A prodigy born with a godly quirk and forced into being a hero and living a life he despises, all for the sake of his parents. OP MC from the beginning, NO HAREM so please just don't ask. QUIRK: Hand Of God(Ope-Ope No Mi) The Art and original series don't belong to me. If you own anything here and would like it removed I'll gladly comply. Story cross-posted on scribble hub under the same title and profile name. Update Schedule: Monday-Wednesday-Friday
Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y
pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene
"I'm almost done in here, prep the next patient immediately," Horizon says to the empty operating room as he takes a scalpel to the brain lying on the metal table.
Hearing him through the comms his assistant at this hospital responds, "You've been performing surgeries for nearly twenty hours straight, don't you need a break?"
"I can still go for twenty more before I need some sleep, but these kids may not have that time," Horizon says as he continues focusing on the brain.
He very carefully and gently touches it with one finger, sensing where the tumor is once more, then takes one look to his left.
On the other end of the operating table where the three-year-old girl lays, her head harmlessly detached beside her body, her brain harmlessly removed and split in two right down the middle in front of Horizon.
Horizon leans forward and sees the tumor, half the size of a marble, attached to the top of her brain stem.
A terminal case for any person, unless Horizon is their doctor.
Horizon carefully pilots the scalpel to cut into the tumor, slowly, gently, cutting between where it and her brain stem meet.
He keeps one hand on the brain, holding it steady and constantly sensing her biological response to his intrusion as he goes.
After some tense moments and much concentration, Horizon completely removes the tumor and allows it to drop onto the table.
He pauses for a moment, prepared to react if her body, for whatever reason, responds poorly to the change.
But nothing happens, so with a wave of his hand, he reassembles her body perfectly, better than it was before he began.
"Now for one last check," Horizon mutters as he gently touches her head, doing a full Scan of her, down to the genetic level.
Beneath his visor, he smiles, "yet another miracle complete," he says before turning around, walking out of the operating room.
There are three nurses standing in the hallway with sanitation equipment and a gurney to move the child, who smile as Horizon steps outside.
"She'll be fine, just needs some rest and physical therapy to get over her muscle degradation," Horizon says as he walks past them.
As they move to sterilize the room and get the girl to the recovery ward, Horizon looks around, not seeing the second group of nurses with his next patient.
A two year old boy with degenerative bone marrow in dire need of a miracle.
Horizon sighs and walks through the hallway to the main nerve center of this wing of the hospital, seeing everyone moving about.
"Where is my next patient?" He asks, causing much of the room to pause for just a moment before they get back to work.
"Horizon, you're still here?" the nurse assigned to him asks, genuinely surprised.
"Why wouldn't I be? I still have lives to save."
"But, Central Park, we assumed you'd warp there right away," the man pointed down the hallway where a faint orange light was shining onto the wall.
Horizon expands his Room to cover more than just the hospital, but Central Park, which is just across the street.
"Wow, I've never sensed anything like that before," Horizon says as he walks down the hallway to a window overlooking the park.
On one of the baseball fields was a bright orange glow which then dimmed for a moment.
Horizon tilts his head to the side, clearly studying what he was sensing.
"We assumed you knew," the nurse says. "Other Pro Heroes and SWAT teams have already arrived on the scene."
"No, when I'm operating on a patient they get my full attention," Horizon says as he looks across the park, seeing the building that the United States government rented for him, completely melted. "Clearly whatever is going on there wants my attention."
"Should I postpone your other patients?" the man asks. "Normally we'd evacuate the hospital, at least those who aren't hooked up to essential life support machines, but…"
"I know, I am here," Horizon says, looking around to see the doctors, nurses, support staff, and patients looking at him. "No need to evacuate, prep my next patient, this won't take long," Horizon says before he warps away.
Horizon appears two blocks away, leaving the Children's Hospital to arrive in a general hospital, specifically the emergency room entryway.
He was yet again surrounded by chaos, police officers, civilians, and Pro Heroes alike were laid out on gurneys, chairs, and the floor, with doctors rushing to identify and treat the most heavily injured first.
Blue energy vapor begins pouring off of Horizon like a thick morning mist, spreading through the room and stabilizing the patients.
"What is this?" One of the doctors asks, looking away from the police officer he was struggling to stabilize, who was already trying to sit up.
"Booster Shot, it heals injuries and such, but still give everyone a once over before you clear them," Horizon says as he walks over to the help desk, noticing the sense of relief washing over the room.
The man behind the desk gives him a confused look as Horizon reaches over the desk and grabs all the pens and pencils held in a small cup, out of view.
He then snaps them all in half, then snaps them once more.
Without a word he then tosses them outside, into the drop off bay.
Most of the pieces are swapped for civilians, Pro Heroes, and police officers, including some more heavily armed officers.
Then new arrivals look around confused, until they feel the cool sensation of Horizon's healing energy flowing through them.
---Minutes Earlier…
Walking through one of the many baseball fields within Central Park, a man made entirely of solid flames, glowing orange and melting the ground with each step, walks to the pitcher's plate.
"Damn it, and here I thought that would have gotten his attention," the man groans in annoyance, looking back at Horizon's assumed residence within Manhattan.
The entire building was melted, molten stone, steel, and glass, now flowing into the streets and affecting the nearby buildings.
A high caliber sniper rifle bullet slams into the man's head, entering one side and leaving the other as molten metal.
"Well, at least someone finally noticed me," the man says as three Pro Heroes arrive on the scene.
One of them had two massive bat wings protruding from his back, and under each arm he carried an ally.
Under his left was a man with a sniper rifle, still aimed at the villain.
And under his right was a woman with large gauntlets on her hands.
The three Pro Heroes land, and immediately take a combat stance.
"Surrender, before this gets messy," the man with wings says.
"Seriously? You ask me to surrender after shooting me in the head, isn't that supposed to be the other way around?"
The man with the rifle responds by taking aim yet again, then loads a special round without moving the gun at all. "When you melt a skyscraper, I tend to get trigger happy."
"You're lucky since Horizon lives there there isn't anyone else in the building!" the woman says, slamming her fists together to cause a shockwave through the area. "You could have killed someone!"
"That's…the point, now, come be the first victims!" the man yells while running at them.
"Don't let him touch you!" the winged man says as he flaps his wings, sending a massive gust of wind through the area and kicking up a small sandstorm.
"Annoying!" the villain yells as he can't see through the sand, but from outside they see him as a bright glowing target.
The Pro Hero with the rifle fires a special 'Cryo Round' directly at the villains' head, only for the special payload that can freeze a moving locomotive engine in place, instantly, to have no effect at all.
"He runs hot," the man says, "we need backup."
"We'll stall him, get us some help, and find Horizon!" the woman says as she rushes into the sand cloud.
"Got it," the winged hero rockets into the air, leaving his friends behind.
Seeing his wife rushing forward, the man raises his rifle once more, aiming at the villain's head, then hits a button at the side of his gun to make it completely silent.
He quickly steadies his breathing and focuses his Quirk, preparing the next few rounds with it.
He fires one round at the stationary villain, and while it's soaring through the sand cloud it suddenly changes directions, making a sharp turn upward.
After less than a second it changes again, making another sharp turn forward.
Then it makes a third sharp turn, and strikes the villain's head from above, directly opposite the man who shot it.
His Quirk, Loaded Vectors, allows him to preset coordinates into projectiles, and when they reach those coordinates, the vector will change without losing any energy.
He can set up to three coordinates per projectile.
The villain responds as expected, and turns around.
'Gotcha!' the woman thinks as she arrives behind the villain, then pivots to the side and launches a strong right at his face.
"Skyquake Strike!" she bellows as her fist stops inches away from him.
The area shakes as a street wide lane of destruction is launched point blank at the villain.
It shakes the air between the fist and his face, causing a path of destruction from her fist to the water reservoir in Central Park, where she intended to launch him.
But as her attack blasts away the sand, the villain is standing in place, hovering in place actually, as the ground beneath him was completely torn away and launched into the reservoir.
Before the woman can react the villain casually raises his hand, and gently touches her fist with the back of his hand.
Her body barely made contact for a fraction of a second, but down to her bones were completely disintegrated, atomized perfectly into the air.
It happens so quickly that her nerves don't register any pain, only a cold sensation at the end of her arm.
"Move!" her husband screams, and she leaps away as he offloads his entire magazine into the villain, and it does nothing.
"My Fire quirk is the only Transformation Type for a reason you know," the villain says, looking at the man. "It makes me invulnerable to anything you have, even if you were able to move me, the water wouldn't have worked. That's the first thing I tried when I realized the hell my life would be, trapped in this form, so just go get me Horizon."
The man glances over at his wife, who already had her left fist raised, ready to continue fighting.
"Sorry, but we aren't the type to give up," he says, noticing his wife's smile at those words.
"Nothing you have can hurt me, so begone…"
The couple barely have time to react as the villain raises the heat of his body, vaporizing the air around him, flash incinerating the entire baseball diamond into black dust.
The air in the area rushes toward the villain for a moment as his Quirk hungrily consumes it all, then the man simply looks around, seeing police cars and Pro Heroes rushing toward him, led by a man with bat wings.
He frowns, knowing they could never hurt him, knowing they couldn't bring him the peace he wanted…