
MHA: but the dead are walking [zombies[fanfic Category]

So I’m dead, it wasn’t a life wasted though. Now I have a chance to save a completely different world from “the walking dead” lol bad joke I know but it’s true. Now all I have to do is survive long enough to do that. With the power of blood red crystals to back me up it should be easy…. Hopefully… [I’ll try to upload a chapter on Monday and Friday’s but if I fall to put one out on those dates I’ll try to get one out on the weekends] If anyone can find who made the picture please let me know so I can properly ask Permission to use it! Also! I just made a discord for the server! If you want to help me by giving ideas or have any specific questions please join! https://discord.gg/ehkfQckz

TheZombie115 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 9 making noise

Let's party~

Sorry I just wanted to be scary like Diran for a minute. I hope you enjoy the chapter~

[] sounds or if I need to explain something

{}other characters thinking

() mc thinking

"" talking out loud


I start running through the halls as fast as I can. The music should start in five minutes if I did it right.

As I'm running through the halls shot every infected I see with the two 9mm pistols.

Four minutes…

I take a turn and see what I'm looking for at the end of the hall. A fifty cal machine gun mounted on a railing over looking the main entrance.

Three minutes…

I stab all the infected in my way to the gun and all the ones surrounding it. I walk over to the gun and look at the box full of live Grenades next to it. A flair gun, I pick it up and check if it's loaded.

Two minutes

I look above me and see a glass ceiling. If I don't get their attention before the music starts They won't be ready to go before more zombies rush in from the stores surrounding the mall. They'll get trampled! I rack a Bullet into the chamber of my M-16 and aim it up. I start shooting, this causes all the zeds below to start trying to get up luckily for me some one blocked the escalators so no zeds cant climb up.

One minute..

The glass roof Shatters and falls all around me I fire the flare into the air. I look at the bus's just outside and see a bunch of the zeds look towards me, so do the people on the bus.


The music starts playing, it's all I want for x black Parade. I have to admit it took a couple of minutes to find it apparently the internet still works so I looked it up and set a timer to play it. [if you don't know the glory of what I picked I'll put a comment on this part of the book with the link to the song. I don't know if im allowed to put links in my chapters]

I grab two Grenades and Unpin them. I wait for the drop as I stand right behind the fifty cal


As the song starts to over lay with the second song I throw both explosives and grab the handle of the mounted gun and line it up with the thickest bunch of infected and squeeze the paddle…

[ [the song keeps playing along the gun fire and explosions] will you be, the savior of the broken!?~] [just listen to the song as you read or before you keep reading, trust me it's good]

As I'm shouting I'm Shouting along with the song less singing tryin to make as much noise as possible. I look away from where I'm shooting to see almost all the infected have gotten off the bus's to go after a more interesting target.

The most of the people on top climb back inside the bus's but the one with red hair is looking right at me. Something clicks in my head.

"kirishima!!" I yell that at the top of my lungs and some how he hears me. At first he looks at me with confusion

But almost instantly it looks like something clicks for him and through the gunfire I can barely hear him yell back


I can see the moment some kind of rope thing goes through the roof ceiling hatch and pulls him into the bus. Almost immediately both bus's take off.

I turn back to the fight.

And suddenly…



And there's still whey to many….

I pull a 9mm pistol from my pocket with my right hand hand grab the m-16 with my right.

I push crystals around my arms and neck to cover my bits. I also cover the guns with crystals, carful not too cover the parts that make the guns function.

As the zeds start pushing the last of the blockades on the escalators out of the wall and the ones that were Piling up each other start hoping the railing. I think to my self if I did the right thing.

Ya.. ya I think I did.

"Now then you zeds!-"

Suddenly the song finish's and switch's to sum 41- still waiting.

I yell at the top of my lungs


The gun fire lasted for three hours. After the three hours there was another hour of explosions and eventually the noise became quite.

The people on the bus gave the Mystery man the nickname of "the Wanderer"

The fight in the mall very much suited That name...…



I personally love Christmas~ and I hope you all do to, and if you don't… who hurt you?

But besides that this chapter is my Christmas gift to you! I hope I did a good job making it. It's really a lot harder than I thought to write about shooting a gun.

If you don't know guns the 50cal mounted machine gun shoots a extremely big round at really fast speeds. So instead of having a trigger it has a "Paddle" on the back of the gun that once pressed down starts shooting the gun.

I stayed up till midnight to write this… I'm tired

This chapter counts for Monday and since I didn't get any votes on who should be the first Character Diran meets I'll just decide my self. But besides that I'm still taking suggestions and I wish you all a Mary Christmas! I love you all!

Edit note: I changed the nickname. I don't really think it Suited him
