It was the morning of the entrance exam and I was pumped. I couldn't wait to show my power to the teachers of U.A. I even woke up earlier to make sure I had time to practice some new combos I thought of with my bow staff.
*1 hour later*
"I'm off, bye mom" I said in a energetic and cheerful mood.
"Bye sweetheart, good luck" said my mom as she kissed me on the cheek.
As I was walking towards the school I saw Bakugo and Izuku walking together. When I approached them they got startled. 'They must be over thinking' I thought as they both looked somewhat distressed. As we were walking I told them about my relationship with Momo and they were surprised. Not only that but Bakugo was furious that he lost to me in that too.
"How can you be stronger than me and get more girls bastard" said Bakugo with a annoyed expression.
"Come on Bakugo you know how good looking he is" said Izuku
After that me and Izuku bursted out into laughter due to how frustrated Bakugo was. We also started to tease him and it was good catching up since I haven't seen them in a couple months.
"Have you guys gotten any stronger" I asked with a curious expression.
"Ya, when I first got One For All you saw how badly I injured my arm. After sometime you left to train by yourself, I came up with a way to use it on my whole body. I call it "full cowling", though I can only use only about 35 percent right now" explained Izuku
"I also came up with some special moves. I came up with a condensed blast which I call AP Shot, I also strengthened my bones and I can release bigger and stronger explosions" said Bakugo with his chin held high.
'They got pretty strong, I wonder if any of them can come close to beating me now' I thought with a small grin on my face.
When we got there we all sat in the middle of the examination room. All three of us sat beside each other for the test. When we got the test I found it very easy as I'm already at college levels Hanks to my Perfect Memory skill I received from god. I easily scored 100, and I could tell the other two would do well since they both didn't seem nervous, and have always done their best at studying. When we finished the test Present Mic was explaining the practical exam. We listened during the start but we then started whispering amongst ourselves. Then a annoying kid with blue hair and glasses atrted yelling at us.
"Can you guys be quite, you being very disrespectful" said the fore eyes.
It had to be him, as I remember In the anime his name was liyda.
Just as Bakugo was about to say something, me being annoyed lashed out at him saying
"Shut up fore eyes, you have a stick up your ass or something. Your distracting everyone by calling us out. Plus we were only whispering so shut up and sit down"
Both Bakugo and Izuku were shocked, I've never lashed out, I was always calm and collected, but this guy just pissed me off. A couple minutes later we reached the practical exam. The good thing was I wouldn't have to worry about letting Bakugo or Izuku get points, I could go all out.
As we all stood out side the gate Present mic opened the gates and I immediately decreased my gravity by 15 and ran as fast i could. I was so fast that the naked eyes couldn't see me. I immediately saw a 3 pointer and one punched it as I increased the gravity of my had as soon it was about to hit by 30. After finishing that one I saw a 2 pointer and easily just almighty pushed it destroying it with ease. I kept doing this until I had around 200 points. 'This should be enough' I thought as I was about to leave but then it came. The 0 pointers loud foot steps could be heard a mile away. I rushed towards it and I used my horizontal gravity cut with a stop sign found laying there. I cut the robot into two, and by doing so I was confident that I would be accepted into class 1A.
( Izuku POV)
That must have been Tatsuya, it was probably the 0 pointer. I need to find more robots beat his score. He probably has around at least 150 points by now, while I have 115. *Heavy steps and a scream*
'What was that, I should check it out I heard a scream' I thought to myself. As I was about to reach where the scream came from I saw a bunch of people running from the 0 pointer. 'You guys wanna be heroes and you're running from a villain' I thought while having a angered look on my face. I looked closer, and saw that the person who screamed was trapped under rubble, and was about to be crushed by the 0 pointer. I needed to help her so I rushed in and lifted the rubble, picked her up and ran to safety. I would've caught the robot but I knew that with my current strength I likely would've failed.
(Bakugo POV)
" die,die, die, die" Bakugo said after every robot he killed.
*test ends*
'I should have atleast 120 points by now I'm pretty sure I passed' Bakugo thought while leaving the testing grounds.
(Regular POV(Tatsuya))
I'm pretty sure we all passed, though I feel quite bad for taking points away from a grape headed boy. 'I swear I've seen him in the anime before but I can't put my finger on it. No point in stressing over it' I thought to myself as I was leaving to meet up with Bakugo and Izuku. As I was walking
I saw many familiar faces like Monoma and Ibarra, but they'll probably still be in class 1B. As I approached my friends i asked them how they did.
" I'm pretty sure I passed" said Izuku with a confident smile.
"If he passed then I sure as hell did" said Bakugo in a cocky tone.
As we were walking home we had many topics we talked about and one of them being who Izuku saved. He then went on to explain he saved a girl with a cute round face and short brown hair from a 0 pointer. Me and Bakugo then started to tease him until we all went our separate routes.
When I got home my mom and dad bombarded me with questions.
"How did you do honey, are you okay" exclaimed my mom.
"Honey calm down he's strong, but seriously I wanna know to how it went" my dad said.
As I went over my day at the entrance exam from the test and the blue haired boy and to how I destroyed the 0 pointer, they were very proud and gave me many hugs and kisses on the cheek.
Hey guys here’s today’s chapter and I hope you will enjoy it. Next chapter will be more on Tatsuya relationship with Momo so I hope you look forward to it. Comment what you guys thought about this chapter. Have a great day guys and than you for reading once again:)