
MHA being a hero is very hard but I'm still standing.

the 9.6.6 was sent to the world of MHA but in a different storyline in the start and if you ask why the world isn't very generous to give an experiment the right to live an easy life. Because he is just an external ----------------------------- most of the story is the same but with the changes of a lot of things surely. our protagonist will take the body of our hero Deku and his quirk will be the one that his mother has but with some differences ok the story is darker, and more violent and a lot will die so I will change the age of the UA apprenticeship to 16 because sending some children into the first line is foolish, I want them to be better and more rational and there will be more change in costume and other things of there looking.

THE_AH · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

you did great

I wasn't the only one to haunt nomu, the four of us chased him like a flock of wolfs. 

It was a matter of time before he got tired, and his quirks broke down or the help reached. 

With the knife, I rapidly cut my left hand to the shoulder. 

Their speeds decreased when they saw my blood and their minds couldn't understand why I cut my own hand.

The blood didn't have much time to drip a lot because what was enough veins rose and healed it. 

There were hundreds of veins left those veins with a length of one meter.

I stopped and the veins started to shake. 

I put my eyes on Asui and Mineta seeing that she was still frozen facing death after all wasn't an easy experiment and Mineta was in the world of dreams.

The veins caught Kirishima's leg. 

"Kirishima, protect Asui and Mineta" he was taken by surprise and didn't understand anything. 

I wrapped the veins around his legs and pulled him. 

With the right force, I created a centrifugal force to spin him around me fast like a saw. 

I threw it hard, reaching the speed of a common bullet, nearly 2,735.9 km/h. 

Because of fear, he hardened his body while I was spinning him. 

He pierced Nomu and he didn't feel anything until Kirishima broke the ground near the out-of-conscious Mineta and the stunned Asui. 

Kirishima took a moment to understand what happened but before he could analyze anything the upper half of Nomu was flying to him. 

He rapidly hardened his hands again and stroked him piercing his body and with the other hand fast he tore the body into two pieces. 

What reached Kirishima was the dead part while his down part regenerated his upper. 

Bakugo was the first to reach and I was the first to notice that his regeneration rate was higher at that moment than when we started meaning he was like a trapped animal using whatever possible to survive or he was playing with us and giving us an impale with a bright bulb on its top. 

The ice spikes stopped Nomu from moving for a part of a second that Bakugo used to escape his coming fist. 

In the shadow of the Bakugo, after the fist hit the air, I rose. 

With the sound speed veins, I turned him into sushi pieces. 

Each 2cm was flying in the air all alone without their friends or I should say the rest of the body.

In that second where I just finished his hand was already reformed and was striking my face.

The veins were fast enough to save me by changing the way however I didn't see the second one coming and took it with an open chest. 

I brook so many ice walls to stop 'I don't know do I thank you or curse you, Todoroki.'

The walls were weak, so they started to absorb the power with each wall, but my back said something different.

Nomu broke through the sound wall, the black hammer that was going to flat my head was accelerating. 

The ice spikes pushed him away and the sparks made him fly in the air.

The veins melt with my body and fix it, so I cut a new wound on my arm. 

this time I let the veins cut my other hand. 

with my palm touching the ground I flew reaching where the sky fighting or hitting the target by Bakugo in the air was

I joined him in hitting the target game.

My veins whipped his body every time I would go near him and when getting away, they would push him to Bakugo, he would send him with some fireworks to my place near the roof or in the middle of the sky standing on a rock for a second and I would do the same as playing tennis with Nomu the ball. 

Throughout the whole game, I saw one of the best Bakugo's smiles copying the smile on my face, the game of two devils was getting more exciting. 

I analyzed that Nomu changed his strategy to absorb damage rather than regenerate as the same veins that made a dish out of him couldn't cut his skin, and the explosion that baked his meat until it burnt couldn't heat his surface. 

That meant one thing, that was the most rational thing, the rise in his regeneration rate wasn't an impale with a bulb, he was just a trapped animal and now we were winning, just one deadly strike and we were done with him.

I jumped over the roof with "push", and a small black point in the middle of the air next to me appeared. 

I noticed it late when that point turned into a 2m-squire-vortex. 

I felt the heat rising and some bright lights and bam there was a mushroom wave trying to eat me. 

The veins gathered around my arm and formed a huge shield. 

The explosion was too powerful. 

My veins were killed in a second what could take Nomu's hits were killed by the explosion and the heat. 

They started to shrink and tense because of the heat, their color was exchanged into black, and they turned to ashes and went with the wind. 

I was defenseless, flying in the sky with nothing to step on, my balance was lost, and Nomu was charging toward me with insane speed. 

I saw him coming and I didn't have anything to do he was going to hole me with his beak. 

I tried to pull anything and move myself with the hit effect, but my pull was slower and the distance between me and him was a stone's throw. 

I heard the sound of the bullet and the head of Nomu changed the way. 

That was snipe meaning help finally reached. 

It was a good try of his but in the end, Nomu reached with his shark mouth open my arm. 

I saw it and put my palm to push him, but his absorption was strong enough to give him enough time to bite. 

I saw his beak closing and the feeling of my flesh being cut wasn't that new for me but because of my fixed nerves, it felt like hell or worth. 

His teeth tore the meat and smashed the bones.

My arm flew in slow motion and was falling like leaves in the fall.

I raised my head due to the pain. 

The time stopped. 

My sight was changed to another place, a forest with high trees where all you could see was black and brown.

Down in the forest the red that fed the trees, the meat that brought the animals, it was a slaughter of many humans. 

My eyes didn't stay on the dead body but on the black one with his black coat and the shining lantern. 

Like the black universe holding the sun in the middle of the night the black one walked in slow steps. 

Moving across the forest the black one entered what looked like a castle. 

He entered and walked in there with slow steps moving through the walls like a ghost. 

I didn't notice it, or it just grew on his head there was a crown of branches, branches spun around each other making two horns on each side of his head.

He reached the garden unlike the gloomy atmosphere around him when he entered the garden his air was shifted. 

He took small scissors not fitting his fingers and headed to a tree, a tree that looked like a human.

He kneed to be at the tree level and started with slow and sharp hands to cut the leaves. 

"I know, my princess, you hate killing" He started to talk with the tree. 

"But I told them the forest was forbidden, it was prohibited on humans, elves, and dwarfs." 

I locked my eyes on the tree while he was talking. 

"I told them that if they step into my garden, I will take grave actions." 

It was a tree of barriers and not just one type but many there were blue, red, and purple they were organized in a way that seemed like the gems on a royal dress. 

"But you told me to protect the garden and I promised you to do it" his tone rose like he was in a losing argument. 

The shapes that the small carves of leaves took all compound with what that black one did to it, cutting small here and there, till the tree looked like a human if it was colored with the skin color there wouldn't be any difference a lovely smiling woman with worm and calm air around and the touch of superiority. 

"I'm sorry but don't worry my princess, I won't ever leave at the end I'm your guardian and the gardener too thus where can I go" his tone was like someone talking to his worried wife trying to calm her after coming back late from work.

The crown of brunches with the red rose as the main gem and the 4 bluehead Gilia that surround it like 4 sapphires. 

That tree was an impossible thing to exist a mix of 7 types of plants of different kinds. 

He put the scissors down, ran to get a mirror, and returned "Look my princess, tell me if I did great this time."

If that tree could talk.

if it was just a human. 

if that tree was his princess. 

I felt him, I lived too in the shadows of my mother, and I was still there. 

I set on the ground watching him talking with the tree and used my mind to imagine what the tree said to him. 

I enjoyed hearing his talks and seeing myself in him. 

His talks lasted for hours and hours until the dark fell and the lantern that disappeared when he entered the castle was in his hand.

He turned "I'm sorry for making you wait." 

He talked to me as if I existed 'Wait did I consider myself not to exist just now.'

"Haha, don't worry "me", you're not the first, actually I'm the first but you will get used to it like me, considering yourself as an object would be fun after time."

I didn't get it but that should be something with my quirk, I just noticed that he now called me "me" 

"No, what is happening is related to your soul, the spirit itself, and I'm impressed you broke the lock too early; it took me over 3000 years to break it, looks like the experiment is going on a foot and a leg."

His words seemed out of a fantasy book of magic and more but who I'm to talk about something like that, I walked with a ghost after all, and what experiment?

"there's nothing I could tell you now rather than my nicknames and a small gift you will find when you wake up" he turned around the garden and took a book. 

"I'm the garden guardian, the forest monster, the princess's fiancé, the royal Lumberjack, the castle low-level resident, and more but those are my favorites" The book flew to me and landed in my hand. 

I looked into his eyes for the first time but there were no eyes, there was a shining rainbow of colors. 

The colors danced in his eyes like an opal stone.

"That's my experience in cutting trees and taking care of plants, use it right" After his last word I found myself back again to the pain, my arm falling, and the smiling Nomu all as I left. 

I put on a smile and looked into his eyes and the veins started to work. 

They rose and grew like electricity wires. 

They speeded up to my arm and once they touched my arm I felt the pain again, the pain of it meaning, it was mine again. 

The arm returned to my body connected with it like there was nothing, all the damage disappeared. 

My smile was a shining crescent, I opened my mouth planning to do some nonsense thing. 

I put my tongue out and with my most well, before the strength of my jaw, I closed my mouth and my tongue slept off my mouth. 

The veins like furious mamba caught my tongue and there were two veins still after the reconnection. 

'I need an axe' I didn't know why I thought about that, but my inner started to scream for my battle axe that I didn't have. 

The veins cut my chest from the shoulders to the end of my stomach, two parallel lines of red that started to draw more veins, till my body looked like the metro line map. 

Like an urchin all surrounded with veins playing with the wind 

I transport all the veins in a second to my right hand, the memories that I never had started to wake in me. 

An image of an axe, not mine but also mine, the veins started to dance rapidly in the air knowing their job.

The broken rust blade, the twisted brunch that held the wide iron shape, the green soul of the forest that gave my axe its power, the black matter of corruption that held them all together. 

That was my axe but not the same axe, all I formed was a white shale of my axe, an axe that I never possessed. 

The veins were cut off my hand, once that had happened, they died and got all tough like the strongest adamantine in the world. 

the gravity took too much time to start working and I saw Bakugo heading to my place but that was too late, Nomu was now my prey to KILL. 

I didn't know why he stopped when he looked into my eyes, but he just took a step back and landed.

holding the axe with my two hands pulled to my back and the wind blew. 

"In cutting a tree fighting against the tree is foolish, we do hit hard but hitting with an angel a small one going with woods flow can let us cut the tree with one hit" hearing words that I never heard of in my life whispering in my ears like they were there all the time. 

The axe hit the shoulder vertically and went down fast and with his words making a small change in degree to go with the meat way and the bones, Nomu's arm was separated from his body. 

Like the wind, it never stops even if it is impalpable, it's always there and it always moves. 

The axe didn't stop it continued and with a little push, it spun around my back as, if it was connected to my back by an invisible line. 

The axe reached my hand, and too many moves appeared in my head wanting me to do them however what my mind wanted my body couldn't make them real at least not all of them. 

I didn't stop the flow, I boosted it, I took the axe by the other hand, and with all the force I could put and with my push in service, the axe accelerated like a falling star once entering the earth's atmosphere. 

Nomu's other hand was gone, but this time most of his shoulder's bones were cut through. 

The axe never stopped changing the way of its blade and spine it around my back dancing with it like using nunchaku. 

The axe in my right hand took the way of wind and shoved his legs off with one horizontal hit. 

Due to the high power, his body must have spun in the air however that didn't happen "Fighting against the flow makes the world change and the world heats change but fighting with the flow keeps everything in its place and the world loves to see everything in its place."

Taking my playing level with the axe to another level and making it spin around my neck until landing in my hand that charged for the last hit. 

 I turned the axe, and his neck was divided into two not stopping there, I spun the axe around me to cut his head into two then with the next blew into four taking the numbers to 8 then 16 reaching 32 finally ending with 64.

We finally hit the ground, the dust covered us, and the dirt cloud made us invisible.

My right leg was broken, and my left one was twisted, the axe was out of my hand, my hands were shaking, my body was heavy, and everything was vague. 

I pulled my 1.5 m axe and let it hit me, so the veins started to grow. 

In 7 seconds, my body was good enough to walk and use the axe. 

Lending on the axe and walking slowly. 

The dust was annoying, so I swung my axe and used push and the dust was gone. 

I returned to walking with my axe as a crutch. 

My eyes were slowly closing, and they started to drop blood. 

Too much information, too many thoughts, too many memories, too much pain, too much pressure, too much stress, too many feelings, too much exhaustion, too much anxiety, and too little time to handle them all. 

I kept walking to confirm what I saw. 

Once I stood next to the body without any limps, the body that could handle all might strength that I killed "haha hahaha haha hahahaha ha ha ha" 

I laughed in a slow, low, weak, intermittent voice, I just heard the most hilarious joke in my life, but it reminded me of one of the old man's words. 

"Wanting forgiveness then give me your power and be my way to reach my goals." All Might didn't get who was I talking to, in his eyes, I was talking to the air. 

My eyes didn't hold it anymore, they closed. 

I held my axe, my body didn't fall even when my conscience did. 

All Might reached next to me and noticed that I fell asleep while standing. 

He carried me between his arms and looked at the axe and the Nomu knowing its story "You did great young Midoriya, you did great boy."

The USJ event ended with 6 injuries but not that serious, no one died, and no one lost anything, it was an obvious win when some teenagers handled such a situation most of the adults couldn't handle, took the lead, fought against villains, also stopping one of AFO monsters even if they killed it but who could blame them. 

Away in a bar where the smoke head was the servant. 

The desert lips moved and formed the devil's smile "He is like the master, a young copy of him. did you see it too, Kurogiri?"

"Yes, he looked like Master from some years ago, yet he is a hero" he kept cleaning the glass in his hand. 

"But did you see his smile and the hair, he won't be a hero, I'm gonna turn him into our side."