
Ch 1 I hate parties

The darkness that's all I remember but a faint memory can also be heard in the back of my mind screaming people running and some people i barely recognize . AHHHH I'm starting to remember I was shot and I know why now.


June 4, 2024 7:30 PM Chicago

"Hey ma, I'm leaving for Trent's place for the fireworks show he's around the corner".

Yelled a voice from up the stairs

"Alright but I betta not hear you been acting a fool over there or else."

The reply came fast with a tone of no back talking the women was in the kitchen making hamburgers her appreciates is that one of Melanin skin that shined in the sun with red juicy lips her body figure was that of an hour glass and her ass was perky her blue jeans almost bursting out.

A quick set of running footsteps and from the stairs revealed a young man same as his mother sharing the skin tone he had more of a masculine facial structure that will have you looking back twice with dreads he towered over the woman looming over her.

"I want you home by 12 PM sharp you hear me miles" she points a finger at him while glaring maker her point across.

"Yes ma'am I will stay out of trouble and be home AT 12!" Uttering those words Miles walks out the door and gets on his bike riding to Trent's house.

The summer air of June is a amazing not a single cloud in the sky and fireworks or gunshots are going off In every direction Chicago isn't for the weak.

Miles POV

Finally pulling up to Trent's house I see that the rumors are true a huge block party. Trent was the typical rich white boy, parents had money they wasn't home all the time due to business trips and didn't care they had multiple houses around the country.

Pulling out my phone I give Trent a call and he answers "Yo bro where are you" he says through the phone the music in the back not helping. "I'm outside I just got here I'm on my way in." I said as loud as I could through the drunk/ high teenagers blasting sexy red "Don-D-D Com-e i-i-in M-acus a-nd hi-" the phone lost connection and all I heard was Macus or some shit

'I wish I knew what he had said or else I would of took my black ass home sigh but I can't change the past Resume'

Walking into the mansion I could see where the drinks were and my group of friend through the crowd making it through the mad house I dabbed everyone up and grabbed a cup and join the smoke circle a few mins later we heard commotion going on and of course can't have anything nice. Getting up to see what the noise was I could see Trent face to face with one of the opps Markus and his crew.

Markus was the known Bully wanna be gangbanger that hanged around underage high schoolers since he was held back twice and had multiple felonies he was a joke but his reputation was strong as he shot two of his cousins over a deal gone wrong.

Anyways have enough of this I walk up in between the two of all eyes were on us and the music even got cut way to go DJ I lookcch Markus in the face seeing I'm only a few inches shorter then in him me being at 6' and him 6'3

"So are we gonna have a throw down or what " I scoff not showing any weakness

" I don't know your homie here owes me some money for the weed we owes me" as he says that he lifts up his shirt and shows a Glock "And I'm not leaving till I get what's mine little man' In a rough raspy voice

Clearing my throat and using my head "How much does he owe you Mark" in a flat expressionless tone

"Hahahahataa" a wheezy laugh came from his cracked yellow teeth " how much boy do you think you could afford it?" "2 grand that's it and another 2 grand for the drink he bought from me and my boys"

Looking over my shoulder I wanted to smack my dumbass of a friend. (Imma be honest and just skip to where he got shot I'm running out of ideas) BOW BOW BOW BOW CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK.

Loud gunshots go off as I'm hit in the chest numerous of times then my vision goes black.


*Back in Darkness

3rd POV

Well i guess I'll just wait till god or something reaches out to me man my life sucked I just turned 19 and was about to head to college and out of that dump sorry ma I won't be home tonight…I hope you will live on for me. Well no time to cry about it I gotta figure out what imam do with my new life choices.q

Seconds turned into minutes and those turned into Hours then days then time flew passed in the darkness slowly my mind had forgotten what I was even there for and I slowly went insane talking to myself and wondering if I was in purgatory instead.

But then suddenly my environment changed I was in a park on a bench with a a field of red Spidee Lilies until I feel a weight shift on the bench to my left I see a woman she was tall really tall and her body was other worldy I say 7 foot like and her body was like that lady from resident evil her body had curves that could make heastia herself jealous.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting my dear, I'm a very busy woman but I've made time with a mortal such as yourself for you're bravery really made my juices flow, and oh my how I love a strong man."

Her voice was like honey from one of those JOI videos I've heard from Twitter and every word had me wanting more but I could not let this distract me

"Are you like the goddess here to rebirth me or something if so would like it to be quick I've been bored and wanna stretch my legs please." As much as I wanted those two planted around my Johnson I wanted to get out of here

"Oh yes my dear Miles I am just tell me what you want and you shall have it my young Horse"

she got up off the Bench and walked over the grass swaying her hips left and right her Bubbly ass tugging the white cloth she wore.

" Ok then I would like to be transmigrated into the world of my hero academia with the ability's of Ryomen Sukuna from jujutsu Kaisan I would also like to his true form but I would like to customize my body the way I like to please oh and also I want a super human peak everything so I can have a jump ahead of everyone."

The woman bent over plucking a flower off the ground turned and walked back sitting on the bench

"Is that all my sweet boy" she looked at the flower then at me "ummm I would also like to have the abilities the saiyan's from DBZ I know they are some heavy hitters in that world so I want Zenki as well and that is all my lady' she chuckled at the last part I said and blew the flower turning it to dust "then off you my sweet boy I'll be watching and waiting to see what you do next" reaching over the bench she wraps her arms around my and kisses me then my vision went black the last thing I remember was her name 'Hela'


Hey there I hope y'all enjoyed this first chapter chapter 2 will be out soon as well so pls enjoy