
MHA : Evolving

this is a fic where Izuku's quirk was inspired by Doomsday from DC. Please not this does NOT mean he's a violent raging murder beast, nor is he an exact one to one comparison. How his quirk functions, something that will be explained in the first Chapter, is just inspired by the concept of Doomsday. _____________ Disclaimer: I don't own anything

Huvnn · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

MHA : Evolving : Chapter 4


' Aizawa '


Groaning, Aizawa sunk into one of the chairs in the teacher's lounge, a steaming cup of coffee in hand as he took in a deep breath to enjoy its scent.

"Well, you certainly look tired." Midnight smirked at him as she and Mic walked over, Kan already collapsed at their table.

"He's always tired." Mic snickered as the four of them sat together, "Anyway, how were your homeroom brats?"

"Energetic." Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose "Plus I took a chance to check everyone's records and I'm already dreading the headache that will be the next few years."

"What do you mean?" Mic, who as far as Aizawa knew had never bothered checking a student's record, tilted his head in confusion.

"We have a lot of watch list kids this year. Even if they aren't problems themselves the PR lessons that they'll need will be a nightmare." Aizawa grimaced as he took a deep swig of his coffee.

"What, is it more than the two Nezu focused on in the entrance exam?" Midnight frowned, leaning forward as she dropped some of her playfulness to take the matter seriously.

"There are fourteen watch list students scattered throughout the various first year courses." Aizawa looked at them sa his colleague's eyes bugged out, "Primarily in the two hero classes but General Education and Support have one each as well."

"Alright, fill us in." Mic groaned, grumpily nibbling on a scone "We should probably know now. We know about the Midoriya and Bakugo boys so who's next?"

"Both of my recommendation students are being watched." Aizawa pulled out their files, having them ready so he and his coworkers could plan how to handle the various situations and extra lessons that would likely be necessary "First we have Momo Yayorozu.

Her quirk lets her create anything she understands the atomic makeup of by transforming her lipids. It's not a one-to-one sacrifice either since I saw her create an entire canon, a functioning electric scooter, and even more during the assessment test and still be able to move around.

She's lower priority given that while she could destabilize the world economy, her family were already rich before she was born. There is concern about her using that to restore her family fortune should they lose it, being kidnapped by those who would abuse her quirk.

And the threat of her being able to simply make an atomic bomb after eating at a buffet should she ever go villain."

"Thanks, that's a thought I needed." Midnight grimaced.

"Thankfully, it seems her family already raised her to be aware of this so she seems fully understanding of the consequences and will likely need the least help for PR lessons." Aizawa gave some of the only good news he had with his list.

"Next one is a different issue that I'll be bringing up with Hound Dog when I get the chance. Shoto Todoroki, son of Endeavor.

Besides the scarring on his face from when his mother apparently had a psychotic break, there are concerns among many about the Todoroki family home life that nobody has been able to prove or disprove.

Hence, the government is concerned and is watching Todoroki, although I have a feeling the Hero Commission is more worried about saving face if the number two was found of a crime than anything else."

"Sooooo therapy for the candy cane kid, got it." Mic was writing notes down, thankfully showing he could be serious when necessary.

"Toru Hagakure, her quirk is a mutant type invisibility. There was concern growing up if she would use her quirk to steal or spy, so she was put on the watch list." Hers was thankfully simple and would hopefully not need much extra work.

"Next is Fumikage Tokoyami. He himself isn't an issue, however his quirk is not only fully sentient with its own thoughts and wants, but when surrounded by darkness said quirk grows stronger and more violent.

It was a concern if he ever lost control of Dark Shadow, so he was placed on watch. The last one in my class is the one I expect to be expelled in all honesty."

"Shota, you know you shouldn't go into teaching your classes expecting to expel the little listeners." Mic scolded him exasperated.

"Minoru Mineta," Aizawa wasn't phased by the scolding "quirk 'pop off', his hair is made of sticky balls that he can remove at will and place on surfaces where they will stick to whatever touches them for a few hours. He himself bounces off of these."

"I fail to see how that warrants a watch list spot." Kan lifted his head from the table, still looking exhausted.

"He's also been written up at his old schools for inappropriate comments more than once, showed a disturbingly open amount of pride in his perversion, and according to some of his classmates who slipped me a report to not make a scene.

Was trying to find or see about making a peep hole into the girls' changing room. His quirk is one a peeping tom could easily abuse, and it looks like he's one of those students only trying to become a hero so girls would have sex with him."

"Ugh." Midnight gave a disgusted scowl, "I enjoy a good roll in the hay but at least I take my job seriously. I hate students that think this is just an easy way to hook up."

"The rest of the hero ones are in Khan's class." Aizawa glanced over at the Blood King "I'm sure you can guess which ones?"

"Bakugo, Monoma, Komori, Shishida, Kuroiro, and Kamakiri right?" Kan nodded, "I checked into my class at least.

We already know about Bakugo but Monoma has shown to be somewhat unstable at times when his inferiority and superiority complexes act up making some concerned for his mental state.

Komori can make mushrooms grow from her body including hallucinogenic ones, so the government was concerned on that front. Shishida becomes more feral and bestial in mindset when he transforms although given he's already shown an impressive amount of self-control I'd say just some extra lessons with Hound Dog should do the trick.

Kuroiro can enter and control dark or black things but his old schools placed him on watch given his deceitful attitude when paired with such a quirk. Finally, Kamakiri is aggressive, similar to Bakugo but not to the same extreme, and can make large, sharp, and durable blades grow from his body."

"All correct." Aizawa nodded as he could see Mic and Midnight also forming a headache as they could see how much work would be coming their way.

"The final two aren't easy either I'm afraid.

One, Hitoshi Shinso, is in General Education but made it clear he wants to be in the Hero Course.

He has a quirk called Brainwashing where if he asks someone a question and they answer him he can make them do whatever he wants so long as it doesn't take too much brain power on their part.

His old schools put him on the watch list and even rubbed it in his face that he was on a villain watch list. His Gen Ed Homeroom teacher and I have already sent Nezu a report so he can deal with that school." Which meant that the little rat wouldn't be bugging him for a bit either.

"And the last one you said was support right?" Mic looked up after finishing writing the information for the Shinso kid.

"Right, one Mei Hatsume. She's a smart inventor but not only has zero regard for safety regulations, to the point that there are dozens upon dozens of police reports for her setting off explosions in her makeshift lab back home, but she also shows zero regard for the opinions or feelings of others, or even what she is or isn't allowed to do.

There are concerns of her researching or making illegal items because she was bored or curious. Power Loader told me she's already trying to make plans to hijack the Sports Festival to turn it into one big advertisement for her inventions."

"She does know that the sports festival is mainly for showing off the Hero Course students to potential mentors and the public right?" Midnight raised an eyebrow.

"That we let the support students have some gear to show off, but their main thing is the cultural festival later in the year?"

"She knows and she doesn't care." Aizawa grunted as he finished his coffee, already wanting another one.

"One of those, lovely." Kan grunted as he brought the whole pot over "Drink up everybody, we've got a lot of planning to do."


' Nezu '


"Thank you for coming everyone." Nezu smiled as he had All Might pour five steaming cups of tea, the office currently filled with himself, the Number one, Recovery Girl, Sir Nighteye, and Gran Torino, "I'm sure you all know why we're here yes?"

"All Might finally made a list of successor candidates yeah?" Gran Torino eyed the trembling pro hero, amusing Nezu with how the blond was still so scared of his old teacher.

"I did." All Might tried to look confident as he placed a list on the table "I didn't find any standouts amongst the second years sadly, so all the options are from the first and third years."

"I still insist that Mirio should get it." Sir Nighteye frowned as he picked up a copy of the list, "He's perfect to inherit your legacy."

"That's not your choice boy, now hush." Gran picked up a copy and read it over.

"…All Might…" Nezu's voice was strained as he saw some of the choices "I'd like an explanation please."

"I chose candidates due to either their current personality and heroic ideals, or if they had a quirk that I think would match well with One for All, as they could still develop the right mindset with guidance."

All Might admitted as Nezu read over the Candidates. Third Years Mirio Togata and Nejire Hado were on the list, although the third member of the big three was suspiciously absent.

From the first years Nezu saw that the list showed Izuku Midoriya, Tenya Iida, Eijiro Kirishima, Fumikage Tokoyami, Shoto Todoroki, Itsuka Kendo, Katsuki Bakugo, Denki Kaminari, Togaru Kamakiri, Nirengeki Shoda, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Pony Tsunotori, Neito Monoma, Reiko Yanagi, Ibara Shiozaki, and Hitoshi Shinso.

Nearly half of the first-year hero students and even a general education student were all candidates, including seven watch list members.

"Why isn't Mirio's friend Amajiki on here?" Sir Nighteye frowned in confusion at the list.

"I've only met the boy once but even with just that I know mentioning the thought of him becoming the next symbol of peace would probably give the boy a heart attack." All Might deadpanned.

"He's not wrong." Recovery girl sighed, the staff well aware of the boy's nerves.

"Still, we have almost twenty options here. How do you want to handle this?" Gran Torino looked at them all as the list was reviewed.

"I actually had an idea for that." All Might looked incredibly proud of himself as he said that "I was thinking that I could easily inspect our two third year candidates by myself when I help with their class given it's just those two.

But there are a lot of first years. So, I was thinking we could invite various pro heroes to give guest lectures to the hero course students and those wanting to join the hero course. I could even bring in Tsukauchi to give a lecture about how the police and heroes work together.

This would let multiple people we trust have a look at the kids in various situations."

"…That's actually smart. Are we sure that's Toshinori there?" Gran raised an eyebrow as All Might wen to go sulk in the corner.

"Perfectly valid questions aside." Nezu smiled as he felt All Might's sulking grow worse "That is indeed a fine idea. It would even benefit those who aren't on this list.

Sir Nighteye, could you be ready to give such a lecture first? I believe I can organize time after the classes do their USJ trips."

"I'll have one ready." The pro promised as the group broke up to plan and strategize, All Might left still sulking in the corner pitifully.


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