
MHA: but the dead are walking [zombies[fanfic Category]

So I’m dead, it wasn’t a life wasted though. Now I have a chance to save a completely different world from “the walking dead” lol bad joke I know but it’s true. Now all I have to do is survive long enough to do that. With the power of blood red crystals to back me up it should be easy…. Hopefully… [I’ll try to upload a chapter on Monday and Friday’s but if I fall to put one out on those dates I’ll try to get one out on the weekends] If anyone can find who made the picture please let me know so I can properly ask Permission to use it! Also! I just made a discord for the server! If you want to help me by giving ideas or have any specific questions please join! https://discord.gg/ehkfQckz

TheZombie115 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Chapter 27, a different story~

[] sounds or if I need to explain something

{}other characters thinking or reading

() mc thinking

"" talking out loud


[We enter a hospital through the window and slowly flow through the halls, some rooms seem to have zombies inside. we reach a turn in the hall. Suddenly someone runs Past, and seconds after we watch as a large group of infected chase after]

[We follow behind the horde until we move through them. We Catch up to the man running from the horde. The man is wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt with a bunch of papers, leathers and other things duck taped to himself anywhere there was open skin. He has fading red hair and is carrying a large bag on his back and another bag in his hands]

[This man is Eijirou Kirishima, and he's currently running for his life]

{I have to run! If I die now it'd all be for nothing!!}

Kirishima keeps running as fast as he can through the halls using everything to his advantage, he jumps over a cart in the middle of the hall and runs around a corner, the horde crashes into the cart that barely slows them down and keeps chasing.

Kiri puts his arms through the bag he's carrying so the bag is on his chest, as he's running he grabs onto a shelf and pulls it down before he continues to run. Some of the horde falls over the shelf but not enough.

{ I have to think of something and fast, if i don't i'm as good as dead!}

As Kiri thinks that he turns another corner and sees the elevator, its door is cracked open.

{That will work}

Kiri Runs as fast as he can and gets even farther from the hord. He basically slams into the door as he grabs both sides and starts trying to open it all the way. It slowly budges but I doesn't look like it's opening fast enough, Kiri pulls as hard as he ever has in his life. Slowly the door budges Kirishima doesn't even wait a second as he dives into the empty elevator shaft, multiple zombie hands miss him by literal inches. As kiri falls into the shaft, zombies start falling in too. He grabs the elevator line as soon as he gets close enough. Zombie continues to fall past him eventually to hit the bottom. One zombie hits an elevator below back first on the corner splitting its back open sending spinal bones everywhere.

It takes five minutes before zombies stop falling past.

Kiri sighs in relief as the last one falls

"Holy crap I'm alive!! Eat shit you undead freaks! Woooo!!"

Kirishima cheers for the next five minutes before he climbs the cord towards the 13th floor. He eventually reaches it and jumps to the closed door, Kiri grabs both sides of the door and starts pulling it open.

As the door opens he looks up through the door and realizes there's a shotgun pointed at his face.

"WO WO HOLD YOUR FIRE!!!" He panicky yells as he puts his hands up.

"Relax kid, I'm not going to shot you"

The gun is pulled back as his vision rests on who has the gun, Shōta Aizawa. "Nice to see ya kid, just in time to. We ran out of blood bags."

Aizawa is in a relaxing looking outfit. He has his hero outfit on but it's been torn up so he took the top half off and tied it around his waist, a thick layer of bandages completely cover both his arms going all the way to his shoulders. He has long dumped his old scarf but instead he found out he could do his thing with wire so he now has a bunch of steel wire loosely spread around his neck. He also has a chest holster for a machete he found.

Kiri sighs in relief, "so that means she's still alive, good, I don't think Tenya could deal with losing her…"

"No he definitely can't. well I'm going to keep playing guard dog, get those supplies to them as fast as You can."

"ON IT!" With that Kirishima starts running through the halls towards the surgery room.

{ever since we got here we've had one issue after another. This hospital is a living hell. If we don't get out of here, who knows who else might turn out like Uraraka. She got bit well, searching rooms for anything useful around our second week here. We cut off her arm to stop her from turning but she hasn't stopped bleeding completely since then.thank god the doctor was here, if he wasn't here she'd be dead by now. Tenya still blames himself for the accident though and hasnt left her side. I don't blame him though. }

Kirishima runs past many rooms with broken lights and others that are locked. Eventually he reaches the surgery room. He quickly swings the doors open and walks right in. There are four people in the room: the doctor Tanabe Chiash, his friend and protector Asa Tatsuo, tenya lida and Ochako Uraraka who is unconscious on the table.

{Tanabe is a professional doctor who has apparently worked at this hospital for twenty years, he said that he refuses to leave just in case someone else who needs help shows up. He's a very nice man. On the other hand there's his friend Asa, who is a badass. Dude walks around with a metal bat and a machete strapped to his waist. He wears a doctor's jaket like Tanabe but here's the thing. HE HAS A DRAGON TATTOO! If he wasn't a gang boss or something I don't know what he is! All i do know is that he didn't get the tattoo for show, the man can really fight. When we first showed up he killed twenty infected just to get us inside safe.}

Kirishima slams his bags down on a table in the corner and opens them. He takes a blood bag out and hands it over to Tanabe who with a "thank you" takes the bag and switches out Ochakos bag with the new one.

Tanabe finishes hooking up the bag and walks over to Asa and whispers something to him and both of them walk out of the room. Kirishima follows them out

"What's going on with her?" kiri asks

Tanabe takes his glasses off and rubs them with a cloth as they walk, " well it's not good, her blood isn't clotting, that means she's going to keep bleeding until we do something drastic"

The three reach where Aizawa is guarding. Tanabe taps Aizawas shoulder and says "we need to talk"

Aizawa turns around and looks Tanabe in the eyes, "what's wrong now?"

"The girls blood isn't clotting, she won't stop bleeding"

Aizawa raises a eyebrow, "can't you forcibly stop the bleeding?"

Tanabe sighs, "sadly not, when you cut the arm off you hit a main artery so the bleeding is to severe, the bandages are only holding the blood back like putting a towel in a open pipe. It will just keep leaking."

Aizawa looking Concerned looks from Tanabe to Kiri, to Asa and back to Tanabe as if he's looking for a answer. He finally speaks, "so what's the plan"

"We need to go to the basement"

[Suddenly our view zooms through the halls to the elevator shaft and starts zooming down to the basement, we zoom through many halls completely full of infected. We slow down in front of a room just long enough to read the sign, cold storage, we keep zooming through the halls until we reach a broken window and we fly out onto the street. We fly really high into the clouds and zoom down onto a zombie a mile away. We watch it for a minute as we hear the sound of a engine. We turn to see just to get hit]

[we chase the car and fly into the window and reunite with Diran. Who's driving straight to the hospital]


You all are glorious people. I have no idea what I'm doing and surprisingly you people apparently like it. Other than that we have new characters so I hope you enjoy. But I'm interested what characters you people think would make good survival partners, let me know I'm interested.

Until next time~
