
MHA: but the dead are walking [zombies[fanfic Category]

So I’m dead, it wasn’t a life wasted though. Now I have a chance to save a completely different world from “the walking dead” lol bad joke I know but it’s true. Now all I have to do is survive long enough to do that. With the power of blood red crystals to back me up it should be easy…. Hopefully… [I’ll try to upload a chapter on Monday and Friday’s but if I fall to put one out on those dates I’ll try to get one out on the weekends] If anyone can find who made the picture please let me know so I can properly ask Permission to use it! Also! I just made a discord for the server! If you want to help me by giving ideas or have any specific questions please join! https://discord.gg/ehkfQckz

TheZombie115 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 29, a teachers job

[] sounds or if I need to explain something

{}other characters thinking or reading

() mc thinking

"" talking out loud


The coin flys into the air, flipping around and around, it quickly comes back down landing on Asa's hand, he quickly slaps the coin on his wrist, he moves his hand away and looks at the coin before looking back up, "tails, Aizawa is going, grab your stuff we'll go in ten."

Asa walks away as Tanabe reaches into his side bag and well gesturing for Aizawa to follow him, the both of them walk away leaving Kirishima alone.

{ I can't just sit around and watch as teach risks his life for us! I know what to do to } Kirishima runs the other way towards the room ida is in.

Back the other way with Aizawa and Tanabe, Tanabe has laid out the blueprint of the hospital on a table. "Ok Aizawa this is important so listen, Asa already knows all this so you won't have to explain this to him, since this hospital was one of the largest in the city most of the infected people were brought here during the very beginning of the apocalypse. Which means there's undead literally everywhere. So when you go your going to have to move slowly so you don't attract the undead"

Aizawa nods his head, "be slow, got it, anything else"

Tanabe takes a pen out of his bag, "I'm glad you asked, you see there's a lot more in the basement then just blatantx5, there's enough medical supplies there to help a large group of people last year's, add on the security quarters and armory are down there to. Me and Asa have been trying to get down there for months but the large amount of dead down there makes it ny impossible to get down there with out taking care of them first"

"So let me guess, you have a plan"

"Exactly!" He quickly circles the elevator shafts "If you couldn't tell when you got here this building is 23 stores tall which means that multiple elevators had to be installed to make travel between floors easier for everyone but that also gives us a advantage. since we activated the emergency power a while back, all you have to do to get everything ready is go. call all the elevators to the top floor, sadly when you do that the doors will open and god knows what's In them. It shouldn't be that bad though!"

He reaches his hand into his jacket pocket and takes out a key, quickly handing it to Aizawa, "you'll need this, it the key to the elevators, using it you should be able to restart them directly"

Aizawa looks at the key for a moment before putting it in his pocket, "ok this shouldn't be that hard…. But why am I calling the elevators up?"

Tanabe smiles, "well we have two ideas, one we fill them with some kind of flammable substance and have them fall over and out of the elevators to burn the bottom floor. Then there's the plan we're going to try first, dropping them!"

Aizawa raises a eyebrow, "drop them?"

"Yes! Dropping them will do extreme damage to the bottom floor, but if we make a bunch of noise below them before they drop, we might kill I don't know 50-80 pure drop, more if we fill some of them with something that goes boom!"

"And your sure that it will work?"

"I'm as sure as zombies are dumb as a box of rocks, now take the blueprint and get out, Asa is just outside the barricade"

Aizawa grabs the blueprint and walks out of the room to meet up with Asa



———————-some where out side—————

Diran kicks the chest out a undead knocking it onto its back, the zombie try's to quickly lean back up. But finds the barrel in its face.



The zombies skull is splattered across the concrete alley behind the hospital.

(Ok now that Iv cleared the ally I should have about five minutes before this ally is swarming with more undead again-)

-A loud crash followed by the cry's of the undead can be heard from down the alleyway

(-2 minutes, I have two minutes)

Diran quickly runs down the alley way to find a dumpster with batsmen window just large enough to fit in right next to it. He quickly crouches down next to it and try's pushing it in but it doesn't budge. He stands up and scratch's his head trying to think of how to open it.


Diran jumps back from what ever landed in the dumpster "HOLY SHIT WHAT WAS THAT!"

Diran runs up to the dumpster and looks inside

ida "I'm never letting you convince me to do anything ever again"

Kirishima throws a rotten banana peel off his head, "hey at least where down, now all we have to do is find a way back into the basement and we'll be all right"

"Hey Kirishima?" Ida says as if somethings wrong

"What's up ida?"

Ida points at Diran, "sup"


This took WAY to long. I got out of school and Iv been very busy getting my life together. But nevertheless I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you again very soon