

L walked past a small caffe he decided to walk in and grab himself a cappuccino he exeted the caffe and began to walk suddenly a explosion could be heard and the sound of fist clashing reverberated in the air L rushed to see what was happening he saw a hero fighting a villian the villian shot out blades from his body the hero made a giant cement wall to block the blades the villian grinned it seemed that the hero didn't see his accomples charging at him from his left side the hero saw the villians smile and was confused he then noticed a other villian charging at him with a giant stone arm ready to punch the hero the hero prepared to take the punch but felt nothing the man saw a rather tall teenager performe a judo flip on the villian the boy then unleashed a series of quick and powerful punches eventually causing the man to pas out the teen jumped over the man's cement wall and then quietly mumbled incineration suddenly a torrent of flames shot our of the boys palms burning the villian and leaving him with 2nd degree burns the villian passed out the boy landed on his feet and proceeded to drink his cappuccino but he was suddenly flanked by reporters who had broadcasted the fight one of the reporters asked him a question excuse me young man can we ask you some questions the boy looked at the man and said no the reporter was shocked he then replied that everyone wants to heat from the young man who defeated the 2 villians the boy then looked at the man and sarcastically added oh are we live the man happily smiled and said yes their live the boy stared at the camera and said no the reporter was dumbfounded he told the boy that everyone wanted to hear what the young hero said the boy froze and glared at the man hero! He shouted don't you dare compare me with those people I'm nothing like them the man asked what's wrong with being a hero the boy looked at him and said what definition of a hero the man a bit surprised answered someone who fights the boy laughed he looked at the man and said no a hero is someone who risk their lives to save the innocent a hero must be able to give up his live even if it just to save one citizen a hero is someone who doesn't care about money or fame their only goal is to make sure that everyone is safe all these so called heroes only care for money and fame you can take that loser endeavor as a example he only cares about his fame L breathed out he then walked away from the reporter L then returned home and went to sleep L woke up the next morning and completed his morning routine he went down to the kitchen grabbed a banana and went for a jog L breathed out I need to calm down L began to walk but he heared someone shouting he dashed to where he heard the scream and saw a skinny boy with green hair trying to push a washing machine with a blond man on it L stared in shock a. a. a. all might he shouted the blond behemoth looked down at him and laughed hahaha hello there young man L greeted the man back and asked what are you doing here all might answered I am helping young midoriya to prepare for the ua entrance exam L was shocked as he looked at the boy he said no offense but you look really weak the green haired boy looked down L quickly added but you have about 10 months to prepare and you obviously have some potential if all might is helping you to train the green haired boy smiled midoriya then extended his hand and said I'm izuku midoriya L shook the nervous boys hand and chuckled I'm L,L then looked back at all might and asked him what and how he was going to train him all might showed him the training plan L skimmed thru the plan and said so your just going to build up his muscles? All might grinned and said yes L then coldly stared at all might all might flinched and asked if there was a problem L replied that he needs to work on his quirks control and needs to learn a form of martial arts all might grinned and said that's a good idea young L,L then said I can help with that All might smiled and thanked the young man L looked at izuku and said were going to spar