New Order. It was a quirk with almost unlimited power and more potential than both One for All and All for One. What if someone else was given that power? What would the user do with the world at their fingertips? !ReincarnatedOC !OPMC !WorldBuilding
Sorry if you guys thought this was a chapter, its just an update. I have injured my hands somehow, most likely by typing, since I do it for writing fanfic and predominately for my course. My index finger is the worst and hurts with basic tasks like turning a tap. Rest of my hand also has problems. Hand's are hurting typing this.
Not sure what it is. Inflammation? Arthritis? Carpal Tunnel? I have been prescribed some anti-inflammation medicine so hopefully that helps. Chapter updates will be slowed, if not halted for the time being. I can only hope it heals soon.
If any of you guys have experience with this or any remedies that might help, please tell them to me so I can get it sorted asap. Love you guys, bye.