Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Welcome to previous readers who have read the Gamer Path series thus far. This would be No.4 of Gamer Path, starting with a new MC after the previous one. The story tells of this path that opens to the world of heroes, vigilantes, or villains. The danger is constant, always filled with those in power doing as they please. How will the blank soul named Ren Yuki handle this new world with no personal memories of his other life other than general knowledge of this new world being this world GAMER filled with people with superpowers? "Time to go beyond... PLUS ULTRA!"
Chapter 121: Shie Hassaikai Arc (1)
~Third POV~
[Weekend Hour by Train Later, Nighteye Agency, Japan]
Time has passed leading to the weekend, the day when Ren would finally meet Sir Nighteye, thanks to Mirio's assistance. Taking the train ride to better-known Mirio, he led Ren to Nighteye Agency in an optimistic tone, "This is Sir's Agency. Don't go all stiff and rigid on me! It's not good for you."
Noticing Ren's nerves, he chuckles, seeing the building in front of him in a sheepish tone admiring the building, "Yeah, my bad, Senpai. I just have a bit of the nervous jitters seeing All Might's sidekick."
Sir Nighteye's Hero Agency is a large, five-story building controlled by Sir Nighteye. A peek inside Sir Nighteye's Agency building contains Sir Nighteye's office which is decorated with multiple posters of All Might, as well as his main desk where his laptop sits and a large bookshelf.
Before they enter the building, Mirio gives Ren a warning in advance that halts his steps, listening to Mirio's serious tone, "I forgot to mention, but sir is one strict guy."
Nodding his head in understanding, Ren replied with an eager grin, saying in an excited tone, surprising Mirio, "A stoic hero famous for being strict with himself and everyone else. The stare of his always gave me chills, but I damn respect his profession of getting the job done clean and efficiently."
Mirio nodded, accepting the answer, giving him one more piece of advice as he entered the building first, "Good. Then, before you're done talking with sir today… you've gotta make him smile. Despite Sir's general image, or maybe because of it, he's got a lot of respect for humor."
Leading Ren inside the building of the Agency, Mirio continued to explain as Ren listened to everything his senior had to say, "I can only get you in the door. It's up to sir whether he takes you on or not. I'd like to help more; I really would. But from here on, you've gotta be the one to win him over."
Nodding his head in understanding, Ren replied in a genuine thankful tone for the chance given, "Thanks. I'll be sure to wow the guy."
Mirio let a soft laugh escape as they reached the door. They both barged in with Mirio saying in a confident tone, "I've brought the first year I mentioned yesterday!"
Entering through the door revealed two people inside. One was bound by a large machine named the 'Tickle Hell' blue-skinned girl laughing as she was being tickled, her legs wailing, yelling out loud Bubble Girl, "Wahahahaha!!! Stop it. Please forgive me, mwah aha!!!"
The other was Sir Nighteye himself wearing a grey suit with glasses, he had yellow eyes, with green hair and some strands of yellow too. He's currently wearing a light gray suit as he stoically replied, "For goodness sake… must you be so loud."
It was when Sir Nighteye turned to see Ren with a leveled glare. But Ren waves slightly at him and, with a smile on his face, says, "Well, hello there, sir. My name is Ren Yuki. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Nighteye looks Ren in the eyes and edges closer to him, with Mirio helping Bubble Girl out of the Tickle Hell machine, extending a handshake, "Nice to meet you too, Yuki. I must say that you were impressive during your Sports Festival."
Though Ren heard that, he saw Nighteye still had a serious expression on his face. But Ren remained polite with a smile on his face, explaining, accepting the handshake, "Thank you for the compliment. But it was only due to the advantages that I won. I also don't plan to stagnate, as some of my classmates might catch up if I do something like that. I hope that you will be able to help me become a better hero, Sir Nighteye."
Letting go of the handshake, taking a seat at his desk, remaining with a serious expression, he then replied stoically, "So to grow stronger, you wish to pursue a work-study under me. The school form from school… once I stamp that form with my seal, the contract is complete."
Taking out his paper from his [Sub-Space], Ren handed the paper down on the desk. It was when Nighteye began to explain the procedure of the work-study in a serious tone, "This will not be like work studies offered in other fields, which may range from a day to a week long. You will be working here for one month minimum, with compensation, naturally. As a first year with many classes, you will need to take numerous excused absences. As such, you will fall behind your classmates."
Slamming his seal, Ren noticed that he didn't sign the paper. He sighed, already guessing in a tired tone, "Sigh… I'm gonna take a shot and say you have no intention of stamping?"
Adjusting his glasses upright, continuously tapped on his table, purposely missing the paper as he replied seriously, "Correct. I had no intention of stamping this! What you gain from working here is abundantly clear. But what do I have to gain by hiring you? My agency employs two sidekicks and one student already, and it operates without a hitch. What profit does your employment offer me?"
Staring directly at Ren, Nighteye continued seriously, analyzing Ren carefully, "How can you contribute to society? In what way does your presence benefit others? You must demonstrate these things if you wish for my approval. All Might has done so with his power and humor. He gave hope to those threatened by villainy. That is why the people accepted him."
Listening to his words, Ren slyly grinned, catching Nighteye's attention as he said bluntly, getting his eyes to narrow, "I have a plan to bring down the Hasseikai, the Yakuza group that you've been searching for clues to take down."
Mirio, Bubble Girl, and Nighteye froze, surprised by his words. Nighteye waited to hear what All Might's Successor would say, expecting a practical but thought in a surprised tone, 'I didn't expect that one, and I have my [Foresight], Quirk. Even if his future is a blank slate to me, he's certainly not like that boy I foresaw...'
Nighteye raises an eyebrow, clearly still distrustful of his words, as he asks, "So you have some information that could give us access to the Hasseikai's location?"
Ren smirked, having Nighteye's attention as he replied, losing the smirk in a calm tone, "I do. But I am questioning your willingness to use your Quirk to its fullest extent to solve this case. I've heard about your self-imposed limits, after all…"
Stamping the paper, gaining an entrance, Nighteye adjusted his glasses, asking in a serious tone with his arms crossed, "Sigh… just tell me what you know."
Leaning back into his chair and gesturing to Ren to begin, he started asking a question with Bubble Girl and Mirio paying attention to the news, "Alright then. Before we begin, let's start from the basics. Do you know about the underground brawl tournaments?"
Curtly nodding his head, Nighteye replied stoically, "Yes. What about them?"
Getting his approval and attention, Ren said next curiously, "Would I be right to assume that they are illegal?"
Again, Nighteye nodded his head, placing his hands together on his desk and replying, "Yes, they are illegal. Why do you ask?"
It was when Ren suggested his excuse in a calm tone as he took out files from his [Sub-Space] that his clones collected, "And if someone were to harbor one such criminal, they could be said to be an accomplice?"
Pausing at his words, Nighteye, taking a moment to think, answered slowly, "That… could be considered."
Ren brought up another topic, derailing the conversation slightly. Gaining his interest, Ren said, "Did you know of the Underground Masquerade incident? The file should provide you the info if you carefully realize where I'm going with this."
Handing them the file report he had gotten from Knuckleduster sending a clone for a favor, he managed to get the documents he had about the case. Nighteye's face was confused as he asked, "I read the documents. But what, I don't understand where this is coming from or going, for that matter?"
Understanding they needed a little nudge in the right direction, Ren explained calmly, gaining attention, "Well, it just so happened a couple of weeks ago, I had someone investigating the underground tournaments rings for pieces of information. My guy managed to chance upon a rumor that a previous champion and known battle junkie by the name of Rappa is currently under Hasseikai's employment. And as you read the file, he is an associate of another battle junkie, Rabbit Hero: Mirko, to help confirm his identity. I think you see where I'm going with this?"
Understanding immediately, Nighteye smiled widely as he speculated on Ren's plan, having a valid excuse, "You want to ask Mirko to help capture him and use him as an excuse to assault the Hasseikai's headquarters?"
Ren pointed at him, giving him a gun-finger salute, "Bingo!"
Learning of this, Nighteye paused before adjusting his glasses and asking curiously, "And might I ask why you, a student of UA High, happen to know such detailed information?"
Ren merely smiled, closing his eyes as he explained to Nighteye's suspicion towards him calmly, "Wouldn't be the first time I've prepared to take down a hidden criminal. I've done it before with the previous head of the HPSC using Lady Nagant to be their downfall. But I also need evidence and a hero license to pull it off. But it pays to have your information source."
Nighteye is leaning to the back of his chair, showing a serious expression, contemplating for a moment before he spoke hesitantly, "If… and this is a big IF, we could get into the Hasseikai's headquarters, we'd still need more detailed information about their members, strengths, and quirks. I imagine they won't go down without a fight."
Obtaining more files from his [Sub-Space], he used his clones to gather information for this day as he said confidentially, "These should be the files of each of the Yakuza's abilities and their elite force Eight Bullets along with Overhaul's real name Kai Chisaki abilities. I've had plenty of prep time for this."
Handing them the files, Mirio couldn't help but speak up in a surprised tone, eyeing Ren genuinely surprised by the preparation, "You… you're very thoroughly prepared for this aren't you?"
Nodding his head, Ren sighed as he explained in a calm tone with his arms crossed, "Not nearly enough. I could take them on alone, but I didn't want to make any mistakes that's why I came here for my work studies. I figured you'd be investigating the recent Trigger escalation into the city by the Hasseikai, and Sir Nighteye has sufficient connections in the community to pull off something this big."
Mirio nodded his head, understanding, but that was when Nighteye asked curiously, standing up from his desk towards Ren stoically, "You seemed to have thought this plan of yours well, young man. Very thorough, but can I ask you this? Why not bring this up to All Might?"
Hearing his question, Ren sighed as he replied tiredly, rubbing his temple, "Sigh… It's because I don't gain much learning under him. That and I didn't have evidence at the time, only a suspicion.."
The people blinked and looked confused as Nighteye's eyebrow twitched, understanding what Ren meant by being his sidekick from experience. Understanding the situation, Nighteye soon spoke up in a serious tone with a sly smile on his face, "I'll begin to make some calls asking to create a raid team in several days. You have a free day to prepare and patrol the area tomorrow. And I want everyone to prepare, got it?"
Everyone in the agency exclaimed, "Right!"
Having the goal set in motion and preparing the raid team, Ren smiled mentally as he thought confidently, 'That's part 1 done. Now comes the time to gather everyone, then deal with the grunts.'
As they began to make some preparations and goals, Nighteye gazed at Ren specifically with a complicated expression as he thought wryly, 'This is not the future I saw. It was supposed to be someone else, but his future… all I see is nothing. As if nothing he has done has been made to pass yet… is it possible that my Quirk doesn't work because his Quirk defies reality being a video game character? I mean, their future isn't set in stone unless they made their choice…'
Nighteye could only speculate his inner turmoil that the future that was once set in stone has now been broken. And the one who broke his speculation was the person in front of him, being a mystery to himself, wryly eyeing Ren…
A/N: For those wondering what Nighteye was referring to, he was talking about Izuku Midoriya seeing the 'canon timeline.' But when he uses [Foresight] on the MC, it's completely blank because the MC is someone 'outside' of the canon timeline of MHA. It's a shame he can't hear but only see.
Unfortunately, though, Nighteye is making his assumptions because of the MC 'Quirk' gamer abilities. He is assuming that because he hasn't made his choice yet, he can't see into the MC's future till it has come to pass. And the MC isn't worried as he reads Nighteye's info using his [Observe] Skill detailing what's happening.