
The Final War begins!

A few days later

Izuku and Yuga were talking when All For One appeared!

Izuku said in shock "Yuga!? You!" Yuga cried, "Alas! I have no choice to protect Maman and Papa~!" All For One was wearing a helmet thing and said "Good Job, Yuga Aoyama." Yuga cried "Of course…" before spinning around and blasting out a laser at All For One's face, "'UNCLE'"

Izuku created a smokescreen and said "Good acting, Yuga!" Yuga replied "You too." Izuku said "I couldn't help it when your tears started flowing!" Yuga replied seriously "Those are very real. I'm terrified. I think I may have even wet myself." Izuku didn't know what to say, so he just said "Good Job!"

All For One sneered and said "Ungrateful… Well, it matters not. My Search Quirk can see all the Heroes in the country. They are too far away and cannot assist you in time, Izuku Midoriya!"

Black splotches exploded out as the Villains appeared, All For One shouted "It's entirely too late."

But black haze opened up behind Izuku!

All the Heroes and Class-1A burst out.

Monoma was controlling Kurogiri's Quirk as he laughed "THE STAR IS ME THIS TIME!"

Bullet landed on the ground in his armor and looked up at All For One, "Bullet. From this point on, Bullet will be Peak Superhuman in all aspects!" Bullet buffed up and his armor emitted steam as a low chuckle rang, "Thank you, All For One~"

Cathleen's Visage looked up at All For One and smirked "Damn bastard! Turned me into a ghost, get 'em kid! Keep your chin up, you got 2 Rules left!" Bullet replied slowly "This one is the most cost-effective. I can fight for days against this old nutsack."

Cathleen laughed as cages covered the villains, Endeavor shouted "Split them up according to the plan!" as the heroes pushed the cages into portals from Monoma.

Bullet shot off the ground and appeared behind Izuku, grabbing a syringe-like device.

Izuku was stunned and Bullet grinned, "Kick Shigaraki's ass." Izuku nodded and Bullet pulled on the syringe, catching Himiko in his arms. She looked at him and asked in a daze, "You-!? You have a Quirk?" Bullet chuckled, "Just got it, my dear. However, big brother is gonna need you to be a good little girl and come with me to jail, okay?" as he took her pouch of blood vials.

Her eyes widened as he crushed it in his hand, splattering blood in his hand, dripping to the ground. He looked down at her through the helmet, chuckling "Accepting repentance for your sins is the first step to atonement, my lovely little psycho sister." as he threw her through the portal to Ochako and Tsuyu.

He didn't have time for Himiko, he'll see her after.

He rushed out through a portal and appeared in the air at the Gunga Villa site.

He looked at All For One in his helmet and grinned.

Keigo slashed on his helmet and said "Aha… Forget it…" Bullet laughed and kicked behind him, saying "I'll go next." he smashed on the air and the jets on his back boosted him, shooting at All For One in an instant!

Bullet grinned at him and clenched his fist, a knuckleduster on the end as he said "Nighty-Night, asshole." before shooting his fist forward! All For One turned in an instant but still caught the fist!

There was a crunch and AFO shot into the ground, blowing out a huge crater! Even the ground started shaking!

Keigo whistled and Endeavor was shocked "That much strength?! What was the Rule?!" Bullet himself was shocked, saying "Peak Superhuman! This is what you meant by not comparable at all to All-Might?!" Cathleen coughed, "Well… All-Might is really strong, okay? This isn't even close to his prime!"

Bullet was dumbfounded and shouted "This is the strongest punch I've ever seen in my life, you sexy muscle-headed woman!" Endeavor commented, "Really not comparable to Prime-Might." Keigo and Bullet looked at him and he frowned, "What's that look for?" Keigo laughed, "You'd be the expert on that, right?"

Bullet laughed before getting sent flying into a mountain, "OOF!"

All For One floated back up with cracks all over his visor, "I'd expected that much from Star and Stripes' Quirk. However the damage has been done, how many Rules could you possibly create?"

Endeavor and Hawks shot towards him to try and do something but All For One said something sickening "Oh, Endeavor. It seems your heart isn't in it? Could it be? You're thinking about something else? That reminds me, you never DID find Toya's body did you?"

Endeavor froze and All For One shot toward with a wide open mouth sprouting from his fingers.

But Bullet shot in and punched his hand flying, laughing "Who cares? He doesn't need Toya, he has us!" before shooting at All For One, adding "You think your little mind games can shake up the Number 1 Hero!? You're a joke, nutsack head!" he slapped All For One's arms to the side and clapped his hands together, a loud boom sounded and blew All For One flying away.

Bullet said "Get your head in the game, number 1! I don't like lying!" Endeavor snorted and said "Thanks." Bullet smiled happily, "Good, cus yo-OOF!" before shooting out again.

All For One held out a palm and said "That armor of yours is very durable, boy." before Endeavor shot at him again, teaming up with Hawks but much more in sync this time.

Bullet shot back and said "I'm starting to get real angry about that…" as he joined in, punching All For One in the back of the head as Endeavor uppercut his face as it fell forward.

All For One flipped in the air and Hawks cut down on him but AFO pressed out a hand to him, blasting out a huge blast of who knows how many Quirks. However, Jiro and Fumikage flew by, Jiro making a soundwave wall in front of Hawks and protecting him.

Bullet lunged at All For One and punched at his face, but he caught the fist, saying "My, my… I've ADAPTED to you already, gnat." before his arm exploded into a huge amalgamation, punching Bullet in the stomach and cracking the armor.

All For One was startled and Bullet grinned, "Don'tcha know? My sweet little wife made this armor for me…" he shot a fist forward, roaring "IT'S FUCKING INVINCIBLE!" as he smashed All For One's mask, crushing his fist into his face and shooting him to the ground like a laser!

The ground bent and snapped up, chunks of rock, shooting up in a 'V' shape.

All For One blasted out and touched the broken parts of his mask as Jiro unleashed a massive soundwave at him. All For One screamed angrily "DAMN GNATS!" black hightech tendrils shooting out everywhere!

Bullet moved quickly, pulling Jiro and Fumikage behind him. Fumikage growled "Stop protecting us, bastard!" as his Dark Shadow wrapped them all up in a giant black egg.

Endeavor blocked for Hawks and said "You're too slow." as his right arm was shredded to a nub at the elbow.

The Dark Shadow unfolded, revealing tendrils sticking out of Bullet's armor, not that many but enough.

His helmet horns that were made from The Minotaur's horns… One of them shattered and crumpled away as his left shoulder guard shattered, his waist cape was in tatters and there was a huge cracked open on the left side of his helmet, showing his pink ringed left eye.

He pulled the tendrils out of his body and chuckled, "Gonna cry, Grandpa Nutsack?" Fumikage asked "Are you alright, Jiro?" she nodded with a sigh, "Not a scratch, thanks boys." Fumikage smirked, "Even the twilight of the abyss cannot allow women to be harmed."

Bullet laughed and spread his arms, "If I say Praise the Sun will you attack me, Fumikage?" Fumikage chuckled, "I didn't quite like that cult in Dark Souls."

Endeavor roared and attacked All For One, seemingly stronger than he was with his arm! Fumikage and Jiro were dumbfounded, watching Endeavor smash All For One into the ground before shooting down and dragging him through the earth, turning into the sky and letting out a full blast Prominence Burn!

Jiro said "Why didn't he just start with that!?" Bullet rubbed his chin, saying "Probably… Needed to lose an arm first? I'm really starting to like this guy!" Fumikage rolled his eyes and Jiro laughed, "You lose and grow arms like a lizard! I don't think Endeavor is the same!"

Bullet smiled and chuckled, "Nonsense! Everyone can try it. It's fun for all ages! Look at Hawks, he lost his wings, soon enough they'll come back…" Jiro laughed and Endeavor suddenly froze.

Bullet looked up and everyone froze collectively.

All For One's body regressed to normal, then from the scarred nutsack… he…

Bullet's eyes widened as All For One returned to his normal human self, "Apparently we were too desperate defending ourselves in the previous battle… and didn't manage to accomplish anything… But this time is different."

He looked down at everyone and smiled, "Heroes are the protectors and Villains are the invaders. So we'll keep moving forward until our dreams come true."