
Aizawa and Mask talk

Bullet walked back to the classroom, getting strange looks from the students walking around. Bullet was getting more nervous and shy as he approached the classroom, everyone was staring at him with varying looks.

Although he was shirtless, that definitely didn't help. It was probably the main reason but Bullet didn't think so, they always had this faint disgust when they looked at him, it made him very sad and shameful.

He didn't know how to fix this… He didn't know why everyone didn't like him… they didn't even give him a chance. Kaina, Knuckleduster, and Himiko didn't hate him…

Bullet didn't know about Mei, but she didn't know yet so he was very afraid of her finding out… He really liked her and didn't want her to be like everyone else… But he felt that she would be.

So far, Bullet didn't have a great experience with normal people. He was too strange for them, he felt out of place in their world… he even felt like going back to the alley recently…

He came to the door to the classroom and rubbed his mask, taking in deep breaths, just as he was about to open the door, it opened by itself! Bullet froze and stared at Momo inches away from her face. She shrieked and jumped back in shock.

Everyone looked over and Bullet was standing there. He looked troubled and swallowed, walking in slowly. They looked at him and he saw the fear in their eyes, Bullet winced, walking to his desk and picking up his things quickly.

He teared up and came to Fumikage and Tsuyu, bowing as he said "Sorry!" before running away and wiping his face, sobbing.

The classroom fell silent, unsure of what happened or how to feel…

Bullet ran off in the halls and put his backpack on, bumping into All-Might.

Bullet fell backwards and landed on the ground, looking down as crystal tears dripped to the ground. All-Might looked down at him and picked him up, smiling "Where to, Young Bullet?" Bullet cried "Leave. No friends. Scared. Hate me."

All-Might didn't really know how to deal with such a situation, he said "I don't think so!" Bullet looked up at him and All-Might was shocked by his teary faced look.

So cute!

But he persevered!

All-Might continued, "Class. New. No… Understand, Bullet. Get it?" Bullet nodded and sniffed, wiping his eyes. All-Might gave him a thumbs up, adding "No fear! Right? Pose!" Bullet forced a smile and gave a half-hearted thumbs up, "No fear…"

All-Might slapped his shoulders, saying "Loud! With Heart! Watch!" All-Might swung his arms and gave a big thumbs up, shouting in english "NO FEAR!" a small twinkle at the corner of his mouth, mimicking Bullet from before.

Bullet wiped his nose and snorted, throwing out a thumbs up, "No fear." All-Might said "LOUDER! I'M SCARED!" Bullet shouted "NO FEAR!"

All-Might: I'm terrified!

Bullet: NO FEAR!

All-Might: Ahh!

Bullet: NO FEAR!!

All-Might: TWINKLE!


All-Might: WRONG!

A little later

Bullet walked out of the school, waving bye to All-Might, smiling slightly. All-Might gave him a thumbs up and Bullet smiled a toothy grin, a twinkle at the corner of his mouth. All-Might grinned and waved as he returned to the school.

Bullet walked out and saw Aizawa with Present Mic.

Present Mic shouted "YOU READY!? SPICY BURGERS!" Bullet ran over, holding his backpack, smiling "Mhm!" Aizawa rubbed his head, asking "Good?" Bullet frowned sadly, shaking his head "No good. Scared. Momo scream."

Present Mic patted his shoulder, smiling "Girl. Scream. Good!" Aizawa looked at him, saying "Mic!" Present Mic froze and laughed, "Oh ahahaha! Sorry! Girl. Scream. No good… Yet!" Aizawa shouted angrily "MIC! Come on, man! He's just a kid!"

Present Mic walked out, saying "So? I remember when we were here you and that girl… What was her name… she's a teacher now too… Damn!" he snapped his fingers, catching his thoughts, "Emi Fukukado! Hahaha! Just thinking about her makes me laugh!"

Aizawa scowled at the thought of that girl, but it was more annoyance than anything… and it was only a slight annoyance. Bullet touched his lip, asking "Married?" Aizawa glared at him and Bullet covered his mouth, smiling happily.

Present Mic laughed and slapped Bullet's back, "Hahahah! Good one! Hahahahah!" Aizawa clicked his tongue and turned away, picking up his walking pace. Present Mic chuckled and kept up with him while Bullet was also walking quickly…

Are you kidding?

Bullet almost got lost on his way to UA WITH Aizawa this morning…

Imagine trying to find a restaurant? This was a near impossible task!

A while later

Bullet waved goodbye to Present Mic, smiling happily as he left with Aizawa, going home.

When they got home, Aizawa said "Let me talk to Mask." Bullet shook his head and Aizawa looked at him in silence. Bullet looked worried, "Hurt." Aizawa wrapped him up, "Happy?" Bullet nodded and Aizawa put his mask on him, Mask glared at Aizawa but didn't struggle.

Aizawa looked at him and frowned "Why?" Mask sneered "Disgusting. Fake Heroes. Hate us because Quirkless. Not real Heroes!" Aizawa pointed out, "Izuku talked to you. He even saved you from Mudman."

He knew that the Mask was more talkative, just that he usually didn't want to. But the Mask could talk more than Bullet, which meant that Bullet was suppressing himself without realizing it.

But even then, Mask couldn't speak fluently, it was very short and segmented, "Izuku. Real hero. Rest, all fake. Ochako, ahahaha! Hero for money! HAHAHAHA!" The Mask laughed loudly, leaning back on the couch, laughing hard enough to fall over.

Aizawa looked at him and asked "For you?" The Mask stopped and snorted "For us! We Real Hero! Like Knuckleduster! No money. No Fame. No popular! Only Save! At any cost!" Aizawa frowned slightly as Mask straightened up again, staring at Aizawa, saying harshly "We agree. Real Hero sacrifice! Hero outside, weak. Fake. Disgusting! More like villain!"

Mask snorted and held his head high, "Bullet agree. Just don't say. Mask know Bullet. We want Real Hero, that's it. You Real Hero too. We like you. Not favorite. Like." Aizawa rolled his eyes and said angrily "What about the class? That wasn't very heroic! You know, you scared Bullet! He doesn't even want to go to school anymore!"

Mask looked away, saying awkwardly "Accident. Mask Angry. Bad eyes everywhere. Bad guy beat up Bullet. Mask very angry! Bullet scared because Bullet weak! Bullet want saved, but nobody come! Kaina no come! Knuckleduster leave! Himiko disappear!"

Mask roared angrily "Where savior?! Nobody save us! Villains throw us in trash! People point and shout! Police come for us! For what?!" Mask was struggling, getting angrier and angrier as he shouted angrily, the part of the mask where his eyes were started getting wet, "We want to live! Nobody let us! Because no quirk! This hero?! This bullshit! Mask angry nobody save Bullet! Bullet too nice no say anything! Mask do! Bullet don't want!"

Mask struggled off the couch to the floor, glaring at Aizawa, "Mask no hurt Bullet. Accident. Mask know real. Nobody save. We alone! Mask protect. Mask kill. Mask save! But Mask Hero! Mask no villain! Mask… also lose control. But Mask not on purpose! Bullet sorry. Mask sorry too. Mask angry."

Aizawa looked at Mask on the ground before sighing, letting him free.

Mask looked up at him and Aizawa said slowly "Mask also needs to calm down." Mask said "But!" Aizawa raised his hand, saying seriously "Mask want Hero? Mask forget about bad people." Mask clenched his fists and Aizawa pointed at him, saying "Bad people. Everywhere. Forget about it."

Mask asked angrily "Why! Mask angry! Mask want fight!" Aizawa shook his head, asking "Mask strong?" Mask nodded and Aizawa continued flatly, "Bad guy weak. Mask hurt bad guy, Bullet trouble, not Mask. Get it?"

Mask sat down, resting his elbows on his knees, "Mask don't understand. Not fair." Aizawa sighed and said "Life's not fair. Get used to it. You talk with Bullet. School tomorrow?"

Mask hesitated before saying "Mask no go." Aizawa rolled his eyes, "1 day, you fix. After go to school." Mask clenched his fists and nodded, "Okay." Aizawa nodded and said "Go to sleep." as he walked up the stairs, yawning.

Mask sat on the couch and looked at the ceiling, muttering "Stupid Bullet. Why scared? Mask love you. Mask and Bullet one. Stupid Bullet no see, scared of Mask… Idiot. Mask scared too." he sighed and took off the mask, Bullet returned and wiped his eyes before going to sleep.