
Chapter 31: Basic hero training ( 2 )

" Okay class now that you all understand the rules and the importance of this training it's time to find your partners! "

Allmight said enthusiastically to the entire class as he starts pairing the students by allowing them to draw lots. Every student begin's to pick up a small folded piece of paper inside the lottery box as once they got their hands on folded paper they immidiately unfold it to find out their partner.

Izuku stare's at the small piece of paper on his hands for just a second before unfolding it to see Ochaco's name. Recognizing his partners name he looks around his classmates for a couple of minutes until he spots her waving at him just a few feet away.

Everyone took some time finding their partners since it hasn't been that long to them to know each other. Allmight let them to take their time finding their partner for a couple of minutes until he saw that most of the class has found there partner.

Allmight set's them to different teams in alphabetical order. Starting from team A ( Izuku and Ochoco ) to team I ( Ashido, Aoyama, and Yaoyorozu ) with Yaoyorozu added since their only one student short. 

With everyone fully prepared Allmight shows them a screen on the building that shows which team they are up against as well as what order their teams will fight.

Izuku couldn't help but to widen his eye's seeing that they are up against team D ( Bakugo and Tenya ).


( 2 minutes )

' Okay you can do this '

Izuku thought to himself as he walks towards the buildings entrance trying to shake off his nervousness. Ochaco noticed Izuku's hesitation as he ask him.

" Hey you nervous? "

" Um m-maybe... "

" I see well to be honest I'm pretty nervous as well. This is my first time I've ever have to fight anyone but don't worry we'll get through this together!! "

" T-thank Uraraka but fighting isn't the only thing I'm worried about "

" Hmm then what it is it? "

" It's um Bakugo. His increadible at using his quirk as well as being a good fighter. so I don't think any of us can actually beat him in a fight "

" Pfft good fighter as if!! "

Izuku and Ochaco heared Catnap's voice as they turn around to see him opening the box, showing himself up as he continue to say.

" I could knock that bitch to sleep and throw him around like a rag doll, seriously Izuku you really underestimate me this much? "

" Well it's not like I underestimate you it's that well.... of his quirk.... "

" So what? Sure his quirk is strong but Dogday can cover us so all you need to worry about is to get that rocket or to kick their ass "

" Well Izuku does have a point. I mean I did see what Bakugo and Tenya's quirk are back at the quirk apprehension test so we better set up a plan soon "

Ochaco suggested as she knows just how strong Tenya and Bakugo are. Izuku agree's to set up a plan as he let Catnap and Dogday to take part. Though Catnap didn't think much of Bakugo other than hatred and Dogday just simply do not care about him Izuku on the other hand still feel like his life is in danger.

Bakugo's warning made him feel like something isn't right as he couldn't put a finger on it, but not wanting to wait and find out himself he made sure to stay close with Catnap and Dogday as well as with his friends and teachers whenever he is in UA.

Izuku use his in depth knowladge of Bakugo's quirk, personality and some of his tendancy's as well as his analysis on Tenya's quirk. The four formulate a plan together as they made sure that they go with confiscating the rocket first. 


( In the building )

" Step "

Izuku's footprints achoed through the heavily closed place of the building. Dogday sitting at the top of Izuku's dimension bag stayed close to him as they triverse through the fifth floor.

The Dogday and Catnap did inform the two about Bakugo's murderous intentions especially towards Izuku as they said that he would likely to target Izuku first out of the four of them so they decided to use this information to there advantage. 

The plan was pretty simple. They let Bakugo chase after Izuku so that the team D would be seperated letting Ochaco to confiscate the rocket. They made sure to add a little more detail to that plan to make sure to catch them off guard before entering the building.

Only a minute pass since they enter the fifth floor as Izuku walk's around the floor to let Bakugo to notice him.

Izuku couldn't spot any signs of Bakugo as the dreadfull amount of silence cause him to think of going up the next floor. He walks towards the stairs and was about to take a step until a hand suddenly appear out of nowhere and was about to reach Izuku's face.

" BOOM!! "

The sudden explosion cause a huge amount of force to tremor throughout the entire building, causing dust of debree to obscure the stairs entrance.

Bakugo in mid air smile widely as he thought the he exploded Izuku's face but once he land's on the stairs the debree of dust quickly clear's showing Dogday in his monster form covering Izuku.

Dogday's back was burned in an unrecognizable severe degree as his spine, tissues and even his organs were all shown obliterated and burned to a crisp. Dogday didn't give Bakugo time to think about attacking Izuku again as he quickly pick Izuku off the ground and run.

" Hey hey hey! Where do you think your going!! "

" BOOM!!! "

Bakugo propells himself through the air using his explosive quirk as he was about to reach Izuku until Dogday dodge to the side causing Bakugo to miss and land on the ground before propeling himself back towards the two.

It was a cat and mouse situation as Bakugo kept chasing after them relentlessly while Dogday kept running and making sure not to let any openings for him to touch Izuku. 

Bakugo's constant explosion cause several shakes and tremors in the building as Tenya at the very top of the building notice.

He didn't attempt to join Bakugo since no one will protect their main objective. He made sure to take his task as a fake villain seriously so he stands up behind the fake rocket while crossing his arms trying to make himself seem intimidating for any upcoming assailance.

Ochaco who hid at the fifth floor noticed the tremor and the sounds of explosion. She peaked her head out of her hiding place to see that Bakugo, Izuku and Dogday left the room before she sprints towards the stairs.



" BOOM!! "

Dogday yet again dodge another explosion but struggles to find a place for them to hide. He can't exactly protect Izuku all the time since their time is slowly running out.

As Dogday runs through every room while dodging Bakugo's assault's Izuku tried to find a good place for them to hide. Bakugo on the other hand noticed that he can't exactly hit them though to Dogday's nimbleness so out of frustration he decided to take drastic measures into his own hands.

He stopped using his quirk and landed on the ground so he can point his enclosed sweat covered hands towards the running figure of Dogday. He can't help but to focus all his anger and frustration towards the two.

His anger that Izuku manage to take the number one spot instead of him and his frustration that a weak nobody like Izuku still manage to stay in Class-1A despite being way below him. Nobody should be better than him heck nobody will be better than him since he is the number one strongest future hero. The one that will surpasses Allmight.

So what if he eliminated the thorn of his side, his only goal now is to beat Izuku so he can prove to everyone that he is the best. He grabs the trigger of his specially made hero gear and release all that concentrated nitroglycerin like sweat to ignite.

" Click! "


A sea of explosion's burst out of Bakugo's hand as it reaches Dogday in a blink of an eye. Dogday couldn't think of anything for the moment as there is no dodging this so he just hug Izuku and never let him go. 

" TREMBLE!!! "

The fifth floor was destroyed causing the building to shake along with the loud boom of the explosion. Allmight and the rest of class-1A seeing this full blown manslaughter in screen couldn't help but to feel beyond shock and worry since Izuku and Dogday was in the middle of the huge explosion.

Ochaco who was about to reach the top floor couldn't help but to fall though to the strong aftershock of the explosion as Catnap behind her back stop her fall using his tail.

" Woah! phew thanks Ca- "

" IZUKU!! "

Catnap couldn't help but to turn his head at the origin of the explosion. He wanted to go down the fifth floo just to investigate if Izuku was okay but Ochaco stop him as she said.

" Were almost at the top floor. Remember what Izuku said that we shouldn't turn back to check on them no matter what happens "

" But but AGH!!! "

Catnap couldn't help but to vent his frustration one last time as he turn his face to the origin of the sound before turning back to the top floor. 

He hesitate but his anxiousness and worry got the better of him as he turned to Ochaco and said. 

" Forget this damn training shit! I'm going to check on Izuku! You go ahead and distract him!! "

" But we're running out of time!! "

Catnap didn't listen as he just use his tail to move towards any nearby windows and use them to propell himself out of the building. There Catnap in mid air saw a huge smoke forming at the destroyed fifth floor wall of the building causing his anxiousness to rise.

He didn't think twice as he catarpult himself through the smoke as he landed at the damage cracked floor.

" Thud! "

Catnap tried to find Izuku until the smoke eventually disperse into the air causing Catnap to see two figures. One is Bakugo exhuested after producing too much sweat and the other are two burnly mangled crisped figure laying silently on the ground.

Although the remaining debree made it a bit obscure Catnap can tell what corpse this belongs to. Why couldn't he recognize it when the two most important people who has cared and been with him in his complicated vengeful life turn nothing but a crispy burned corpse.

Bakugo saw Izuku and Dogday's unrecognizable corpse as he couldn't help but to feel shock of what he just did. He was planning to just crippled Izuku into submission not killing him instantly.

He could feel his body shake though to his unforseen murder as he shouted at Izuku's corpse. 

" D-Deku.....Hey Deku.... DEKU STOP PRETENDING!!! "

But there was no response just silence that filled the room. Bakugo started to become frantic as this was his first time he killed someone. He tried his best screaming at Izuku trying to tell himself that he was just pretending as Catnap who just stare at Izuku and Dogday's corpse couldn't help but to turn his head to Bakugo.

His head turn wasn't natural as the sound of his neck cracking could be heard from the entire atmosphere as his head was now on his back. Showing nothing but an unatural smile and pupiless dark eyes.