
MHA : I Explode!

Viktor Blaze, a former gangster reincarnates into the body of Katsuki Bakugo. Planning to live a carefree life in a country side with his future wife, it all came crashing down when he wakes up in the middle of a fight between the greatest hero and the worst Villain in history. Left with no other choice, he decided to beat both of them up and ask them questions later. (Disclaimer: This is but a work of fanfiction. All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner.}

IamBoredGuy · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

I Explode! (Part 2)

(Alternate title: The way of a gangster)

-Viktor Blaze POV-

Something is wrong.

"I will kill you, you bitch!"

As I jumped above the skies, the moonlight shined on me for a split second before darkness again took over.

The raging winds, the cold air, the shockwaves passing through my body. It all felt surreal to me.

All For One.

All Might.

For some reason, these names seemed familiar. Almost as if I know who they are, yet I can't remember properly.

The man known as All For One clasped All Might's fists. The air crumbled and roared as their pure raw power enveloped their surroundings. Even from high up here, I could feel the danger they were emitting.

I see now.

The wind blew my hair above, my eyes that were previously clouded with rage cleared. My feral grinned that appeared almost as if instinctive, vanished, replaced by a small frown.


It was the name that man called me.

Although I admit I'm a little crazy, I am not impulsive.


Jumping from a three-story high building, right in the middle of the behemoths that could destroy buildings as if they were made of paper. Holding a metal pipe that I was one hundred percent sure that wouldn't work on All For One.

I knew I fucked up.

Standing in the middle of the crater, All For One in all of his glory, standing tall and firm. As if the punch All Might did had no effect on him, and the power he used to punch the half of Camino Ward to oblivion was just a casual flick.

Camino Ward...? How did I know that?

-Wait, I have no time to wonder about that. Just a few more meters till I break my legs. Ah... why did I jump from a three-story high building again? For some reason, I felt confident that I could survive the fall, yet now that I'm in the middle of the air, I suddenly started regretting it.

Am I missing something?

Well, no point worrying about it now. If I'm gonna die, might as well bonk him in the head.

"Ah, fuck. This is so unlike me."

With those words, I grabbed the metal pipe with both of my hands before reeling it in. I buckled myself and prepared to use this GoE looking motherfucker as an airbag.


(This will be like the cutting segment.)

Viktor Blaze (Katsuki Bakugo)

Impulsive* Schemer

A previous child soldier that now works as a mercenary for hire. (With Bakugo's impulsive personality, Viktor Blaze is now in the middle of an identity crisis.)


Camino Ward, Kanagawa Prefecture

High above the battle that would be written in the annals of history, a news helicopter was circling around the sky. As the sole news station that had the guts to film this spectacle, they were the only news crew that managed to air this fight all over japan.

"Hey, you think All Might can win this?" the cameraman asked his coworker, worry evident in his voice.

"What? Of course, he can! He's All Might!" the reporter exclaimed. Showing his blind faith in front of millions of people watching worldwide. To him and the rest of Japan, All Might was an unbeatable hero. Someone that can take out any villain with one punch!


The reporter looked at the state of the battle and his previously confident face vanished, worry written all over his face. "This scene looks like it's straight out of a nightmare! In an instant, half of Camino Ward has been destroyed!" The cameraman pointed the camera at the devastated city below, the whole area cleared out and the buildings collapsed. "Currently, All Might is fighting the villain thought to be the ringleader! I can't believe it!"

"There's just one villain! He's destroyed the city and is more than holding his own against the Symbol of Peace!"

Looking at their T.V screens, the people of Japan were startled. Their Symbol of Peace, battered and bruised, with the destruction happening in front of them, they couldn't help but doubt if the villain could actually beat All Might.

"What is this? Oh, jeez... The city's all torn up!"

"Doesn't All Might look kind of beat up?"

"Woah, he's getting really beat up!"

"Where's Camino again?"

"Daddy might not have to go to work tomorrow..."

"What are the other heroes doing?"

"Don't you think the villains are going a little too wild recently?"

"Or the heroes are losing too much."

"They're getting soft! Like I can talk."

"But I think it's true."

"Well, but in the end, All Might will take care of it, right?"

They all voiced their opinions. Some were amazed at how a villain could overwhelm All Might, while some doesn't care because it wouldn't affect them. But deep down inside, all of them knew, if All Might lose, it will be the end.

But would he though?

In the middle of the wreckage, All Might coughed out blood as smoke rose from his body. "I'm a little conflicted..." A slightly altered voice said. "The trust in heroes that Tomura steadily chipped away at... I wonder if it's okay for me to land the decisive blow..." as the smoke clears, All For One appeared with not a single bruise on his body. The only thing that could count as an injury was his destroyed headgear.

"But you know, All might, as much as you hate me, I hate you in the same way." All For One slowly made his way towards the panting Symbol of Peace and the limping Gran Torino. "I killed your master, but you took away the things I built up, too, right?"

"That's why I want you to die the ugliest and most gruesome death possible!" he spat, his right arm swelling with arcs of red lightning.

"A big one's coming!" Gran Torino flew away from All Might. "Dodge it and counterattack!" he advised.

"Is it enough to just dodge?" as All Might prepared to dodge, All For One pointed his palm towards a woman trapped inside the rubbles. "Hey!" Gran Torino rushed towards the woman to save her. Alas, he was already too far to reach her in time.

"I will steal away the things you protected until now." A pillar of air shot towards the woman, destroying everything it reached in the process.


"RAAAH!" All Might yelled as he used his last remaining strength to block it, canceling the wind pressure away from the injured woman. Dust scattered and the earth was swept away, the ground shook from the impact and it made All Might's insides scramble.

"First, your self-respect you kept even with your injury." All For One blew the dust away, revealing a skinny All Might with hollow eyes and a thin frame. "Show the world your pathetic form, "Symbol of Peace.""

There he stood. The man they all admired, the man they all thought they could count on. In front of all of Japan, there All Might stood, his fist in a still motion, blood dripping down them, his tight costume that showed his previously muscular body now couldn't hold his skinny form. Trembling all over, he stood there all alone.

"Huh?" All the viewers watching gasped. "What's with that skeleton...?"

"Um... What's? Huh?"

"Can you all see this?"

"All Might has... deflated..." the reported said with a shaky voice.

"Hollow cheeks and sunken eyes!" All For One asserted. "What a pathetic "top hero"!" he spread his arm wide and continued. "Don't be embarrassed! That's your true form--the real you--isn't it?" All Might's glare was the only response he received. It was full of fighting spirit and unyielding will. "I see.." he lowered his hands.

"Even if my body rots and grows weak... Even if you try to expose that form..." All Might clenched his bloodied fist. "...my heart will remain that of the Symbol of Peace!"

"It is not something that you can steal even a single piece of!" he roared

"Wonderful. I give up." All For One said dryly. "I'd forgotten what a stubborn and naughty child you were." He raised his finger. "Then perhaps this will not hinder your heart at all either: You know, Tomura Shigaraki is Nana Shimura's grandson!" he stated.

All Might stood there, wide-eyed. "I kept thinking about what you would hate the most. I created chances for you and Tomura to meet," he explained. "You defeated him, right?"

"You smiled so proudly when you won, not knowing a thing." he teased.


"it's the truth." All For One smirked. "You realize it, don't you? That it's something I would do."

"Oh, that's strange, All Might." All For One raised his hands and placed them on his cheeks. "Where's your smile?" All Might just stared in the air blankly, his mouth hanging loose. His hands fell limp, he trembled at what All For One revealed.

"When you have to save someone, that means that the person went through something scary. So true heroes don't just save lives, they save hearts, too." All Might remembered his master's words. "That's what I think."

His master Nana Shimura.

"No matter how scared you are, you should smile to show that you're okay. Because in this world, the ones who are smiling are the strongest."

With trembling lips, "You... bastard..." he spat.

"This really is fun! Maybe I was able to steal a piece, huh?" All For One taunted.

"He's.. a relative of my master's..." he whispered to himself. "What have I done...?!" fear made its way towards his heart.


"Don't... lose..." the injured woman muttered. "All Might... please..." with tears trailing down her eyes, "Help!" she begged him.

"All Might!"

The populace yelled. Despair. Despair crawled from the pits of their stomachs towards their throats.

"No... No way..."

"All Might..."

"If you can't win, then who can?"

"Even if he looks different, All Might is All Might, right?"

"Haven't you always been able to save us somehow?"

Panic spread to the masses. If All Might lose, then what would happen to them?

"All Might, you can do it!" They yelled towards the screen showing the broken Symbol of Peace. "Don't lose, All Might!"

"You can do it!"



Hearing the begging of the woman, All Might smiled. "Of course, Miss." He used his quirk One for All to buff his right arm. "Yeah, there's a lot... A hero has a lot to protect, All For One."

"Heh, that's why I won't lose!" As he prepared to attack All For One, he. no, they, both heard a voice.

Almost like a whisper.


Before they could react, Viktor smashed his pipe towards the unassuming All For One. With his knees bent, he tilted his body forward as the metal pipe swerved towards All For One's head.


A resounding bonk echoed, dumbfounding All Might, the injured woman, and the rest of Japan.


After yelling his piece, Viktor maneuvered himself in the air and used his back to crash against All For One's body. Effectively killing his fall and tumbling down the slope.

All For One kneeled on the ground and grunted in pain. Anger, pure unfiltered anger was etched on his face. Before he could stand up and kill the bastard that sneak attacked him, another resounding bonk echoed in the area.


Viktor, after another headshot towards the glowering All For One, kneeled down to his eye level. He grabbed All For One's bald head and he asked coldly.

"Hey... By any chance... Do you know GoE?"


Next Episode: Fusion!


Street-Martial Arts

Lesson number 1

"He who strikes first, strikes twice!"


If we could reach like, top ten in the collection rankings, I will mass release.

It will be unedited though.

IamBoredGuycreators' thoughts