
Chapter 128: UA School Festival Arc (1)

Chapter 128: UA School Festival Arc (1)

~Third POV~

[Days Later, UA Highschool, Class 1-A, Japan]

Days later, after everything began to cool down, Mina cracked her knuckles, wanting everyone to see before class started, "Check, check! Check it out!"




What happened next was Mina break dancing in front of her classmates as she yelled out loud, impressing her classmates, "Break it down, break it down!"

Placing a hand over her chin, Yui muttered, a bit surprised, "Her hobby is dancing, is it?"

However, Denki, on the other hand, thought to himself, seeing Mina wearing shorts, 'What's the point of a skirt if you're gonna wear shorts underneath?'

Meanwhile, Izuku was writing down her movements curiously, talking to himself, flipping through his notebook, "So Ashido's impressive command over her body comes from dancing… she throws her whole body into every action. I wonder if I can do it…"

Listening to Izuku's comment, Denki asked bluntly, "Get her to teach you!"

Hearing that, Mina did a pose, getting Izuku to dance with her in a cheerful tone, "Yeah, boy! Let's dance!"

Observing the reaction to their dancing, Ren soon spoke up with Momo and Jiro, asking the resident rockstar curiously, "Speaking of hobbies, what about yours Jiro? I recall your room was like a musical store I might even think it's more of a hobby for you?"

Gaining attention on her, she quickly replied defensively, reflecting his words in an embarrassed tone matching her expression, "Sheesh! Let's forget about that whole 'King of the Room' thing, okay?!!"

Hitting a sensitive topic, Ren sighed, nodding his head and letting go of the subject in a chill tone, "Very well then. Sorry for bringing it up."

Jiro accepted his words as she proceeded to her seat with the class bells ringing causing everyone to take their seats. Everyone quickly sat perfectly waiting for Aizawa to enter the room.



After the bells rang, Aizawa came wearing a hoodie as he bluntly said, "It's school festival time."

Surprised by the news of another S.L.E. (Short for the school-like event), the class exclaimed, "YEAH!! ANOTHER S.L.E.!!"

"School Festival!!"

"The best S.L.E. ever!!"

"Gotta pick what we're gonna do!!"

Everyone began discussing amongst themselves the news as Tsuyu asked bluntly at Aizawa, "What about visiting Eri Today, Sensei?"

Listening to her question, Aizawa replied as he explained to the class about the School Festival, "Ah… we'll talk about that later. But the sports festival is where the hero course has its chance to shine. So, the School Festival highlights everyone else. This doesn't get the same level of attention, but it's meant to be a fun event for the rest of the school. Not to mention the new dorm system that started with the hero course is a source of stress for many."

Hearing his explanation, Izuku understood what he meant, muttering out loud, "When you put it like that… yeah, it wouldn't be fair to them…"

Zipping into his sleeping bag and shifting into his corner, Aizawa finished up by saying stoically at his students, "Right. Which is why we can't just simply cancel the event. This won't be like in the past in that the festival will be open only to students, staff, and a small group of outsiders. We aren't competing for the spotlight this time around, but each class will still have an exhibition of some kind. Today, you'll be deciding what that is."

Ren sighed as he and Momo took the front stage he spoke while doing his Class Rep duties in a neutral tone, "Okay then, let's start this scrum debate. First suggestions those with ideas please – oh…"


Hearing a bunch of 'ME's' from the students, both Ren and Momo braced themselves as she exclaimed in a stunned tone, "Guh… what explosive enthusiasm… this is really too much!"

That was when the students of class A began to voice their ideas. Ren began to write down the names of the clubs that their class should do:

Maid Café (Denki)

Arm-Wrestling Competition (Kirishima)

Haunted House (Shinso)

Mochi Stand (Ochaco)

Banquet of Darkness (Tokoyami)

Dance (Mina)

All Might Pop Quiz (Izuku)

Open Mic Comedy (Jiro)

Presentation on Hometown History (Ida)

Deathmatch (Bakugo)

Fashion Show (Kinoko)

Asian Café (Sero)

Martial Arts Demo (Kendo)

Study Party (Momo)

Hero Quiz Show (Toru)

Handmade Soba Noodle Stall (Shoto)

Frog Choir (Asui)

Crepe Stall (Toga)

Having presented the options available, Ren spoke up, turning to see his classmate's suggestion, and said calmly with a smile, "I believe everyone's given a suggestion, right? In that case, Momo, please eliminate the unreasonable, unfeasible, and nonspecific ones out of the way first if you would please. Yes, even the Study Party and Ida's option."

Momo flinched but slumped her head, agreeing as Ida's idea was immediately shot down, looking conflicted. The other choices were obviously Deathmatch, Martial Arts Demo, and a few others.

While Ren gave them time to argue amongst themselves, he decided it was time for his suggestion as he proposed out loud, "How about a concert?"

The students paused as they stared at him, taking the chance to explain himself in a confident tone, "The reason I say a concert is because, as everyone knows, the other classes are stressed out. So, let's do a concert to help defuse that stress in some way."

Voicing his opinion, he got some mixed responses as Sero spoke up in a confused tone, "Again, we're basically asking amateurs to perform, won't that be stressful?!"

Nodding his head in understanding, Ren agreed with Sero's words but countered them in a cheeky tone, saying, "True. But we have our resident Alien Queen Mina to teach us how to dance, Bakugo, our resident drummer, and finally, Jiro, who can play almost any instrument. Not only that, but it would be fun for everyone involved."

Hearing that, some nodded as Jiro, caught in the spotlight, tried to deny it and said in a flustered tone, "Uh… what?! Hang on a sec."

However, Toru didn't want to hear it, so she encouraged Jiro to try in an upbeat tone with her words of encouragement, "Why not?! You're amazing at teaching people how to play, Jiro. And you've always got a smile on your face when it comes to making music!"

Yet Jiro tried to deny it, looking even more embarrassed as she picked her ear jacks, touching the tip, replying, "But like Ashido… and the rest of you… all your hobbies are somehow rooted in your hero abilities. But mine's seriously just a hobby it's not really something I can be proud of…"

Listening to that, Ren merely replied in a confident tone, getting her attention and genuinely being honest with her, "You may think that, but honestly, I think it's cool how musical you are, Jiro-chan. Besides, your talent can make people smile, that's definitely tied to being a hero in my book."

Jiro looked a bit stunned as Momo chimed in trying to save Jiro she explained calmly, "I understand what you two are saying but we have to let Jiro decide for herself."


Rubbing her own head touching her heir, Jiro innocently replies with a bashful expression, caving in an embarrassed tone, "Argh… turning down all these requests… wouldn't make me much of a rock star! Damn it…"

Having everyone agreed, it was when Aizawa finally spoke up stoically, getting Ren's attention and answering Asui's question, "Seems like you kids finally got your answer. Now, as for Asui's question, she requested to meet with Ren Yuki."

All eyes were on Aizawa as Tsuyu placed her finger on her chin and bluntly replied, "She wants to see Yuki? Ribbit."

Aizawa nodded his head as he explained, getting Ren's attention as he answered, "Yes. Both Yuki, Nighteye, and Togata. It's the very first request she's made since being admitted. So, you better have plans for her problem child."

Ren, hearing that, nodded his head, agreeing to Aizawa's request, "No problem. Just tell me when, and I'll be there in a flash."

Accepting Ren's answer, Ren and Momo returned to their seats as Aizawa began class like normal for the day. Although Ren made sure to get some apples for Eri when he had the chance…


~Ren Y. POV~

[After School, Hospital, Musutafu, Japan]

After classes ended in the afternoon, I was accompanied by Aizawa, heading to the hospital, being guarded by a chosen few heroes. Mirio and Nighteye were supposed to come, but because I asked for a pit stop to get a basket of apples, Mirio and Nighteye were already in the hospital room with her.

Arriving at the door, I sucked in a deep breath, following my mentor's example for once. I barged into the room as the door opened, entering the room while doing a hero pose, "I am here like a normal person! Hello there, Eri!! I am Ren Yuki, also known as the Power Ranger!"

Everyone looked at me with a serious face as I buckled down under pressure, falling to my knees with a depressing aura, muttering, "That… was so cringe…!!"


However, my cringed doing this worked as I looked up to see Eri smiling for the first time in her life. Mission fucking accomplished.

Returning by standing up I got to see Eri smiling made me smile too. It just makes me feel sad for a kid to experience something like her.

The little girl didn't even know how to smile until now, so I had to make sure that my introduction, as stupid as it was, would make her smile. The only way I knew how would be following All Might's dumb approach.

Yeah. Even used [High Spec] to get that answer making sure.

Twice. Three times, I questioned my intelligence.

But moving on, I brought some apples for her, which cheered her right up as I said in a happy tone, "Hey Eri, sorry if I was a bit late and didn't come over sooner, but I had to make sure to get you a present. So, I got you a basket of apples."

Eri grabbed hold of the basket as she yelled happily, "Apples!"

Taking hold of the basket of apples, Nighteye looks at me, and a barely visible smirk forms on his face. Mirio gives me a thumbs-up.

Heading closer to Eri, patting her head safely thanks to the negation necklace I made for her, I calmly announced, "Okay now, Eri-chan, how would you like to go to the UA School Festival? This way, it will get rid of the quarantine feeling that you have been feeling lately. Right, Aizawa-sensei?"

Overhearing our conversation, having his phone at the ready, Eri could only sigh as he said stoically, "It should be possible while they're working on finding her a home, I can call the principal."

Thanking him with a nod, Eri was curious about the School Festival as he enticed her of the events in an excited tone, "Eri! This is a great idea! We have this thing called a school festival! It's a big event we have at school! It's a super fun time for students, by students. There are exhibits, performances, food… ah! Apples! I bet they'll have candied applies!"

That caught her attention as she mutters, "Candied…?"

Following up on Mirio joining in on the fun hyping up the School Festival, I encouraged in an excited tone, "You think you like apples now? Well, they're even sweeter once they get the candy treatment!"

Eri was practically drooling a bit, muttering innocently, "Even sweeter…?"

But that was when Nighteye intervened with a sly grin, adding more to our words, hyping Eri up in a nonchalant tone, "Yuki! Togata! Stop mentioning to her only sweets… don't forget to mention the different sweets drinks."

We both smirked as we smacked our heads, acting around, exclaiming, "Oh no! How could we have forgotten!!"

Eri reacted so nicely to our interaction and jokes that she even laughed and smiled. Worth it making myself look like a fool.