in the house, Aizawa hearing Jeff's voice for the first time in two months walked out to see his face. "heh,heh,heh," Aizawa chuckled under his breath as a tear began to fall from his face as he walked to Jeff and hugged him tightly "This is definitely new,when did you become so affectionate" Jeff said as Aizawa responded "Since now i guess,i know it's weird,i just haven't seen you in two months,and did you call me dad?" Aizawa said to Jeff "Yeah,I've been living with you for over a year now and you're like a father to me so I see no reason I shouldn't call you dad" Jeff said as Aizawa pulled away from him to let him get settled. "I guess you're right,well son welcome home. but it's 3:00 AM so i'm going to head back to bed now,you should too" Aizawa said as he went up to his room, "Yeah,Let's head to bed babe" Jirou says to Jeff as she pulls him upstairs by his hands. "Yeah, let's go," Jeff said as they went up to his room. As they got inside Jeff instinctively grabbed the separator so they don't touch while sleeping "Nuuh,no,i've been alone in this bed for two straight months so even if it's just tonight I want to sleep with you if it's alright with you" Jirou says to Jeff. "You're right,let's get to bed" Jeff says as they both get in bed and fall asleep.