
MHA being a hero is very hard but I'm still standing.

the 9.6.6 was sent to the world of MHA but in a different storyline in the start and if you ask why the world isn't very generous to give an experiment the right to live an easy life. Because he is just an external ----------------------------- most of the story is the same but with the changes of a lot of things surely. our protagonist will take the body of our hero Deku and his quirk will be the one that his mother has but with some differences ok the story is darker, and more violent and a lot will die so I will change the age of the UA apprenticeship to 16 because sending some children into the first line is foolish, I want them to be better and more rational and there will be more change in costume and other things of there looking.

THE_AH · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

the USJ start

"Come on, move it move it, we have a lot of in hand" I shouted. 

All got onto the bus in order one by one and I sat when all were done. 

The boys were in the back, the girls were in the front, and I was sitting next to Aizawa. 

All had some short conversations, and I had my own with Aizawa "So he will come at the end." talking about All Might

Aizawa nodded "I and NO.13 will take care of you" his voice was tired as always but this time more tired than usual. 

"I hope all I said is just a bad feeling" I frown thinking that the new information that Nezu provided me with, was grave and dangerous, even more than mine that he already knew.

"I hope so" he closed his eyes and slept for 5 minutes until we arrived. 

"Now in the same order," I took the lead and the other followed us in two rows. 

We entered an enormous dome and saw the hero of space the owner of black hole "NO.13".

"Welcome to the USJ" welcoming us with her cheerful voice under her costume. 

After introducing herself or after Uraraka introduced her, she started to talk about the USJ. 

This dome was made to give us the same experience of saving people from all the natural catastrophes from floods to fire, rockfalls, and more reaching the electricity, and quirks outbreaks.

"most of the heroes are known for not capturing the villains but for saving lives and that what we are best at, we save lives, in this place all will be trained to gain the basics of saving lives, no matter what was the environment around you, yes there will be some of you those are better in the environment than other but that won't matter that much, so as a start, we will give you a test of entering a danger zone to find a puppet and bring It here again" she continued and organized us in teams of three and explained the USJ

Unforeseen Simulation Joint was separated into 7 parts "Central Plaza, Ruins Zone, Landslide Zone, Mountain Zone, Conflagration Zone, Flood Zone, Downpour Zone"

But for our happiness, what we faired happened. 

A smoky black vortex opened in the middle of the center zone, the vortex began to expand and spread like wildfire. 

"NO.13 protect the kids and try to reach for help say they are here" Aizawa rushed to the upcoming countless villains. 

"All the unclose-range quirks to the middle. Kirishima, Bakugo, Kaminari, Sato, Todoroki, Shoji, Ojiro, and Ida, all surround them" All acted rapidly.

"You damp ass never order me" Bakugo was the first one to take the position and also the first to complain about it.

"NO.13! Give the device to Kaminari, Jiro! listen and tell me how many, Shoji! see what happens there, and Yaoyorozu! make ranged guns or cannons, we will help Eraser head from her." 

No.13 was surprised by how rapidly we adapted to the situation and thought about helping Aizawa in a way that didn't break the laws and all that under my command. 

She delivered the device to Kaminari who started to make the call "Hello here is class A-1 we are in an emergency the villains are here I repeat the villains are here" but even his quirk was interrupted. 

"Fuck all the signals are static. we are alone here Deku" he shouted. 

"Ida ready your turbos you will need to run" he looked depressed and was about to open his mouth, but I didn't give him a chance "You're the fastest and our only hope to get help from outside Ida, you all chose me as your representative thus trust me now as you trusted me then and ready your turbos to run." 

he stayed still 'How I can let my friends and run I must…but if I didn't the outside won't know, and we will die here but how I can…..' he started to enter a fucking inner fight and wasted time, but no one could blame him it was his first time in such a situation. 

"All ready Deku" Yaoyorozu shouted, handed me a loaded cannon, and started to give out others some weapons that we had trained with once before.

I aimed for the group of villains and avoided the direction that Aizawa was in. 

I used "push" to transport the active spot from my palm to the cannon hammer and bullet. 

I could transport the effect of the push by touching the thing but not far from 30 cm or for every cm I would need a minute, and that was why my guns were more powerful than the normal

I shot with max power and the ball dashed for them to expand in the middle of the air and turn into a net. 

Nearly catching over 6 villains but that never happened as the vortex swelled it and it was sent on us. 

NO.13 was in the net as a dark smoked head appeared from the vortex "I should have expected such a fast move from the UA students, but it wasn't that smart of you" he moved in and got closer step by step. 

Near enough Bakugo and Kirishima approached and rushed activating their quirks. 

"DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE" Bakugo screamed hunting him from the right side with his palm to his face. 

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Kirishima just screamed and hardened his arms attacking from the left.

He didn't move when he saw them attacking and waited "STOP, DON'T ATTACK!" I screamed out but too late. 

The explosion went through his body reaching Kirishima as well Kirishima's stone fist landed on the stomach of Bakugo. 

The two went flying to land far away from him, I used "pull" and the blood started to drop from my eyes put as fast as possible they were pulled next to us. 

"Mina spread your acid on the net" she looked at me with fear "but what about..." I screamed, "Just do it I will take care of what comes next." 

She closed her hand, and it started to pour with acid that ate the ground and then she threw it on her. 

As the acid landed on the heroin that tried to get out but failed the net started to melt and disappear.

I expanded my hand and reached for the point of break so my mind blinked "A DROP OF THE SEA" 

The acid started to float drop by drop and came to me, my eyes glowed as the stars of the night and more blood dropped from them.

Just enough to free NO.13 from the net and the rest was pulled by me so she wouldn't get hurt we needed her very much in such a situation.

I woke up again from the blink and the acid fell to the ground to eat it "NO.13. We need to make it out of here, clear the way depends on your quirk."

She did and she needn't anyone to tell her to do that. 

Her tips were open and a striking force of pull, and destruction conquered the place and all the vortex around us was vanishing. 

"What a quirk you have Ms. 13 but I think playing save the victim a lot makes your skills rust" his voice was gentle in a way that mustn't have been scary but this was scary, extremely scary and that's for a straightforward reason he was calm in a situation where he must be tensed or anything, he was calm as an ice mountain in a defeated moment like that scene was made by him to finally say 'it was part of my plan'

A vortex was open behind her and the force she produced was turned against her, but this didn't make her stop for a second even if it started to eat her up and that was what gave me a rare chance. 

I shot with my two guns as many times as my magazines could hold. 

They were rubber bullets however their effect was clear when the vortex vanished, and that fart head kneed.

The costume of NO.13 was torn apart, but she was fine "Momo some close and all get ready w-" The vortex rushed to us and covered us all. 

NO.13 used her black hole but that wasn't fast enough to save everyone. 

I was flying above the water and the gravity started working. 

I shouldered my guns, took out the knives, and held them between my fingers. within a second, I was crashed into the water and sent to the deep 

Holding my breath, I looked around me "Woow it's a mammal, what brought you here, ok it's not my job to know, thank you for the meal" A shark-looking face with his teeth, and swimming equipment. 

He opened his mouth and charged towards me. 

I aimed with the knives at the tube of his oxygen tank and waited for him to get closer, so I hit with no mistake however none of that was needed. 

Asui kicked him in the face "Good night" extended her tongue, wrapped it around me, and started to swim. 

I opened my hand and used "push" on the water and give myself a boost. 

As a result of the less heaviness, she felt she untied her tongue and continued swimming. 

We reached the surface, and she jumped over a boot and then I climbed the boot to its board. 

"You are okay?" she asked with worry. 

"All fine what about you and the situation" I set on the boot, my palm touching it. 

"I'm fine, I found Mineta and brought him here however the whole situation looks messy." 

"Anyone else rather than the villains are in the lack?" She nodded in disapproval. 

Now everything was semi-good. 

"Ready yourselves, we are moving" I shouted in two.

look it might seem very perplexing for the moment but in the next chapter, I will tell you how and why and what happened exactly every time Deku headed for Nezu's office and some training and after that I will come back to action and the usj

THE_AHcreators' thoughts