
Chapter 7: Goals

Man, I really messed up. Watching that ant's, or well, kid's memories unfold made me realize I might've just crossed a line. Sage interrupted, "Host, your mental state is fluctuating beyond recommended levels," and honestly, who could blame me?

I get it, when I hopped into this MHA world, I signed up for some heavy stuff. I mean, in that universe, it's like a free-for-all with second chances, even for the baddest of the bad. They're giving out do-overs like candy on Halloween.

Giving a second chance to mass murderers, rapists, pedos, and thieves who could contend the likes of inception. And with all those quirks flying around, I'm sure there's someone with a memory-stealing quirk.

It's a mess, like Dumbledore saying, "Let's use non-lethal spells against the Death Eaters." Come on! Some people just need to be taken out, like Batman not offing the Joker.

That guy holds onto his code of not killing, like a toddler doesn't want to let go of its favorite blanky. I'm pretty sure that 90% of all the property damage and casualties in Gotham would have not happened if Batman killed those who are irredeemable.

In MHA land, they're all about not killing, even for the worst criminals. They just toss 'em in a cell, and boom, they're out again in a couple of episodes. It's like they're allergic to the idea of permanently dealing with the bad guys.

So here I am, stuck in a world where taking a life is frowned upon, and I just accidentally erased some kid's consciousness. It's like I'm caught in this moral crossfire between what I know from my old world and the crazy rules of this new one.

And I'm left questioning if I'm just another cog in a messed-up machine or if I can actually make a difference without compromising who I am. Tough gig, am I right?

Sigh, but man, I feel both pity and kinda glad that the kid's dead after watching his memories.

Pity, since he was just a kid and had to experience his parents abandoning him, eating the metal bars of his crib to stave off the hunger and living like there was a sword hanging over his head and it could chop it off if he showed weakness.

Goddammit his first memory is of the doctor who delivered him, having a disgusted expression on his face.

All he yearned for was escaping the clutches of the orphanage and live his life how he desired. It was the elation from having been left to die in a forest, that let him relax and that was the moment I killed him.

Kid was finally happy, and I got the jump on him. Sigh, that feeling of wanting to reset my character is back and in full force.

The kinda glad feeling came from the fact that I'm pretty sure that he was going to be a villain in the future. But I quickly snuffed that line of thought.

I refuse to fall so low that I give everyone I see a second chance, but this kid was barely a year old. If shown some love and compassion, he would be on the just path again.

"Aaaarghh!!" I let out a frustrated groan from my mouth, the kid's mouth, as I rested my back against a tree while contemplating my choices.

Sigh, the world's not going to fix itself and I'm pretty sure that even if I want to, a century of discrimination can't be erased in a lifetime.

At that thought, I mentally slapped myself since well I'm definitely going to live for longer than a lifetime and last I checked, I'm not going to die before I turn five hundred.

Alright! Long term goal set-o! I'm going to rid this society of its sheep mentality and fix discrimination.

'And what about killing others in the future?' you might ask.

And for that, my dear readers, our beloved MC has chosen to ignore it, like with all other moral dilemmas 😊. (Chibi Uncle Pizza explains to the children listening to his story.)

The one good thing that came from his memories was the path to civilization. So, I decide to prepare myself for facing the scum of society as I trudged my way back down the path he came from.

...On second thoughts, I'd rather not face the staff I might probably run into. Being seen by them in this body might lead to them thinking that he's back for revenge.

Them thinking that the kid is dead (which he is), might provide me with some leeway in the future.

And soon days passed, and the months followed. The more time flew by, the more I refuse to face the world outside this forest.

The sane and human part of me is longing for the social and emotional connection that comes from being in contact with society. But living life as a symbiote for almost half a year has changed me.

It's made me different, more.

It might seem like a pathetic life to live as an alien tumor, but I've come to terms with it. I've had to.

Sigh. I'm doing that a lot these days eh? But that's the most typical response of those who are anxious of the future. It wasn't until I saw the kid's memories that I understood what the other fanfics were talking about.

Whenever they said that they viewed the people as mere characters in a game, I would think, 'Isn't it obvious that they're not?'

I know the plot of this world inside and out. Even if I can't recall the obscure details, Sage would remind me if I asked her.

The moment I experienced the kid's memories and the emotions he had unconsciously suppressed to survive; I saw this world for what it truly is.


And just like all life, it is inherently flawed. The least I can do is try to make a corner of it as safe as possible. A space where children don't have to see a disgusted expressions as their first impression of this world.

And so, I finally set out towards the city, with a resolve which my eyes lacked when I first reincarnated. It's no longer a joke. There are no fun times when facing the corrupt nature, ever-present in all mortals. It's time to grow up.






Lol you thought I was serious? Of course, I'm fighting crime and the scum of society, but that doesn't mean that I can't have fun while doing so.

Spider-man did it and so can I!! My Hero Academia, here I come!

(A/N: Our MC is finally gonna start kicking names and taking ass! See what happens in the next episode of Symbiote with BallZ!!)

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