
MHA: but the dead are walking [zombies[fanfic Category]

So I’m dead, it wasn’t a life wasted though. Now I have a chance to save a completely different world from “the walking dead” lol bad joke I know but it’s true. Now all I have to do is survive long enough to do that. With the power of blood red crystals to back me up it should be easy…. Hopefully… [I’ll try to upload a chapter on Monday and Friday’s but if I fall to put one out on those dates I’ll try to get one out on the weekends] If anyone can find who made the picture please let me know so I can properly ask Permission to use it! Also! I just made a discord for the server! If you want to help me by giving ideas or have any specific questions please join! https://discord.gg/ehkfQckz

TheZombie115 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 11, Mina

So here we are at another chapter. If I mess up something please let me know, your help is always Appreciated. Also if Mina doesn't feel like Mina remember it's been 3 years since the apocalypse started, and add on how Diran won't Recognize her immediately. 3 years of blood and death can make you forget somethings. Now then I love you all enjoy the chapter!

[also add on being alone for three years like I am every Valentine's Day, can we get a rip for all the single brothers out here?]

[] sounds or if I need to explain something

{}other characters thinking

() mc thinking

"" talking out loud


"Turn around slowly" I keep the gun trained on her head

Sh slowly stands up, (wow she's small, and pink) I take a step back.

She turns to face me, she's kind of pretty for being in the middle of the apocalypse.

"What's your name?"

"Mina Ashido"

"Ok Mina-San,-" I put my weapon away, she doesn't look like a threat. "- what are you looking for?"

She looks at me with a confused face, probably hasn't had help in months

She says "Your not going to rob me or something?"

"No! Why would you th- Oh I see why your surprised.-" I walk past her to the Pile of stuff she was searching through and pick up a box.

"-it's because i look like a burnt body isn't it?"

She suddenly looks concerned like she just Offended me or something.

"No no that's not it! It's just usual people think im weak and try taken my stuff. Frankly it's kinda annoying.." she does a fake sad face

I put the box off to the side. "I can bet, now what are you looking for?"

"Ok if you want to help im trying to find food! Im almost out again.." again with the sad face, if she keeps doing that I might actually feel bad for her.

"Well if your looking for food shouldn't you check the Cafeteria, you'd have more luck there."

"Well I tried that but there was writing on the door that said dead inside"

"Not Surprised. Big room, easy to trap a large amount of infected. Lucky most of them are slow these days" I move another box to the side.

I keep talking to the girl as we Search Through the stack of boxes for as much food and supplies we can find.

She says after sighing "no enough food… I'm doomed.." She sits on the ground, Obviously feeling defeated.

(Should I help her? I have plenty of food and water. It wouldn't Cause me a lot of trouble also her name sounds familiar I just can't put my finger on it… fuck it)

"Hey you need food right? I ne-"

She suddenly reaches up and grabs my Jacket caller (god she's fast!) she basically yells in my face

"I'll do it!!"

I responded in a small panic "you didn't even let me finish talking!?"

"I don't care! I'll do anything for food right now!"

"Ok ok just let me go!"

She quickly lets go well standing up, she fake Coughs in her hand "sorry, what did you need?"

I dust my self off "well I was going to say I need someone to travel with. My last companion left me"

I look at her and I can visibly see stars in her eyes. Suddenly she jumps at me and hugs me yelling yes. . . (At least she smells nice..)

Something in my head starts to hurt, I can feel a memory coming. I quickly push her off

"Sorry I just… let's get out of here" I start walking towards the door

"Oh.. ok just give me a second to grab my stuff!" She quickly runs over to a backpack on the floor and picks it up (pink… of course)

I start walking towards the entrance and she starts walking next to me

She looks up at me well we walk

"I just realized I haven't asked, what I should call you?"

(I didn't think about that, I haven't found anyone in five months so I have no idea what people call me.)

"You can call me Diran"

"Cool name, so where are we going next?"

"Well we're going to my car and then we're going to a market that some survivors are running"

I look at the girl and once again I visibly see stars in her eyes again


"Shhhhh yes I have one please relax"

It takes us a minute to get down to the front gate. That's where I left her..

The smasher

I did some work on the police car. I gave it a red paint job with black Lightning bolts. On the bottom of the car are saw blades to cut zombies legs along with the hood. There's large spikes on the back perfect for backing into infected~

I walk over to the door and open steeping to the side

"After you~" she immediately Catches on and jokingly says thank you well getting in

I get in the right side driving seat and start the car

"Let's start~" I start speeding down the road


4:30 am later and We have another chapter I hope you all enjoyed as much as I enjoyed… [sigh] staying up all night…

Never the less 4000 people have seen the book! Holy crap! I love all of you! Now I'd explain some things but once again 4:30 am. I'm tired so I hope you all have a good day see you next chapter
