
MHA: but the dead are walking [zombies[fanfic Category]

So I’m dead, it wasn’t a life wasted though. Now I have a chance to save a completely different world from “the walking dead” lol bad joke I know but it’s true. Now all I have to do is survive long enough to do that. With the power of blood red crystals to back me up it should be easy…. Hopefully… [I’ll try to upload a chapter on Monday and Friday’s but if I fall to put one out on those dates I’ll try to get one out on the weekends] If anyone can find who made the picture please let me know so I can properly ask Permission to use it! Also! I just made a discord for the server! If you want to help me by giving ideas or have any specific questions please join! https://discord.gg/ehkfQckz

TheZombie115 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 15, The Market

So here we are again another chapter for you fine people. Please if you have any recommendations for the book please comment and let me know I'm always glad to hear what you have to say.

Now I love you all enjoy the chapter!

[I feel like crap today but that won't stop me from giving you guys what you want!]

[] sounds or if I need to explain something

{}other characters thinking or reading

() mc thinking

"" talking out loud


[A Modified cop car slowly pulls up in front of a very large gate made of scrapes, mostly scrap metal, bookcases and wood]

[Diran steps out of the car and walks up to the gate. He knocks on the gate twice, stops, knocks fives times, stops again and then three times. Then he gets back in the car ]

Mina looks at Me and says "why'd you do that?"

I lean back in my chair, "just wait and see"

After a minute of nothing a loud bang is heard and tho gate slowly starts going down, slowly being lowered by ropes

When the gate hits the ground 7 armed Guards wearing blue clothes walk out. One of them Signals us to follow him in

I slowly pull the car into the market

(If I remember correctly I was told that the market is a large amount of survivors that didn't try to Evacuate and instead started building a new home. They ended up calming a entire block by walling it off to the outside world, I have to say it's quite impressive to look at. The walls have to be at least 35 feet tall)

We pull the car down the road slowly, people step out of the road to make room for the car as the guard slowly leads us into the market. It only takes five minutes for us to reach a parking lot. We park between a modified Jeep and a car that looks like it's on its last legs, dented almost everywhere on the car along with broken windows.

Me and Mina step out of the car as the guard that walked us in walks up to us.

"Welcome to The Not Dead Market! My names Sam and I have to ask you some questions before I let you walk around." Sam is a old man, he has gray hair and wrinkles on his face but other then how he looks his movements make him seem as if he's in his late twenties.

"Ok first can I get your names?"

Mina pipes up " I'm mina ashido and this!-" she does a pose as if presenting a prize "is Diran!"

The guard pulls a clipboard from his bag and writes down something, probably our names

Sam smiles at Mina like she's a five year old "thank you, ok next why are you here?"

I say "we're just here to trade and then leave. We won't be here long. We'll be gone by tomorrow"

Sam writes that on his board then looks back at us "ok last thing we have to talk about are the rules, rule one there's a curfew at 10pm til 6am. During that time people are to get inside or leave the market. We have a hotel here so that hopefully won't be a problem"

"Second don't steal, third don't kill anyone, rule fore the market is a free market if you want to sell something go for it and finally if you want to talk to the boss he's usually free. Just don't get him mad, he likes to blow stuff up."

Mina suddenly gets that look of stars in her eyes again, here we go again

She grabs the guard by his shirt and almost yells in his face

"Is his name bakugou katsuki!?!"

The guard looks like this isn't the first time this has happened. Strange

"Ya that's him. Can you please let go? "

Mina let's go and apologizes then runs up and hugs me "I finally found one of my classmates! I never thought I'd see them again! I'm sooooo happy right now!" She keeps rambling about how much she misses her class.

I look to the guard that seems to be trying not to laugh. "Can you get a meeting with him planned for us?"

The guard nods still trying not to laugh "ya I can do that for you"

I wave him off as I pull Mina off me. "Hey can you relax, we still have to go sell a bunch of stuff before we go talk to him ok"

Mina, apparently now filled with determination nods and says "let's do this"

We pull a bunch from the back off the car. Most of it being guns, ammunition and extra food. Stuff that sells well in areas like this.

For being in Japan Iv found a lot more guns then I thought I would.

Mina looks at me well we're walking towards the market central, "so I don't think Iv asked why do you ware the mask? Doesn't it, ya know. Get in the way?"

"Ya it does but it also acts as armor for when I'm fighting people or infected "

Mina looks straight ahead again and shrugs, "what ever dark Diran~"

We made it to the central market and found a open spot to start, we sit down and lay our stuff out to sell

I have to say that we sold all the things I wanted to get rid of and i made at least 5k, apparently people here still use cash.

I'm not complaining because there's a bar here that's still working and I'm just realizing I haven't had a drink since last Christmas.

Time to drink


We found boom boom boy!!! Let's celebrate! [sound of a beverage can opening]

I'm just joking, but seriously this is exciting. But other than that I'm going to try and make longer chapters from now on but no promises.

I love you all see you next chapter!
