
Battle tournament part 2

Sekizan was content seeing the commitment Kirishima showed in his match. Even though he knew the man for little time he found gratification in the act of helping him on his progression, he wonders if this is the same feeling a father has with their infant as he sees it grow. While he was wondering about the vicissitudes of life, the next match began.

This match was between Bakugo and Uraraka, the match was an one sided ordeal, but he found it admirable the will that the girl showed in the face of insurmountable odds. Bakugo, much like him did not disrespect his opponent by holding back, he saw the versatility of a quirk like Bakugo's as he completely dismantled the other teen plans with absolute power.

' It seems that he cannot do that often, his body structure does not have the capacity for such force's. ' He thought seeing the grimace the teen made as he finished his move.

The first round of the tournament ended up with Sekizan wondering about the inclination human beings have with watching other people in confrontation. He himself was entertainined watching these amateur like performances, he remembered a quote from a person in his last life. It doesn't matter what you are doing, if a fight begin in your vicinity you stop what you are doing to pay attention to the fight. He found this to be true as the second round of the tournament began.

This time with Todoroki fighting against Midoriya.

" Man this fight will be intense, Midoriya doesn't have control of his quirk, but he have a powerful one, and Todoroki is showing his cards from the beginning of the tournament." Kirishima said, he was much more even in his speech, it seems that his fight had spent too much of his energy for him to be excited about this match.

" Yes, let's see if Midoriya have what it takes to make Todoroki take the match seriously." Sekizan commented. Unless the green haired boy break several bones he could not find any reason for his victory.

The confrontation was indeed intense, he could hear as Midoriya talked to the angst teen and through only words made him use his fire side. It was impressive to say the least, watching Todoroki use his fire he was having difficulty seeing a way forward to defeat him on this AOE type of attack, ice is solid matter, he could touch and in turn destroy.

Fire on the other hand is immaterial, and it's much more feasible to warm his body from the cold than to cool it down from the scorching heat. He watched as Shoto left the destroyed stage with half of his jumpsuit destroyed and grinned.

" Heh, this is gonna be fun." He said, the fun of life was in the challenge after all. No use worrying about useless things, he should focus on the present.

" Only you would say something like that. That was a good fight, Midoriya gave it his all." Kirishima said.

The subsequent match was short, with Iida winning against the plant girl from the class 1b. His turn came again with him fighting Tokoyami, he already fought with him previously so he decided to end it early.

" Once again the ginger menace enters the stage, preparing to fight the shadow who haunts the dreams of children. Let's hear it for Scarlatti Sekizan and Tokoyami Fumikage!" Present Mic introduced the two contestants again.

' This guy don't shut up.' x2 the victims of his introduction thought at the same time.

" Let the match begin!" Midnight announced the beginning of the match.

Sekizan dashed at his opponent immediately, using the trick he learned earlier on the obstacle race he moved with absurd speed while dodging dark shadow.

When he got in range for a close fight he baited his opponent to cover his face by feinting a blow to the face forcing Tokoyami to raise his arms and giving a kick with the ball of his left foot right at his liver with pinpoint accuracy.


It was a crisp and clean blow. You could see the effectiveness by the expression on the face of Tokoyami as his knees buckled and he placed his hands as if holding his liver.

"Uehh!!" He was on the ground groaning in agony.

A liver shot is one of the most painful experiences a person can experience, the liver being one of the organs with many pain receptors other than the groin. But Sekizan being a man had the decency of not hitting the groin of others, it was not a move he liked to perform.

" Once again with a one hit K.O! This ginger is really a menace, looks like the poor Tokoyami is in a lot of pain, let the medics take him away." Present Mic announced the end of the match.

Sekizan arrived at the stand again, but Kirishima was not there he had a fight now against Bakugo. He thought that even with his improvement it was impossible for the shorter ginger to defeat the boom boom boy, but he hoped for his success nonetheless.

Unfortunately the fight was more or less one sided, Bakugo having superior mobility and firepower to overwhelm Kirishima with blasts from afar. Kirishima did not give it up at least, he tried to walk through the explosions to engage in a brawl but just suffered blasts at super close range on his face as a result.

Bakugo was the winner of the match, as Kirishima finally ran out of stamina to maintain his hardening.

' What a shame, at least he gave it his all to win, his resolve did not shake throughout the entire duration of the match.' Sekizan thought, a good thing he got out of this is that he will confront Bakugo in his next match, he was one of the few who had the capacity to do harm to him, it will be fun for sure.

The second round ended and the third began. In between, an interval was implemented to give the participants time to rest. Sekizan decided to see the state of his friend in the medical booth, he was not hurt enough to be escorted to the infirmary.

" How do you feel after the loss? It was a tough fight." Sekizan asked after he approached his friend as the medics cleaned and bandaged his wounds.

" Meh, I could have done better, Bakugo is strong. I did my best, it seems that I did not put in enough work to win against him, next time I will do even better." Kirishima said with motivation, it seems that the defeat showed to him his weakness and vulnerabilities for him to work on. He was motivated to improve himself.

"Heh, look at you all fired up. I fail to see such determination when we are in the middle of ours workouts, all I hear is that you are 'dying', woe for you. Hahaha!" Sekizan jested as he recalled the shorter ginger complaining about the intensity of his training.

"Hey! Shut it! How can you stretch your body like that, don't you have joints!? It obviously was hard!" He shuddered remembering the types of stretches he did every day before and after training, it was inhumane! Humans should not bend that way.

"Sure sure, have it your way hehehe." Sekizan said. He will continue to annoy him until he grows a pair and stops whining about how he can't do it.

They continued to talk until it was time for the fight between Todoroki and Iida, they got back at the stands and continued to talk about the matches.

" So what about Iida? He is super fast, if he can close the distance fast he can win by trying to end it quickly." Kirishima said, for him it was a good strategy, strike first before the enemy hits you.

" Well, it is a good strategy but Iida doesn't have the explosive speed necessary to finish so fast. His speed is more of a continuous acceleration type of speed. I saw him doing a supercharged Sprint where he overheated his engine but I can't see him winning this match if Todoroki is smart enough." Sekizan analyzed. He thought of the approach of instant acceleration to end the match quickly. The problem is that if he uses Soru and Todoroki create a wall of ice in his way he risks running against the wall at 180km/h,by the last time he measured his acceleration, now he is much stronger so maybe 200km/h, in this close window of time it's extremely complicated to come up with countermeasures for a impact of such magnitude.

' let's see how Iida does against the ice boi.' Sekizan thought, focussing on the fight that was starting now .

(An: freaking life man, the water reservoir of my house f*cking broke or something, spent the whole day without running water, using buckets to clean the house, and to wash. Now we gotta repair and shit. Sorry for the rant, just complaining about the vicissitudes of life, one time nothing happens and then bam! The thing breaks out of nowhere.

Anyway hope you guys are golden, I ended up posting one chapter yesterday because of my situation. Don't sweat lads if there's life there's a way? Is that the saying I don't know, I'm exhausted and it's 4 am and I drank too much coffee gonna sleep now.)

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