
MHA: Izuku The Villain

In one life, Izuku Midorya went on to become the greatest hero the world had ever seen. But what if, through a simple twist of fate, the quirkless child went on to become the most feared villain in all of hero society? **** Like it? then add it to your library and give a 5 star review and send power stone. Discord:- https://discord. gg/qxvX7Tvpqp (without space) **** I do not own anything all goes to its respective owner. fanfic owner:-'soundestguitar' link:- https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4224167/soundestguitar

Toji_Fushigoro · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

Chapter 33


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"Wow, there are...a lot of people here, huh?" Ochako pointed out with a nervous quiver in her voice. "I've never had so many people's attention before."

"I suppose this is another form of training," Iida noted by her side. "Once we become full-fledged heroes, we'll have the public's eye on us. Meaning we'd have to be at our best at all times."

"Our best...right..." The gravity girl gave a smile but lowered her gaze to her feet.

Ever since the mock battle with Bakugo, not to mention the USJ incident, Ururaka had been losing more and more confidence in herself.

And now, she was expected to perform in front of not just this enormous crowd, but to everyone watching at home. Including her parents.

Her parents...

The girl slapped herself on her rosy cheeks, surprising Itsuka and Iida by the odd action. What was she doing, wallowing in her self-pity?

She needed to remind herself about why she was here. This was her first step towards paying them back. To become a hero so successful and famous, she'd make a fortune.

She was well aware of how shallow that sounded, but as she said to the big-hand girl and the spectacled speedster, it was all for the sake of her parents.

They had sacrificed everything for her, whilst barely getting by in their smalltown construction business.

Once she was a hero and made enough money, she could give her parents the easy life that they more than deserved.

"O-Ochako? You alright?" Itsuka asked, concerned with the fresh red handmarks on her friends face.

"Yup! Just getting myself fired up, that's all!" The gravity girl grinned. "Alright, let's do this!"


Deku watched as the students lined up with a feeling of envy running through him.

Every year, Izuku would watch the Sports Festival, imagining what it would be like to stand in the same rows as them, showing the world what he could do, and what kind of hero he would be.

It was a bittersweet sensation to be here, watching the spectacle from a different point of view.

The snap of a whip drew everyone's attention toward a stage platform, where the M-Rated heroine, Midnight, stood tall and confident in her signature lacey outfit. "Line up into your classes, children! It's time for the Sports Festival Athlete's Oath!"

The young analyst smiled as he saw the knock-out gas knockout, remembering their encounter at the ATM bank a few months back.

He was happy to see that she hadn't let the failure deter her from being a hero, not like a fair number of others he'd crossed paths with and left feeling sore in more ways than one.

"Ugh, it's Midnight!" La Brava grimaced at the sight of the woman. "Is she supposed to be the referee or something? Why does she have to wear such a smutty outfit as her hero costume?"

"It's to throw her enemies off guard." The young analyst clarified. "By dressing so provocatively, she can cause her opponents to lose concentration, thereby letting her quirk to do the rest. Not to mention, she needs to have as much exposed skin to allow her quirk to work."

"I still think she looks smutty." The pigtailed girl merely pouted at the information told to her. "But, I guess that's what all guys are into, huh?"

The green hooded boy turned her toward the girl when she said that. A crestfallen look adorned her face until she looked up at her beloved. "Except for, of course, my darling Gentle- I mean, sweetheart!"

"Indeed, my dear." Gentle played the part of an aged old husband as he took the girl's hand in his own. "No other woman could fill my heart as you do."

A few surrounding members of the crowd felt slightly uncomfortable at the public show of affection.

Deku smiled underneath his mask at the small performance. The crack of Midnight's whip drew his attention back to the fem fatal on the podium.

"And here to give the oath this year, is Class 1-A's very own representative; Katsuki Bakugo!"

The Quirkless child's eyes narrowed in on the bomb boy like a scope. To think, they were allowing the likes of HIM to give a speech that was supposed to inspire and motivate the students.

His eyes turned hard and lethal as the disinterested delinquent trudged his way up the platform and stood before the microphone.

"To all of my fellow students, and competitors...Thanks for being my stepping stones toward fame and fortune!"

All of the students, baring Class 1-A, exploded into hateful jeers and threats at the explosion boy, who took it all with a pinch of salt as he strode back down the steps without a care in the world.

But Deku could see what the boy was really thinking...what he was really feeling...

The bully had a snarl on his face. The failure he suffered back at the USJ had done a number on his pride.

His inner foundation of confidence had suffered a severe blow, putting a crack in his arrogance and superiority. The boy had tasted defeat, and he was not in the mood for seconds.

Deku's grinned maniacally underneath his mask...Too bad.

"W-Well! Wasn't that a spirited declaration!" Midnight attempted to lighten the mood, snapping her whip toward the large jumbotron behind her. "Now, without any further a due, let's start the first event!"

The crowd roared in approval, giving Deku the chance to look back to the pint-sized hacker and give her a knowing nod.

La Brava nodded back, then took a moment to clear her throat. "Please excuse me, honey! I need to go to the ladies room!"

"Not at all, my dear! Go right ahead and take your time!" Gentle replied just as animatedly.

The tiny girl shuffled her way through the row of patrons, her backpack concealed beneath her cape.

Once she got out, she gave the two a quick wave before making her way up the stairs.

Her designated location; the UA stadium data centre.


Shota Aizawa kept his dark-rimmed, bloodshot eyes on Katsuki Bakugo as he made his way back to the rest of his class, barely considering the jeers and threats thrown at him.

From the way his eyes were narrowed to slits, Present Mic could easily tell that his best friend was not impressed with his explosive student.

"Well, folks, that's...one way to spark up some motivation!" Hizashi Yamada, AKA Present Mic, declared with a forced laugh.

"Let's give the kids a moment to limber up for the first event. In the meantime, let's hear a few messages from our sponsors!" The sonic voice hero switched his mic off before turning to his partner.

"Geez, Shota! That Bakugo kid of yours seems like a real handful!"

"You don't know that half of it..." The quirk-eraser confessed. "Ever since the start of the semester, he's been picking fights with just about anyone who looks at him cock-eyed...or even just looks at him."

"Sheesh... Reminds me of Sensoji, back in the day!" Hizashi leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed behind his head.

"He used to hound you and your quirk every chance he'd get! Always wanted everyone to know he was the best."

"Yeah, he and Bakugo are like two mirror images. But Bakugo appears to be a lot more... temperamental." Eraserhead commented, thinking back to the abuse he took from the now-famous Mr Blaster, back when they were both students of the famous hero school.


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