
Chapter 76: Prelude to Two Heroes (3)

Chapter 76: Prelude to Two Heroes (3)

~Third POV~

[Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall, Tokyo, Japan]

Meanwhile, Ochaco sighs aloud as she mutters defeatedly with her head down, "Sigh… Ugh, I can't just run away every time I get flustered. I bet Ren-san was confused by that. I feel bad leaving him behind."

Returning to her previous location, she mutters with a light blush, trying to convince herself in a determined tone, going into a tangent, "So... I should go back and apologize. Right? Just go talk to him. All alone. No big deal. Yeah! No problem. It's not like I wanna spend all day shopping with him or anything weird. I mean, sure, I think he's amazing 'cause he tries so hard to be a hero. But it's not like I like him. He's my friend! What Aoyama said was ridiculous!"

However, seemingly popping out from nowhere, Ren appeared listening as he asked out of nowhere in a mischievous tone, "Aw… I didn't know you felt that way about me."

Ochaco froze on the spot as she slowly turned around with a paled expression on her face as she asked, shuddering, "A-AH! Ren-san… how much of that did you hear…?"

Deciding to be honest, he chuckled lightly as he responded casually, "All of it. And there's no need to apologize I'm fine. I just had to make sure everyone was fine. Don't take what Aoyama says to heart."

Ochaco blushed heavily deep red. And it didn't help as he grabbed ahold of her hand with a light grin, responding in a happy tone, "Besides that, I'll help pay for what you need. No need to be shy or embarrassed just be yourself, and everything will be okay, Ochaco-san."



Ochaco's heart beat faster as she shyly nodded her head with steam coming out from her face, "Uh huh… o-okay then Ren-san…"

Having no choice, Ren took things slowly, with Ochaco helping her with what she needed to buy for the Summer Training Camp. Eventually, everyone soon reunited as promised by 3:00 on the dot in the food plaza…


[Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall, Food Plaza, Tokyo, Japan]


The members of Class 1-A that came to the shop all exclaimed when Ren revealed the news of his encounter with Tomura Shigiraki, his version of events. Ochaco soon brought her phone, but Ren stopped her as he said in a calm tone, "Don't worry, I already texted Nezu about this and called the police about his whereabouts. That guy isn't here, so take a deep breath and relax. That goes for everyone present."

Eyeing his classmates, they were unnerved as Ida spoke in a cautious tone with his soda uncomfortable, asking, "If you knew you were with a madman, why didn't you inform the police or heroes about him sooner, Ren-san."

Ren sighed in a defeated tone and explained, eyeing the people giving him his answer as calmly as possible, "Sigh… because look around Ida. If Tomura was cornered, the most likely thing would happen is that the guy would kill any nearby people here. Honestly, I'm just glad I caught him before he reached you guys."

Jiro pointed her finger with a disapproving expression, shaking her head, asked in a neutral tone, eyeing him, "Maybe… but you could've done more if you used your Quirk right, sending him to the police station or getting one of the teachers but instead talked to the manic."

Ren shrugged his shoulders at Jiro's response as he calmly responded in a chill tone, answering her question, "True. But knowing that he could end someone by contact, I had to make sure he didn't do anything. And even if I didn't, he'd probably escape the police. However, it seemed like he only came to ask either one of us or me his questions about the Hero Killer."

This brought a pause as Ida tensed. Ida soon asked in a stoic tone, eyeing Ren carefully, "What do you mean by that, Ren-san?"

Ren carefully explained what he meant by his conversation to his classmates, expressing shock, concern, and confusion. Mina raised an eyebrow, asking in a confused tone, "So… let me get this straight: this creep isn't in league with the Hero Killer? He equally hates everything and specifically Stain's guts, right?"

Nodding his head, confirming the words from Mina's question, he also added in a serious tone, "Yeah. But I texted the principal about this encounter, suggesting upping the security of UA and safety for the students. He'll place some heroes to watch over us during the summer break as a precaution."

Listening to his words, they all sighed in relief. But it was then Ren broke the relief in a serious tone, "But still just be safe, guys. The League of Villains might target us like this in the future. I suggest having one of our classmates be in attendance or informing others of your location through the group chat. One can't be too careful."

They collectively nodded their heads, agreeing to learn of this ordeal. But moving onto new topics, trying to calm everyone down, Denki asked, pointing his finger at Ren in a curious tone, "Alright, Class Rep. But moving on… Did you get a reward from the principal? I seem to recall you got something for winning the Sports Festival, right?"

Changing the serious and concerning safety, Denki put the spotlight on Ren about the reward he earned from winning the Sports Festival. Ren smirked, grabbing the I-Island Ticket from his [Sub-Space] in a smug tone, "Bingo Kaminari. This right here is a free all-expense pass to the famous I-Island for a whole week for the I-Expo in the coming few days. I can even bring a +1 with me."

Nearly all eyes widened hearing the news as they exclaimed, "NO WAY!!"

Having brought up the I-Expo, Ida, and Momo blinked, surprised by this turn of events. Momo soon spoke up, gaining some attention in a surprised tone, "Oh! So that's the reward for winning the Sports Festival? Then, I suppose I will meet up during the first week."

All eyes were on Momo as Ida chimed in with a light smile on his face in a stoic tone, "Oh, both of you are joining as well? I suppose I'll be on the lookout for meeting you guys at the I-Expo."

Their mouths were agape as Mina asked, pointing at Momo in a confused tone, "Hold up…! How are you guys joining the I-Expo!"

Momo smiled as she explained herself in a calm tone, placing her hand over her chest, "I have my commitment to do with my family. My family was invited to attend this year's I-Island Expo, so I'll be there for a week. If anyone is interested, everyone here is more than welcome to join me, but I only have three additional tickets for the Expo itself."

Ida adjusted his glasses with a defeated expression as he responded in a neutral tone, "I'm afraid I'm not that fortunate for you all. I only received a single ticket for myself during the I-Expo. Coming from a generation of hero families has its perks."

Laughing lightly, Ren offered the ticket into the air as he dropped another bomb on them, all eyes on him in a shy tone, "Hahaha… if you guys want, you can have my ticket. In truth, I'll be attending the event alongside All Might. I'm a tag-along to kind of show the school's representative. I would be happy to walk around with everyone, but for free time, I don't know what I'll have."

After explaining to his classmates, it was something made up from Nezu and All Might if he encountered his classmates. Ren knew he couldn't outright say it was because he was the successor of All Might yet to them, as that would draw a lot of attention to him and his classmates.

Jiro cocked an eyebrow at Ren with Momo clasping her hands together in a happy tone congratulating him, "That's wonderful! I should have expected as much, given your close association with the principal."

Ren laughed at Momo's claims as Jiro asked in a curious tone that had been bothering her since the USJ Incident, "Say now that we are on this topic, mind if I asked you a few questions, Ren-san? You are close to All Might, right?"

Blinking at the sudden questioning, Ren raised an eyebrow as he responded in a confused tone, confessing, "Close, huh? I wouldn't say we're that close, but enough to be called… friends? Yeah, let's go with that. But why bring up this Jiro?"

Everyone listening intently, she bluntly asked with her earphone jacks, picking up her soda near her face, "Because with my Quirk, I heard Aizawa-Sensei speaking to Lady Nagant discussing All Might's time is up. And you've been close to the No.1 Hero when the semester began. Even the principal seems to be favoring you as of late, now that I think about it. Care to explain?"

Realizing what Jiro was asking, Ren simply responded in a calm tone, answering the question, "His time up? I'm not sure what you mean by that, as he never openly stated about it. As for the principal connection with me, it is rather a bit secretive, but… oh, well, it's not like I was gonna hide this fact forever. I was discussing with the principal assisting me how to proceed forward with my ability to refine people's Quirks."

There was a light pause as Denki asked in a curious tone with a raised eyebrow, clarifying Ren's words, "Wait, refining Quirks? Like what do you mean by that? Something along the lines of improving someone's own Quirk on others I thought you could only do it with your own Ren?"

Ren sheepishly shook his head as he explained, revealing his additional new quirk [Cellular Activation] as a shining green glow showed on his hand, "Not anymore. With my new quirk refined into [Cellular Activation], I can now refine another person's Quirk Factor with my [Gene Refinement]. It's the main reason why I have a close connection to the principal of the school, along with producing Support Items that have Quirk Factor-like abilities."

That got their immediate attention as Momo asked in a curious tone, being aware beforehand, "The ability to produce support items that have quirk factors. That one is from a refined version of my Quirk, right Yuki-san?"

Ren nodded his head as he answered his question to Jiro, briefly apologizing to the group in a sheepish tone, "Yup. I'm sorry for hiding this fact, guys, but I needed to ask the principal for assistance on how to move forward with this ability. Someone who can refine or improve Quirks in our unstable society is a large cause for concern, and the principal was concerned for my safety because of that."

Listening to his reasons why Jiro backed down for now about the connections. But Denki soon asked in an excited tone, "So you can refine a person's Quirk? Think you can help me get a better refinement for mine?"

Being asked this question, Mina also raised her hand in an excited tone, both wanting a shortcut to get better control of their Quirks, "Oh, can you do me next? Can you refine my Quirk to get better control over my acid?"

Ren nervously laughed at their response as he shook his head in a neutral tone shaking his head, "I'm sorry, but no. I would if I could, but using my Quirk without a Hero License is a big no, something the Principal warned me about. That and human experimentation borderline that would cause for me if I did…"

Both froze at that, with Momo sighing in understanding the issue as she spoke in a scolding tone to the two, "Sigh… Denki and Mina. You can't just ask for something like that, especially since he could get into big trouble using his Quirk on both of you."

Both nervously chuckled, with Mina backing down in a sheepish tone, bonking her head and apologizing, "Hahaha… right, I guess that would be illegal, wouldn't it? Sorry for asking this I thought you would be helping your classmates if you did…"

Ren smiled as he nodded his head, sharing his plan in a calm tone, taking a sip from his soda, "I would if I could. At the very least, I plan to get my hero license to get past that legal issue. That and I could make a good way to earn some cash if I refine the top hero Quirks in the future and make an ample supply of Support Items with abilities like Quirks."

His classmates merely nodded in understanding of using his abilities to make a profit. Ren even said he'd grant them their refinement if they wanted free of charge as everyone began to discuss who would get the tickets…


[AFO's Secret Base, Japan]

Meanwhile, in AFO's secret base, the Doctor soon spoke to All for One in a confused tone, examining his condition, "Hm, you seem oddly happy today, Master. Is it because the League of Villains' roster continues to grow steadily?"

Listening to his question, All for One replied with a light cough from his life support equipment and answered in a stoic tone with a toothy grin, "Ack… That's not why, Doctor. It's because Tomura Shigaraki has finally found his conviction. The League of Villains needs people who will get behind his principles. I'll leave all of the decisions to him for now."

All for One looks over at the screen, viewing Tomura's recruitment with an eager grin on his face, expressing joy in an excited tone, "If he asks for help, then of course, I'll step in and guide him. That's not a problem, as I see it. In fact, I've been waiting for the day when he seeks my aid. I'm preparing for him to become the next me. My successor."

The Doctor nodded as the screen shifted over to Ren Yuki. He asked in a curious tone, brushing his mustache, "I see. But what of the boy? Ren Yuki. From what Tomura said, he seems and acts almost like you do, Master."

All for One did recall what Tomura had learned from Ren Yuki. At this, he frowned, his expression neutral as he considered the boy in his head to be an enigma. An anomaly by his words as he thought in an indifferent tone, 'The way he phrased his words… it sounded as if a fool that's not bought the propaganda that the HPSC created missed through the cracks of this society. And boldly proclaiming to have the same enemy… and his words….'

All for One soon saw an image of Ren Yuki with the Sludge Villain Incident with evident confusion in his voice as he muttered out loud, "Quirks don't make the hero; courage and brains do, huh… you don't find that type of thinking in our Quirk Supremacist circles in today's society. He is an unreadable enigma by allowing Tomura to go scot-free. Every action he done is as if he predicted it to come with their brand of chaos…"

Rubbing his chin, The Doctor raises an eyebrow, sharing his opinion of the matter in a stoic tone, "Hmph. He certainly sounds like a unique individual. A reluctant ally, perhaps? Or an old enemy to you, sir, his working for?"

Waving his hand, All for One spoke in a neutral tone, wiping the screen away, showing the city he looked down upon, "Perhaps or perhaps not. I've certainly dealt with any rats that dared to come with their claws. But no… however, there might be a time when he'll show his true face for now…"

Standing up with a wide grin on his face, a group of people came taking a knee to him in an excited tone and responded, "… I must make All Might's life worse. And what better way to break his spirit than to reveal the ugliness of his old friend, David Shield, asking villains to steal his greatest work? Hahahaha…!!!!"

A group of mercenaries was soon revealed, taking a bow with All for One's hands glowing red circuits onto the leader's shoulder, granting him additional Quirk. When the process was done, All for One spoke in a neutral tone, "When your job of collecting the Quirk Amplification Device is done, I'll be sure to reward you for your service, Wolfram, but there's one more thing I need you to do."

Wolfram raised his head up as another villain appeared, a tall, slim man with pale skin and brown eyes that were semicircular and slightly slanted inwards, and he had a notably pointed nose. He wears a combination of a mask, balaclava, and a hat. Underneath his mask reveals that he has short black eyebrows and a head of curly brown hair, similar in shade to his eyes.

In his villain attire, he wears a dark orange shirt with the collar left upturned, a green striped bolo necktie with an oval-shaped azure brooch hanging around his neck, a black waistcoat, and black dress pants. He wears knee-high white boots with wedged heels and black toe-caps, plain dark red gloves, a tall brown top hat, a red ribbon tied around it, and a pale feather sticking out on the left.

Over his head, he wears a black balaclava with a hole for his mouth as well as his eyes, over which he wears one of the multiple white masks he owns, each with a different black geometric design.

All for One soon explained as he introduced his thief in a neutral tone, "When you infiltrate I-Island, please take this man with you. He'll prove vital by taking some items needed to make the Quirk Amplification Device from the I-Island location spot of the David Shield. Isn't that right, Mr. Compress?"

Mr. Compress bowed his head with a simple nod, voicing in a gentlemanly manner, "Oh, course, sir. Just tell me where to begin?"


A/N: Alright, folks, we're done with prep time and AFO intention to take the Quirk Amplification Device. In the next chapter, we finally do the Two Heroes Arc!