
Chapter 13


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The bull-man and snake-hair woman looked at the strange boy like he was crazy. Which from how he was behaving, didn't seem that far off.

"Hey! I've seen those bunny-ears before!"

The three villains looked to see a man with the bodily structure of a dinosaur, with a fossilized head, stomping his way over and pointing a tiny arm at the suspended child. "You're that Green Rabbit guy, aren't you?"

The bull-man and snake hair woman looked back at the boy in shock.

Deku gave a tired sigh. "They're not bunny-ears! ...But yeah, that's me."

The dinosaur man laughed happily at his accuracy. "I knew it was you! This guy's practically famous! He nudged at the snake hair woman and bull-man with his little elbows. "He's been all over the news, taking down heroes one by one!"

The snake-haired woman looked back at the boy, taking notice of his green hoodie and the two flaps of cloth stitched to the head. "Oh, shoot, I think you're right!" She then lowered the boy down gently before unwrapping her coils from him.

"Thank you," Deku responded kindly as he dusted himself off.

"Hey! Is it true that you took down Kamui Woods by setting him on fire?" The dinosaur man asked earnestly as he approached the boy.

"Technically, I set his wood tendrils on fire. It's not my fault his costume proved to be more flammable than it looks." The young analyst explained.

The dinosaur man cackled with glee. "I told you it was him! This kid can figure out a hero's quirk, what their weakness is, and then use it to bring them down!"

The snake-hair woman and bull-man suddenly felt quite nervous being near the kid villain.

They too were aware of the infamous villain the news had been talking about, who can decipher a hero's vulnerability and use it to his advantage.

After hearing so many stories about the green hooded villain in the media, they had no intention of getting on his bad side.

"H-Hey, listen, kid! Sorry about grabbing hold of you like that! Hope I didn't hurt you, or anything." The snake-hair woman apologised with a forced laugh, hoping to ease whatever tension could be between them.

Deku merely gave the villainess a warm smile. "That's okay! Your hair is actually really soft."

For some odd reason she couldn't fathom, the villainess felt a little flattered at that, doing her best to hide her reddening face with her sentient locks.

Deku then looked to the bull-man, who flinched when the boy turned his way. The young villain then gave a small bow. "Sorry for asking you so many questions. I didn't mean to annoy you."

"U-Uh, no, no! That's okay!" The bull-man waved his hand in dismissal. "Y-You can ask me whatever you want!"

An elated smile came to the boy's face as he opened his notebook once more when a familiar voice called out. "Deku?"

The green hooded boy looked to where the call came from and spotted a familiar face. "Rock-Slide?"

It was the four-armed, grey-rock skinned bouncer from the Masquerade. The two had gotten to know each other quite a bit from the young villain's first appearance in the ring against Rappa.

The two even spared against one another, forging a small kinship between them.

"Hey, Deku! Good to see you, buddy!" The rock-man, Rock-Slide, came up to the young trainee, only to spot the two other Villains surrounding the boy. "These guys giving you trouble?!"

"No, no, no, no!" Deku waved his hands in front of Rock-Slide to stop him. "I was just asking them about their quirks! "They didn't do anything, honest! I was just asking Bronco here about his quirk."

The bull-man raised an unseen eyebrow at what the kid just called him. "Bronco?"

"Oh! Sorry." Deku scratched the back of his head nervously. "Sometimes, when I'm taking notes, I like to make up nicknames for people I see and what quirks they have. Judging by your costume and your laser-nose quirk, I was thinking about calling you 'Blasting Bronco'..."

Deku's voice shrunk as he explained, feeling the bull-man's eyes bore into him.

"Hmm...'Blasting Bronco'..." The large villain thought the name over. "I like it!"

Rock-Slide gave Deku a hearty smack on the back, nearly taking the boy off his feet. "Kid's got a sick imagination. It's how he came up with my nickname!"

"Think you can come up with a name for me?" The snake-haired villainess asked cockily, yet curiously.

Deku placed a hand to his chin as he gave the question some serious thought. A light-bulb seemed to go off in his head. "How about...Split-Endz?...With a 'Z!"

The villainess gave her new nickname a thought before smiling to herself. "Hm. Not bad."

"Hey! Hey, hey, hey! What about me?!" The dinosaur man asked eagerly, almost like an excited toddler.

"Hmmm...Skullasaurus?" Deku suggested.

"...I love it! Because I've got a skull, and I'm a dinosaur!" The newly names Skullasaurus cheered as he waved his little arms.

As the Villains chuckled at the dinosaur man's celebrating Deku looked around at all of their faces.

All these people were dangerous, deadly, and violent criminals, yet not one of them wanted to cause him any harm.

While in his old life, on the 'moral' side of hero society, he was insulted, beaten, blasted, put down and pitied by everyone.

It would have been funny if it wasn't such a bad joke...

"Wait...did somebody say 'Deku'?"

The four villains looked to see the newcomer. A white-skinned, fish-faced villain, with gills in his neck and red streaks down his blad head. "You guys talking about the Quikless fighter in the Underground?"

Rock-Slide wrapped one of his multiple arms around Deku and brought him in close. "Who do you think we're talking to?"

Skullasaurus, Split-Endz, Bronco and the fash-man stared wide-eyed at the boy, struggling to register what the gravel-man just said.

"Wait...this kid?" The fish-man pointed at the green hooded boy. "This is supposed to be Deku?"

"Yup! It sure is!" Rock-Slide went on.

Deku sighed. He figured he might as well show his face as he took off his mask and goggles. "Hi, there."

The fish-man blanched at the familiar sight of green messy hair and freckles. "Holy cow! It really is you! The Quirkless kid who took on Rappa!"

A moment of silence.

"...Wait...you're Quirkless?" Skullasaurus asked the boy quizzically.

Deku showed a proud, fearless smile. "Yup! Sure am!"

"I heard a rumour that the Rabbit was Quirkless, but I never believed them." Split-Endz chimed in. "I mean, who could believe that a kid without a quirk could take on all those heroes, and win?"

"I'll tell ya who? Nobody!"

All heads turned to see a villain wearing a skull-shaped helmet and military-grade armour stomping their way. "You expect me to believe that this little twerp is the Green Rabbit, AND the Quirkless fighter in the underground?! Give me a break!"

"Hate to disappoint you, but it's true," Deku interjected. "I took my coach up on his offer to get me into the circuit, figuring it could help me get better at hand-to-hand combat. I'll admit, it's a little riskier for me since I don't have a quirk, but I think I'm doing pretty well, considering."

"Don't be modest, Deku! You've made a big splash in the Masquerade! The crowd loves it when you step into the ring!" Rock-Slide objected to the boy's bashful attitude.

"Oh, yeah? Well, how's about you and me go a few rounds right here and now, punk?" The skull-head challenged as he cracked his knuckles.

Rock-Slide stepped up to the skull-man with a fire in his eyes. "You're gonna have to go through me first, bone-head!"

The skull-man scoffed as he leaned around Rock-Slide to taunt Deku some more. "What's the matter? You gonna let your pal here do the fighting for you? I bet that's how you got your reputation in the first place! Letting guys with all the power do the heavy lifting for you, and you sit back and take all the credit!"

The Quirkless child scowled as he reached behind his back, his hand coming close to grabbing his trusty Taser-Knuckle...


The warehouse went dead quiet. All heads turned to where the dry, venomous voice came from.

Deku squinted his eyes to see the figure on the rafters. One he could easily make out, but the other seemed to be made out of complete shadow.

The one he could see wore a ratty black long sleeve shirt and slacks, with withered, shaggy ash coloured hair draping down from his head.

Whatever he looked like was obscured by what looked to be a severed hand, clasping its fingers over his face, but Deku was able to make out a single, blood-red coloured eye gazing down at all the villains present.

What disturbed him more than the single severed hand concealing the man's identity, was the multiple other severed hands gripping the boy's forearms and the back of his head.

It made for quite the disturbing site, as many of the villains around the boy grimaced at the sight of him.


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