


Azmuth: The Highbreed attack plan has worked on a dozen worlds. They send a small number of Highbreed to the target planet.

Professor Paradox: Then infiltrate the locals by turning them into DNAlien slaves.

Kevin: And use the slaves to build a jump gate.

Azmuth: Correct. A hyperspace jump gate is an interstellar shortcut allowing the Highbreed to send warships across the galaxy in a matter of seconds.

Ben: The three of us could barely take down one of their ships.

Professor Paradox: The ship you defeated wasn't a warship. It was a small cruiser.

Ben: That's encouraging.

Azmuth: No force on this planet could stand against even a single Highbreed warship. They will send hundreds.

Kevin: Yeah, okay, we get it. We're toast.

Professor Paradox: Unless we stop them before they complete the hyperspace jump gate.

Azmuth: It should be simple enough to find, even if they cloak it.

Professor Paradox: It would have to be someplace with an enormous supply of quartz crystal, to stabilize the matter- transmission frequency.

Gwen: Do you mean like the abandoned quartz mine in la Soledad?

Ben: Where we saw DNAliens building a giant arch.

Kevin: So we know where we got to go, and we know what we got to do.

Gwen: Direct approach.

Ben: Sure. Direct but not stupid. We've met a bunch of Plumbers' kids with superpowers, and a lot of them owe us favours. I say we call them in.

Azmuth: May I suggest you send your teammates out for that job?

Ben: Why?

Azmuth: I would have a word with the wielder of my Omnitrix, in private.

Kevin: Right. Like I'm gonna miss this. See you when you get back, Gwen.

Then Gwen pinches his stomach making him yelp in pain.

Gwen: Kevin Ethan Levin, you come with us right now!

Ben: "Ethan"? Your name is Kevin E. Levin? You just lost all remaining pretence of cool.

Kevin: You promised you'd never tell! But first, can you tell us who exactly this Albedo-look alike guy.

All of the attention now is on me who leisurely slip smoothie. Even in a different universe. smoothie taste the same.

"Ah, he is a helper I bring in from a different universe where he gets the Omnitrix. I bring him here to increase the chance of our victory against the Highbreed." Professor Paradox said.

"So the Multiverse theory is true?" Gwen asks Professor Paradox just smiles as he disappears along with Kevin and Ben.

Leaving me, Ben and Azmuth alone.

"I supposed when you said wielder of your Omnitrix did not include me right?" I ask Azmuth.

"No, but you too can join us." Azmuth said as we sit in Kevin's car with Azmuth is slurping a smoothie first and then cough, signalling he is about to begin his speech.

"Humans are not the brightest species in the galaxy. So I ask you again, do you fully understand the risks you are taking?" Azmuth ask Ben.

"Of course. The Highbreed want to take over the Earth." Ben replied.

"The Highbreed want to destroy the Earth! If you lose this war, it's the end of humanity." Azmuth said to Ben.

"So I won't lose," Ben said.

"Your foolish disregard of the enormity of the odds against you is precisely why I cannot allow you to take the Omnitrix into battle.

I have told you that the secret of the Omnitrix is it allows you to walk a mile in the shoes of other life-forms. This is not the complete truth." Azmuth said.

"You lied to me?" Ben ask Azmuth who leisurely slurp his smoothie.

"I withheld portions of the truth from you until you were ready." Azmuth said.

"And I'm ready now?" Ben ask Azmuth who shakes his head.

"No. But circumstances forced my hand. The Omnitrix is the last hope of alien species destroyed by the Highbreed." Azmuth ask him.

"How's it supposed to --" Ben get cut off again.

"I have stored within it DNA samples of every intelligent life-form in the milky way galaxy," Azmuth tells Ben as I whistles hearing that.

"That is a lot," I commented as both creator and wielder continued their talk.

"10 Thousand of them. I know." Ben said.

"As I'm continually forced to point out, you know very little. There are over one million samples encoded in the Omnitrix." Azmuth said to Ben.

"A million?" Ben ask Azmuth.

"And with the Omnitrix, you have the power to return to life any species that the Highbreed exterminates including the human race." Azmuth said.

"I will not let the Highbreed --" Once again, Ben get cut off again by Azmuth.

"If you are destroyed with the Omnitrix, there is no hope -- not for humanity, nor for any other race the Highbreed extinguish afterwards. The Omnitrix is Noah's ark, and you are Noah. I cannot allow you to participate in the final battle." Azmuth said to Ben who gasp in surprise hearing that as I snicker.

"Guess you can just sit back and let me just to lead us to victory in this war," I said to them.

"Dude shut up for a second. Important conversation here." Ben said to me.

"Sorry, Azmuth, but I don't buy your argument.

The Earth needs to be saved, and I'm going to do it." Ben said to him.

"I won't allow it! How could you stop me? I'll take the Omnitrix from you!" Azmuth said to Ben.

"You'll try," Ben said but I quickly grab his wrist and my other arm put him in a headlock.

"Hey!" Ben shouted at me.

"Dude. Calm down. Your creator here is about to do something important." I said to him.

"Besides, look at him, he did not take off your Omnitrix," I said to Ben who look at Azmuth even though I immobilise Ben.

"Thank you, young man." Azmuth said to me as I freed Ben who send a glare at me as I shrug my shoulder.

"If you insist on this foolishness, perhaps it's best if you have the full power of the Omnitrix.

Access master control." Azmuth said as the Omnitrix rise and shines green as the hourglass symbol now keep shrink small and bigger. Moving up and down.

"Master control unlocked." Ben's monotone voice comes from Ben's Omnitrix.

"Everything's unlocked? How many aliens can I turn into? " He asks the Omnitrix.

"1,000,093 genetics sample available." The Omnitrix replied.

"The Omnitrix's menus are arranged in sets of 10 for simplicity's sake. But with voice command, you can --" Azmuth is the one who gets cut off by Ben this time who now is very eager seeing him able to use Master Control right now.

"I got it," Ben said making Azmuth annoyed seeing this.

Kevin then knocked on the window.

"Get up from my seat Tennyson," Kevin said to Ben as we get out from his car.

"So, umm, can you unlock it too for me?" I ask Azmuth.

"Sadly no." Azmuth said.

"Oh, that sucks." I mutter seeing Ben now walk away from doing his heroic walk with the others.

"Umm. Did they just left us 3 alone?" I ask them.

"Ah. I believe you will be left behind by them Young Tatsuya." Professor Paradox said to me as I activated my Omnitrix.

A flash of red engulfs revealing me as XLR8.

"You guys head first, I need to borrow "something" from some aliens to build something that can assure our victory against this Highbreed." I then sped off leaving Azmuth and Professor Paradox.

"He is a bit smarter than Tennyson here." Azmuth said.

"Not smart, but cunning if I had to admit." Professor Paradox said as they both disappear.


"We go in, we destroy the hyperspace jump gate, we capture any Highbreed we can find.

That's it. One more thing. Whatever we were before, today we're a team. We look out for each other. We win or lose together." Ben then transform into Cannonbolt.

"Haven't seen him for a while?" Gwen said to Ben who just miles.

"What can I say? I am feeling nostalgic." Cannonbolt said as then a blur arrives beside him with a special type of lens that somehow is connected to his Omnitrix.

Professor Paradox smirked seeing this while Azmuth looks at the lens and the Omnitrix until his eyebrows rise a bit with him now realise what that lens is going to do.

"Dude. Where did you go ?" Cannonbolt asks XLR8.

"And what is with that lens on your Omnitrix?" Kevin ask XLR8 who open his visor.

"Something that can ensure our victory against Highbreed. Want one?" He asks Ben who shake his head.

"Nah, with Master Control, I am invincible," Ben said making XLR8 roll his eyes with Azmuth is the same.

"Okay. Suit yourself then." XLR8 then enter into Los Soledad with Ben and the others followed.

"They've been busy," Gwen mutters seeing many those weather towns in this place.

"I should've brought a jacket," Kevin mutters.

"Well, I got a feeling it's going to be pretty hot here," Cooper commented also as the DNA Aliens start to take notice of us as they all now march on us.

Just before Ben's Team and the other make a move, XLR8 suddenly move in front of them.

"Say, Ben, you say that you want to see what this lens capable of. Let me show you. Omnitrix, turn these DNA aliens back to human again." I said as my Omnitrix shine red.

"Commencing." My Omnitrix said in my tone as a red beam that becomes a wide beam due to the lens I placed on my Omnitrix hit all the DNA aliens in front of me turning them back to a normal human.

I keep blasting beam until I stop attacking the beam seeing about dozen of human now laid on the floor with many other DNA aliens has stopped moving seeing my sudden attack that turns them back to a normal human.

"Omnitrix's energy core has been reduced by 20%." My Omnitrix said to me which mean my time in alien has shortened by about 30 or 35 minutes.

"Whoa. Cool. " Ben said as I am now trying to catch my breath.

"Here the lens. We can be the tank while the others can retrieve the fallen human and attack some of the DNA aliens that will attack us by all directions." I give him the lens as Ben placed it on his Omnitrix as the he charged while I am catching my breath.

"Interesting human. Never I think that you use Omnitrix in that way." Azmuth mutters to me as Professor Paradox just smiles at me.

"Well duh. I mean, all we had is a straight attack plan with brute force, besides you are the one who said that the Omnitrix can turn someone to something else. So, I decided to turn them back to humans and decide to use a lens to widen the beam from my watch. Sorry but this Omnitrix laser beam is just a straight one which will make many enemies able to overpowered me while I am shooting this beam." I tell Azmuth as he crawls on my shoulder.

"And here I hope that Tennyson able to learn a thing from you." Azmuth said to me.

"Dude. I am a 15 years old teenager who just wants to experience fighting experience and a certain time traveller decide a war against bad aliens that want to destroy humanity is a good lesson for me." I said to him as Professor Paradox said chuckled hearing that.

"Well, time to change my mask. A new alien is a good thing for me." I tap my Omnitrix as blue fur grows from my body as both my hand now wears a red boxing gloves wiry my forehead now is a red bandanna.

"Gaomon!" I announced.

"Interesting. What kind of creature is this?" Azmuth ask me.

"A Digimon. A digital monster that exists in another universe." I replied as I leap forward to the DNA aliens.

My fist smashes the ground in the middle of a DNA aliens.

"Grip tight, Azmuth. " I tell him as he grips my red bandanna.

"Double Backhand," I said as my body skin very fast creating a vortex delivering many punches with the red beam-beamed the DNA alien.

I stop as Azmuth now is dizzy due to my spinning attack.

"Warn me the next time you do that." Azmuth said to me as he shakes his head.

"Okay." My fist buried on the ground as I flip over a large ground piece over the DNA alien.

Kevin arrives next to me and throw many ground pieces toward DNA aliens.

"You get some cool alien there. Never sees Tennyson transform into that." Kevin said while punching a DNA alien.

"Yeah. This guy is a digital creature that Professor Paradox gift to me." I said to him while delivering many punches toward the DNA aliens.

"Duck and keep Azmuth safe," I said to him as I throw Azmuth toward him as I spun my body and spin my body again with me shooting the same then DNAlien being to human beam from Omnitrix toward the DNA aliens around me.

With the might of me and Ben who copied my action, more than half of DNA aliens have returned to human with the others keep knocking out the DNA aliens that try to attack us from left, right and upon the tower.

Until my beam stop as I fell to my knee.

"Omnitrix's energy core has been reduced to a low level. Commencing recharge the Omnitrix." The Omnitrix announced as my watch flashes red as I turn back to human.

Luckily, no DNA aliens are around me as due to my interference creating this lens, we did not get pressured by them that much like in the original.

I pant as I can feel the strain using the Omnitrix and fight in the alien form. The lens now is on my pocket.

"Dude. You alright?" Kevin asked me as he held his hand out toward me as I grip his hand as he pulled me up.

"Yeah. Let me catch up with my breath first." I said to him.

Ben who is Upchuck stop beside me with the other brings the fallen human to safety as only dark Star, Alan and Julie are the ones who only attack those DNA aliens.

"So, Shiba, I believe you had any other plan that can take these guy out?" Ben ask me as I realise I have changed the course of how this battle is supposed to be.

"Yeah. And it is that Jumpgate. We need to destroy that and no Highbreed fleet will able to invade this planet. I suggest you use one of the strongest or the biggest alien you got in your arsenal to destroy that. If you did not manage to pull out, just slash it or ram it. That will at least make the Jumpgate malfunction." I tell Ben as he nods his head.

Ben run forward as he taps his Omnitrix turning him into Way Big, the biggest alien he got in his arsenal, I think.

Professor Paradox smiled in content seeing Tatsuya who gives instructions and showed leadership in this battle.

"I know bringing you here is a good idea." He thought in his mind.