
MHA: Arachnid (Hiatus)

This MHA fanfic will have are main character who happens to look like Draken from Tokyo Revengers and has some cool powers.

JokerHighJack · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 2: Jack Parker

I was walking with Izuku right now heading to his house. He was just talking about hero's and stuff so I decided to focus more on my situation and what I should do. Thinking it through its most likely that Doctor works for All for One. I also have no idea on the extent of my powers or if they can even be stolen since most of them are apart of my DNA now.

Third Person PoV

Jack and Izuku finally made it to Izukus house. Inko Izukus mom was already at the door waiting. Izuku started to explain the situation and once he did. Jack decided to bow asking if he could stay at their home.

Surprisingly Inko without hesitation let him in and even set up his room. Jack then explained to Izuku and Inko what exactly happened to him as he felt they had a right to know and his past didn't bother him too much. After that he said he was tired and let himself go up to his new room.

Right now I'm Jacks new room there was not much except for a bed and a closet mirror. However it was still more than Jack had at the Orphanage. This is the first time Jack has been able to see himself clearly. Jack then decided to take off all his clothes and look at himself. He was surprised to see he actually looked a lot like Draken from Tokyo Revengers. Minus the tattoo and haircut. Jack thinking about it decided to change that tomorrow. He also noticed that he was already packed with muscle and had perfect abs.

Jack had no idea how actually strong he was. But he assumed he would test it out in two days because that is when the UA entrance exams are. He then looked down at his dick and just nodded to himself happy with what he had. He then got a shiver down his spine thinking about what else the Doctor could have done if he was more brutal.

Jack finally started to head to bed after taking a shower. He then thought about how to improve his abilities as time went on. After his teeth were razor sharp and poisonous. He had incredible strength and speed. He was even able to mark some webs. Then there is also his insane healing factor Venom which has yet to fully awaken. Jack then finally went to bed.

When Jack woke up the next day he started to head out but saw Izuku. "Hey Izuku you want to come with me to get my haircut."

Jack also mentally thought my tattoo but he didn't want Izuku to run off scared. Izuku nodded "Sure get me one second to get ready."

After awhile the two started to head to the city mall which had everything they could need. Jack was extremely happy because All Might had actually given him an insane amount of money so he was happy he would not have to worry about it for awhile.

They finally made it to the hair salon where. Izuku was slightly shocked by how Jack had cut his hair. Since his hair was shaved all the way around except for the top which was then braided. Jacks hair was incredibly long from his time captured.

Jack smiled happy with how it looked. "Hey Izuku what do you think?"

Izuku started to stutter "It it loooks good I was just surprised that was your style."

Jack nodded "Yeah I like it. Okay one more stop then we can head back."

Izuku looked confused "One more stop?"

They then arrived at a Tattoo Parlor in the same mall. Jack sat down talking to the Tattoo artist about what he wanted on his left side of his head as well as his right. While this was happening Izuku was freaking out.

Izuku then said "Wait Jack you can't do this your like only 14."

Jack shrugged his shoulders "Its fine plus when I'm a hero my Tattoos will be covered anyways."

Jack then started to explain to his Tatto artist that on the right side of his head he wanted a Tattoo the same style as the Dragon but a Spider. Jack sat there for hours on end waiting for both his tattoos to be done. By the time he was done it was dark out and Izuku fell asleep on the chair waiting for him.

Jack then looked at his tattoos the dragon side was exactly the same. Jack then looked at his spider and was extremely happy with the result. It had the same exact design of the dragon but it was a spider instead weaving it's way through his head.

Jack then kept poking Izuku until he finally woke up. "About time Izuku it's already dark. We should head home fast."

Izuku looked at Jack and his jaw dropped. It was like he was a different person completely after the haircut and tattoos. One word came to Izukus mind "Yakuza."

Jack smiled "Yeah I do look pretty cool."

Eventually Jack and Izuku made their way home. Inko looked at Jack and kept complementing him on how good he looks much to the surprise of Izuku. Izuku then asked "Can I get some tat…"

Before he could even finish Inko hit him on the head and said "No."

Causing Jack to start dying laughing. After awhile and eating dinner Jack headed back up to his room. He then worked on Venom this whole time trying to shape it into the costume he wanted for the entrance exams. He was eventually able to get it Carnage shaped minus the red but this would make it easier to move around for hero work and stuff. Jack also wished he could do the we are Venom like but sadly his symbiote had no mind of his own.

Jack then spent the whole night before he eventually passed out to sleep thinking about his hero name that would put terror in the hearts of villains.