
26 Defeat

Seeing the arm of Nomu that has been modified to defeat All Might being cut off made Tomura scream in surprise, "What??!!"

Right after the hand was cut off from the shoulder, Haruto dropped down from his position from above, right onto Nomu's head, with his claws out.

As he reached the head, he pierced his claws onto the exposed brain of it and flung it away towards Tomura.

"Are you alright, sensei?" He asked.

"I'm alright. What about the other's?"

"Iida went out to get reinforcement; other's are scattered around the USJ."

"Can you stall that monster with your feathers? I'll take care of the other one."


'Nomu, modified to defeat the likes if All Might is flung away by a nobody? No that's not possible. Yes i didn't give Nomu an order; that's why it didn't attack that nobody.' Tomura, who came out if his thought, looked at Haruto as Aizawa and said, "Nomu, kill that bastard who stabbed you."

Obeying it's master's order, the Nomu rose from the ground with it's arm regenerated, and it moved at blinding speed towards Haruto. As Nomu was about to punch him, Haruto just swung his right arm, and his feathers came in and cut off the arm again.

Loosening the arm, Nomu lost its balance and tried to regain it but was met with a stab to it's eyes.

Not able to see in front, it started to trash around, so Haruto moved backwards from it.

Aizawa, in the meantime, started to fight with Tomura by only using one hand and his scarf. But as he was about to punch Tomura with his quirk, a warp gate formed under Tomura, and he missed his punch.

As he was looking around, he saw both of them standing away from him.

Seeing Kurogiri Tomura, she asked, "Did you kill thirteen?"

"I couldn't. Some sort of feather attacked me, and one of the kid's escaped. He'll be coming back with reinforcement."

'That means All Might will come here at any moment, but first...' "Kurogiri, that one is with the feathers. Help Nomu fight him off until All Might arrives." Tomura ordered Kurogiri.

"As you say."

With that, Kurogiri also interfered in the fight between Haruto and Nomu. Seeing that his student will have to fight two villains at a time, Aizawa joined in with Haruto to fight off with Nomu and Kurogiri.

A couple of minutes in to the fight, Tomura moved towards Asui to kill her using his decay quirk. But when he touched her, nothing happened to her, as Aizawa already used his quirk on Tomura.

In that gap, Midoriya jumped from the water and punched at Tomura, but before the punch met him, he screamed "Nomu."

Nomu, who heard his master, sped away from fighting Haruto and blocked Midoriya's punch. Just as Tomura was about to say something, he saw the head of the Nomu falling straight down.

Seeing this, all of them present at the place was surprised, and they saw black feathers right above the Nomu to attack it again, with Tomura right besides it.

Seeing this, Kurogiri thought, 'This will be dangerous to Tomura.' Deciding to save Tomura from being minced meat, he made a warp right below Tomura and brought him back to the fountain, While doing so, he also moved away from Aizawa and Haruto.

As soon as Tomura was warped from there, the feathers fell down at Nomu and cut it's legs and arms and its torso was cleaved in half.

Seeing all this, Tomura lost it and screamed at Haruto, "HOW CAN YOU DEFEAT A BEING MODIFIED TO KILL ALL MIGHT???"

Hearing this, Haruto looked at him and said, "Like this." He said that he moved his hand downward, and the regenerated Nomu was cut in half again.

Seeing this made Tomura dumbfounded. But before he could say anything, they all heard an explosion, and when they looked at the source of the sound, they saw All Might in his glory walking down the stairs and saying, "It's Fine Now! I'm here!"

As soon as Kurogiri saw All Might, he said to Tomura, "Tomura, let's leave. The Nomu is not in a state to fight against All Might if that kid is fighting."

"Then send him somewhere else and buy enough time so that Nomu can finish All Might." Tomura barked at Kurogiri.

"Alright." Right after he said that, he teleported Haruto away from there, and as it was a surprise attack, no one noticed it until Haruto got teleported away from there. Seeing him missing, Aizawa screamed, "Haruto!!"

"He won't be here with us now. Now... let the Symbol of Peace and Nomu fight." Saying that Tomura ran towards Aizawa and Kurogiri, Nomu started to fight with All Might.

Midoriya, seeing that All Might will be able to fight, decided to help Aizawa.

A couple of seconds later, Shoto, Katsuki, and Ejiro showed up. Seeing that All Might was in a pinch, Shoto made an ice wall between All Might and Kurogiri, and the fight continued.

After All Might hit Nomu out of the USJ, he taunted Kurogiri and Tomura. But as soon as Tomura was about to attack, All Might Midoriya jumped to punch him but was met with Tomura's hand. But before Tomura could rejoice, thinking that he killed a student right in front of All Might, the Symbol of Peace, his hand was shot by a bullet. Looking at the source, they all saw the rest of the U.A. teachers with Iida at the front.


"Where am I now?" I looked around.

I knew he was about to warp me to someplace else so that Nomu and All Might could have their big fight. And I didn't care what happened from now on, as I've saved Thirteen from getting out of commission, Aizawa sensei from severe injuries, and since Mineta was not presen, I was pretty sure Midoriya's plan wouldn't work, so I helped him and Asui out. In my book, that's enough. And knowing All Might have arrived, there won't be many changes, even if Aizawa and Thirteen are present this time and the other teacher's will arrive at any time.

As I was thinking about this, I saw an explosion of electricity near me. With that, I figured that I'm in the mountain zone where Momo, Jiro, and Denki are supposed to be. And seeing that electrical work, I'm pretty sure Denki has just fried his brains, so I spread out my wings and flew towards them.

As I reached above them, I saw a villain threatening Momo and Jiro to surrender by holding Denki as a hostage.

So I did what I could. I just landed in front of the villan and said, "Scatter."

As soon as I said that, my feathers moved on their own and cut the tendons of the villains that were able to come back to consciousness, and I poped my claw and put it near his neck and said, "Drop him. Or your head will roll."

Seeing all this happen and the claws at his throat, he said, trembling, "Yo... u. wou...ldn't you a..re a he..ro s.tu..d...ent. So yo, you can't kill me! Take bac...k you...r claw," he was stuttering while saying that.

I looked dead in his eye's and said, "Make me."

Seeing that I was not joking, he let go of Denki and surrendered. Or acted like surrendering. As soon as he thought I had my guard down, he tried to attack me with his quirk, but a bullet shot through his hand. Right after that, I used my claws on my feet and cut his tendons near his feet. Not able to stand properly and use his quirk, he fell down.

"Reinforcement are here." I said that, looking at Momo and Jiro. Both of them sighed after hearing that.




-----------Chapter 26 End----------