

Daoistah03FM · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


Steal from bad guy's and use it for good.



### Izuku's POV

It's been two months since I arrived in this world, and the progress I've made is nothing short of remarkable. My body has transformed, becoming leaner and more defined. I ensure I remain flexible by incorporating rigorous stretching exercises into my training regimen, paying attention to every muscle fiber. Every morning begins with a series of dynamic stretches, followed by high-intensity interval training and strength workouts that push my limits.

My mind, too, has been racing with ideas. Among them is the creation of an advanced computer capable of hacking into any security system. With two PhDs in computer science and engineering from my previous life, I have the knowledge. Yet, the materials I need are prohibitively expensive.

"I need to find a way to make money," I muttered to myself, pacing my small room.

Shady methods have crossed my mind. Stealing from bad people, though risky, seems like a worthwhile venture. Think of it as 'robbing the rich to give to the poor.' And by poor, I mean me.

Equipped with confidence in my fighting skills, I devised a plan to infiltrate the underground world of My Hero Academia. The Underground Masquerade seemed the perfect target—a notorious event hosting illegal guerrilla fighting tournaments. Held in the depths of Osaka, it attracts a shady crowd, including criminals dealing in Quirk-boosting drugs and other illicit activities. All For One once ran these events to scout Quirks and further his nefarious enterprises.

Although All Might and the heroes shut down one such event, I highly doubt it was the only one. All For One's operations are extensive, and I'm certain more of these clandestine gatherings exist.

To prepare, I sold all my All Might memorabilia, much to my mother's confusion. I convinced her I needed to save space and money for future needs—a lie she bought without question.

After extensive research, I purchased the perfect outfit: a black long-sleeve jacket with a hood, a black long-sleeve T-shirt, black cargo pants, combat boots, gloves, and a full-face mask with lenses that block flashbangs. I also acquired a belt with a first-aid kit, a combat knife, police batons, throwing knives, flashbangs, smoke bombs, a rope, and a small black sling backpack that could expand to fit all my gear. The ensemble was ready.

I learned that criminals often use cryptocurrency for transactions, so I designed a custom portable hard drive with a 22TB capacity for storing information and another for transferring untraceable money. Portable jammers to shut down security systems and communications rounded out my gear.

"Time to look for clues about the underworld society," I said, determination fueling my every move.

With the anime and manga offering no concrete locations, I hypothesized hidden hideouts within cities, underground facilities, abandoned buildings, or remote outskirts. After scouring potential sites, I narrowed it down to Kamino and Hosu—both hotbeds of criminal activity. But knowing All For One, he likely operates in places heroes wouldn't suspect.

I began my search methodically, targeting nearby abandoned buildings and warehouses. Ensuring my mother was asleep, I donned my costume and set out under the cover of darkness, evading hero and police patrols while avoiding security cameras.

The city at night is a different world entirely. Shadows stretch long and dark, hiding secrets in every corner. I moved through these shadows, a silent ghost, my heart pounding with anticipation and adrenaline. Every creak of a floorboard, every distant siren heightened my senses.

After countless checks, I finally stumbled upon an abandoned building with suspicious activity. Two grunts guarded the entrance, their faces hard and unforgiving under the dim streetlights. I took them down silently and efficiently, ensuring they were incapacitated without alerting anyone.

Inside, the air was thick with the stench of mold and decay. I moved silently through the building, my senses on high alert. The building had three floors, each one more decrepit than the last. It was on the third floor that I discovered a lit office room with six individuals. Among them was a fat man conducting an illegal drug deal for Trigger, a Quirk-boosting drug. The sight of 15 million yen in a suitcase caught my attention.

'That money is mine!' I thought, adrenaline surging through my veins.

I threw a flashbang and smoke bomb into the room, disorienting everyone. I swiftly took down the man with bullet-shooting fingers, then the one with a lighter, and the lizard-like individual. One attempted to draw a gun, but I incapacitated him with a throwing knife. My movements were fluid, almost instinctual, honed by countless hours of training and preparation.

The man with brass knuckles, however, posed a greater challenge. Strong and muscle-bound, he forced me to engage in a prolonged fight. I dodged and struck at his openings, wearing him down until I delivered a knockout blow. His punches were like hammers, each one a potential knockout, but I used his strength against him, redirecting his blows and exploiting his slow recovery time.

The fat man, desperate, aimed a gun at me, but I quickly disarmed him with a knife throw. As he screamed in pain, I approached him, adopting a deep, hushed voice.

"I am Silent," I declared, the name resonating with a cold finality.

He tried to grab the dropped gun with his other hand but didn't get the chance. I swiftly kicked him in the face, causing him to hit his head on the floor hard, knocking him out cold.

With the room silent, I secured all the unconscious men in a corner, tying them up with the rope I brought. Using one of the guards' phones, I called the cops, leaving an anonymous tip. I grabbed the money, checked their wallets for extra cash, and made my exit before the heroes arrived.

Returning to my underground basement, I reveled in the success of my first heist. The basement was my sanctuary, a hidden space filled with the tools and gadgets I had crafted. I threw the briefcase onto the table, a grin spreading across my face.

"Hahahaha! Perfect execution," I laughed, adrenaline still coursing through me.

While I savored my victory, I knew not to get overconfident. These were low-level thugs, far from the toughest challenges I would face.

With the money secured, I contemplated my next steps—whether to buy materials for high-tech gear or save for future needs. For now, I needed to get home before my mother woke up.

Hiding the money in a safe spot, I changed out of my costume and went to bed, exhaustion finally catching up with me.


The next morning, the alarm jolted me awake. Still groggy from the night's escapade, I got up, showered, and prepared breakfast for my mother and me. When she entered the kitchen, I greeted her with a smile.

"Good morning, Mom."

"Good morning, Izuku. What's that delicious smell?" she asked, rubbing sleep from her eyes.

"I made us breakfast. Sit down and let's eat."

We enjoyed the meal together, and my mom praised my cooking. "Izuku, your food is delicious!"

"It's just some miso soup, grilled fish, and tamagoyaki, Mom. Your cooking is way better," I said, smiling.

"Well, it's still worthy of praise because you made it," she replied, her eyes twinkling with pride.

I laughed at her antics, grateful for the moment of normalcy. After breakfast, I settled on the couch to watch the news. The report detailed the drug bust from the previous night, mentioning a vigilante named Silent who had incapacitated the criminals. However, they did not mention the stolen money.

The heroes dismissed Silent as a lawbreaker, but I didn't care. I was here to steal from bad people and make my mark. As the news droned on, my mind drifted to my next move.

And this was only the beginning.


That's all for today's chapter! I hope you like it!

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