
Mei and Momo

A little bit later

Bullet was carrying food with a black eye and bloody nose. He smiled and Momo was walking with him, sighing, "I still don't know where to go… Only 10 drafts…" she almost started crying!

Bullet hummed to himself and Momo asked "Bullet?" Bullet looked at her, tilting his head. Momo pointed behind them, "We passed the Support wing a few hallways ago." Bullet was shocked and stared at her, dumbfounded!

She sighed and turned around, saying "Follow…" Bullet followed her, asking "10 Drafts, what do?" Momo sighed and turned her head, shaking it, "Don't know." Bullet hummed and replied "Bullet think, fight Hero good."

He looked at the list in her hand and Bullet smiled, "Mask said 'all trash'." Momo looked helpless, "Mask says that about everyone!" Bullet held the food with one hand, scratching his nose as he sneezed, before saying "Like Vigilante?"

Momo asked, "Vigilante?" Bullet nodded and smiled "Bullet's hero! Vigilante. Knuckleduster!" Momo looked troubled, "Thanks but…" Bullet smiled happily, "Is okay. Look mean and scary. But not! Very nice. Pull Bullet out of trash and buy clothes. But Bullet go back because warehouse demolish."

He sighed and shook his head before adding "No Knuckleduster, then fight hero. Or Support Hero. Even Mei okay!" Bullet pointed at the list with his elbow, tapping a name, saying "Uwabami big no." Momo looked at him and Bullet huffed, "Big fake! Only do TV! Bullet see more commercial than saving! Bullet don't believe hero! Maybe actor. But Hero? HA. HA."

He shook his head, snorting smoke "Big fake, learn nothing. Lose confidence. See fake hero pretend real hero, think world all same! But not same! Real Hero exist! Not only Hero but Vigilante too!" Bullet smiled happily, looking at Momo with crescent eyes, "All-Might real hero. Knuckleduster real hero. Aizawa real hero…"

He paused and forced a smile "Endeavor real hero too!" Momo smiled slightly and Bullet moved on, "No press okay. But not hero because no press! Hero, what do when nobody look! Hero see people danger and go go go!"

Bullet smiled kindly at Momo, adding finally, "Name, costume, not even license make hero! Hero normal people too! Bullet see guy push girl out of way of car! Hero!" He waved the food around them, saying "School no make hero, hero come to school! List, choose real hero, even nobody know is okay! Last on Hero list okay, not on Hero list okay too!"

He knocked his head on hers and smiled gently, "Momo strong, Momo real hero in future. Kill or no kill, no matter. Sacrifice is hero. Bullet say too many times, but say again! Lose arms, okay. Lose legs, okay. Lose life, okay too! What do with life matter. Commercials all day, think hero job, go to sleep after job ignore danger. Trash!"

He looked around before leaning in and whispering "Aizawa no want me say. He Bullet dad kinda. He go every night, sneak out in costume." Momo was shocked, Bullet smiled and nodded, "Class, sleep in bag! Night go be hero! Aizawa no sleep. This real hero, nobody say 'Aha save by Eraserhead' because Aizawa save and leave to save more! Understand?"

Momo nodded and smiled at him, her eyes very bright.

Bullet nodded and saw a door exploding. He smiled even more happily than before, quickening his steps. Momo smiled sweetly and followed him.

Bullet came to the door and looked at Mei laughing at the sky, "I REALLY THOUGHT IT WOULDN'T EXPLODE! AHAHAHA! WOW!" Before sniffing the air and snapping her head to Bullet, her eyes brightening in an instant "BULLET!" she ran over and jumped on him as he held the food in one hand. Mei latched onto him like a koala, feeling him up with her googles on as she wrapped her legs around his waist, "Hmm… You lost weight!"

Bullet sighed and waved his free hand, saying in shock "Mei no believe! Bullet sleep 2 days!" Mei was shocked "Sleep 2 days?!" Bulle let out a breath and gave her a look of 'finally someone understands' she bubbled up and grabbed his neck, leaning off while holding him, waving her wrench as she laughed at the ceiling "HAHAHAHA! OH MY GOD A NEW FAVORITE FACE! I. AM. ENAMORED!"

Before looking over his shoulder at Momo, snorting "Primate." Momo sneered while crossing her arms, "Lunatic." Mei raised her goggles and showed the only part of her cute face not covered in soot, "HAAHHA! YOU THINK WHAT YOU WANT! I KNOW THE TRUTH!" before shifting up Bullet's body, glaring at Momo while whispering "Why Momo here?"

Bullet looked at her and smiled happily, "Mei always alone. Bullet bring friend! Mei and Momo get along at festival!" Mei looked at him and squished his cheeks with her free hand, tossing the wrench out, "You are too cute!"

She stroked the line over his lips, scarred from Katsuki's explosion, before kissing him.

Momo froze and her face turned red, so bold?!

Mei rested her cheek on his shoulder and smirked, "Bullet like? Parents like Bullet." Bullet was dumbfounded and blushed, "R-Really!? No care?!" Mei giggled, "Nope!" Bullet was very happy before remembering "Ah! Bullet remember!"

Mei and Momo looked at him as he said "Momo make things but need know how make, right?" Momo nodded and Bullet turned to Mei touching her nose with his because they were so close together, continuing "Mei know how make! Mei and Momo team invincible!"

Mei and Momo changed faces and denied instantly "No! No. Impossible!"

Bullet was confused and muttered "Not good idea? Bullet wrong?" Mei leaned on him, frowning "Bullet good Idea! But Momo… heh. No like!" Momo rolled her eyes and said "It's clearly 'you don't like', right?!" Mei sneered, "MY Dog who is he going to listen to, me or you? You don't want to team up because you're a subhuman animal! Definitely not because I despise you and your boyfriend."

Bullet was stunned and Momo hissed, "I'm still his friend! You lunatic!" Mei snorted "Heh… Who needs friends?! HE HAS ME! HE NEEDS NOBODY ELSE! AHAHAHA!" Momo snorted, "You're nuts!"

Before she turned to Bullet, saying "Momo… busy. But later, okay! Good idea." Bullet understood and smiled happily "Okay! Sorry." Momo smiled gently, shaking her head before waving and leaving.

Bullet turned to Mei and sighed, "You tell. Why no like Momo?" Mei froze and looked at him in shock, "You?! Learning?!" Bullet laughed and replied in confusion, "Bullet school, no learn? Not stupid!" Mei cried, "My empty headed cutiepie is growing up!" Bullet asked slowly "Mei no like Bullet smart?"

Mei almost died, saying angrily "Bullet think Mei what?! Stupid!? Shallow?! Mei like Bullet because Bullet protect Mei! Call Dog because like name! Cute! Bullet cute, Mei like! Smart, stupid, all Bullet!"

Bullet blushed and looked away shyly, "Mei confess… Marriage?" Mei blinked before leaning off him completely, holding on with her legs as she laughed "HAHAHAHA! YES! EVENTUALLY! IF WE SURVIVE THAT LONG! AHAHAH! YOU CUTE DOG! I'LL MAKE YOU BARK FOR YOUR MISTRESS! HAHAHAHAHA!"

Before snapping back up and grabbing his face, pressing her eyeballs on him, saying seriously "I'm dying but not that fast! Eventually I will push you down, you cute bastard! The way you bled all over the arena to win and your kind heart, I'm completely captivated!" then she held his collar leaning back and laughing as he nodded as though he understood!

She backflipped off him and said "Anyway! Why come? Just see Mei?" Bullet looked embarrassed but nodded. Mei smiled happily, nodding "Happy." Bullet held out her lunch, going back to the original topic, "Why no like Momo?" before his brain was kicked into overdrive!

He said in shock, "Think Bullet want concubine?!" Mei spat out, laughing "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" Bullet said seriously "Bullet crazy take concubine! You see King? All concubine try kill! So crazy!" Mei nodded eagerly, "Yeah! All concubine try kill! Real life too!" Bullet was shocked, "No way!?" Mei bubbled with laughter and nodded, "AHAH! REAL LIFE! HAHA! NO CONCUBINES! MEI KILL! AHABDVAJDANVADVDB!"

She started coughing violently and Bullet was shocked, pushing her to the ground worriedly as he set down the food. He held her head and she calmed down, wiping her lips, smiling "Worried?" Bullet frowned worriedly, "Bullet hear Mei sick. Mei get hurt… Bullet feel pain."

Mei smiled gently, "I really absolutely adore you, you complete idiot." as she stroked his cheek. Bullet smiled softly, nodding. Mei giggled and Bullet's smile was warm, as he thought to himself...

I know.