
MHA: Hive Mind

Quirks are superpowers, beginning from a long time ago and persists even until now to the point that 80% of the population already has Quirks. The Quirk Singularity Theory states that as time goes by, Quirks would continue to grow stronger and stronger, more precise and detailed, and with that comes danger until finally a doomsday event would come where a truly monstrous Quirk couldn't be controlled. Shinso Hitoshi was a boy in the present with a Quirk that allows him to brainwash others if they replied to him. DOOMQ MC-875 was a boy from the future with a Quirk that allowed him to control the minds of others using a Sub-Quirk of controlling liquids as a way to penetrate directly to a Human's brain, specifically the ones the secrete chemicals, cerebrospinal fluid and many others to take full control of one or more people's brain. In a twist of manic, boredom induced, power-high and hate for his current modern time MC-875 brainwashed another fellow DOOMQ that has power over time and sent his consciousness and quirk way back into the past. Way back into the present. Way back into Shinso Hitoshi's brain, hijacking him and just casually taking over his existence. Not the weirdest situation he's gotten himself into.

DevilNeumann · Anime & Comics
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DOOMQ MC-875, or rather DOOM QUIRK Type Mind Control Number Eight Seven Five was an anomaly.

Even among his fellow DOOMQ, he was odd. Most of them accepted their faiths of having Quirks that were judged to be potentially world ending and was sealed away in some space station to be checked on and disposed of if need be.

MC-875 didn't quite like that. He loathed it, the idea that someone like him was treated as some cataclysmic mosnter of extreme destructive potential, to have his childhood stolen from him because of his frankly amazing Quirk, didn't sit quite down right with him.

So, the moment he was given a judgement for his Quirk, he already sowed the seeds of his revolt, it started with the man who delivered him to the prison space station, then slowly to the guards of their cells, the chefs, the scientists who despite their protective equipment didn't quite expect to be drugged by their own people and later memory wiped about that event and come out controlled by him.

His Quirk was just that damn good. He could control liquids, but what he could specifically control best was the ones that worked for someone's brain, all it takes is a whim from him and he could already control someone.

Downside being that he also could just end up losing control of his control and end up killing, paralysing or even giving them amnesia back to a baby accidentally.

Thankfully, he found ways to remedy this by finding an object to, in simpler terms, use as a catalyst for both will and imagination.

In his case, a calculator for each person he controls fully, a number designates a base ability and all he has to do is press that number and think of the command, more specific ones required him to telepathically communicate with his subject.

A base ability is for example, 6 is to kill, when he presses 6, then his command would them be related to it. He orders Subject 7 to kill a chicken, would be the simpler ones.

And then, for something like, kill a chicken and debone it before asking the chef to cook him some chicken fillet would then need telepathy.

875 doesn't really care what buttons he presses, it's all just part of his imagination to control his powers anyways, six can be the kill or the protect button whenever he wishes.

And then, done explaining the bare bones of his Quirk and now back to the topic. After taking control of the scientists, he then ordered them to request the higher ups to personally see him because he has something "special" they must find out.

With each successive people under his fingertips, he slowly found himself taking control of even the leader of the United Systems of the Milky Way.

Which would be the highest of higher ups. He successfully freed himself from the space station and controlled the world from the shadows without anyone knowing any better at the young age of 8.

It was boring. At the age of 12, he began to play around with different solar systems causing various wars for the heck of it and even releasing the tightly kept secret black hole bomb on one solar system and wiped it out of existence.

At age 15, MC-875 reached the peak of his boredom. He was bored, agitated and was in a frenzy.

So, he had a glorious idea, if the future was boring, how would the past fare? Coming back to the prison space station and finding a kid who could control time was easy for him and by also taking control of the kid, he managed to learn more about his abilities.

Simply put, not only can he time travel, he can choose to do so in any particular way he wished!

Without much ado, he of course, picked the most fun option, sending his consiousness and "soul" back.

Well, he did it after ordering his subjects to suck up Earth and every allied solar system, galaxies or what not with a black hole bomb.

In a sense, he wasn't going to come back there anyways.


Shinso Hitoshi was a kind boy, even his parents knew that. Despite possessing a rather unsuitable Quirk for heroics, he wished to help people and become a hero, they loved him for that.

Sadly, not everyone shared the sentiment. At school, he was feared because of his Quirk, others often bullied him and called him a Villain for no reason.

His neighbours disliked having their children play with him and overall, the entire thing was taking its toll on a young 6 year old like him.

At such a young age, he was already looking haggard and he had social problems, he came home often bruised and sometimes minor cuts.

He cried alone often, blaming his Quirk but never his parents. Yet, despite all this, not once had the evil thoughts of becoming a Villain even cross his mind. Not. A. Single. Damn. Time.

This spoke wonders of Hitoshi's mental strength, ironic for a brainwasher really.

His parents were ready to move out of town incase the bullying got worse and they were really worried for him.

So, imagine their surprise when out of the blue, Shinso Hitoshi came out of his room a little diff than usual.

His messy indigo hair suddenly had streaks of blonde on the left side. His pupils becoming star shaped and his voice chipper and definitely not what he used to sound like.

No, what's more confusing was that their 6 year old son grew up all of the sudden, roughly around 8 years old.

The answer to the is because he wasn't Shinso Hitoshi anymore.

Though, the parents didn't have to know that. Neither will they have to know about the original.

"Ah, Kaa-san, Tou-san~ sorry, but could you forget about whoever I used to be?"

The 2 couple stared at each other in confusion.

"Well, not like I asked for your permission, just forget about your 6 years with Shinso Hitoshi and instead remember 6 years with someone named..."

He paused.

"I actually... just call me Hitoshi too. Okay~?"


Their eyes blanked out, stars appearing in their pupils before the light returned and they continued their day as if nothing happened.

And, just like that.

DOOMQ MC-875 took over the existence of Shinso Hitoshi.


I was a very cautious person, never had I went on my way without plans. Yes, I Hitoshi, was a very meticulous person.

That's why, the moment I became a part of this body, I checked the memories of Shinso Hitoshi before fully taking over, and I have just about the right guess as to where I am.

This was around the 2000's, judging from this boy's All Might figurines, probably around the era where Deku debuted.

I paused after uttering that legendary name.

Deku, was in all honesty the single most greatest being to grace the history of Earth. We did not have a single history class where his name isn't uttered, he was basically the kickstarter of a new golden age.

The God of Heroes.

Or, that's how he was referred to in my modern time.

I shivered in excitement, to think that I could actually meet the Deku. I was aware he had humble beginnings, but still...

UA. I need to get in UA to meet him!

So, the first course of action was to find someone to subject my will and imagination to. To be honest, I could use my Quirk just fine without it, but for safety reasons and overall smooth sailings, I needed it.

I took our remote, flipped it a bit in the air and shrugged.

"This'll work, doesn't really matter what"

I got dressed up for school, and found out that my clothes didn't quite fit my 8 year old body.

I truly did not expect this sudden aging as a side effect, but it doesn't actually matter, I wore whatever I could and walked to the school as I remembered it.

I received a few strange gazes, but most could recognize me as Hitoshi, therefore I quickly went to the faculty and spoke to them.

"Excuse meeee~"

All the teachers looked at me in confusion, it's not everyday a kid hair barges in late at the faculty just before classes starts, all the teachers were preparing to move out.

I picked up the remote and used my quirk, holding the remote in one hand.

"Ahem, so. You're all my bitches, yes?"

Tut. I pressed a random button.

""""""Yes. We're all Hitoshi's bitches""""""

"Great~ so, like can my dear teachers help me get some uniforms matching my size, give me perfect grades, the highest possible for a student and give me a recommendation to skip a few years? Oh, I think I also need to see the principal... right, thanks my dear teachers~"

After that, I beelined for the principals office and controlled him too, I just asked him to complete the necessary papers for me, after all it was still his decision that mattered.

Oooh, donuts.

"Ji-san, you don't mind me taking your box of donuts, no?"

No answer, oh well.

I took the donuts and ate them as I went out of the campus, I made sure to mind wipe the guard so he doesn bother me later.

You might ask why I didn't just control him? Well, I was already within my full mind control cap.

I could only fully control about 15 people in succession.

But, regular mind control was about triple digits.

Difference between them?

I could make one back flip on top of a bear while juggling and using their quirks to play with kids and then have them constantly reciting the Pi while farting at every criminal they come across town then go home and play the banjo for a week straight before calling themselves pickle Rick for life.

The other, I could order to mob a cocky boy and leave him within an inch of his life.

I don't believe I have to explain more?

So, my first day of school and I was already cutting class in a mall. I went to a clothing shop and basically emptied it out.

It was free.

"Thank you for the free clothes nee-chans~"

I also got a taxi driver to bring them to my house after I dressed up.

Just a casual All Might T-Shirt with cargo shorts.

Next, I went to a shoe store and also emptied it out.

It was free.

Damn, the big sisters of this era were really kind, weren't they?

I basically ransacked the mall, from the electronic shop, to the accessory shop, to the sports shop, to the music shop all the way to the furniture shop.

I didn't quite empty some of them, but I got a lot of things for free.

Mainly a shitload of calculators and remote controls.

After my shopping free, I went to the security cam room and just gave the on duty guards a simple permanent order of letting be after deleting the footages of me.

Sure, I could control minds, but that doesn't really excuse a bunch of holes in their earnings, no?

Like I said, I was a cautious fellow. Better safe that sorry. I erased my existence from their memories after I got home and also the taxi driver after giving him a simple order to drive back to the mall.

He'd be confused for a bit, but nothing to make him think a kid just mind controlled an entire mall to his whims and he acted as some sort of butler for the duration of it.

"Hitoshi! You're lat– W-Wha–"

Hm. I forgot about their reactions. Oh well, nothing a few tweaks can't fix.

"Hey, mom? Don't you want a new house too?"

Perhaps one closer to UA to prepare myself to meet DEKU! WOOHOO!

"Hm. Sometimes I wonder why I ask a question when I could just control your minds to do so anyways, maybe cuz I'm actually a good person? Probably~"

Damn. My Quirk is really too damn good.