
MHA: My Hero Harem Academia

Warning! R-18 My Hero Academia smut with a different MC and slightly different storyline. The MC is the adopted child of famous Pro Hero MIdnight. I'm trying to dial down the OP level powers for a slightly more down to earth story than MHA. This story is about harem building. Izuku Midoriya, Shoto Todoroki, and Katsuki Bakugo are all genderbent. Also I have not read MHA:Vigilantes and MIdnight is one of my Main leads in this story so there may be inconsistencies. None of these characters except the MC belong to me.

NamelessPersona · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Inter High Student Sharing

Midnight and I enjoyed each other's bodies for the entire night, we barely got any sleep at all as we gave into our lust and high libidos. Unfortunately it was not the weekend and so we couldn't sleep in either. I groaned as I pulled myself from the bed, my whole body fought me with quite a bit of lethargy.

I began to wonder if I could use my quirk to reduce the need to sleep and boost restorative processes in my body. At this point I was very limited in what I could actually accomplish, because I had been around Midnight for so long I had learned how to induce sleep, I could raise someone's arousal, and I could boost blood flow. Midnight's power was the only one that would be remotely useful to me as a hero.

I needed to gain more power but even something like making my body "sleep" without actually doing it would require a lot of research into what exactly was happening during sleep cycles.

I also wondered if I could research and replicate Recovery Girl and Eraser Head's quirks. Both of their quirks affected the body and so maybe I could learn the method and replicate it.

I sighed heavily as these thoughts assailed me, it would require so much work just to figure it all out. I envied the people whose quirks just worked so naturally, well mine did too but only in regards to sex drive.

I started to get ready for school when I heard the phone ring. Midnight, who was also getting ready, picked it up and began talking.

Whatever the conversation was about it seemed like they were asking Midnight for permission and she seemed to agree to whatever they were asking.

Finally she hung up and I gave her an inquisitive glance. "What was that all about?"

"Shiketsu High approached UA and asked if we would be willing to do a student exchange for a month in order to better help some students with their quirk development.

They especially reached out to me and wondered if I could privately work with a girl who has an emitter quirk and needs some additional guidance.

I told them she could stay with us while she is attending classes at UA." Midnight explained.

"We're hosting someone for a whole month huh." I was actually pretty intrigued, if they did training here at home then I could check out someone else's quirk in action.

She gave me a smirk "You know what this means right?"


"No sex for a month. Also you will have to move back to your room. I know I said heroes are usually promiscuous but that doesn't mean that we should advertise it to someone we don't know." Midnight said.


It's gonna be a long month.

Suddenly a thought struck me.

"Hmph, I guess we will see who caves first." I said teasingly before leaning in and planting a kiss on her lips.

"I admit I will miss fucking like rabbits every night" Midnight admitted before she continued.

"Speaking of rabbits, I was thinking of asking one of my old colleagues to come by on her off days and help train you. You have made significant progress in improving your physical capability but you are lacking in many areas still, especially combat and utilizing your new strength to the best of your ability.

The person who I have in mind could help train you to do both." Midnight said.

"I've always trusted you to help me and I'm not about to turn you down now" I replied. I knew that I still lacked many things compared to pro heroes.

Anyways I couldn't stay at home any longer and so I made my way to school. The day passed uneventfully.

Anyone who has pulled an all-nighter knows that the brain isn't exactly all there the day after. I could barely pay attention in class and so it all turned into a blur.

One thing that I found interesting was a news report I read during a break. It seems that news of All Might's presence in the city has been spreading on social media. He was spotted pursuing what is already being dubbed the "Sludge Villain." Apparently a new hero also made her debut this morning. Mt. Lady a beautiful new hero with the ability to gigantify. From the pictures I saw she certainly had the use sexiness to her advantage. Not that I minded that, I mean Midnight is my mom after all.

Once school finally ended I briefly considered heading home and collapsing from exhaustion but I quickly stifled that idea.

What I needed to do right now is formulate a plan on how to improve my quirk. I needed to improve if I wanted to stand any chance of passing the entrance exam.

So I began to walk in a random direction while inwardly pondering about how I could improve.

The truth of the matter was that my quirk had a ridiculous number of possible applications. It was a staggering amount of possibilities and that was the biggest problem actually.

When you have infinite paths to choose from how was it an easy feat to pick one and follow it?

I definitely needed to find a way to better improve my physique. It shouldn't be outside the realm of possibility to boost protein production and muscle growth and strengthening. I needed to focus my studies on anatomy and physiology.

Outside of pure physical prowess I also needed to expand my emitter abilities as well. At the moment I could use my quirk exactly like Somnambulist.

It was an amazing power, no doubt about it. However, there were severe limitations as well. It was difficult to use in settings where teamwork was necessary. The nature of somnambulist was that of an area of affect attack. I couldn't control direction and only had a vague sense of how far my ability stretched.

Many situations couldn't be controlled by making everyone in the vicinity fall asleep.

Amazing as the quirk was, both Midnight and I knew that it wasn't something that could put you into the highest ranks of the pros by itself. If I was being honest with myself I knew that Midnight had probably sensed this ceiling and made the move to teaching from full time hero. She also really loved educating the next generation of heroes so it was the perfect fit for her.

I wasn't so sure that education was the right fit for me though. I wanted to be a hero that never lets anyone down, when I arrive all doubts would leave the minds of those in danger. For this lofty goal I needed to work harder.

My walk had taken me far into the city but still my mind was working at a furious pace.

The most efficient way of gaining new abilities would be to emulate quirks, like how I had already done with Midnight.

Several of the quirks that I had heard about affected the body chemistry and so it should be able to replicate after some research.

The two that came to mind the most would have to be EraserHead and Recovery Girl. Both had quirks that affected the body. I had heard Uncle Eraser mention something about Quirk genes and how his Eraser could affect them. Recovery Girl simply encouraged a natural process to speed up and so it should be possible to copy her as well.

I needed to get on campus and convince them to help me study how it worked.

I probably couldn't accomplish all of this before the exam but it was a good place to start.

I was still caught up in my musings when I passed an alleyway and heard a loud exclamation.

"SHIT! How did this happen?" A semi familiar voice suddenly rang out and I couldn't help but peer into the alley.

The man I saw was totally unrecognizable however, he was a stooped over emaciated man with blooding running from his mouth. His entire frame hugged his bones without the tiniest shred of vitality showing. He had bright blonde hair that stood out on top of his head. Almost like...

"All Might? Is that really you?" I asked hesitantly, honestly I wasn't sure but his voice and hair were too similar to that man's.

"Young Kayama? what are you doing here?" All Might finally looked up still leaning heavily against the wall, as if it was the only thing keeping him upright.

"Nevermind that, All Might... what happened to you?" I replied before quickly walking up to him and slinging his arm over my shoulder. "We need to get you to a hospital or something, this doesn't look good."

All MIght waved off that suggestion. "Don't worry about me, this is an old injury. More importantly something bad is about to happen if I don't find that villain I was chasing." All Might said that before hacking and coughing violently once again,

"I don't think you sho....." BOOOOOOOOOM. An intense explosion immediately interrupted my train of thought.

All Might and I both looked in the distance as a cloud of smoke rose between buildings. We had no idea what was going on but it couldn't be anything good.

"Shit, Young Kayama please take me there!" All Might Pleaded

Sorry everyone. Anyone who read this chapter in the last 6 days will recognize that this chapter is now different. I accidently deleted it and had to rewrite from memory so there will be a few discrepancies. Sorry

NamelessPersonacreators' thoughts