
Chapter 46 - Hosu Incident Aftermath

Daisuke was resting on a hospital bed as Iida, Todoroki and Midoriya were looking at Kits as he stayed silent, Todoroki and Midoriya lightly pushed Iida to go talk to him

"Um.. Excuse me.. Kits-san?"

"Yes, Iida-sama? And please, Kits is just my nickname that master gave me, My real name is Kitano, but you may continue to call me Kits"

"Alright, Kits, I was wondering why do you call Daisuke 'Master'?"

"It is because he is my summoner and master and I am his summoned yokai, I am able to pass through the spirit realm and take a more humane form because of my contract with him, He was inspired by folk tales of your realm about us and decided to use his quirk to summon us, I was surprised myself that I was his first summon, normally you summon yokai like me through ritual yet he did it so easily"

Iida and Todoroki nodded but Midoriya caught something as he started mumbling "earlier he said 'spirit' but he refers to himself as 'yokai' is there a difference.."

Kits nodded "Yes, Spirits and Yokai are a bit different in their own rights, while Spirits can be summoned, some are forced to come, they have very little power to resist the summoning ritual while Yokai like me can resist a forced summon, That's why most monks or shrine maidens form a pact with us, A pact is like a mutual deal between summoner and summoned, In exchange for our power the summoner must pay a price and the pact I made with Daisuke is an easy one, I get to come whenever I wish and do whatever I wish as long as I maintain balance of this world and listen to the law and he gets to have my power and knowledge of the yokai world, it's an easy win for the both of us"

Kits, Todoroki, Iida and Midoriya heard the door open and they turned to look and it was their mentors, Gran Torino, Manual and Mirko, As well as the police, Kits stood up and said "Since master's mentor is here, I don't see any other reason for me to stay so I shall be going home now, I'll see you around, Iida-san, Midoriya-san, Todoroki-san"

Kits walked towards the window and dissapeared as Iida and Midoriya explained who Kits was and how he did that, Daisuke was still unconscious due to the sudden summoning and paralysis and the multiple spells as the police scolded the 3 for acting recklessly and rushing to the villain but the police department thanks them for putting an end to Hero Killer Stain but no one else could know that they defeated him so Endeavor will take the credit of defeating him and the agreed as everyone went their separate ways, Mirko took Daisuke even tho the hospital was against it, saying that he was her student and will need to be disciplined with training

It was now the next day and Daisuke finally woke up but he woke up with a kick almost landing on his face, luckily he dodged as he looked at Mirko "What the hell?! Is this how you treat your patient and student?!"

"No, it's how I discipline bad student who run off to fights without permission!" Mirko sent another kick towards Daisuke but Daisuke blocked it and quickly said "Colosseum" They were transferred to their training ground, a broken colosseum that looked like it hasn't been used for decades

"Good, Now I can go all out without worrying about destroying the apartment!" Mirko grinned and rushed at Daisuke as he said "Barrier" "Awaken"

A barrier formed as Daisuke raised his arm and a blue snake like creature came out of his ring, surprising Mirko "Dratini, Thunderwave!"

"Dra!" Dratini pointed her tail at Mirko and a yellow ring came out and paralyzed Mirko for a bit but she was back on her feet after a bit "Couldn't have guessed you've had more of those things.."

"Lesson 1, Never underestimate your opponent!" Daisuke said as Mirko smirked and charged at him as Daisuke ordered Dratini to attack from the sidelines as Daisuke charged at Mirko, expecting this to be a long fight, one to remember since today will be their last day of the internship program

After what seemed like an hour of fighting, the Colosseum dissapeared as Daisuke and Mirko fell to the ground, exhausted as Dratini tiredly yawned and return to the ring

"That was.. something.. we weren't.. holding back.."

"Good.. cus.. this was your final test.. to see if I made the right choice ot training your nerdy ass.." Mirko said as she smiled, Daisuke smiled as they gave each other a fist bump, they both just laid on the floor exhausted as they talked about the situation, not caring about anything else except their fight

Daisuke was now standing outside of the apartment door as Mirko smiled and patted his head "I'll miss ya kid! You better not get into anymore trouble or else I'll come to UA and kick your ass myself!"

"No promises, my class is like a magnet after all, No matter how much I try to avoid it it seems to be attracted to us"

"Well, even if trouble finds you, you better not lose or else, I'll find your sorry ass and shape you into a winner"

Daisuke smiled as a book appeared in his hand and glowed, it transformed into a Pokémon, resembling a rabbit "Here, My goodby present to you"


Mirko took the ring and rabbit, She smiled "Let me guess, kinda like you and your little lizard thing, right?"

"Yeah, these are the things you need to know too and the rest is up to you and buneary here" Daisuke gave Mirko a piece of paper as they waved each other goodbye as Daisuke left going to the station where he'd be meeting with Iida to go back together, knowing Aizawa would punish them later for acting recklessly but managed to do a good job as Heros