
MHA: but the dead are walking [zombies[fanfic Category]

So I’m dead, it wasn’t a life wasted though. Now I have a chance to save a completely different world from “the walking dead” lol bad joke I know but it’s true. Now all I have to do is survive long enough to do that. With the power of blood red crystals to back me up it should be easy…. Hopefully… [I’ll try to upload a chapter on Monday and Friday’s but if I fall to put one out on those dates I’ll try to get one out on the weekends] If anyone can find who made the picture please let me know so I can properly ask Permission to use it! Also! I just made a discord for the server! If you want to help me by giving ideas or have any specific questions please join! https://discord.gg/ehkfQckz

TheZombie115 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 4, heroes and zombies

So here we go again. You all know the drill by now. I love you all, enjoy the chapter

[] sounds or if I need to explain something

{}other characters thinking

() mc thinking

"" talking out loud


Diran pulls himself to the top of the ladder only to immediately find a shotgun is pointing at his face. He slowly puts his hands up. Blood drips down his arms onto the ground

"Who are you! What's your name!" one of the cops is screaming at him, he is Obviously in his late twenty's.

"My names Diran sir, and I'm here to help" the cop doesn't stop pointing his gun.

"Are you a hero? I saw your fighting and no normal person can do what you just did" he says this well keeping the weapon raised, he's being carful not to take it off Dirans head

"No I'm not a hero, I've been training though. But I don't think me being a hero really matters anymore." Diran points towards the horde of zeds which is still try to get to them.

The cop slowly lowers his gun. "Ya I guess you're right.." Diran puts his hands down and looks back down the ladder to see that a bunch of zeds are at the bottom.

"Don't think this means I'll trust you yet"

He walks away from the ladder.

Diran looks over the group. There's Shade, Thermite, the older lookin cop who's probably in his 30s, He has a handgun probably in the 9mm. Then there's the young cop who's in his twenties, he has the shotgun, then there's the kid Thermites holding. Diran looks to both the cops who are looking at the horde below. "Can i get your names, it'd make my life easier "

The older one looks at Diran, " my name is Nara Hitoshi, and this-" he points to the younger cop. "- this is Okabe Yoshitsune, be easy on him he's just being Cautious"

Diran looks the old one dead in the eyes. "Please tell me you have a car"

"We do but it down the street" Nara points straight down the street past Dirans home and at the end of the block is a police car lights on.

"Give me the keys"

The older cop looks at him confused "how do I know you won't just steal it, let alone do you even know how to drive?!"

"Yes I know how to drive, and do you really think that you have much of a choice right now just look below us" the cop looks at Diran with a look of confusion and Concern.

"Look kid I don't have them, their in the car but before you do anything tell us your plan."

"Ok listen, I go to the car and turn the siren on. Then I lead all the infected away, well im doing that you guys go back to where Shade found me. You should be safe there, when I get back we'll figure out what to do from there. Sound good? Because if you have any better ideas I'm listening" Diran looks to everyone around him, both cops look concerned well Shade looks at him like he's cocky. Shade suddenly pipes up well putting as hand on thermites shoulder

"Ok, sure, I know you can do it. but what makes us sure you'd come back and not just drive to freedom? Like come on I know I asked you for help but it doesn't mean I trust you Enough to take our car"

(Great now I have to make them trust me, how should I do th-) suddenly a spike of pain enters his head, another vision. Its a boy about 7 years old with black hair. The kids quirk was Hardening, he'd basically become a rock. They were walking to his house when Diran saw a store that was selling friendship Bracelets for 2$ each. Both of them were given 2$ to by candy or something well they were out with their friends. So they Bought some that became two fists fist bumping when put together. Diran can remember the kid clearly saying "it's so manly!" Soon after they promised to be by each other's sides for they both went home. Not long after a accident happened to Dirans parents and he was sent to the orphanage.

It takes Diran a minute to snap out of it, when he does snap out of it he starts talking something from his pants pocket. A small friendship Bracelet. "My best friend gave this to me when we were about seven years old… iv held onto it ever since.-" he throws it to Shade who Catches it. "-I'll come back for that no matter what, we good now"

Shade looks the item over before Realizing how old the item is"sure we're good for now, just remember if you drive off I'll kill you-" he looks at thermite and taps his shoulder "-hey buddy I think she's gone now there's nothing more you could do, you have to put her down now. We need your help" this is the first time he has actually looked at the hero and kid. thermite is covered in blood, his eyes are dead, it's like there's no one in there anymore. Just a husk of a man who would follow any order given, sadly not something Diran wouldn't expect during a apocalypse like this. The girl he's holding has a hole in her chest. Looks like it was made by a twelve gage. Lucky for Dirans sanity, it wasn't eri.

Diran points to the girl "what happened to her?" thermite looks at him.

"It was a gang, they must have been trying to make it out of the city… they saw us and started firing all the weapons they had at us…they all had the same mask, a Hockey like mask….Sara was traveling with us and took a hit… it's all my fault.. I wasn't strong enough to save her.. I'm not strong enough to save anyone."

One of the cops runs to him and hugs him, it's Okabe. "Your strong enough to save everyone Thermite, you just need to not give up, we'll work together on this and we'll Survive this together, for her sake"

Diran walks to the edge of the building starts thinking on how he's going to make the run well listening to Okabe trying his best. It takes ten minutes to calm Thermite down.

Shade looks to Thermite "give me one of the melters from your belt, I have a idea" Thermite hands Shade a item that resembles a flashbang but Diran knows it's one of Thermite bombs, they are able to cut through almost anything. But Shade seems to have a idea,he takes the cops shotgun and uses some tape to tape it to the front. Then he hands it to Diran.

"If you pull the pin then shoot it when It starts to burn you should send fire down on the infected and make a path…. Hopefully. Just don't get any on your self Or you'll probably burn your self" Diran looks at him with a impressed look.

"Not a bad idea but what happens if we fail?" Diran asks

"Well then we're doomed"

(Great) Diran walks to the edge of the building and pulls the pin. The flame start burning the tape slowly and soon bits of fire start poring from the device (three two one FIRE)

The device go's flying, the hole in the bottom of the device pores the fuel the device uses, as it lands on the infected it quickly go's through their bodies. The flames would hit their clothes and set them on fire, if not that it sinks into their skin and for some the flames go all the way through. Diran nearly vomits from the sight. Turning back to Shade he sees him smiling. (What is wrong with this guy.) Diran takes several steps back and gets ready to run.

"Wish me luck" he yells as he sprints towards the edge of the building. Right at the edge of the building he snaps his fingers and jumps. The gap the flames made is not large but big enough. As Diran is about to hit the ground a crystal flows from his arms and hits the ground just to slowly shrink slowing his descent.

As Diran hits the ground he starts pushing his way through the horde. (The gap between the infected is shrinking I have to go faster!) and faster he went. Just before the infected grab him he barely squeezes through the infected horde. As he makes it through he sends some crystals into the horde killing two.

(HOLY SHIT IM ALIVE!) Diran keeps running, some infected on his trail. As Diran keeps running he jumps onto of a car, the cars alarm starts blaring. The entire horde turns to look where the nose is coming from.


The horde starts So here we go again. You all know the drill by now. I love you all, enjoy the chapter

[] sounds or if I need to explain something

{}other characters thinking

() mc thinking

"" talking out loud


Diran pulls himself to the top of the ladder only to immediately find a shotgun is pointing at his face. He slowly puts his hands up. Blood drips down his arms onto the ground

"Who are you! What's your name!" one of the cops is screaming at him, he is Obviously in his late twenty's.

"My names Diran sir, and I'm here to help" the cop doesn't stop pointing his gun.

"Are you a hero? I saw your fighting and no normal person can do what you just did" he says this well keeping the weapon raised, he's being carful not to take it off Dirans head

"No I'm not a hero, I've been training though. But I don't think me being a hero really matters anymore." Diran points towards the horde of zeds which is still try to get to them.

The cop slowly lowers his gun. "Ya I guess you're right.." Diran puts his hands down and looks back down the ladder to see that a bunch of zeds are at the bottom.

"Don't think this means I'll trust you yet"

He walks away from the ladder.

Diran looks over the group. There's Shade, Thermite, the older lookin cop who's probably in his 30s, He has a handgun probably in the 9mm. Then there's the young cop who's in his twenties, he has the shotgun, then there's the kid Thermites holding. Diran looks to both the cops who are looking at the horde below. "Can i get your names, it'd make my life easier "

The older one looks at Diran, " my name is Nara Hitoshi, and this-" he points to the younger cop. "- this is Okabe Yoshitsune, be easy on him he's just being Cautious"

Diran looks the old one dead in the eyes. "Please tell me you have a car"

"We do but it down the street" Nara points straight down the street past Dirans home and at the end of the block is a police car lights on.

"Give me the keys"

The older cop looks at him confused "how do I know you won't just steal it, let alone do you even know how to drive?!"

"Yes I know how to drive, and do you really think that you have much of a choice right now just look below us" the cop looks at Diran with a look of confusion and Concern.

"Look kid I don't have them, their in the car but before you do anything tell us your plan."

"Ok listen, I go to the car and turn the siren on. Then I lead all the infected away, well im doing that you guys go back to where Shade found me. You should be safe there, when I get back we'll figure out what to do from there. Sound good? Because if you have any better ideas I'm listening" Diran looks to everyone around him, both cops look concerned well Shade looks at him like he's cocky. Shade suddenly pipes up well putting as hand on thermites shoulder

"Ok, sure, I know you can do it. but what makes us sure you'd come back and not just drive to freedom? Like come on I know I asked you for help but it doesn't mean I trust you Enough to take our car"

(Great now I have to make them trust me, how should I do th-) suddenly a spike of pain enters his head, another vision. Its a boy about 7 years old with black hair. The kids quirk was Hardening, he'd basically become a rock. They were walking to his house when Diran saw a store that was selling friendship Bracelets for 2$ each. Both of them were given 2$ to by candy or something well they were out with their friends. So they Bought some that became two fists fist bumping when put together. Diran can remember the kid clearly saying "it's so manly!" Soon after they promised to be by each other's sides for they both went home. Not long after a accident happened to Dirans parents and he was sent to the orphanage.

It takes Diran a minute to snap out of it, when he does snap out of it he starts talking something from his pants pocket. A small friendship Bracelet. "My best friend gave this to me when we were about seven years old… iv held onto it ever since.-" he throws it to Shade who Catches it. "-I'll come back for that no matter what, we good now"

Shade looks the item over before Realizing how old the item is"sure we're good for now, just remember if you drive off I'll kill you-" he looks at thermite and taps his shoulder "-hey buddy I think she's gone now there's nothing more you could do, you have to put her down now. We need your help" this is the first time he has actually looked at the hero and kid. thermite is covered in blood, his eyes are dead, it's like there's no one in there anymore. Just a husk of a man who would follow any order given, sadly not something Diran wouldn't expect during a apocalypse like this. The girl he's holding has a hole in her chest. Looks like it was made by a twelve gage. Lucky for Dirans sanity, it wasn't eri.

Diran points to the girl "what happened to her?" thermite looks at him.

"It was a gang, they must have been trying to make it out of the city… they saw us and started firing all the weapons they had at us…they all had the same mask, a Hockey like mask….Sara was traveling with us and took a hit… it's all my fault.. I wasn't strong enough to save her.. I'm not strong enough to save anyone."

One of the cops runs to him and hugs him, it's Okabe. "Your strong enough to save everyone Thermite, you just need to not give up, we'll work together on this and we'll Survive this together, for her sake"

Diran walks to the edge of the building starts thinking on how he's going to make the run well listening to Okabe trying his best. It takes ten minutes to calm Thermite down.

Shade looks to Thermite "give me one of the melters from your belt, I have a idea" Thermite hands Shade a item that resembles a flashbang but Diran knows it's one of Thermite bombs, they are able to cut through almost anything. But Shade seems to have a idea,he takes the cops shotgun and uses some tape to tape it to the front. Then he hands it to Diran.

"If you pull the pin then shoot it when It starts to burn you should send fire down on the infected and make a path…. Hopefully. Just don't get any on your self Or you'll probably burn your self" Diran looks at him with a impressed look.

"Not a bad idea but what happens if we fail?" Diran asks

"Well then we're doomed"

(Great) Diran walks to the edge of the building and pulls the pin. The flame start burning the tape slowly and soon bits of fire start poring from the device (three two one FIRE)

The device go's flying, the hole in the bottom of the device pores the fuel the device uses, as it lands on the infected it quickly go's through their bodies. The flames would hit their clothes and set them on fire, if not that it sinks into their skin and for some the flames go all the way through. Diran nearly vomits from the sight. Turning back to Shade he sees him smiling. (What is wrong with this guy.) Diran takes several steps back and gets ready to run.

"Wish me luck" he yells as he sprints towards the edge of the building. Right at the edge of the building he snaps his fingers and jumps. The gap the flames made is not large but big enough. As Diran is about to hit the ground a crystal flows from his arms and hits the ground just to slowly shrink slowing his descent.

As Diran hits the ground he starts pushing his way through the horde. (The gap between the infected is shrinking I have to go faster!) and faster he went. Just before the infected grab him he barely squeezes through the infected horde. As he makes it through he sends some crystals into the horde killing two.

(HOLY SHIT IM ALIVE!) Diran keeps running, some infected on his trail. As Diran keeps running he jumps onto of a car, the cars alarm starts blaring. The entire horde turns to look where the nose is coming from.


The horde starts moving towards Diran…


Ok so. 700 people. Wtf. Just how! I love all of you. But the more I write the more ideas i get so it'll only get better from here! If anyone has any ideas I'd love to hear them. Other than that see you all next chapter!

Ps: updated to add more humanity to the characters and more writing towards Diran…


Ok so. 700 people. Wtf. Just how! I love all of you. But the more I write the more ideas i get so it'll only get better from here! If anyone has any ideas I'd love to hear them. Other than that see you all next chapter!

Ps: updated to add more humanity to the characters and more writing