
MHA: but the dead are walking [zombies[fanfic Category]

So I’m dead, it wasn’t a life wasted though. Now I have a chance to save a completely different world from “the walking dead” lol bad joke I know but it’s true. Now all I have to do is survive long enough to do that. With the power of blood red crystals to back me up it should be easy…. Hopefully… [I’ll try to upload a chapter on Monday and Friday’s but if I fall to put one out on those dates I’ll try to get one out on the weekends] If anyone can find who made the picture please let me know so I can properly ask Permission to use it! Also! I just made a discord for the server! If you want to help me by giving ideas or have any specific questions please join! https://discord.gg/ehkfQckz

TheZombie115 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 17, new clothes

So I might have gone back and changed some things to add more lore and flesh somethings out, the chapters will be better I can Guarantee it. Also yes Diran is a little bit of a Masochist but the more chapters that come out the more you'll understand why.

Now I hope you all enjoy the chapter and I love you all

[] sounds or if I need to explain something

{}other characters thinking or reading

() mc thinking

"" talking out loud


"DONT YOU DARE CUT THE ROPE!!" I'm pointing and yelling at the guards below. One of them has a hedge cutter and is about to cut the rope to get me down

One of the guards cups his hands around his mouth and yells up to me, "How did you even get up there!?"

I shrug well hanging upside down, "all I remember is hearing a noise, following it out of the bar then stepping on a rope now I'm up here!"

The guard yells back up "It was probably the kids! I wouldn't be surprised if they had something to do with this!" He looks to another guard, they talk for a second then he yells back up to me, "we'll have you down soon"

(Thank goodness I can feel the blood in my head and I'm getting dizzy)

"How ya doing hang man~"


I look to my right and see Mina on the balcony of the room we were in

"Oh I'm doing great, just splendid. I got pranked by a bunch of kids. KIDS!"

"Well at least consider it revenge for last night~"

I look her dead in the eyes, "your a demon Mina-San. A demon"

She starts walking back inside, "have fun getting down~"

"Don't you dare leave me here!"

(And she's gone, damit)

————--30 minutes later, 8:00 am—————

So I got down, I'll never trust a flagpole again in my life.

The guards interrogated me a little about what happened when I got down but it wasn't much of a issue

So I went back to the hotel room and found Mina sitting on the side of the bed

"So we're not going to talk about last night-" she gets off the bed and starts walking towards me, just as she's about to reach me she Pokes my chest, "-understood"

I scratch the back of my head,"ok ok"

"And we're going to go buy you some new clothes"

"WHAT?! Why!?!"

"Well it's because you look like a burnt mess and I won't have that. Since we're traveling together I want to looking good~ not like some kind of murderer"

I sigh, "fine just no pink, I just don't think it would work on me".

Mina spins around and walks back to her stuff, " fine no pink, just don't be surprised when I make you wear weird stuff~"

"Your a demon "

"Now get out" she points at the door, "now get out, unless you want to watch me change~"

I turn around well rising my hands up, "nope I'm good see you down stares"

I leave the room well hearing he laugh a little.

(God she's evil, but that's what I like about her. Sweet but deadly. Scary but adorable. I don't understand how she does it)

I wait outside the door for ten minutes waiting for Mina to come out, people walk past me and give me the stair only villains would get. Hate, disgust. It's something I'm not surprised to see, all these people lived most of their life's being taught to hate villains. But even if I'm not surprised to see it, it doesn't make me feel better. As I'm waiting a guy in a hero suit stops in front of me, the costume looks to be yellow in nature, Obvious implanted armor is on the chest and legs. His arms are covered in a thick layer of cloth and duck tape. His costume was obviously not mad for the apocalypse. He has a large bag and a mask that kind of looks like a fencing mask, it obviously wasn't part of the costume.

On his side is a fencing sword, it shines in the dim light of the hall. Suddenly he pulls a knife from his pocket and raises it to my neck. I don't move.

"You villains disgust me. Well us heroes start to die out your kinda start to grow!"

I say In a calm tone, "I don't know what your talking about sir I'm just waiting for my friend"

"Like hell you are! Your problem waiting for whoever is in there to kill them before they know what is happening! I'm going to kill you before you can do that!" He pulls his hand back to attack and I get ready to dodge..


The door opens to reveal a nicely dressed Mina, "sorry to keep you waiting Diran I was doing my hair…. Am I interrupting something?"

The "hero" looks to her, "do you know this villain mis?"

Mina looks shocked, "Villain?! Oh he's no villain"

She walks over and hugs my arm, "Diran has saved me more times than I can count, so no he's not a villain."

The hero looks from her to me then back to her before putting his knife away, "sorry sir I hope you'll forgive me"

I'm a sassy tone, "ya I love almost being killed in the morning, I forgive you."

The hero keeps walking and Mina looks at me, "what was his problem?"

"No Idea"

"Welp, let's get going!~" she grabs my hand and practically starts dragging me along.

——————-10:00 am 2 hours later—————

If I lived here I could probably forget the the apocalypse is literally at the doorstep, this place is a literally bustling city. There's people everywhere just living their life's. improvised buildings are everywhere along with the ones that were already here, people are walking around and buying stuff, people are building a training. There's so much stuff going on it's hard to figure out what is happening.

After walking for a while we find the center market, and once again it's packed.

"It's going to take forever to find a clothing store, I think we ask someone." I say

Mina points ahead, "like that one?" I look where she's pointing and there's a sign that looks like a shirt and a arrow pointing at the door.

"Ya like that.." she starts dragging me towards it.

When we get in there, there's plenty of clothes on clothing racks, most look brand new. The workers is behind the counter. She looks a little young to be working here but nevertheless I walk over to her. "We'd like to try on some clothes"

"No problem the changing booths are to the left and you can take as long as you want. When your finished come talk to me again~"

"Thank you very much" I turn to see Mina already going through the clothes.

(I'm doomed)

We stayed there going though one outfit to the next for almost five hours….


I'm sorry for being late, Covid is a pain in the ass and I wish Covid would just die out already.

But we all know that's not happening any time soon. On a side note I'm going to upload my other book and see if people like that one. Just think of d and d and you'll get what is going on. Even though I'm going to put that one out I'm still going to put more attention into this one.

Also expect Mondays to be late to.

Anyways I love you all see you next chapter
