
CH 1:The dreadful darkness

(3rd pov)

"It was nighttime. A road adjacent to a mountain could be seen, with a car being driven along it. The whole road was barren as far as the eye could see. A young man with black hair and brown eyes was whistling while driving the car. Suddenly, he heard a strange noise. When he looked, he saw something he couldn't recognize. The object crashed into his car, causing it to stumble down the road. The man was screaming and cursing as the car crashed down the road. He was bleeding profusely after the crash."

(?? pov)

"Shit, shit! How did this even happen? I was driving pretty safely when that strange thing from behind crashed into my car like a truck, even though it wasn't even bigger than my car." I was sure my injuries weren't minor, and even though I was in pain, it wasn't as intense due to adrenaline. Even if I called an ambulance, it wouldn't arrive in time, and all my efforts would be in vain. While I was thinking about what to do, an idea came to my mind, and I dialed a call.

When the call connected, an elder woman's voice said, "Hello." I started crying upon hearing her voice and said, "Hello, Mom." After hearing my voice, she asked in a worried tone, "What happened? Why are you crying? Did something happen?"

I said, "Mom, I don't think I'm going to make it home, so you and Dad don't have to wait for me to have your dinner."

After hearing what I said, her worries seemed to ease, and she just said, "Oh, and here I thought something bad had happened. You're just going to be late coming back. Why are you crying so much? I know you get sensitive easily, but the situation is different, and you don't need to worry about anything."

Hearing her response brought me some relief; at least I was able to talk to her.

"Okay, Mom, I'm going to hang up now. Just say hi to Dad and Brother for me." My last sentence was weak in tone, and I think my mother noticed it too. She began to say something: "Hm, what happened? Your voice suddenly doesn't sound ok..." and before I could hear what she said, I ended the call and started thinking about my life.

I was really surprised that I was recalling things I didn't remember before. "Ha, they say your life flashes before your eyes when you die." As I started feeling strange and knew that death was approaching, my thoughts turned to my worries, my parents, my brother, and even my job, which I definitely didn't like. Then came the most dreadful thing: the fear of dying.

I thought talking to my mother would calm me, but the fear was so overwhelming I wanted to scream, but I couldn't find my voice. The silence wasn't helping. Slowly, my eyes started to close on their own, and I screamed in my mind, "I don't want to die, I don't want to die, I don't want to die," and these were my last thoughts before I lost even my sense of pain.




I woke up,I was in complete darkness.

I can't see anything but I can feel my body but when I try to move,it was just like trying to move your body with weights but after some efforts I was able to move my legs which hit something.

It felt really weird,I tried to do it again with considerable efforts which did nothing.

I was really confused since I didn't know what to do really,I kept trying until I felt a deep drowsiness which I couldn't really overcome and after that I was fast asleep.

When I woke up I was once again in the darkness,I again did the only thing I could do again,to no appeal and once again slept after the drowsiness devoured me awake to the dream land.

This time when I woke up,it felt really scary since no one was here,I was all alone just like the time when I was injured in my car.

I felt this strange sense of dread,it was almost same as the time I died.

It was also a harrowing experience still fresh in my mind which I can't really forget.This sense of dread kept increasing as the same thing was repeating itself.

It was true how someone said

"Humans are social creatures and can't live alone or else they will go mad."

It was like a hell where I was tied in this terrifying darkness where I was awake for just a little bit of time to even think properly before the sleep takes me and after that the same hell begins.

To keep my sense of self I tried to make all these various things in my mind like a scenario where instead of the crash that happened I was safely back at home and having dinner with my family and having a proper sleep in my bed.

The thinking enough was making me feel the emotion that rarely came in my life 'regret'.

I was so sad almost to the point where my tears should start streaming down but there were no tears,just the darkness,my limbs being burdened to even move and the dread that came with it which just kept increasing day by day or whatever time I had been here.

It was like a punishment I didn't deserve but still got,I wanted to beat up due to which I ended up here.The anger in me kept increasing not decreasing one bit with the time.

This notion kept increasing with time from just beating to giving a fatal wound then to various torture I could think of and various other painful ways to kill.

After almost who knows what time I thought that wherever I was,I was already dead and whoever killed me can't be here,the anger was still there but with it came dejection since I can't really do anything to whoever that was.

Again came the darkness and the harrowing fear.But this time came this strange sense of me being pulled by wind through which I was pulled to a narrow space through which I was going to get pulled out of.

Yeah I had this faint glimmer of hope that I was getting out of this hell which was quickly broken after something wrapped around my neck so hard to make me choke.I once again tried to move my limbs which again were difficult to move which I this time after doing it countless time was able to move quickly enough to stop me from choking, I tried to remove whatever was constricting my neck which successfully failed as my strength was not enough.

I was losing my breath so I tried to move my head a little bit while using my hands to get out of the deathly vice which after some moments I was successful in.

I breathed a good amount of air and released a sigh of relief,I could even sense my heartbeat which was quickly beating and while I was gibnering these I was pulled out of the narrow space after which I saw this a bright glimmer of light which after the darkness was so bright which I could only close my eyes to.

When I once again opened my eyes I could saw a lot of people,a big man was holding me in a white coat,wait..wait wait wait am I small one here and is he wearing a white coat.While I was thinking that the man was also watching and then he suddenly removed whatever was wrapping me to slap my butt.

That was really painful,like really really painful,the doctor or whatever he was,he was giving me a confused expression which he quickly discarded as another voice came and the man quickly moved in front and gave me to someone,whose face only came into view after I was properly held.

It was a woman,a beautiful woman if you ask me with fair skin and blond hair.Her eyes bright blue and she had tears on her eyes with a smile.

Okay,stop stop ,am I reincarnated or something since shouldn't I be not directly be gain consciousness when i am born and not in the womb of my supposed biological otherworldy mother.

I for one shouldn't have been there for whatever time I was to experiance that dreadful loneliness as well as the darkness.

While I was thinking all that various people were there which were ignored because I was in deep thinking after some time the room was filled with happy murmurs while I was placed in a cradle for whatever reason.

Okay so I had a lot of thoughts to chew on which got discarded since I was once again sleepy,damn this baby body.I was once again in the embrace of sleep which I didn't want to go to since all this was something that can't be digested easily but once again damn this baby body.

I for first time,even though angry and frustrated had a peaceful sleep without any fear or loneliness because all these murmurs I can listen to.

Okay,so hi everyone whoever is reading,do give me the feedback after reading this and tell me what can be improved on I will try to do it

And do tell who you want as a waifu and also about whether you want this to be a harem or just a single female lead.

shadow_god_lancecreators' thoughts