this is a fic where Izuku's quirk was inspired by Doomsday from DC. Please not this does NOT mean he's a violent raging murder beast, nor is he an exact one to one comparison. How his quirk functions, something that will be explained in the first Chapter, is just inspired by the concept of Doomsday. _____________ Disclaimer: I don't own anything
' Izuku '
Frowning to himself, Izuku finally found the training facility that Aizawa had told him to go to. His classmates had all been struggling to fight him ever since the USJ, their faces becoming filled with fear the moment they closed in, even Mina and Kirishima had that response.
It was one of the few things he'd been willing to go to Hound-Dog about, trying to figure out why his classmates and friends, as most of 1-A had become much more open with him recently, would react like that.
Hound-Dog had been pretty understanding and explained it to him. That they weren't afraid of him, but for him. That the USJ was still too fresh in their minds so whenever they sparred, they saw him injured again.
The faculty had assured him that it would get better with time and while his friends trained and got over that, he'd be training with some upper years or doing solo training during his hero course periods in the afternoons until the Sports Festival.
Shaking himself from his thoughts, Izuku opened the door and had his vision immediately filled with periwinkle blue. "Oooooooh you're here!" the excited voice coming from the blue cheered as they flitted about him, hair tickling his nose as it swayed from their speed.
"Mirio, he's all muscley like you are! Are you related? Wait, his hair is green, is he related to Sir Nighteye? Wait, what's your name again? Do you have a hero name yet? What's your quirk called? Who's your favorite hero? Do you have your own bestie group like I have my best besties? Do you know the angry Pomeranian in class 1-B? Do you like pizza? I want pizza."
Blinking, his brain working to keep up with the rapid barrage of questions, Izuku reflexively started answering, his own motor mouth muttering being all the training he'd ever need to keep up with this girl's blabber "Yes, I'm here. I'm not related to anyone named Mirio.
I'm pretty sure I'm not related to any Pro Heroes, let alone one who served as All Might's Sidekick. My name is Izuku Midoriya. I don't have a Hero name yet. My quirk is called Adaptation. My favorite Heroes are the Water Hose duo. I have some really good friends in 1-A and 1-B.
That sounds like Bakugo." His face darkened for a moment at stating that name before he finished up "And yes, pizza is amazing." As he finished, he noticed three different expressions of varying shock on his upper classmen's faces "What?"
"You answered all her questions." A massively buff blond guy who might be related to All Might gaped.
"In order." A dark-haired guy with elf ears looked stunned as well as he trembled.
"MY GREMLIN NOW!" the blue haired girl who'd rapidly questioned him picked him up and started flying away "MINE! RUN AWAY!"
"Nejire, we need to train him!" the blond guy gave chase.
"But mine!" the blue haired girl continued to hold him like a teddy bear as Izuku looked at the guys on the ground for support…or sanity, either one would be helpful at this point.
"Do we need to get Yuyu?" the blond guy, Mirio if he remembered correctly, tapped his foot on the ground as the girl holding him up descended.
"I'll be good." She huffed as the blond apparent leader smirked.
"Very good…have a cookie." The man pulled a treat from his backpack as the girl let out a happy squee and started knowing on it with all the grace of a preschooler.
"…Uuuuuh…" Izuku looked between the three bizarre people he was alone with and wondered if he should make a break for it.
"Hey, sorry about here." The blond guy gives him an easy-going grin "I'm Mirio Togata, that's Nejire Hado, and the guy trying to become one with the corner is Tamaki Amajiki. Aizawa asked us to help you train given the current situation with your class."
"Thanks." Pushing aside his warry nerves, Izuku shook the massive guy's hands before Hado grabbed Amajiki and drug him out of the corner.
"Alright, so we'll be helping you train your quirk and your body for the sports festival yes, but I want to train your mind as well." Mirio smiled.
"The three of us are ranked as the three strongest students currently at UA so we can help you a lot.
Before we get to physical training though I'd like to do a little exercise to get into a good mindset and get to know each other. We'll go around in a circle, introduce ourselves, state how our quirks work and something important to ourselves.
Then we'll have to both try to think of something new or interesting the others could try with their quirk and we each get one question to ask each other."
"Sounds easy enough." Izuku allowed the blue haired Hado to lead them onto the training matts, the four of them sitting in a circle, Togata's container of cookies placed in the middle for anyone wanting a snack.
"I'll start." Togata offered, "As I said earlier, I'm Mirio Togata and my quirk is known as 'Permeation'. It lets me pass through any tangible matter, but this includes light, air, and sound, so I can't see, hear, or breathe if those parts of my body are permeable when I use it.
And if I turn solid again while in something else solid, I'm repelled outward. Something important to me is that I feel comedy is important to a pro hero as it's a great skill to get rid of stress and put scared civilians at ease."
"Yay!" Hado clapped, her cheeks stuffed out like a chipmunk as about half the cookies were already gone. Swallowing loudly, the girl grinned "I'll go first with the question and the idea. Have you asked out Yuyu yet?"
"No Nejire." Mirio rolled his eyes.
"But you two would be so cute together!" Nejire flailed spaztilcally with a huff before she pondered "And I don't remember, have you tried making other people permeable?"
"Tried it and I can only make myself permeable as every bit of clothing, but my hero suit can confirm." Togata didn't even bat an eye before turning to Amajiki.
"I…are we still getting Ramen later?" the boy seemingly copped out but given how afraid of everything he seemed to be Izuku didn't protest, Togata merely nodding.
"And have you tried going solid while your hand or finger was in a lock to jolt it into unlocking?"
"I…actually haven't." Togata wrote it down on a note pad before all three turned to Izuku.
"For your quirk, can you go the opposite direction of permeation? Make your body harder to add durability for harder punches?"
He offered his quirk idea first, the idea being something he was more comfortable to help any nerves from rising up now that his brain was starting to finish catching up after hurricane Hado had blown through.
"That's a brilliant idea!" Togata gave him an All Might esque smile and a thumb's up, eagerly writing it down "I'll definitely be trying that while we spar." Oh, goodie.
"And as for my question." Izuku's expression turned serious "Why did Aizawa ask the three top third years to spar with me rather than any random Second year?"
"Wow, right to the serious stuff huh?" Togata didn't seem offended or surprised by the question "And there are two factors.
The first is that I'm the best one to help you with fighting as my fighting style is all about assessing factors and attacking, not bothering to dodge or block attacks since my quirk won't let me get hit when it's active.
While yours doesn't work the same from what little he explained, getting basic training from me would probably help."
That made sense "And they came along because where one of us goes, we all go. We'll probably even drag our friend Yuyu over some days too."
"I guess I can go next then." Izuku accepted the reasonings given as they actually made sense "I'm Izuku Midoriya.
My quirk is called Adaptation, it's a transformation quirk that lets me develop resistances to various types of damage or threats. The more I'm exposed to them the more I can resist.
It also comes with a healing factor so I can heal from anything that hasn't killed me within twenty-four hours, although the healing factor is the only part that's active even when I'm not transformed, I have to change to resist anything."
"Ooooooh! My turn to ask!" Hado leaned in eagerly, once again munching on a cookie "Have you found a crush in your class yet?"
"She loves romance stories." Togata offers while Izuku stammered and blushed.
"N-n-no." Izuku shook his head, flustered at the thought of even holding hands with a girl.
"Pooooo." Hado puffed out her cheeks before she considered his quirk "If you went hungry or without water for a while would your transformed state not have to eat or drink anymore?"
"…I've never actually tested or considered that." Izuku considered the prospect while Togata coughed his throat nervously.
"Midoriya…please don't ever try that without the approval and supervision of a medical professional like Recovery Girl…please." The blond man begged as Izuku reluctantly nodded, figuring the times that kind of resistance would be useful wouldn't be that often.
"Why are the water Hose Heroes your favorites?" Amajiki stammered out shakily but still looked curious.
"Yeah, I guess most people would say one of the top ten." Izuku chuckled "And to be fair before last year I would have said All Might…but then I met the Water Hose duo when they saved my life.
They were some of the first ones to ever believe in me, to encourage me. To tell me I could be a Hero." It was one of the best memories of his life, and one of the most terrifying as it happened not long after he thought he was going to die.
"Can you do partial transformations?" Amajiki tilted his head as Izuku froze at that question. He knew such a thing was possible.
Hell, he saw his hardening friends choose how much to transform every time they used their quirks, so why had he never tried to do so himself.
"Guess not." Togata gave his shoulder a friendly bump "But hey, that's why it's good to work with other people. You can bounce ideas off those with other perspectives and get a closer look at the whole picture.
So, my quirk question was if you'd figured out how to properly use your untransformed state in fighting yet?"
"Heh?" Izuku blinked confused, what the hell did Togata mean? His untransformed state was strong sure, but nothing compared to his transformed state so why wouldn't he stay transformed in a fight if he could.
"You'll figure it out." Togata promised with a mischievous gleam in his eye "As for my question, how do you know that Bakugo kid?"
"He's…someone I grew up around." Izuku's expression darkened as he remembered every curse, every jeer, the burning pain of nitroglycerin igniting against his skin and the horrible smell that would follow.
So lost on those memories, of a status that the Water Hose Duo helped him accept were neither friendly nor normal he didn't notice the serious looked passed between the three older students.
' Yanagi '
Breathing hard, Yanagi ran through the halls, dodging around everyone in her way, even leaping up into the air with the aide of her quirk at times. She didn't care whenever someone got angry at her for running past them.
She didn't care about how some of her classmates had reacted when she bolted from their classroom the moment the school day ended, Tetsutetsu and Tokage hot on her heels.
She didn't care that she hadn't stopped going at full sprint from the moment she started moving. All she cared about was what Kirishima had texted her.
She knew Midoriya had been hurt at the USJ, Kirishima filling her and the others in.
She knew Midoriya hadn't responded to any of her messages since, now explained from her 1-A friends that his phone got destroyed in the attack.
She hadn't been able to see him yesterday as her class had run long while his mother had him head straight home after his first day back to classes.
Now she knew what room he was training in, and nothing would stop her from making sure he was alright.
Getting to the training Room her 1-A friends said Midoriya had been sent to, Reiko slid to a stop, seeing Midoriya fighting a blue haired third year who kept hitting him with energy blasts that he was too big to dodge, and she doubted he'd ever been exposed to before to build up a resistance against.
Then she saw the bright gleam she loved seeing in his eyes, the cogs of his mind whirring as he leapt towards another blast, shrinking down in mid air as the blast missed him. Partway through the punch he threw at the stunned bluenette he turned back into his massive grey form, nailing his opponent dead on as the girl got sent flying. "Midoriya."
She breathed, her friend looking up and over in surprise, their eyes meeting for a split second before she rocketed forward, moving faster than she ever had before as she hugged him tight, reassuring herself that he was here and alright.
"Huh, I guess classes are over." A blond third year noted as he held the bluenette back, the girl writhing and wriggling in his grip, a massive hand covering her mouth even as she tried to rapidly talk through it.
"Guess we lost track of time. You one of Midoriya's friends?"
"One of the best." Midoriya nodded as Reiko turned bright red at the remark.
"Yanagi!" turning to the door she saw a heavily panting Tetsutetsu and Tokage, remembering she'd left them behind "Please…don't…run…that…fast." The metal quirk panted, having never been one for speed.
"How were you running on the walls like that?!" Tokage was less winded but still had to work to get here as fast as they did.
"…What?" she was so confused she found her sentences cut short for once as she looked at her friends confused.
"Yanagi, you were doing parkour running on the walls and shit. I think you FLEW at one point!" Tetsutetsu wheezed.
Blushing at the realization of just how desperate her mad dash had been, Reiko tried to poise herself "I wished to ascertain with my own eyes the current health and safety of Midoriya. While I had no desire to injure anyone in my determination to determine such, I was not willing to allow them to hinder my pace either.
It would seem in my determination I found new uses for my quirk that I had not tried nor considered before. It shall be something interesting to study further when I have more time to myself to fully ascertain it's advantages."
While those she saw listening had the vacant eyes swimming expressions, she was used to people having when she spoke for the first time, Midoriya just held her close, hugging her back as she felt how warm he was. The bluenette noticed this too and seemed to squee behind her classmate's hand as she wriggled around excitedly for some reason.
' Natsuo '
Scowling into his coffee, Natsuo thought back to the other day at the house, of how the bastard himself had tried acting all 'understanding' towards Shoto. He couldn't stomach it, mainly because of how genuine it all felt. "Hey Natsuo."
Looking up, he saw Fuyumi smiling as she sat in the booth across from him, this little café being their place to meet up and talk where 'dear old dad' couldn't listen in.
"Hey." He grunted, taking a deep pull from his hot coffee.
"You okay?" his sister looked concerned at his dark scowl.
"Remembering that bastard's little act from the other day." Natsuo grit out, having spent the days since at a friend's dorm to get some space.
"I…don't think it was an act." Fuyumi winced, reaching into her bag to pull out a binder "I did some digging after we listened in between him and Shoto."
She pulled out some news articles about the births, and then deaths, of all of their aunts and uncles. Each and every one of them, apart from their quirkless uncle who was found with distinct looking burns on his corpse, had died from their own quirks overheating and killing them.
Even their grandparents had apparently died from the same thing when Endeavor had been in his final year at UA.
The final thing brought out was a photo of their dad and his family when he was younger. Each and every one of his siblings had a tense expression he recognized all too well, and several bruises, scrapes, and burns on their person.
"W…well he still made up that shit about Toya." Natsuo grit his teeth, remembering his beloved older brother, remembering Toya's rage against Endeavor, blaming the man for so much. Remembered the fire where Toya died.
"Natsuo…that wasn't a lie." Fuyumi looked down sadly "I remember back when that happened. Toya wanted to be a hero like all his classmates, but his quirk kept hurting him.
Mom and Dad explained to me that he had mom's resistance to ice rather than dad's resistance to fire, and he had a slightly weaker version of the same sickness mom had to get treatment for but was too young to get treated yet. It…it was the only time I ever saw him beg."
"Toya begged him to be able to still be a hero and he still tossed him aside?" Natsuo grit his teeth.
"Natsuo…Dad was the one begging Toya to stop. He was on his knees and pleading for Toya to find a new passion that wouldn't risk killing him. You were really young and Shoto was just a baby…but I don't think I can ever forget that day."
this is got to be the longest chapter I have wrote until now.
it will be nice to show some support on p@treon... :)
if you want to read ahead of the public release you can go to my p@treon :