
10: USJ (1)


Sorry for the late update...

I was practicing the Dao of Procrastination...



"All right, for your Foundational Hero Studies, I, All Might, and somebody else will supervise you."

"Eh? What are we going to do today, sensei?" asked Sero.

"You all will be training in Rescue." he replied.

"Now, it's entirely up to each of you whether or not you're going to wear your costume. The training area is fairly far, so we'll get there by bus. That's all, now go prepare."


After putting on our costumes, we go on the bus and they start talking about quirks and popularity...

There was a seat designated for the Class President and Vice-President, courtesy of Iida.

"Hey Midoriya, I always say what's on my mind."

"Ah, yes, Asui?" replied the mentioned boy.

"Call me Tsu. Your quirk is very similar to All Might's"

"EH? I-i-is t-that s-so?" he replies.

He's such a terrible secret-keeper... And to have some fun,

"Yeah, it's almost identical..." I said with a knowing look and he freezes.

"Yeah! But All Might doesn't hurt himself when he uses his quirk!" exclaimed Kirishima.

"Y'know, I'm kinda jealous of that kind of simple-"

I tune out their interaction and talk to Momo.

"So, are you excited about the Rescue Training?" I ask the girl beside me.

"Yes! I asked Aizawa-sensei and he said that Space Hero: Thirteen will also teach us!" she said with excitement as she turns towards me. But she added with a blush,

"I'm sorry, that wasn't very lady-like..."

"Hey, it's okay. You're allowed to express your excitement. And now that I know Thirteen is going to teach us, I'm also getting excited." I reply with a smile.

"Her quirk is very interesting. Do you think so too?" she asked me.

"Yes, of course. I can't wait to ask her about her quirk when we finish the lesson." I reply.


In a bar, in a sketchy alley...

"Tomura... They're on their way..." said a deep voice from the TV.

"Thank you, sensei...

"Kurogiri, gather the cannon fodders..." said Tomura.

"Understood." replied Kurogiri.


As Momo and I talk about Thirteen, we hear Aizawa say,

"Settle down. We're here"


Once we went in, I see the size of it... And the anime didn't do this any justice. If you were to look at us from above, we would probably look like dots...


"It's so big!"

"Flashflood, Landslides, Firestorms, etc. This is a practical training area we created to simulate all kinds of accidents and disasters. U.S.J.! Short for Unforeseen Simulation Joint!" Told Thirteen.

"Ohhh! It's Space Hero: Thirteen!"

"She does phenomenal work with rescues!"

"I've always liked Thirteen..."

I hear part of what Aizawa says to Thirteen,

"Hey, where's ... Might.."

But I just ignore them and marvel at the sheer size of the stadium...


"Before we begin, I have one thing to say... or two... no, three... four... nope five things to say. As you're aware, my quirk is Black Hole. No matter what is it, once it gets sucked into its vortex, it will turn to dust."

"Yeah, it's perfect for removing wreckage and debris from accidents and disasters!" said Midoriya.

"Yes... However, it is also a power that could easily be used to kill people. Just like some of yours. Please don't forget that each of you possesses a quirk that one wrong step, will kill others, accidentally. That's all. Now, let's start the lesson!"

"All right, first things..." Aizawa says but he doesn't continue.

A purple vortex of fog appears mysteriously in the middle of the field. Coming out of it are many Villains. Though there are only 50+ Villains, there are also some of them scattered around this building.

"Woah! Cool, you even have fake villains?" asked one of the students.

"No, those are real! Everyone, gather together! Thirteen, protect the students!" shouted Aizawa as he puts on his yellow goggles.

When Aizawa jumps to confront the Villains,

"S-sensei?! You're going to fight them alone? But your battle style revolves around capturing the Villains after you erase their quirks! There are too many of them!" shouted Midoriya.

"A Hero always has more than one trick up their sleeves! Now, Thirteen I'm counting on you!" he replied.

"Everyone! Evacuate the building!" shouted Momo.

I turn to Iida and say, "Iida, you're the fastest of us from the class. You go call for backup." as I enlarge my staff.

"B-but I just can't leave you all here!" he refutes, But I reply,

"Don't worry about us. Just go!"

He reluctantly follows and gives me a nod.


As he runs, a fog appears in front of us, and it speaks,

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that."

He continues, "Greetings. We are the League of Villains. I'm sorry for the intrusion but we took it upon ourselves to enter U.A. to engage with All Might, and kill him. But looking around, it seems that he is not here. Has something been altered? Well, setting that aside, I'm-" He was cut off by an attack from Kirishima and Bakugo.

"Did you think that we won't attack you?!" exclaimed Kirishima.

But he was unscathed, "Ah as expected of U.A.'s Golden Eggs..."

"Run, you two!" shouted Thirteen.

But it was all for naught as Kurogiri surrounds everyone with fog, and suddenly they were transported to different locations.


{Akira POV}

Okay. Just as I wanted. I'm transported to the landslide area with Todoroki. Apparently, Toru is also here...

The Villains reveal themselves, I grip my staff and turn to Todoroki.

"Hey, can you take care of the Villains?"

"I can. But why are you asking me?" he asked.

"I'm going to help Aizawa-sensei. You stay here and collect any possible information you can." I tell him.

"Okay. But I'm going to join you once I'm done with them." he replied.

With that, I rush towards the Villains, smack some of them with my staff on the neck, and they fall. Many of them turn to attack me but they can't since they turn to ice.

I give Todoroki a nod and take a small disc from my belt,

"Enlarge" I get on it, "Slide". After I say that, I start sliding down the Landslide Site with great speed.

Phew... I sparred with my fellow judoka, but this time is different. This time, I'm going to fight with people who have the intention to kill us...


What did you think of the chapter?


On a story... Both the Protagonist and his/her Love Interest are reincarnated... Thoughts?

(If this has a positive reaction, then I might do something like this, in a different story...)