
Class Representative

'Ahh, what a pain…'

"What is it like having All Might as a teacher?"

"What's he like?"

"How are the classes at U.A.?"

The reporters had surrounded us as we walked up to the school gate, and bombarded us with questions.

I sigh, "As the Symbol of Peace, he has lots of experience. That experience helps him overcome his inexperience as a teacher, and overall his classes have been enjoyable. Happy?"

The reporters nod and I pull Momo who is answering another reporter's question, "C'mon we need to get to class."

As we walk to class, I think about what I heard yesterday, 'I have several things I need to confirm with him. Depends on his answer, then… I'll need to ask someone with more knowledge.'

We got to class, and only a few people were there, including Bakugo who was sleeping with his head on the table. I walk towards Bakugo and spin the chair in front of him around so that it faces him.

He looks up at me and grits his teeth, "What the hell do you want?"

I smile gently, "You are close to Izuku, right? Tell me, how was he like before U.A. He seems like a nice guy."

He sits up and squints his eyes, glaring at me suspiciously, "Why the hell do you care about him?"

"Well, he seems like a nice person, and it seems like you two have known each other for a while. I thought that you would be the best person to ask."

He stands up, glaring at me, "Mind your own business!"

"I didn't want to have to do this."

I quickly stand up and put my arm around his shoulder and whisper into his ear, "I can help you find out about his quirk."

His eyes widen and frantically scans the room. All eyes were on us after our interaction and Bakugo looks at his watch.

In a quiet voice, he says, "Come with me."

I take my arm off him and smile gently while walking behind him. We walk into the bathroom and he turns and confronts me.

"So, you were listening?"

I shrug my shoulders, "I take pride in my ability to analyze people's quirks, but Izuku's quirk is a mystery to me. I… don't like mysteries, especially ones where the answer isn't something I can solve quickly."

Bakugo spits into the sink, "Analyzing people's quirks huh? So have you "analyzed" me yet?"

I put my hands in my pockets and smirk, "Of course, your quirk isn't creating explosions. At first, glance that is what I thought, but then I saw your gauntlet. When you used it, it seemed like an item that concentrates your explosions. But why did it glow red earlier? Is there some kind of condition, or do you need to charge it up?

Unless that was an aesthetic, which I doubted, that means you can generate something that creates an explosion, something that can be easily stored. So that means your quirk can generate highly combustible sweat right?"

Kuro annoyingly cheers me on, 'Yeah! Yeah! You can do it! S-H-I-R-O! SHIRO!!! YEAH!!!'

Bakugo's eyes widen in shock, and I smirk, "Your expression tells me that I am right."

He quietly nods and leans over the sink, "What do you want to know about him?"

I lean against a wall, "Was he really quirkless?"

Bakugo nods and begins talking, "I've known him for a long time since we were kids. He was always going on about becoming a hero, if he had a quirk he would've told me immediately. He isn't the type of guy to lie or hide things."

'But yet, he did both when he told us about his quirk.'

"I assume you only knew recently?"

He slowly nods, "At the apprehension test."

"Did he tell you that he made it into U.A.?"

He shakes his head, "I found out when our teacher congratulated us on making it into U.A."

'So before the term started, but that still doesn't narrow it down much.'

I look up at the ceiling, and pull out my phone, "Give me your phone number, I'll keep in touch with you if I find anything."

He tells me his number and I put my phone back in my pocket, "See you in class."

I walk out of the bathroom, leaving Bakugo alone, 'He was more cooperative than I thought. I was worried a little when he confronted me in the bathroom.'

By the time I got back in class, more people had arrived and Izuku was there.

I walk past him while smiling lightly and he greets me, "Hey Shiro!"

"Yo, Midoriya. How are your injuries?"

He rubs the back of his head and nervously smiles, "Oh it's fine. Recovery Girl had me check in with her earlier to make sure that it healed right."

"That's good to hear."

I sit down next to Momo and she asks, "So? What did you need Bakugo for?"

I put one finger to my lip and gave her a small smile, "That's a secret for now. I'll tell you later."

A minute later, Bakugo walks back into the classroom and quickly looks at Izuku then at me, before going back to his seat and putting his head on his arms again.

The bell rings and Aizawa walks in and sighs as he looks at us, "Good work on yesterday's training combat. I saw the video and results. Bakugo, you're talented so don't act like a kid."

Bakugo stiffens up as he hears this, and mumbles, "I know."

Aizawa continues, "And Midoriya."

Midoriya's posture also changes and he looks down.

Aizawa sighs again, "You settled by breaking an arm again, huh? You can't keep saying that you can't help it because you can't control your quirk. I don't like saying the same thing over and over. As long as you fix the control issue, there's a lot you'll be able to do. Feel a sense of urgency, Midoriya."

Midoriya looks more confident after hearing Aizawa's words, "Yes, sir!"

"Now let's get to homeroom business. Sorry about the late notice, but today, I'll have you decide on a class representative."

Everyone looks slightly relieved that it is a normal activity, but then the blood starts running. They all start shouting out that they want to be the class representative.

'Class rep, huh? Might be useful for future connections… but it's too much of a pain. Also, why are they always so loud?'

Iida shuts everyone up, "Silence, please!"

Everyone quiets down and looks at Iida, "It is a job with the serious responsibility of leading others. It is not just a job for anyone that wants it. It is a calling that requires the trust of those around you. If we want to use democracy to decide on a true leader, then we should hold an election to choose one."

I snicker, "Hmm hmm, your speech would be very impactful, if it was not for the fact that your hand is raised the highest."

His face glows red and he quickly puts his hand down.

Kaminari chuckles, "Why did you suggest that?"

Asui thinks out loud, "We haven't known each other for very long, so how can we have trust or anything."

Kirishima points out the obvious, "If that's the case, wouldn't everyone vote for themselves…"

Iida counters with, "Exactly. So that means whoever gets multiple votes can truly be considered the most suitable person? What do you think, Aizawa Sensei?"

He turns to our teacher for advice, but Aizawa was already in his yellow sleeping bag, "I don't care how you do it, just get it done before homeroom is over."

He lies in the corner and Iida bows, "Thank you very much."

Iida starts passing out pieces of paper for people to write down their votes.

Kuro mutters to himself, 'Oh what a goody-two-shoes. So who are you voting for? I know you don't care about the position.'

I look at my paper and look around the room, 'I don't know most of these people, plus she would probably be a good representative.'

I write down, "Momo Yaoyorozu," and put the paper in the box, 'it's not like, I'll get it.'

*A few minutes later*

"Oy, oy, oy! What the hell?!"

I rub my eyes quickly and count the tally marks next to my name, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5… 5 votes… How did I get a quarter of the votes…?"

Everyone else has one vote and a few people didn't get any.

Bakugo immediately stands, yelling, "Why Shiro?! Who voted for him?!"

Sero points out, "Well it's better than you. At least Shiro is reasonable."

"What did you say?!"

I sigh and look at Momo, "You know that I don't like this kind of stuff."

She shrugs her shoulders, "I thought it would be a good opportunity."

Kirishima was whistling and I looked at the board and noticed that no one voted for him. Iida is gritting his teeth and he also has no votes.

'No way it was Bakugo, even if I am helping him, he's too prideful to vote for someone else. Maybe, Mina? No, she voted for herself. I'll find out the other two later, right now…'

I walk up to the front of the class and clear my throat, "Well, I certainly wasn't expecting this. First, I'd like to thank those who believe that I am the right person for this task. Secondly, we don't have any runner ups, so I will appoint my assistant class representative. Momo Yaoyorozu, can you please step up here and join me?"

She stands up and silently walks over and stands next to me, "Well, I guess that's it then."

I look over to Aizawa, who looks unsurprised, "Ok, Shiro Hirota and Momo Yaoyorozu will be your Class Representative and Assistant Class Rep. I hope you guys put your best foot forwards and whatever."

Kaminari grins, "Shiro and Momo, huh? It can't be that bad. Shiro is a little blunt but he seems like a nice guy."

Mina smiles, "Yahoo! You guys can do it!"

Aizawa leaves and we start the classes for the day.

A couple of hours later, the bell rings and we all exit the class for lunch. I order a large Shio Ramen and sit at an empty table, where Momo, Kaminari, Mina, and Kirishima join me.

Kirishima leans back in his chair, "Man, congrats to you for getting it! I wonder who voted for you?"

I look at him while rolling my eyes, "Ah yes, I wonder?"

Kaminari and Mina both look at him in shock, "You voted for Shiro?!"

He nods his head, "I didn't see why not. He seems like a cool-headed guy at first glance, but really he burns with manly passion!"

Everyone gives him a deadpan expression and he looks at us cluelessly, "What? Did I say something wrong?"

I sigh and take a bite of Char-Siu, "Yeah, sure let's go with that."

Kaminari grins at me, "I wonder who else voted for you? You, and Kirishima… there are still three people we don't know."

But I correct him, "Nope, I voted for Momo. Also, Iida and Momo both voted for me, so there are two people."

Now, Kaminari, Mina, and Kirishima look at me in shock, "You didn't vote for yourself!?!?"

I reply with a mouthful of ramen, "Nopthh, I ididn't want hee jov."

Mina sighs, "Japanese please?"

I swallow the noodles, and say, "I didn't want the job. Or I didn't care if I didn't get it. So I thought Momo was the next best option."

Kirishima asks, "So how did you know it was Iida?"

I simply reply, "Facial expression. He was distraught but happy at the same time. The only reason, he didn't get any votes, but the person that he voted for won. Either that or he was happy that he didn't get any votes and distraught because the person he voted for lost. But, knowing him, it was the first."

Kaminari looks at me in awe, "You know… you're pretty smart."

I open my mouth to reply, but get interrupted by a ringing bell, followed by a voice, "there has been a Level 3 security breach. All students please evacuate outdoors promptly. I repeat…"

Everyone around us starts panicking as people start running for the door, I grab the arm of a random student and ask them "What does this mean?"

He grimaces, "It means that someone is trespassing on school grounds."

I let him go and he follows the flow to the door.

I start making my way over as well, but something in the corner of my eye catches my attention, 'Hmm, the window?'

I step onto the table and throw a card with Bungee gum at the ceiling, and bring myself above the crowd, 'Oh, it's just the press? What a waste of time.'

I drop back down and inform the others of my discovery, and they all become more relaxed.

Kirishima looks worried, "Shouldn't we tell the others?"

I look around, "I guess so, I'd rather eat my ramen in peace before it gets soggy."

Momo looks at me, "Want me to make a megaphone?"

But I wave her off, "No, I got it."

I take a deep breath and hold my finger in a ring shape to my mouth. Then I start blowing.

'Bungee Gum can expand and shrink at will. If I blow in air, then compress it…'

I stop when the balloon reaches around a foot in diameter, and instantly compress it into a golf ball-sized ball.

The others look at me with confusion, as I throw the ball into the air. At the peak, I weaken the Bungee Gum and…


The compressed air breaks through and creates a loud explosive noise, and everyone quiets down, looking for the source of the noise.

I take advantage of the silence and speak up, "It's just the media. Calm down, you guys are too loud. Think rationally and observe, don't just follow like sheep."

A few people look offended, but they realize their mistake and in an orderly fashion, they file out of the door. Soon, only the five of us are left.

Kirishima slaps my back, grinning, "Hehe, I knew you were the right choice. That sounded very class representative like. You could've been a little nicer though. How did you do that, by the way?"

I shrug my shoulders and finish my ramen, "Why? Being completely honest and blunt gets the point across quicker than buttered up words. As for that thing, Bungee Gum has the properties of both rubber and gum, so I just blew in air, expanding it and making a ballon. Then I compressed all the air and the released it creating the sound. Pretty simple stuff."

Kaminari is the most amazed, "YOO!!! Your quirk really is versatile isn't it!

Everyone else agrees, and we all head outside on the field to line up for attendance.

'I wonder how the press got in? I thought there was a security system.'

A few hours later, the bell rings again and All Might grins at us, "Well, then Good-BYE!!!"

He zips out of the door and we all start packing our things up.

I look over to Momo, "I'll be back soon, I need to talk to All Might about something."

I start walking towards the Teacher lounge and I remember what I said to the reporters earlier that day, "As the Symbol of Peace he has lots of experience. That experience helps him overcome his inexperience as a teacher."

'Let's just hope he has enough experience.'

I walk up to the door of the teacher's lounge, and knock twice, "Hello?"

I get no response and I knock again, "Excuse me? Anyone in?"

I hear a voice, "Yo, come in!"

I open the door and I see Present Mic sitting at his desk, "Do you know where All Might Sensei is? I have a question for him about quirks."

Present Mic fiddles his fingers, "Huh? No, I haven't seen him yet. What kind of question is it?"

I look at him seriously, "Well, I guess a hero is a hero. Have you ever heard of a quirk that can be passed on to another person or a quirk that can steal and redistribute other quirks?"

*All Might POV*


A few minutes ago, I was in the locker rooms getting dressed in clothes that fit me. Now I'm hiding under the table to avoid being seen by a student.

'That voice? Shiro!?'

My mind races frantically as I try and think of the possibilities of how he could've come across both All for One and One for All, 'Izuku said that he only told Bakugo! So why is he asking around? Did Bakugo tell him? No, no, no, Bakugo didn't take it that seriously, and after the training exercise, I don't think they would get along. So how the hell did this happen.'

Present Mic shrugs his shoulders, "A transferable quirk? And a quirk that can steal and redistribute quirks? No, I can't say I have. That sounds too broken, doesn't it? I would assume that if such a quirk were to come into the light, they would be taken in by the government almost immediately."

Shiro sighs, "Is that the case? Oh well, if you see All Might could you ask him that question? I thought that with his experience he might know?"

Present Mic nods, "Sure thing, kid!"

I hear the door open and close, and I come outside, "Thanks Hizashi."

Hizashi Yamada, Hero name, Present Mic, nods his head, "Did you hear what he said? Sure sounds interesting."

I quietly nod, "Hmm, I've never heard of such a quirk."

'That kid… I need to be careful around him.'

*Shiro POV*

I walk outside thinking to myself, 'Why did he lie to me about not seeing All Might? Everything else he said was true, but why All Might? Is there something that he doesn't want me to see?'

AN: Damn, a lot of you said No harem. I thought it would be slightly balanced but damn. One day, I want to try to write harem fanfic, but not this one.

Also, we recently hit one thousand collections, so I'm working on chapter 12 right now as a bonus, and I'll try to finish it today. Thank you for supporting this story so far.

The last thing, I found out that compressed air... heats up...