
MHA : Cursed by Fate

The story starts at the end of another. A young boy reincarnated in the world of 'My Hero Academia' and he was born with the template system of 'Ryomen Sukuna' from Jujutsu Kaisen. He was born decades before the canon story starts and he was in the same generation with people like Rumi, Ryukyu, Aizawa etc. He lived the typical reincarnated life. He had a great family this time around, went to UA, faced multiple challenges and overcame them, fell in love and went on to fight the main villain All for One. But here is the twist. This story will start only after the main character complete the Sukuna Template which is the end of his story. We will skip the whole part of getting to UA, training his power, falling in love, completing system mission etc. This is because the main character is truly himself only after the system is completed. That is when the main character became truly free again, without system missions and Sukuna's influence. This story will be like 'Frieren: Beyond Journey's End' where the story will reveal the past while also moving forward. I am not very good with synopsis so please just read the first few chapters. .. .. //////////////////////// What to expect : #A good MC but fate wants him to be evil. Being good and having Sukuna template does not go well. #Rumi as the main romantic partner with a few girls here and there. It's complicated but ultimately in the harem category. #Overpowered MC from the start. Only All Might and All for One are even in his level of strength. #Revenge and tragedy. This mostly happen before the story starts but in the current timeline there will be no tragedy. #Although MC is in an older generation, the canon timeline will still be relevant. #Slight AU on the years of characters. Mostly the old heroes so that they can be in the same generation. For Example Midnight is like two years younger so that she was MC's classmate That is all.

Willbe · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Loss and Revenge

[3rd POV]

"He won't hurt me,"

Every hero in the meeting room looked at her. Their emotions behind their eyes were different - disbelief, pity, amusement, annoyance, etc.- but they were all negative toward her statement.

'He won't hurt me,'

It was a foolish statement, considering all they knew now about Daigo Arata. If it had come from anyone else, they would have discarded it immediately. But it came from the person with whom Daigo had the closest relationship, so at least they stayed silent.

Not only that, but Rumi had been immensely helpful in discovering the true crimes he had committed over the years. They had been in a long-term relationship, and she knew many secret things about him, which helped the Hero Commission in their investigations. So, they didn't outright reject her request.

"I'm sorry Miss Usagiyama, but it is not safe for a student like you to go anywhere near him. I know you two were lovers at one point but that won't matter, especially after you have testified against him," Nezu, the principal of UA calmly said to his student.

"I have not testified to shit!" she growled, "Stop twisting my words to fit your narrative. Daigo has not been charged with his crimes, there-" she hesitated.

"There has to be some kind of misunderstanding, I'm sure. There has to be an explanation. Daigo isn't like that. He was trying to be good even when everyone said otherwise," she said but her defence was weak.

With all the evidence that they now had, from witnesses, and photos to video footage, it was all but certain that he indeed committed those horrific crimes and would be found guilty in court.

"I agree with her, she should be allowed to meet him one last time," the hero Ingenium said. "....Perhaps there will be still part of him that is reasonable and we can settle his capture peacefully,"

The other heroes in the room either shrugged or respected the hero enough to go along with the suggestion. In the end, Rumi was allowed to go with them and the goal was to try and capture him without force. They had hoped that Rumi could convince him to do so.

His location was already known at this point with the help of Nighteye and other intelligence hero. The police were evacuating the city block while the hero decided who should go into the building and who should guard the parameters.

'There must be an explanation,' Rumi told herself throughout the operation.

'He is not evil. After meeting with his family again, they would put some sense back to him.'

Love was blind. Rumi was the last person to believe in him. Even after the whole world called him names, she thought she knew who he really was.

Behind every layer people hated was a man whom Rumi loved with all her heart.



That was until she came face to face with the horrific scene of Daigo standing on the pieces of his family's corpse.

All hope was crushed, every good will died and love was buried at the depths of her soul, never to surface again.

As she gazed at the bodies of people she had come to love as her own family, Rumi broke completely. It felt like she was suddenly at the bottom of the deepest ocean, the liquid grief was so heavy that she couldn't breathe.

The memories of Daigo introducing her to the family flashed in her mind. The time they had dinner, the time when his own mother told her to take care of him, the cute little sister who was always jealous of her for getting more of her brother's time.

For an orphan like her, they were the closest thing she had to a family. And she thought they would be when they got married eventually.

The line of thought itself was like lava in her chest. To lose hope was painful but to betray hope was even more so. 

She vomited.

The despair in her heart was so intense that her body reacted physically. The body thought it was poisoned, it thought there was external damage because a heart break should not physically hurt.

"You monster," she gazed upon the figure. She felt disgusted that she ever even loved him.

She vomited more.

A fight ensued. Since they tried to settle things peacefully, every hero came to the house. With an explosion that created a few moments for them, everyone got into their strategic position.

But It was a futile effort. Rumi knew deep down that they wouldn't stand a chance. She was one of the few people who knew just how strong he was.

And she was right.

They never stood a chance.


"STOP IT!!!!" Rumi shot at him with a burst of power.

She had done this many times before in training but this time she had every intention of crippling and even killing him. She did not hold back even a single fibre of her muscle.

But still, he made an easy work of her like always. One of his hands redirected her flying kick to the side with a wave while another hand firmly grabbed her calf. Then he used her own momentum to flung her to a distance.

When Rumi got back up to her feet, he was already done dealing with the hero Rumi was with. Miss Lantern was grovelling on the ground, both of her hands were cut off so that she could no longer use her qurik.

Rumi was meant to protect her and she failed spectacularly.

Such helplessness, coupled with her sheer anger and grief stole tears from her eyes.

"no...no...no.." she shook her head, wishing everything was a dream and that she would wake up in her bed, in his four arms.

Sukuna froze in his spot, his face finally showing a bit of emotion. This was the first time she had ever cried.

And it would also be her last. Rumi promised herself.

Her red eyes harden in a show of incredible determination and strength. No one else would even have the strength to stand after all the things she experienced

But Rumi fought.

"You evil piece of shit," it almost came out as weak chuckles. She had lost half her mind.

Then she shot at him with endless abandon. She did not care for the injuries she sustained along the way. She wanted to hit him, to hurt him - just once. She deserved at least that after he hurt her so much and scarred her for life.

Their body flashed around the city. Every other hero was already down, cutting off limbs was an effective way of putting them down..

The city was loud with people screaming in the distance and the constant moaning of sirens. The block was lit up by the skyscrapers and streetlights. But the lack of presence could still be felt, making the place feel hollow despite the sound and chaos.

The fight dragged on for way longer than she expected. She would admit, she was much weaker than he was and she was not in the right state of mind to even fight properly.

Yet the fight went on with no winner, with her being unharmed.

Was he seriously hesitant to injure her in a fight? Did he really not want to hurt her?

"Fight me!! FIGHT ME!!" she screamed.

He might as well cut off her head at this point after how damaged she already was. How dare he try to act all merciful in battle.




The roads opened up with each attack she missed. She spun like a wheel and slammed down hammer kick after hammer kick at him. He only moved away, avoiding her and never hurting her.

But at one point he realized that he could not drag the fight any longe as the pro heroes came for him. The helicopters flew above their heads, and the situation had taken a sharp turn after he defeated thirteen pro heroes, some even in the top 20.

Daigo Arata was declared an S-Class villain. A villain who is now known as Ryomen Sukuna.

The fight had to end now and so he did just that. But not in the way he did with others.

He stayed still in his place and allowed Rumi to hurt him in any way she pleased. She used the chance to release all her pent-up anger as she rag-dolled him to every corner.

A kick to the face that dislocated his jaw, a heel to the side that broke his ribs and a front kick to the solar plexus that collapsed the lungs.

Without any defence, he started bleeding all over and his body showed purple bruises rather quickly.

At last, Rumi created a generous distance between them. Sukuna slowly stood up from the crater he was smashed into but remained in his place.

"Luna Rush,"

She shot out like a living bullet. Her body broke the sound barrier and she slammed her feet right at his heart, successfully piercing through his body as her feet emerged from his back.

There was no explosion, only gore. The sound of a body being punctured by a limb was like choking on water. It was horrifying in the sense that you never heard similar sounds before.

"I'm sorry," his apology came with blood from his mouth.

"But that is quite enough," he said and one of his hands pulled out her legs from his heart.

Then his other hand shot to her head. She was bracing for a punch that never came. The hand clamped down around her jaw and shook her so forcefully and violently that she was knocked out.

That was the last time she saw him.




[3rd POV]

He laid her on the ground, his body ached with silent agony but a quick rush of reverse curse energy healed him up to top condition in seconds.

Allowing her to vent was the least he could do for the girl he loved once.

It was truly tragic that their romance had to come to such an ugly end. But that was a consequence of his own action, nothing else, he had no one else to blame.

He should've killed him when he had the chance.

The man who was responsible for all this.

All for One.

The man who was, at first obsessed with Daigo when he failed to steal his qurik. But that obsession soon turned into fear when he got stronger and stronger. In a world of quirks, All for One was a God and he did not like an outliner who was as strong as him.

Daigo Arata's mere existence was a huge threat to him. And All for One did what every human does when confronted with a threat.

He aimed to destroy him.

And he had been successful so far. From his reputation, his life, his friends, and his family, All for One destroyed them all.

The only thing left was his own life and All for One was going destroy that too by turning the whole world against him.

"That won't happen," Sukuna said, "I have nothing else to lose,"

Sukuna saw more heroes coming to his location. He no longer had time to entertain them, his main aim was All for One.

So he sent Cleave and started mowing down the Skyscrapers and buildings like grass. Invisible blades cut down the towers of iron and glass and they came crashing down to the heroes.

What followed next was a rain of destruction. Heroes stopped rushing at him in favour of containing the disaster. Although heroes were meant to defeat villains, their main priority was always civilian lives.

The buildings collapsed, causing earthquakes and explosions throughout the city and amidst the chaos, Sunaka slipped away.

He had lost everything.

So the flames of revenge burned, consuming all the spaces in his heart, filling up the absence of love.



